rrri+r rrr r r+n. . + i . .i 1 . er nr r® r Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom Edited and rmanaged by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications u'. in memnoriamn , , ' i ' '. yi R i.. ' 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The or the THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1968 Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers editors. This must be noted in all reprints. NIGHT EDITOR: DANIEL OKRENT The assassination and the American dream FOR A FEW brutal moments yesterday morning the elusive goal of national' reconciliation, constantly on the lips of leading political contenders in this cata- clysmic election year, was achieved. But it was a nation united by television to mourn over another grotesque install- ment of a personal, family and national tragedy of almost unbearable dimensions. While the shooting of Senator Robert Kennedy may have been a fiendishly per- verted political act, it is a tribute to this spiritually beleaguered nation that we faced this new calamity for a few mo- ments without regard to-the deep-rooted political passions which divide us. DESPITE THE frightening increase in the number of assassinations in this country in the past five years, all these actions had a perverted logic of their own rendering any attempt to neatly fit them into a larger philosophic context seem callously contrived. However, to the American people un- dergoing a crisis of faith, these events take on a symbolic importance embrac- ing all of our national dilemmas. Many saw in Senator Kennedy a verit-' able messiah able to grapple successfully with the enigmatic problems of our cities which have become armed camps and of disentangling ourselves from a filthy war which we can neither continue nor win. Even the most bitter of the Senator's critics questioned not his dedication to salve these festering sores, but his abil- ity and freedom from outmoded cant in order to do so. As a consequence of this almost uni- versally acknowledged dedication to face America's twin dilemmas, the wound which Senator Kennedy has received is not merely a grievous personal tragedy, but a challenge totheslast, lingering gasps of American idealism as well. Perhaps this will be the senseless and irrational act of violence which will shake the American people out of the reverie of business as usual and institutional selfishness and inspire this nation to make an'equitable adjustment of our un- precedented affluence. - Perhaps this one further act of de- struction will inspire America to realize that the destruction rather than the spread of global conflagration must al- ways be our highest end. OOMANY AMERICANS have suffered in vain both on the battlefields of Vietnam and the streets of our cities. Too many leaders trying to arouse the Amer- idan conscience have been felled by as- sassins. There will be no respite for this all-consuming horror if we allow our- selves to slip through another cataclysm with pious words and timid deeds. The personal tragedy of Robert Ken- nedy, as he lingers tenuously between life and death, is an event which stretches the vocabulary of despair past its outermost limits. But if each American fails to feel shame for his own personal role in bring- ing this nation to this peak of violence and extreme egocentricity, then perhaps it is time to administer the last rites to the American dream as well. -WALTER SHAPIRO The dreams of a perhaps more naive and hopeful era died amidst an act of irrational fury in Dallas just four and a half years ago. It is difficult to express precisely what quality of ours was felled by an assassin's bullets so few and yet so many hours ago in a Los Angeles ballroom. Perhaps it was hope, an ever dwindling commodity, for a new begin. ning. Perhaps what snapped was the thin cord of belief in the promise that seemed to be America. Perhaps this mindless act was the executioner of any slim faith that rationality has a place in human affairs. If Robert Kennedy was personified by one quality it was youth. This too may be outmoded in face of our care-worn grief at witnessing what America has brought forth on this continent. Hubris is a classical concept, but only Greek tragedy can equal our numb horror. The fatal pride of the Kennedys may have been their life- affirming and exuberant confidencein the manageability of the affairs of mortal men. Robert Kennedy died amid the beauty and the flower of late spring. But this grotesquely untimely passing has locked our souls in the depths of the dark winter night. Robert Kennedy died this morning. And perhaps the last of "our in- nocence perished with him. -The Michigan Daily -URBAN LEHNER--- Assassination: Cruel anachronism "THE ASSAILANT, apparently standing on a box or a can for better vantage, swiftly pumped ill eight shots of his revolver at Kennedy. "None of the other wounded was hurt as critically as the senator. 'Those who were ;in the corridor had differing accounts of the gunman's words. "Some told of hearing him shout: 'I did it for my country.' "Others said he cried as he shot: 'I can explain. Let me explain.'" *r* * I CAN REMEMBER what I learned about political participation in Amierica in an introductory poly sci course - a "learning" which was more a statistical reaffirmation of a truth I had always uncon- sciously known. Everyone who lives in the real world instinctively grasps the extent of the American public's political apathy. The ex- tensive 'statistics showiig how few people vote, how fewer :vote' on a rational basis,and what an infinitesimally few take part in the tedious work of cultivating votes for one .or the other of the political parties - these statistics are merely another way of saying that, in America, fooball or even basketball gets better Nielsen ratings than politics. Ours is indeed a politics of compromises between clashing groups with conflicting interests. The individual who is a member of a group which carries