* y A1 'sugatail Seventy-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS _ ,-: Where Opinions Are Free, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. Truth Will Prevail NEWS PHONE: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: MARCIA ABRAMSON Elderfield Report: Regental Addenda THE VULGAR SYMPTOMS of unques- tioning patriotism do not stop at so- ciety's borders with academe, despite the fact that the hallowed halls of learning, allegedly exist to further honest, un- sprejudiced inquiry. By adding a blind, flag-waving resolu- tion to the Elderfield Report on Research Policies, the Regents last month stepped backward into some harmful chauvinism. The Elderfield Report, an outgrowth of the recent campus-wide debate over the role of classified research at the Uni- versity, was not an exemplary document even before the Regents' new amend- ment. It seems probable that the mem- bers of the review committee it estab- lishes will, of necessity, have to have se- curity clearance. Additionally, the report's stated aim of disclosure of the nature of each project could be circumvented by merely disguis- ing military research in the garb of a non-military title. Moreover, requiring all contracts to of- fer "significant contribution to the ad- vancement of knowledge" or to "contrib- ute significantly to enhancing the re- search capability" of the researchers seems hopelessly vague and meaningless. THE ONE bright spot among the Elder- field requirements - the clause which insists that no contract which has as its purpose "to destroy human life or in- capacitate human beings" be accepted - is now tainted by the Regents' ill-con- sidered decision to add an exception. They have decided that destruction of human life and the incapacitation of human beings is acceptable after all "when the nation is engaged in declared war." The reasoning behind this hastily- added stipulation presumably follows the line of thought that as loyal Americans, we must rally 'round the flag when it comes under Congressionally-sanctioned peril. Now, the Regents were very careful to include the modifier "declared;" evident- ly, they feel that declaration is justifica- tion. But is it really? Does a resolution by a body of men make a war morally justi- fiable? Does the destruction of human lives and the incapacitation of human beings become "right" when "legalized" by a very mortal Congress made up of men subject to some very human failings and, worse, some equally inhuman preju- dices? THE ,REGENTS may answer that their addendum to the Elderfield Report was constructed out of loyalty to Amer- ica. True loyalty would take the form of moral vigilance on the part of the uni- versities when inherently less humanis- tic forces in society decide to pull trig- gers or press buttons. -DANIEL OKRENT It 'I '4I A57. r : ( YS Y 4 ? A -9 4& . t '4 . 1' .4'I. .VW.W.W~.W.A~.4.V~tWW...VW.M.%4.V.:.......... AVE~ **~* .* . 2-- The student Deserters' song: Amixed chorus A GrassInequity IT WAS FITTING that the same day that police and embattled students at Columbia were demonstrating what one observer predictably called "a failure to communicate," the New York state legis- lature was passing with only two dis- senting votes a bill hiking the penalties for sale or possession of marijuana and, other "dangerous drugs." Those looking for a broader context in which to try to understand the fury at Columbia should examine the nature and effects of the widespread "drug" hys- teria reflected in the legislature's action.. For on the subject of marijuana and its ilk, the leaders of today blatantly flaunt the same irrational prejudices which they had the wisdom to keep decently veiled at Columbia. The key feature of the New York bill makes the present maximum penalty of fifteen years in prison the new legal minimum for selling these nefarious sub- stances to minors. And the new legal, maximum for these arch-criminals would be no less than life in prison. In addition the legislature's bill would give judges the privilege of sentencing a man to up to 25 years in prison for selling or pos- sessing a few grams of this ubiquitous brown weed. In the words of one of the bill's spon- sors, the rationale behind the measure was to "serve notice on judges that we are not happy with their failure to apply maximum penalties in drug cases." While such a measure would effective- ly minimize the legal options available to judges, no evidence was presented to indicate that stiffer penalties would in any way deter marijuana sales or con- sumption by minors. HAT THE BILL conjures up is the image of dirty old men loitering around school yards for the sole purpose of enticing the unsuspecting young into trying their funny-shaped cigarettes. While this facile assumption is strong- ly rooted in the folk mythology of mari- juana, what evidence exists indicates that most minors obtain their contraband 'highs' directly from other minors who often obtain it