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May 02, 1968 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1968-05-02

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See editorial page
i Vol. LXXVIII, No. 2-S




Warm with little
chance of rain

Ann Arbor, Michigan, Thursday, May 2, 1968

Ten Cents

Eight Pages

U.S. accepts proposed
peace talks on cruiser
WASHINGTON (P')-The White spokesmen nonetheless g a v e had arrived yet from either Wash-
House quickly agreed yesterday to straight-faced replies when asked ington or Hanoi, although the
an Indonesian proposal, to hold about the latest twist in the month Communists had indicated they
preliminary peace talks with of maneuvering over where U.S. still prefer their proposed sites-
North Vietnam aboard an Indo- envoys should meet for their pro- Phnom Penh, Cambodia, or War-
nesian cruiser to be sent to Ton- pose direct talks. saw.
kin Gulf. Indonesia's foreign minister. An Indonesian' site is presum-
But it would surprise Washing- Adam Malik, said after a cabinet ably objectionable to North Viet-
ton officials if Hanoi accepts the meeting in Jakarta that his coun- nam's ally, Communist China.
floating site offer. The communists try has told the 'opposing sides, it Peking broke relations with Indo-
have already spurned a U.S. sug- is willing to sail a cruiser to the nesia after the current leadership
gestion to meet in Indonesia's Tonkin Gulf-lying between the there ousted the left leaning Su-
capital, Jakarta. North Vietnamese and Communist karno regime.
Presidential press secretary Chinese coasts-for a meeting site. The White House said Indone-
George Christian and other U.S. Malik reported no formal reply sia's offer-which comes in addi-
tion to 15 Asian and European
locations previously proposed by
U.S. diplomats-"is acceptable to
the United States."
"A neutral ship on a neutral sea
would be a good meeting place,"
/ Christian told newsmen in words
r -eea d recalling some presidential oratory
aboard the U.S. carrier Enterprise
By MICHAEL DOVER Postill was suspended by Har- last Veterans Day.,
In that speech on the flight deck
Washtenaw County Sheriff vey last Saturday following a dis- aboard the carrier off San Diego.
Douglas J. Harvey has informed pute concerning overtime pay. His Calif., President ,Johnson declared
the secretary of the Washtenaw notice of suspension also ndicat- the.U.S. search for peace.could
DeuyAscito ht ewl eed that he would be fired if he hU..sacfopeecul
Depuy Asocitionthathe ill e ,extend even to a meeting ground
fired for the second time in six does not appeard at this morning sat sea-a vast place which might
months if he doesn't appear at a hearing. help men realize the "ultimate
special investigative hearing. He was fired in December along smallness of their quarrel."
Harvey has scheduled the trial with two other deputies for refus-.i "For us, the ward room could
board hearing for this morning to ing to retract a statement that readily be a conference room," he
try Deputy Fred J. Postill on the deputy association planned to said..]
charges of insubordination. take legal action to force the Just how the arrangements for a
Postill released a statement yes- Washtenaw County Board of Sup- hipboard Vietnam negotiation
terday that he has no intention ervisors to bargain collectivelywould be carried out remained ob-
of showing up at what he calls with them. scure. Johnson has listed for re-
Harvey's "kanaroo court Postill was ordered reinstated to .



hits Columbia
Harlem maichers, stndents
protest Mornimmgside gym site
NEW YORK - More fighting erupted between police ana
a handful of Columbia University students yesterday and
later last night when some 400 Negroes marched from Harlem
to Columbia's gates, carrying such sighs as, "Now you know
why we hate cops!"
The Negro demonstrat rs, who circled the campus dur-
ing their march but did not enter ft, were joined by about
100 predominantly white students at Columbia for the march
back to Harlem, where the crowd dispersed.
As they strode through Morningside Park adjoining Co-
lumbia's campus, the marchers - mostly high-school age
youngsters - were met by a large contingent of police, who
had seven patrol cars slowly
driving atound the campus in
time with the marchers. SV Il ath


POLICE INSPECT the office of Columbia University President Grayson Kirk yesterday after the
school's administration building had been cleared of some 700 protesters' who had paralyzed the
Morningside Heights campus for seven days.,.
Sna te tries to interv-ene
in Detroit pr ess strike

The demonstrators were protest-
ing Columbia's plans to build a
gymnasium in Morningside Park,
a Negro playground.
"Gym goes up-Columbia cogpes
down." the marchers chanted, and
it changed to "Columbia burns
down" as they moved back into
the heart of Harlem.