political weight need not worry about politics himself, for he has the group to worry about it for him. Indeed, even if he did wish to affect national policy decisions, he would be likely to ram his head against a wall. HIS CONGRESSMAN is likely to regard his letters of advice as something less than oracular; his chances of meeting, with the Presi- dent would make a burned out'light bulb seem bright. He can vote, but his is only one vote among many millions, and it can only be cast for men who say they will do some things and deny they will do others. Once the votes are counted and the rewards divided up, how can that one vote hold the office holder it helped elect to his promises? Not only is the individual irrelevant to and powerless against the workings of the established political machinery. The shop rules demand compromise; they are rooted in utilitarian assumptions, designed for squabbles of interest and power. The citizen who approaches the automaton with a moral principle, who .demands uncompromising ac- tion in the name of morality violates the rules, poses to the system a dilemma it isn't equipped to handle.. * * * PERHAPS THIS is why the draft resisters, the "disruptive" dem- onstrators who lock themselves in buildings, the revolutionary students so irrationally infuriate those with positions ,of power and influence in the establishment. Far from snake-eyed conservatives, these exec- utives and administrators are the rationalists, the liberal pragmatists: they believe in civil liberties on utilitarian grounds; they work for inchworm social change, because it keeps the social order, intact. To fight for something because it is right, to commit oneself'to a prin- ciple, to live one's conscience - as the draft resisters and demon- strators are doing -is something beyond their ken. Indeed, in their dedication to principles, the draft resisters are far closer to the conservatives (who are always demanding that we "go back to first principles") than to the liberal pragmatists. Slowly, the liberals are being squeezed between the two; the machinery is blowing up in their face. * * * "KENNEDY FELL to the floor. Blood gushed from his head. "His wife, Etpel, had been at his side during the victory pro- nouncement. Walking from the microphone, Kennedy had looked around, as if searching for her. "The shots brought pandemonium. There were shrieks of 'God, God, not again.' There were curses, too. "'Get a doctor,' someone shouted. 'Please get a doctor.'" * * IT HARDLY SEEMS a coincidence that this politics of principles, commitment, idealism should be heralded in by university students during the 1960's. At the root of the new politics is an economic fact, an economic fact which has created and is creating a middle class radicalism with an ideology which is fundamentally different from radical ideologies of the Old Left. This economic reality colors everything the students do. The found- ing statement of Students for a Democratic Society speaks of the char- ter members of SDS as men and women "raised in at least moderate comfort." Daniel Cohn-Bendit, the charismatic French student leader was asked his opinion of the old-line labor unionists who later joined the rebellion started by the students. "Stalinist creeps," snapped Cohn- Bendit. The workers wage demands? "Outrageous," he said. The SDS sociological profile and the economic pooh-poohing of "Danny the Red" illustrate the point graphically. These students of the '60s are indeed moderately comfortable. And only the economically secure are in a position to insist on absolute moral purity, to reject out of hand the politics of compromise. Only an economically secure individual can afford "to lead his own life, according to his conscience and to those values that guide his life" as one draft resister has put it. * * * 4 * 4 + -"v-. WALTER SHAPIRO - It 's never worth. it Gun laws: No panacea ANYONE WHO WANTS to kill a Presi- dent can do so. All of, the elaborate procedures employed to safeguard him from attack by enraged and deranged in- dividuals or devious conspiratorial groups are useless in protecting the lives of our nation's leaders. And legislation controlling the sale and ownership of firearms, as it is now being drawn up, would be no more effective than the current precautions in this re- gard. A substantial portion of the weapons which have been used to commit acts of violence in this country, both by as- sassins and rioters, have been obtained illegally. And those who object to fire- arms legislation on the grounds that in- dividuals determined to use these wea- pons for destructive purposes will not be deterred by legislative prohibitions are to some degree right in their premise. For every law that is passed is no more than an attempt by some to legislate morality for others. Even those measures which incorporate the most stringent penalties and which provide for the most elaborate procedures for enforce- ment are ultimately futile against the determined individual's will to act. But legislators must be given credit for a modicum of practicality. Laws are he politics THE ATTEMPTED assassin of Robert Kennedy may further isolate the American politician from his public. The deaths of President Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Jr. seem to bring the fear of assassin to the point of reality. Immediately after both assassinations, the nation withdrew in alarm, pledging better protection for public officials. But safety seems an impossible thing, for there is always that one man who suc- ceeds in the irrational act of violence. Politicians then are faced with the al- ternatives: the constant fear of death or withdrawal from the public scene. The frightening heritage of the Kennedy shooting may be the extended isolation of political figures - the move from the streets of the nation to the television sudios and its newsrooms. The man, the flesh and the spirit of the politician, will recede furher into the world of