directly from Indiana backyards. Dire penalties may not only fail to deter the use of marijuana, but may ac- tually serve to increase its allure. By making marijuana a forbidden weed, so- ciety is implicitly decreeing that all youths must try it at least once to have really lived. For the importance of marijuana lies not so much in the- relatively mild 'high' it provides, but rather in the entire sub- culture which has sprung up around it and other hallucigins as a direct result THIS SORT of argument is, alas, very' unlikely to break the silence barrier in Albany. The almost religious zeal with which the adult custodians of the public mor- ality pursue the exotic challenge of marijuana and its odious counterparts; represents a political and moral force fearsome to behold. Advisors of in-again, out-again, in- again Presidential candidate Nelson Rockefeller fear that a veto of this ab- surd and -dangerous bill will unleash a mighty marijuana backlash complete with the charge of "coddling pushers." Even if Governor Rockefeller should courageously veto this ' inflammatory piece of legislation, the fundamental problem of society attempting to curtail marijuana use remains unchanged. And this attempt to regulate public morality is both destructive of basic individual freedoms and farcically ineffective. ALL FORMS of statistical inquiry reveal that the use of marijuana is rising steadily and that only a miniscule pro- portion of the sellers - let alone the users - are ever apprehended, regard- less of the severity of the law. The scope of the violations of "drug" laws automatically leads to arbitrary law enforcement. Those few who do stumble into the hands of the police are likely to be the most incompetent and unlucky, rather than. the most representative, of- fenders. But in addition to being a pathetically ineffective deterrent, marijuana laws - aside from the draft - are the major area in which the power of government runs diametrically counter to the life habits of typical and relatively law- abiding students. These important violations of individ- ual liberty coupled with the entire col- lection of false and inflated horror stories surrounding marijuana, have led many inherently conservative students to chal- lenge the wisdom, honesty, and morality of many of this nation's leaders. And this profound lack of faith was one of the prime catalysts of the sort of student unrest which so violently man- ifested itself at Columbia. EVEN IF one is oblivious of the power- ful practical and libertarian argu- ments, it is in the interest of those who cherish some degree of order and dia- logue between the generations to abol- ish our barbaric and regressive "drug" laws. For these statutes merely serve as fuel for the much-noticed, but little under- stood, fires which separate the genera- tions. By MARK SCHREIBER Daily Guest Writer EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec- ond of a series of articles on the Ann Arbor housing market by Mark Schreiber, a senior in the literary college who has been an at-large member of Student Government Council. The research paper from which the series is taken was ori- ginally prepared for SGC's Stu- dent Housing Association. The University's new lease was printed and distributed by Janu- ary, 1968. This added legitimacy, and set the stage for a series of boycott efforts to secure its ac- ceptance. It was known before hand that no major apartment agency would autonomously ac- cept the 8 month lease; in a num- ber of previous discussions with the larger managers, stiff resist- ance was shown, mostly based on the underlying assumption that profits would be cut. It would be necessary to show that the mone- tary loss due to student dissatis- faction would match or exceed their expected loss on an 8 month lease. The current condition of the Ann Arbor apartment market aid- ed this attempt. The existent sur- plus added a margin of available housing to which students could be channelled; one of the major firms could sustain vacancies while students found accommo- dations elsewhere. THE DECISION to boycott Apartments Ltd. was due to sev- eral factors. They are by far the largest management agency in Ann Arbor, controlling some 550 units. The Rental Union com- plaint file indicated that this firm had the most complaints, and many of the more serious com- plaints - withheld damage de- posits, non-existent repair, etc. Apartments Ltd. as well' seemed to have a long standing reputa- tion for pooramaintenance and questionable 'practices. Also, this firm managed build- ings for a number of outside own- ers, and only one of the managers had a significant share of the investment. The managers would then be susceptible to the discon- tent of the owners once boycott activities were undertaken. Since severalof the owners-the Ship- man brothers, Frederick and Rob- ert Stoll, John Sharemet, and William Bateman - resided in Ann Arbor, we felt confident in- formation would