1 ~ *
begin hr

Special To 1he Daily
LANSING - Atty. Gen. Frank
Kelley plans to appear in federal
court today to secure the right
of the Special Senate Committee
on Newspaper Strikes to investi-
gate the 170-day-old Detroit

Brigg may
bank post4
FronmWire Service Reports
Gov. George Romney is expect-
ed to appoint University Regent
Robert P. Briggs of Jackson as
i state banking commissioner soon.1
According to state law, BriggsI
would have to resign his liosition
as regent to accept the banking'

the department March 18 after
his first firing was reviewed by
the State Labor Mediation Board.
Harvey has refused to pay Postill
the. back pay the board awarded
All but one of the officers of'
the deputy association have been
fired or suspended by Harvey at
one time or another in the last
six months. A trial board has only
been used in one case, according
to Carl Cook, vice-president of the.
deputy association, and a member
of the board.
In that case, Harvey overhuled
the recommendation of the board.
for a ten-day suspension, remov-
ing deputy William Young from,
fha fnroQni haiOnrhmrl

quirements for a site.


That it be in a neutral atmos- Federal District Justice Damon
phere, have adequate communica- Keith yesterday handed down an
tions, with free access for news injunction invalidating a sub-
coverage by all nations, and access poena issued Monday by the com-
by representatives of all interested mittee to Peter B. Clark, presi-
governments. dent and 'publisher of the Detroit
State Department press officer News. Clark obtained the injunc-
Robert J. McCloskey said inter- tion yesterday morning. He was
national waters fall within the the only major party to the strike
U.S. definition of a neutral area. negotiations who had refused to
Faulywage 'akng

attend the committee meetings
originally scheduled for Tuesday.
The committee was formed at
the request of Gov. George Rom-
Kelley also said part of the,
case would involve the manner
in which the injunction was
"'The overall goal in this mat-
ter should not be lost sight of,"
Kelley said. "That is, the settle-
ment of the newspaper strike in
Detroit at the earliest possible
time is of great public interest. I
will support all legal efforts to
achieve that end."
Committee members 'expressed
indignation toward the court in-
junction and the way in which it
was served.
"I think the whole Senate has
been insulted," said committee
chairman Sen. Robert Huber (R-
Troy). "But," he added, the com-
\mittee should give Kelley "all the
time he needs" to investigate the
legality of the injunction.
"When we move next time we
have to be sure," Huber said.
. The injunction cites the mdi-.
vidual committee members and
Gov. Romney as well as the com-
mittee as a whole.
"What right does Peter B. Clark
have to sue me personally?" asked
committee member Sen. L. Har-
vey Lodge (R-Waterford). "I acted
only as a senator. This is an
affront to the Senate and to me
In a prepared statement, Kelley
said he "will take appropriate
legal action to determine whether
the governor and the committee
have been properly subjected to
the jurisdiction of the federal
Although the injunction o,'P-ed

contempt of the body for not ap-
pearing at the committee meeting.
However, after consulting Kelley
and Senate majority floor leader
Robert V,anderLaan (R - Grand
Rapids) in closed session, I the
committee decided to await court
action on the injunction.
VanderLaan emerged from the
session announcing he would op-
pose any immediate Senate action
against Clark.
After delivering his prepared
statement. Kelley said he had
advised the' committee to await
court action.
While the committee conducted
its morning business in the gover-
nor's.office, Romney met for near-
ly three hours with Detroit Free
Press and union representatives in
the supreme court chambers.
Scott' to head;
The associate dean of Dear-
born Campus. Dr. Norman R.
Scott, has been named to succeed
retiring Dean William E. Stirton
Sept. 1. Stirton will also leave his
post as a University vice presi-
Scott has served as a member
of the computer advisory group
of the Atomic Energy Commission
and on the executive committee
of the University Computing.
He is currently on sabbatical
leave at the Techniche Hoch-
schule in Munich where he has
been researching development of
a computer language and comput-
er algorithms.E