Madison Avenue, into celluloid images. Issues and the individual voice will be smothered in rarely passed when it is known before- hand that they will be totally ineffec- tive. Most of them at least aim to make an undesirable action more difficult for those who are likely to commit it. FIREARMS LEGISLATION can only hope to control irrational acts of vio- lence by imposing rational limitations on the accessibility of weapons. Although every act of violence is ultimately irra- tional, not all assassins or rioters are of the "trigger happy" breed which might be at least slightly inconvenienced by legislative constraint. But legislators and citizens who con- tinue to debate the effectiveness of such legislation are too'obsessed with tangible results. For the major value of any fire- arms control legislation which Congress might pass lies not in its preventive po- tency. Rather its significance would consist in an indication that the perennial cru- sades of certain congressmen and con- cerned citizens have brought fruition in the form of a more widespread dis- approval of the perverse violence and ir- rationality which characterizes the ef- forts of some individuals to achieve an unrealistic and immoral control over the larger environment. -ANN MUNSTER A QUIET, cool darkness covered the campus at four yesterday morning. Walking along the cam- pus down South University one was moved by the dignity, the al- most concealed beauty so often lost in the pace of daylight. This solid and subtle grandeur was a reassuring buttress against the horror of the shooting of Sen- ator Kennedy. These fruits of abundance were as real and far more tangible than the gunfire in Los Angeles. Fleeing the stabbing, pulsating drone of the television one was comforted to find a beauty, a goodness, an existence far re- moved from the political arena. An America far away from the jarring headllines of the press. It is on this level most of us live out our lives, only tangentially affect- ed by the flux of politics. EVEN IF THE attack on Ken- nedy was not in itself a political act, it is still incontestable that it was the political and therefore public Kennedy who was shot yes- terday morning. The news media's stress of poli- tics is not because man's attempts at self-government are more im- portant than the mundane, yet personally engrossing reality of daily life. Rather the emphasis reflects the accessibility and lar- ger than life dramatic quality of politics. Just like the stock market is the race track of the affluent, politics is the stage of the socially conscious. This deceptive importance of politics most cruelly affects as- sassins and all the other romantic or embittered souls who regard violence as a justifiable political tactic. If history holds any moral it is that man's personal problems remain staggering regardless of his economic or political condi- tions. Each change of status re- moves some burdens, but always creates others. And thus regard- less of politics, life goes on much as it has been. ONE MAN, be he a Kennedy or a King, cannot change the on- going private reality of this tre- mendously affluent country. Few, if any men, can move in- transigent social forces and fun- damentaly change even that small aspect of men's lives which is af- fected by the political. The impotence of politics to significantly alter the private misery of the many emphasizes the vilenessand the absurdity of yesterday's perhaps successful as- sassination attempt. Since politics alters few, if any, lives, violence, especially the politically motivated variety, can only be shockingly worthless and destructive. AS THE dark night wore on toward dawn one began to wish that the shock of the second tragic shooting in two months would in- duce a recalcitrant Congress to disarm America. But even if passed by Congress, it would still be impossible to en- force a moratorium on arms en- acted by legislative fiat. One falls victim once again to the enticing glare of politics, forgetting the inability of political action to single-handedly transform the collective American conscience. One can only numbly note the degree to which violence is em- bedded in our national fabric. This is deeply frightening against the historic backdrop that rarely, if ever, have political changes been worth the violence which spawned them. On an individual level this is especially true for with all the flux of life, existence remains a static and private, not a public, affair. THE BRIGHT sunlight of the morning after seemed for a mo- ment almost obscene. The typi- cal morning traffic jam, on Main Street formed by the work-bound was a reminder of indestructibility of the continual hum of the hum- drum. Tragedy soon became rou- tinized in a kind of "horrible, isn't it" litany. Even the genuine- ly grief-struck recognized that life must go on. And life obliged. In a way this is right. And it is also just this which makes the shooting of Senator Kennedy all so wrong. We adapt, so little is really changed, despite it all. But one man, who symbolized so much that really meant so little, is all but dead. 1 I The man on the street at 4 a.m. of isolation evitable conclusion when the early Wednesday morning are retrospect. events of viewed in FOR MANY people in the United States, government and politics long ago ceased to be a personal experience. Poli- tics are foreboding, imponderable, almost mechanical in outcome; a mysterious en- tity to be awed and feared at the same time. Complexities of society overwhelm and confuse, and lead to a resignation, a resignation to let the "betters" decide, to let the specialists run their show. A constant criticism of the Johnson ad- ministration remains that the President seems deaf to those outside of his own political camp, that the authority of the federal expert hides the realities of poli- cies within a barrage of statistics. And the fear of big government seems jus- tified. The one lonely vote means nothing now. Only the