Page Six
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Tuesday, May 28, 1968
s -
charts education's
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg.
before 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear only once.
Student organization notices are
not accepted for publication. For
more information call 764-9270.
Day Calendar
Botany Seminar: Dr. Michael Evans,
Kalamazoo College, will speak on
"Short Term Elongation Responses
to C02, Tuesday, May 28, 1968 at 4:15
p.m., 1139 Nat. Set. Bldg.
General Notices
To Students who expect to earn
graduate degrees at the end of the
summer term: Graduates may elect to
receive the large diploma (size 13x17")
without additional cost provided writ-
ten application is made to the Diploma
Department no layer than sixty days
before the closing date of the term in
which the degree is to be earned.
Foreign Visitors
The following are foreign visitors
who can be reached through the For-
eign Visitor Programs Office, 764-2148.
Mr. Geoffrey Baylis and Mr. Joseph
A. Hunt: Mr. Baylis'- Chief-Editorial
Assistant, Birmingham Post; Mr. Hunt
-Public Relations Officer, Joint Coun-
cii for the Welfare of Immigrants; and
Chtairman, West I idies Standing Con-
ference, May 28.,
Mr. and Mrs. Janko Kloubcar: Asst.
Professor of Accounting, Faculty of
Economics, Sarajevo University, Yugo-
slavia, May 30-31.
Mr. Ifeanyi Ogbu, Secretary, Commit-
tee of Vice-Chancellors of Nigerian
Use of this column for announce-
ments is available to officially
recognized and registered student
organizations only. Forms are
available in room 1011 SAB.
* * *
Christian Science Organization Tes-
timony Meeting, Thurs., 7:30 p.m., Rm.
3545, SAB.
* * *
Bach Club Meeting, Wed., May 29,
8:00 p.m., Guild House, 802 Monroe.
Program: a talk by Randolph Smith
on Bach's Sonata No, 6, and G Major
for violin and clavier, featuring a per-
formance by part of the Bach Bluc
Ensemble of the never-before-recorded;
Cantabile, ma un poco Adagio, and
Adagio of the earlier versions of this
work. For further information call
769-2922 or 769-1605.
Universities, National Universities Com-
mission, Nigeria, June 2-9.
Dr. Shanta Rao: Officer in charge,
Reproductive Physiology Unit, Indian
Council of Medical Research, Seth G. S.
Medical College, Bombay, June 3-9.
Mr. Kiyoshi Igarashi, Dean of the
Law School, Hokkaido University, Ja-
pan, June 4-6.
Doctoral Exams
Lambert Ray Vander Kool, Electri-
cal Engineering, Dissertation: "Mini-
max Control of Continuous Time
Stochastic Systems," on Tues., May 28
at 2 p.m. In Rm. 1213 E. Engrg. Chair-'
man: K. Chuang.
3200 SAB
American Institute for.Foreign Trade,
Thunderbird Campus, Phoenix, Ari-
zona - Applications for scholarships
due June 1. Additional 14 scholarships
avail. to graduates in Bus. Ad., Mgmt.,
World Bus., Mktg., Econ., Hist., Poll.
Sci., Engl./Journ., Biol. Sci., inter-
ndt'i Rel. and Area Studies, and to re-
turning veterans of each of the mili-
tary services. Further information and
business reply cards avail, at Bureau.
All applic. and supporting documents
due June 1.
Current Position Openings Received
by General Division by mail and phone
-please call 764-7460 for further infor-
mation :
Bronwill Scientific, Div. of Will Sci-
entific, Inc., Rochester, N.Y. - Mid-
west Sales Representative, sales of sci.
res. equip, through dealers in midwest
to consumers in bio-life sci. res. Man,
BA/BS with some sci. courses, some
sales and/or sei. lab work exper., age
MC Rel., Mid-Continent Regional
Educational Laboratory, Kansas City,
Mo.-Communications Assistant, tech-
nical report editor, prepare stories for
the lab's bi-mo. newsmagazine and pro-
vide other assistance. BA educ., lang.
arts, journ. adv. work asset, work in
lit, search and summarizing, work with
mass media, and limited teaching expert
Thrall Car Manufacturing Company,
Chicago Heights, Ill, - Personnel Dept..
seeks specialist in training & devel-
opment. BA degree, pref. Bus. Ad.,
Educ. of Soc. Set., and min. 5 yrs.
exper. in personnel, pref. in training.
Ralston Purina Company, St. Louis,
Mo. - Engineers, 1st assignments in
production supv. leading to plant mgrs.
nationwide, BSME, IE, Agric. E. or
MBA with BS in Engr. fld. locations
in wide variety of states. Staff Accts.,
degree in acctg. plus 3-5 yrs. exper.
Research Entomologist, insecticide
products for livestock and poultry, as-
sist i nsales training and marketing
info., MS/PhD entomology plus skills
in designing, conducting, evaluating
biol. tests.
