Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, May 29, 1968 OFFICIALS RESISTANT: Steady downpour soaks Wash ingion marchers WASHINGTON (P) - B a d weather and stiffened resistance v - from government officials gave the Poor People's Campaign dou- ble trouble yesterday but failed outwardly to shake the resolve of its leaders to carry on.- Rain, falling steadily for the second straight day, made the al- ready swampy campsite at Resur- rection City even worse and brought renewedtalk of a tem- porary evacuation. At the Department of Agricul- ture officials refused to let a group of about 150 demonstrators eat at a department cafeteria even though they paid a $292 bill they walked out on Monday and prom- ised to pay for what they ate yesterday. Despite these setbacks, the Rev. Ralph David Abernathy, president of the Southern Christian Lead- ership Conference which is spon- 'Asoring the campaign, said morale ..'~... >at the camps was high and the '. campaign was making progress ~ .. .i ~toward its goals. "We have been able to educate . . the country as well as Congress on the needs of the poor," Aber- nathy said following a meeting at the Capitol with a congression- al committee set up to confer with Soviets reinforce influence in Middle East ''rMP, MOSCOW (P) - A year after the six-day Arab-Israeli war, the Soviet Union looms over the Middle East with greater influence than ever before. Its warships have become a political as well as a military reality in the Mediterranean, its weapons have moderhized beaten armies, its military ad- visers are better entrenched and more influential, and its political support is a mainstay of several Arab foreign policies. This position was salvaged from Arab disillusionment with Soviet inability - or unwill- ingness - to save them frpm defeat last June. Plunging heavily with war material and diplomatic ac- tivity into the angry aftermath of the war, Soviet leaders won the kind of Middle Eastern role that Russian tsars and com- misars used to dream about. But there are also weak- nesses in the position. For all its power and influence, the Soviet Union has not been able to bail its friends out of their continuing troubles. The Israelis still hold their conquests in Syria's Golan Heights, in Old Jerusalem, on Jordan's west bank, in the Si- nai Peninsula, and on the Suez Canal's east bank. There are indications now that the Russians might be re- stricting their supply of arms to Arabs in an effort to pre- vent a new explosion, with all its dangers of escalating into a Soviet-American confrontation. In public, the Russians say the only solution to the situa- tion created last June is a po- litical one. There seems no reason tp doubt that this also is the Rus- sian position in private discus- sions with Arabs. But it might not always be easy to tell this to Arabs, who become frustrat- ed waiting for diplomacy to produce results and are tempt- ed to prepare for another at- tempt to crush Israel by force of Soviet-supplied arms. In particular, it might not be easy for the Russians to keep the Syrians cool. Syria has publicly rejected the political solution line. It has had a role in Al Fatah guerrilla raids against Israel, which could spark another war. Yet the Soviet Union con- tinues to support Syria with economic and military aid. It is a weakness of Soviet influ- ence that the Damascus regime must be backed, because if it fell a less pro-Soviet regime could be expected to take pow- er. But Damascus cannot be brought to follow the cautious Soviet line for the area. ' Some here believe the Rus- sians had a role - whether deliberate or unwitting is un- clear - in sparking the war of last June 5-10 by feeding Syria and Egypt exaggerated reports of Israeli military preparations. Those reports encouraged Arab preparations and the closing of the Gulf of Aqaba, in turn leading to Israeli action. Most important, the U.S.S R, gave the defeated Arabs the kind of big power backing that neither Washington nor Lon- don was willing to give, lead- ing the attack on such Israeli actions as the recent Jerusa- lem military parade. Yet, the Soviet Union is also on record as stressing "the need .for recognition by all U.N. members in the Middle Eastern area of the fact that each of them has the right to exist as an independent national state and live in peace and security." But it is a point of cautious realism that does little to re- strict Arab dependence upon Soviet support and therefore Arab susceptibility to Soviet influence. ,' Johnson proposes free, trade, program NONSTOP MEETING: Rebels convert French theater into politicalspeaker platform' -Associated Pre Resurrection swamp MIDDLE EARTH is Hobbit Forming!" Posters, buttons, jewelry, candles, incense, pipes, papers, antique clothing, block lights, sunglasses, etc. Open 11 A.M.