reach them. This vulnerability was higher than that of the next major agency, Charter Realty, which manages John Stegman's property. Since this, individual's investments were wide and varied, it was reasoned that he could sustain a short-run apartment loss with little concern. Finally, the rental office of Apartments Ltd. was in an ideal position for picketing. It was close to campus on Church St. and South U. The other large agency, Campus Management, was much farther away on Huron Ave. The office itself was located in a new and partially unoccupied build- ing. There were no adjoining offices that could register complaints about our activities and bring an injunction. The fact that Jack Shipman owned the building, and that continued disturbance might hh'irerits fuilre c. iiner',ex - Graduate Assembly. This yielded publicity, drew interested parti- cipants, and spread the responsi- bility if there was to be any court action. Pickets were organized on a rotating basis for the proceed- ing weeks. After the third week pickets were moved indoors with one minor incident - and more publicity. When enthusiasm in picketing waned, several rent strikes against Apartments Ltd. were begun. Two buildings on Hill St. were organ- ized to withhold rent because of poor maintenance and massive garbage piles in the backyard. Some 25 tenants signed a petition to deposit their rent in escrow with the Office of Off-Campus Iousing until Apartments Ltd. would meet their demands. Within a week this firm personally con- tacted the tenants and cleaned up the place, after a large picture of the garbage pits was centered in The Daily. Another rent strike was started at the Brown St. complex. This resulted in further bad publicity, but no substantial monetary loss to Apartments Ltd., Student tenants could be convinced to sign strike. petitions under unsatisfactory conditions, but few would actually send in rent. At any rate, the con- tinued bad press and the WAIT (wait for the 8 month lease) ad- vertisements persuaded more stu- dents not to rent from Apartments Ltd. Following the student elections in mid-March, the next step was to publish the list of Apartments Ltd owners. Addresses were made available from Off Campus Hous- ing and names from the City As- sessor's Office. It was anticipated that some owners like Jack Ship- man, and William Bateman did not wish their association with Apartments Ltd to be known. Furthermore, the local owners wouid be annoyed by complaints that the management agency was supposed to handle. The effect of these pressures cannot yet be fully evaluated. There are indications that in some ways our efforts were mod- erately successful, in other ways largely successful. But in no sense were they a failure. FIRST, Apartments Ltd. did not accept the 8 month lease. Repre- sentatives of the Student Housing Association were invited by Apart- ments Ltd. to meet with different owners on several occasions. These bargaining sessions did not yield any substantial results, but pro- vided a valuable source of infor- mation. It was acknowledged by both managers and owners that the boycott had significantly cut into their business. It was later reported that at least three of their owners were seriously considering the 8 month lease and withdrawal of their property from Apartments Ltd. management. The disturbance about John Stegman's alleged code violations on Albert Terrace ap- parently prompted a wait-and-see attitude on their part. Their va- cancy rate will be higher than ex- pected next year-but not high enough to overcomethe antici- pated costs of an 8 month lease. The boycott did have a spill boycott, They total some 500-600 units or about 1700-2000 individual spaces, approximately the 'size of Apart- ments Ltd.'s holdings. It is true that some of these firms would have taken the lease without student pressures. Yet I talked and haggled with a num- ber of these managers and owners. Some accepted the lease only after a series of bargaining sessions, but all indicated that they did not want their firm boycotted. At any rate, each of these firms either sent a letter or made their ac- ceptance of the lease immediately known to SHA. A further incentive was the free advertisement we ran, listing agencies with the new lease. One problem with those firms on the 8 month lease has been the rise in rentals. Agencies have raised their rents 15-25 per cent per month. Some, but not all of this increase, can be tolerated. In the case of a 12 month lease, students could expect to lose 25 per cent of the summer rent or a full month's rent if they were able to sub-let. There are also the un- counted costs of sub-letting, both incidental and psychological-the expense of advertising and the strain during final exams. A mod- erate rise in rent would still bene- fit the student who resided in Ann Arbor for the 8 month period. THE SECOND goal of better maintenance by apartment agen- cies has been fulfilled tosome