Department of the Army, Picantinny
Arsenal, Dover, N.J. - Mechanical,
Electrical, Electronic, Industrial, and
Aerospace engineering and Physics,
GS5-11, especially interested in quali-
fied women applicants, research and
dev. activity in ammunition and ex-
plosives, adv. edc.' avail. on tuition
reimbursement basis, 40 miles from
though Secretary of Health,
Education, and Welfare Wilbur
J. Cohen has built a reputation
as an innovator in the areas of
social security and public wel-
fare, he now plans to chart
some new directions in the area
of education.
Cohen, who stepped into
President Johnson's Cabinet in
March after the resignation of
John W. Gardner, is primarily
committed to a significant ex-
pansion of federal programs
designed to help the disadvan-
taged and poverty-stricken'ob-
tain an education. In addition,
he hopes to place more empha-
sis on experimentation and in-
novation in federal education
Despite the present financial
restriction. on HEW because of
the Vietnam war, Cohen is pre-
dicting that within five years
the federal government will
provide adequate aid to every
college student who needs it.
And by 1975 - when there will
be nine million students in col-
lege - he favors federal pro-
grams offering financial aid to
from 2.5 million to 3 million
In a recent interview, Cohen
said he presently is working
with the Office of Education on
two major new programs af-
Nfecting higher education. One
would provide federal help to
college students who are in
danger of dropping , out of
school fot, financial or academ-
lb reasons. The second involves
massive increases in the amount
of federal assistance to colleges
which lack academic or finan-
cial prowess. However, the new
secretary said the programs
still are in the planning stages,
and he is not ready to discuss
the details of how they will
Perhaps the central educa-
tion issue now facing top HEW
officials is whether or not the
government should undertake
an entirely new program of in-
stitutional grants, whereby fed-
eral financial assistance would
underwrite -colleges' operating
'costs. Presently, most federal
assistance to higher education
comes in the form of project
grants for specific endeavors,
such as biological research or
geological equipment. Many top,
educators, however, say colleges'
and universities in the future
will not be able to offer quality
education to the masses with-
out general support funds from
the government.
Cohen says he is "sympa-
thetic to the idea of institution-
al grants," but he emphasizes
that numerous, complex prob-
lems must be solved before
such a program can be put
into effect. The basic problem,
he says, is the "matter of how
you determine who gets how
A project grant is relatively
simple," Cohen explains. "It in-
volves giving a sum of money
to an individual or department
for a specific project in which
the recipient is qualified and
has shown some competence."
But he says if a program of in-
stitutional grants is initiated,
someone will have to determine
which institutions will be per-
petuated by federal government
grants, and which ones will not.
Some colleges and universities
don't deserve to be perpetuated,
he readily admits, but under
such a system government of -
ficials might be forced to make
such decisions.
To get around this sticky
question, Cohen says he is
studying the feasibility of
"group grants." Under this
plan, HEW would give a joint
grant to a group of colleges in
the same region. Through in-
ter - institutional cooperation,
the colleges might work on a
variety of -;programs which
would be beneficial to all f
them. b toal
Although Cohen firmly be-
lieves federal funds should un-
derwrite innovating experimen-
tal projects, it is unlikely HEW
will have a large-scale program
to encourage innovative proj-
ects in the near future. Pres-
ently, it is impossible for HEW
to make "risk" grants, as some
foundations do, because of the
straight - jacket congressional
regulations on government
agencies. Cohen says he can-
not afford to be experimental
with grants, and, although he
doesn't say so, he undoubtedly
will never have the funds for
experimentation as long as the,
Vietnam war continues. But het
says he would "like nothing
better than about $10 million
to experinent with.,
Cohen thinks an essential
telement of every young persons'
education is service. He favors
a National Service Corps pro-
gram to replace the Selective
Service System, but adds, "I
don't know it the country is
ready for it yet."
Under the national service
program, which has been sug-
gested by numerous persons in
recent years, Cohen thinks ev-
ery young person, nale and fe-
male, should serve the country
for two years in the military or
some community action service.
Since most young people
probably wouldrenter comimun-
ity service programs° under
present conditions, Cohen says
the armed sprylces would have
to be made considerably more
attractive so the nation could
maintain an army.
Since Cohen has devoted
most of his government career
to welfare and social security
programs, he is just beginning
to tackle some of the niajor
problems and issues facing edu-
cation. But his tenure in office
may be too short for him to
carry out any of his plans, de-
pending on the outcome of the
Presidential election in Novem-
.Cohen has publicly endorsed
Vice President Hubert HumpQ-
rey, a close personal friend, for
the Democratic nomination.
Any of the 'candidates besides
Humphrey probably would re-
place. Cohen in naming their
own Cabinet.-
And even if Huiphrey wins,
Cohen might be out of a job
anyway, because he will be la-
beled as a "Johnson man," and
any new President, Humphrey
included, may -feel the need to
get off to a fresh start .n- his
Prof. Wilbur J. Cohen of the School of Social Work is currently
on leave from the University and serving as Secretary of Health,
Education and Welfare in President Johnson's cabinet.
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