-1O P.M. Mon.-Thurs. 11 A.M.-Midnight Fri.-Sat. 215 SOUTH STATE ST. (3rd floor loft) the campaign leadership. The heavy rain was blamed for the partial collapse of the main tent at Resurrection City, which is used as a mess hall. The weight ,s of water collecting in a slack spot in the canvas caused one of its supports to buckle. No one was --injured. Abernathy acknowledged the rain and the cold, driving wind accompanying it were causing problems. "We are gravely concerned about the health of,the people," he said. "But they are in great spirits, their morale is high and they refuse to be evacuated." Nevertheless, it was announced over the loudspeakers that occom- modations in nearby churches would be found for anyone wishing to leave the plywood and plastic shelters until conditions improve. WASHINGTON (?) - President Johnson submitted to Congress yesterday a five-point program reaffirming his administration's dedication to freer trade and call- ing for development of a long- range policy to guide trade ex- pansion to the 1970's. Left unanswered, however, was the administration's intent or lack of it, to propose some sort of tax rebate for exporters and a border tax on imports. In a special message to Con- gress, Johnson again opposed the wide variety of import quota bills pending in Congress but said nothing about a possible border tax to help stem the dollar drain. U.S. officials said the nation's trading partners are still consid- ering the entire range of border tax problems. The administration's plans, if any, for'a border tax undoubtedly will come up when the House Ways and Means Committee open trade hearings on June 4.- The President coupled his trade message with a new appeal for the 10 per cent income tax sur- charge to strengthen the U.S.po- sition at home and in world markets. He recommended this five-point program for adoption this year: 1. Extend through June 30, 1970, the president's authority to nego- tiate tariff cuts as specific cir- cumstances warrant. 2. Eliminate the American sell- ing price on some chemical im- ports which produces a higher tariff. This bases the tariff on American prices rather than the cost of the product to the U.S. importer. 3. Approve a specific appro- priation do cover the U.S. share of expenses in the General Agree- ment on Tariffs and Trade. 4. Set up a system of, aid for in- dustry and workers hurt by in- creased imports stemming from those tariff cuts. It would be based on aid now available under the ,agreement between the United States and Canada which ended auto tariffs at the manufacturer's level. 5. Extend aid to U.S. industry and workers under the American- Canadian agreement for three more years through June 30, 1971. Under the Kennedy Round agreement, the United States will cut tariffs an average of 35 per cent over five years on thousands of products in return for similar concessions by other countries. Officials said the President will soon sign an executive order for long-range study of future trade policy, a review already begun by Ambassador William M. Roth, Johnson's special representative for trade negotiations. PARIS (P)-Young Frenchmen trying to cause a revolution insist they have no single headquarters. But if they did, it would be the 24-hour-a day political meeting installed in the Odeon Theater a few blocks from the Sorbonne. The meeting goes on in the or- chestra, boxes and balconies. Be- hind the scenes is literally the headquarters of the Odeon Com- mittee of Revolutionary Action. "The purpose of the revolution- ary movement," the committee says, "is to create a revolutionary situation . . . consequently, the only action that is effective and useful to the revolutionary move- ment is an action of destruction, 'a permanent fight gainst the present society." The committee has no visible chief, and members do not like to give their names. But leaders are clearly emerging. One is a 27- year-old journalist who wants to be known only by his first name- Alain. Alain says the committee in- cludes people who belong to sev- eral revolutionary parties, Com- munists' among them, but no one is allowed to join as