ex- tent. Apartments Ltd. has been somewhatrmore attentive to up- keep; Karl Malcolm has been con- tinually embarassed about the condition of his buildings. This firm's repair still seems to be more reactive than preventive-respon- ding to serious complaints chan- nelled through the Rental Union, but little effort to find these faults beforehand. As well, a number of other firms have been alerted, to student ef- forts and have taken a closer look at their repair policies. We still feel that there are a number of legitimate complaints that never reach the complaint service, due to lack of information or accept- ance of managerial inefficiency. This summer will show whether the agencies, particularly Apart- ments Ltd., will be more conscien- tious about return of damage de- posits. A THIRD AREA of qualified success is in student participation and legitimacy. A number of stu- dents from different groups and interests were involved in the boy- cott proceedings. This led to a small but activist core to head student housing activities. Some have been trained to assume lead- ership in the next year or two. Still there have not been enough students to sustain a mass effort for more than 2 months at a time; more students are always needed. In a larger sense, students, ad- ministration and the apartment agencies have come to accept the Student House Association as a legitimate and influential force in the apartment market. The initial period of newness and hesitationrhas been overocme. Students know there is somewhere First of a Two-Part Series STOCKHOLM, Sweden (P)-They refer to themselves as pro- testors-"Don't call us deserters" -and insist they are moral refu- gees from the United States. The judge advocate of the U.S. Army in Europe labels them "bums -not higher class of soldier." The Pentagon says they are socially and emotionally immature. But to the Swedes they are a bunch of unhappy kids who want a new home. Sweden is freely pro- viding it. "They" are the growing colony of defectors, from the American military who, decrying the U.S. role in Vietnam and the racial un- rest in the states, are seeking sanc- tuary in this land of snow and midnight sun. According to a recent count, the list of defectors in Sweden was over the 30 mark and, according to Swedish authorities, was es- calating at the rate of almost one a day. A militant member of the group predicts that by the end of the year the number will reach 2.000-a figure scoffed at by the Pentagon. The defectors have turned their backs on their homeland. They have left friends and family with littlehope of return without severe penalty. Several weeks ago, the first American soldier to desert and seek asylum in Sweden, Pvt. Ray Jones 3rd of Detroit, and five other defectors changed their minds. They returned voluntarily to their units in West Germany or home. one was a New York Reservist who had been called for duty in Vietnam. Another said he found Sweden too cold. Two told author- ities they were only 'AWOL and had come to Sweden to examine the situation. The hard core defectors coun- tpred this reverse defector trend with the announcement that 27 more American service men had fled to Sweden. They claimed this brought the total to more than 50 but this was not immediately confirmed. There is definite doubt and mis- givings, however, among those re- maining. One of the deserters has become so unnerved that he has had to seek psychiatric help. Some have become alarmed to find themselves in a Communist web. Others are conferring secretly with U.S. Embassy officials in Stock- holm. Jones, the only one of the re- turning defectors identified, said that he simply had had enough of life in Sweden. "I AM HOMESICK," he said. Jones, a' 21-year-old Negro, was stationed with an Army unit in Furth, West Germany, near Nu- remburg, when his unit received notice in January, 1967, that it was being transferred. "I figured we were headed for Vietnam," he said. "I wanted no part of the war. I forged my leave papers and, accompanied by my wife, took a train to Copenhagen. From there I went to Stockholm. "For the first three months, I was aided by this anti-American activist group. I didn't agree with their philosophy so I drifted away from them: They've hardly spoken to me since." Jones played in a band for' a while, he made speeches and wrote a play. His blonde German wife, who speaks four languages, got a job as an interpreter. A son, Ray 4th, was born four months ago. Jones got a job teaching ballet. He still didn't find happiness. "I found the Swedish people very cold," he said. "America is my from perfect but it's my country. I want to go back there and do everything I can for my race." Jones acknowledged that every- thing appears rosy for the defect- ors at the moment. They all have found a friendly reception in Sweden-organizations willing to take them under their wing, sym- pathizers offering temporary room and board, pretty girls anxious to set up