vague collective, the face- less, massive whole counts in the final ei-n1n-s rmhi ir-raa - +h -rap c o By LUCY KENNEDY MAYBE in a few weeks Amer- icans will be able to file the Better Homes and Garden article on "The Courage of Ethel Ken- nedy" alongside their article on Mrs. Martin Luther King and Jackie Kennedy with only a thoughtful sigh. Even by yesterday the owner of the Sheraton Cadillac in De- troit could announce calmly that a doctor would be on hand when any public figure was staying in the hotel. Detroit Mayor Jerome Cavanagh, Gov. George Romney, dignitaries all over the world were able by 'yesterday to speak au- thoritatively of "deficiencies of law and order." It almost seems that the horror of three assassinations in five years can be put in a logical con- text. But the fragile balance between the logical ability to comprehend the attempted assassination of Sen. Robert Kennedy comprehen- sion and insanity is closer to being upset after the attempted as- sassination of Sen. Robert F. Ken- nedy than it was in the case of either of the others. For those of us who were awake at 3:15 Tuesday night the strength with which sheer animal shock worked to reject the idea of yet another irrational tragedy was ap- parent. Many of us heard of Sen. Ken- nedy being shot through the broen_ ncredulo1u vics f ra_- shocking event as we knew it was still going on. We stopped for gas at 4 a.m. on our way back" to The Daily. When told, the gas station attend- ant said "horrible," then stared at a passing train for about 5 minutes as'if to grab some tang- ible thing in a world that seemed to be slipping out from under him. Shock was clear in the delayed reaction of this man and others. One friend of mine, a McCarthy supporter, had to be told eight times before she would believe I was not kidding. The mind re- jects alien conceptions. Mental assimilation is even more difficult. One middle aged man we stopped on the street "thought it was terrible" and had little else to say. Twenty minutes later we ran into him again -un- able to sleep and talking of an- archy. Late at night, in a time of deep shock, the human mentality can- yet talk of "maintaining law and order." In the first state of shock the brain is not ready to give out suchunhesitating directives. Pre- dawn shock reactions are more personal - and more apocolyptic. "It's sin and hate," an older black at University Hospital claimed. "I don't think that man hated Robert Kennedy, but some- body paid him to hate. We've sinned and hated and we're going to pay for it - this world and this United States." came a greater concern than per- sonal sense of loss or horror. Some reactions on learning of the shooting were: "I was surprised but not shocked. I guess this can happen these days . ." "You can't help but wonder who did it. Was he a hyper-liberal or a nut?" "They should be straightened out. Something ought to be done." "We've just come to the point in our country where nothing af- fects us anymore . ." "I don't care where it's hap- pened this country is going to hell." Malaise over civil disobedience, however, was a gut reaction for t2.ese people rather than the stud- led reaction it was for many the next day. News of the shooting was un- equivocably taken personally; of t- en with a sense of loss - especial- ly for the blacks. One black in overalls at the doughnut shop said, "Why shoot him. It's wrong. He might have helped us." Although personal and based on inbred rather than thought-out conceptions, first reactions to the shocking horrible news carried enough strength to wipe out the importance of the day to day once fully grasped. It took a while for my friend to bring his roommate to full con- sciousness of what had happened, IN THE UNWILLINGNESS of these middle-class radicals to back down from their principles and by their determination to translate their political principles into action, they provide a solution to the quandary of the individual powerless against the political machine. They also threaten the delicate balances which keep the machine running. Perhaps the liberal pragmatists are right after all: if they make concessions to the new tactics, they risk not so much the sub- stance of the concesions but the habit of conceding, so that others, with different goal and less noble motivations, will have open to them the same tactics. On the other hand, the threat to society posed by such tactics as draft card burnings or turn-ins and liberation of buildings has been greatly exaggerated. They provide the means for these idealists to force the people of America to face up to the need for genuine changes, without compromising their moral principles. They allow those with passionate political convictions to make serious demands without violent revolution. The alternative was all too tragically enacted in Los Angeles yes- terday morning. There an individual decided to confront the political machinery; there a man of deep political beliefs, frustrated by his inability to affect national policy, a man who could explain, decided to wreak changes through his own methods. In an age of draft-card turn-ins and administration building take-overs, the attempted assassination takes on an added, anachron- istic dimension of cruelty. Where before the only way to do what the draft resisters are doing was assassination, now economics have al- lowed the middle class to "live the life of conscience." At the same time, the middle class are still middle class; political murders are outside the span of their imaginations and their capabilities. * * * THE PROBLEM which the assassination, coming as it does against a backdrop of social unease for the past few months, vividly depicts is this: it is a good thing thatso few Americans have any- passionate interest in politics, for the system as it is now contrived could hardly withstand any more pressures than are already being heaped upon it. T aik a n 4tri. lcv*iem the nnliticl lineo f thin ninntrv n an only 1