a represent- ative of a party or a trade union. The committee opposes all such organizations as part of the so- ciety it wants to destroy. Similar committees exist at the Sorbonne, at an annex on the Rue Censier and at the University of Nanterre, where Daniel Cohn- Bendit, best known of the student leaders, was a student. He has now been expelled from France. More attention is being focused on the Odeon, because of its cen- tral location. Nanterre is in the suburbs, and the Rue Censier is some distance from the city cen- ter. Alain insists there is no ques- tion of leadership \by 'one com- mittee, and that there is close contact among them. The stu- dents pride themselves on being individualists and the anarchists' black flag flies over the Odeon and other occupied buildings. Next to it is usually a red flag, which in Europe is associated with all leftist movements-not just the Communists. Young revolutionaries seized the Odeon on the night of May 15. There was no resistance. Almost at once the nonstop political meet- ing was on and, the committee was at work in the offices. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The some N EW FOLK who were with us this Fall, will be featuring recorded por- tions of their first visit to the M.S.U. cam- pus, and will be presented on Family Radio WBBC 94.1 FM Jackson on Saturday, June 1st, 4:30 p.m An extended antenna on your radio helps. *0 . Planning a trip? Dabbling in real estate. There's some choice acreage for sale. 3, What'll you do with the alligators? Ilow about one free with every acre? 5. 1 hate to see you throw your dough away. Listen, I'm doing this so my wife and kids will have something to fall back on if something happens to me, 2. But that's just swampland. I'll call it Bog harbor. O\x -To DE7~,cj 0 {A I I: r E r ; 4. 1flave you checked for tsetse flies? l y C _ f i - - . .::::' : :r> ;fs::rs. 1'#... :; : ;; ir" The Daily Official Bulletin is an Inland Steel Company, Chicago, Ill. official publication of the Upiver- -Systems Analyst, independent work sity of Michigan for which The for manuf. company, MBA, but exper. Michigan Daily assumes no editor- in systems or production planning may ial responsibility. Notices should be substitute of supplement. Computer sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to understandihg helpful, exper. in Oper. Room 3564 Administration Bldg. Res. applications desirable. before 2 p.m. of the day preceding Michigan Association for Regional publication and by 2 p.m. Friday Medical Programs, East Lansing, Mich. for Saturday and Sunday. General -Eight Field Reps., experienced in. Notices may be published asmaxi- health service fields, degree in Pubi. mum of two times on request; Day Health, Pubi. or Med. Admin., or Be- Calendar items appear' only once. havioral Sc. flds. Three years in health Student organization notices are services, planning, dev. and coord. pro- not accepted for publication. For grams. Assignments in 6 areas, limited more information call 764-9270. overnight travel possible. WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 Management Consultants, Wash. D.C. -Large listings of positions in the fol- lowing fields are available to any per- ay a endar sons interested, junior and interme- diate levels may be requested. pamph- Department of Speech Student Lab- let at Bureau lists a selection of more oratory Theater - Jean-Claude van advanced positions. Areas are Opera- Itallie's "I'm Really Here" and "Al-' tions Research, Management Informa- most Like Being", Arena Theater, tion Systems, Management Sciences, Frieze Bldg., 4:10 p.m. Economics, Econometrics, Mathematics, Statistics, Data Processing and the Cinema Guild - "Cat on a Hot Tin Public Sci. for industrial and military Roof", Architecture Aud., 7:00 and 9:05 groups and non-profit research groups. p.m., Fri., May 31 and Sat., June 1. Special flyer seeking young men in- terested in actuarial professional work Bureau of Industrial Relations Sem included for large client. inar - "The Maangement of Manag- Foxboro Company, Foxboro, Mass. - ers No. 60, North Campus Commons, Applications Sales Engineers, home of- 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 to fice for Digital Systems Sales Engr., 9:00 p.m. BS in ME, ChE, or EE with 2 years in chem. or petro-chem, industry. Sys- Advanced Fire school II - Registra- tems Analyst BS/MS engrg. plus 3 yrs. tion, Civil Defense Center, 8:30 a.m., process and/or computer industrial Mon., June 