housekeeping and a gov- ernment ready to pay each around $16 a week until he can find a job. "Just wait until the honeymoon is over," Jones said. "Pretty soon, they'll be wanting to go home, too." The majority of the defectors don't agree. "OUT OF THE more than 30 guys already here, there aren't more than a couple who won't stick it out," says Michael David Haire, 20, of Beaufort, S.C. Haire, son of a Marine Corps sergeant in World War II, was the second deserter, after Jones, to flee to Sweden. Contending he was persecuted by his officers, he left the 8th Cavalary in Bad Kreuznach, West Germany, last August. He had been court mar- tialed four times, convicted once for not showing up at reveille and served 41 days in the stockade. Haire, who has piercing gray eyes, beard and a 'flowing mus- tache, is a leader among the more 'militant and leftist segment of the group. Throughout the day fellow deserters flow in and out of his apartment, which is the center of strategy meetings. "I am against the war in Viet- nam," Haire said. I am against capitalism; I think capitalism is a tiger devouring itself. It is chasing its own tail and, like Little Black Sambo in the nursery story, it will some day turn into butter." Haire, who speaks Swedish well and who recently got a Job as an architect assistant at about $100 a month, said he has been helping in the office of the left wing Front for National Liberation, or FNL, which prints anti U.S. pamphlets by the thousands, raises money for the Vietcong and throws eggs and rocks at the U.S. Embassy. "All of us are left wing, he said, referring to his fellow deserters, "but we fall into two categories. There are those who are con- vinced the United States will blow up the world. There are others who think the United States can be saved before this catastrophe happens. Even the Intrepid Four are split two ways on this ques- tion. THE BEST KNOWN of the de- fectors are the four sailors who jumped the aircraft carrier In- trepid off Japan last Oct. 23 and ultimately wound up in Stockholm, criticizing what they calledi "the stupid, cruel and immoral war in Vietnam. They are Richard Bailey, 19, of Jacksonville,RFla.; Michael A. Lindner, 19, of Mount Pocono, Pa.; Craig Anderson, 20, of San Jose, Calif., and John Barilla, 20, of Catenville, Md s n- During a brief stay in the Soviet Union, a Russian peace commit- tee gave each of the sailors $1,000 and sent them on their way to Sweden. Anderson and Barilla enrolled in a university to learn Swedish.' Barilla lives on the campus. An- derson has a room with a family. Both are loners. They seldom m'ake appearances. They shun inter- views. Much more extroverted are Bai- ley and Lindner, who have been given temporary lodging in the basement of the modest red bun- galow home of Gosta Ekman, a Swedish 'actor. Lindner had just finished a breakfast of bacon and eggs when he was found in the spacious sub- terranean quarters that the two sailors call home. The Ekmans were out. Bailey had spent the night elsewhere. A phonograph blared pop music. Two young girls of college age, mini skirted, one in green mesh stock- ings were busy washing dishes. Lindner, who had just been vis- ited by his parents, seeking to per- suade him to change his mind, re- clined on a mattress on the floor and talked freely about his new life. i * 4 4" Letters:* racism? 4 THE ARTICLE "Every one of them is a racist" is so inter- esting that I wish Mr. Wildstrom would make his thoughts clearer thandthey were. Otherwise, he will find himself in the paradoxical position of being called anti-racist and anti-Semitic at the same time. It may be that he expects Jews to be less sensitive, to slurs now- adays because they are white and are among the "haves," whereas blacks have additional rights of reaction that older liberals disap- prove of. If so, then he was indeed singling out Jews within the white community. If not, then why, was he not content with referring to his companions as "white lib- erals?" These- are some of the questions which Mr. Wildstrom should an- swer if he is a responsible essay- ist: If Jews are as assimilated into white American society as Ger- Is there any reason why Jews who still know how to use the word "schwarz es" should feel a 'collective guilt" for racial crimes committed in Colonial America and the United States between 1600 and 1900? .What is a white racist anyway, and how are Jewish white racists different? OTHER questions: What is a black racist, and what makes him more likable than a white racist? Is there a difference between black racists and other kinds of blacks. Are white liberals racists when they are "shocked and saddened" by King's death while being hos- tile to haters like Carmichael? Is it "unknowing liberal racism" for people to have "stayed as the complexion of their neighborhood changed," while others moved away? Jews are not perfect, but who is? Liberals have their faults, but ,4 41 IlT A T mlm Cl.. A bmm a 'U m