3. exper. Sales and Service positions, Field sales. Marketing Division, Industry General Notices Mktg. Engrs., advise area industry groups on a world-wide basis, 5-plus To Students who expect to earn years with process control instrumen- graduate degrees at the end of the tation, teed languages. summer term: Graduates may elect to U.S. Dept. of Justice, Immigration receive the large diploma (size 13x17") and Naturalization Service, Cleveland, without additional cost provided writ- Ohio - Federal Law enforcement work ten application is made to the Diploma examination July 13, 1968, Applications Department no later than sixty days should be filed by June 12. before the closing date of the term in Marketmath Inc., N.Y.C. - Seek sev- which the degree is to be earned. eral young associates with wide range o lExof interests, trng. and skills, logical, D0cora xam s orderly thinking is prime necessity, Fung Jen Lin,, Civil Engineering, specialization in areas of math, stat., Dissertation: "The Effects of Shear computers, and soc. sci. are helpful. Deformation and Axial Force in Bat- Stone and Simons Advertising, De- tened and Laced Structural Members", troit, Mich. - Girl Friday in Media, Wed., May 29, at 10 a.m. in Rm. 300 and Radio and T.V. departments. Good W. Engrg. Co-chairmen: B. G. John- typing, some bckrnd. In adv. or radio- ston and W. S. Rumman. T.V. Starting position, could dev. into Iprofessional positions in the agency. State of Washington Personnel - Personnel Analyst, III, BS in public, personnel or bus. admin. and 3 years iiUREAU OF APPOINTMENTS technical personnel, admin. or mgmt. 3200 SAB anal work. Mechanical Engineer, IV, GENERAL DIVISION, Registration in Wash., or state with Opportunities for Further Study and reciprocity and 1 yr. exper. supv. pro- Financial Assistance: fessional mechan. engrs. Industrial Hy- Texas Tech School of Business Ad- gienis't. III, BS environmental health, ministration, Financial assistance for chem., phys., biol. sci., chemical, Mech- MA/MS and PhD programs. Profes- anical or civil engineering and 3 years sional MBA, MBA with majors in exper. Biologist, III, Aquatic, pollution Acctg., Bus. Ed., Econ., Finance, Mgmt., control, Fisheries Mgmt. or Microbiol. Mktg., and Quan. Anal., MA major in degree, BS plus 4 yrs./MS plus 2 yrs. or ,con., Masters in Education major in PhD. Architect, III, registration in Bus. Ed., MS in Acctg., and programs Wash. or state with reciprocity. for Doctor of Bus. Ad. and Doctor of State of Michigan Personnel - Se- Education. Teaching assistantships and curities Examiner, min. BS in bus. ad. part-time Instructors. Brochures on 2-3 yrs. in state regulation of sales of each of the above programs at Bu- securities or as account examiner or reau, Gen. Div, in securities investment business. Elec- tronic Systems Designers, BS phys., EE, Current Position Openings Received or Electron E. and 3 yrs. plus min. 1 by General Division by mail and phone yr. computer exper. Mgmt. Syst. Anal., -please call 764-7460 for further infor- min. 2 yrs. college, exper. in-EDP, Com mation: puter programming. Pan Am Group flight Detroit-London Jet Round Trip $325 Children $180 July 28-August 31 For information, call sponsor Vins de France, 1900 W. Stadium Call 761-4146 days-663-3969 after 6:30 - You sure look on the dark side. 6. Then why don't you put some money into Living Insurance from Equitable. That way, you'll all be on solid ground. Living Insurance gives top protection while your kids are growing up. And when you retire, it can give you a lifetime income. Now you can fly direct to Chicago*... TIME Air Lines has regularly scheduled flights from Ann Arbor to the Loop There's no longer any reason to take the time and trouble to go to Detroit to get a flight to Chicago. Not when TIME Air Lines flies direct. TAL flights take you toMeigs Field in the Loop . .. with only one stop at Benton Harbor along the way. If time weren't important to you, you probably wouldn't be flying in the first place. So save time, fly TIME. For reservations, call (313) 663-7771. I never could read road maps. - - - - --- -- -- -- -- ------- - - Please send me complete information on TIME I Air Line flights from Ann Arbor to Chicago I I I I NIAMEP - -- - -- -- - - 1 "GO WEST YOUNG MAN" CALIFORNIA On Memorial Day weekend, May 30 to June 2, just before the Cali- fornia June 4 Presidential primary, Californians will empty from their L * - f ...-.+ - aW;tk exm sover .Ae hope for a massive