post. te orce. bince then Cook himse By PHILIP BLOCK
Among those mentioned to fill has been fired. The Unive' sity's m ng for
the regent, vacancy are Ink White Harvey has made it clear that ompensation for full-
of St. Johns, former weekly news- the board's decision will be advis- time faculty members dropped
paper editor and member of the ory in Postill's case. He said also frm 17th to 23rd'nationwide ac-
1961-62 constitutional convention, that the decision of the trial crm n to a report released re-
and Lawrence B. Lindemer of board would not be made public cently by the American Associa-
Stockbridge, former state Repub- because it was an interdepart- tion - of University Professors
lican chairman and field man for mental proceeding. (AAUP).
Romney during his bid for the The names of the five deputies Although the report shows an
GOP presidential nomination. to sprve on the trial board were increase in the University's aver-
Briggs was appointed to the re- drawn from a hat, Harvey said. age compensation from $15,060 to
0 gency four years ago. He faces Postill, however, charged that $15,573, the 3.4 per cent increase
running for a full eight year term the selection was not made at tagged far behind the 8.4 per cent
next November, if nominated by random. He said Harvey picked average increase for all other
his party. In recent weeks, how- Sgt. William H. Stander president, schools.
ever, leading bankers in the state of the deputy association, and The AAUP defines compensa-
have convinced Briggs he should then "picked" four of his cronies tion as including both straight
take the banking post vacated last in order to fix the trial board's salary and certain types of fringe
month by Charles Slay. outcome, yet seem fair. He indi- benefits such as health insurance
The Jackson regent, '65, retired cated that Stander would prob- and pension payments.
as Consumer Power Co. vice pres- ably oppose the sheriff. The decline in the University's
ident yesterday. Before accepting Postill said that he plans on ranking is largely due to the drop
the position with the company, in filing a new suit with the media- in the University's AAUP average
1951, Briggs served as vice presi- tion board, but that "It looks like compensation 'ating 'for full pro-
dent for financial affairs at the it's going to be a long time until fessors. The rating went from an
University. I am reinstated again." 'A' rating in 1966-67 to a 'B' rat-
-~ --- -- - -
I 'U cons truction slowed

1 I

ing in 1967-68. Because compen-
sation for full professors constitu-
tes the major portion of total
salaries, this decrease is all the
more significant.
According to Vice President for
Academic Affairs Allan F. Smith,I
the drop in the University's na-'
tionwide ranking comes as no sur-
prise to his office.
"We anticipated it a year ago,"
says Smith. "The big reason for'
the drop is the lack of adequatea
state appropriations for the past,
year. However, the new budget}
request for the 1968-69 session, asl
amended by the Governor, in-
cludes a six per cent increase in1
\will go toward faculty compensa-i

The Columbia demonstrations By JILL CRABTREE
began April 23, sponsored by the The student strike at Columbia
Students for a Democratic o University has sparked reactions
ciety and the Students for -an here supporting the strikers and
Afro-American Society. censuring the Columbia adminis-
At the outset the two groups tration.
were united in protest againstprofJh LElichof th
construction of a new Columbia s -
gymnasium on 2.1 acres of Morn- n a ;okmshooli g Colu b
ingside Park, which separates the ing a movement among olumtia
university from Harlem. Negro ac- alumni sympathetic to student de
tivists long had opposed the gym mandsto cease financial and
on the grounds it was an en- other support to theschool.
croachment on neighborhood rec- " Roy A. Rappaport of the
reational terrain. anth ropology department is cir-
Another clash on a smaller scale culating a resolution among Uni-
occurred yesterday, as the strife- versity faculty expressing support
torn Ivy League school went Df the position taken by the Co-
through its ninth day of riisrup- lumbia "ad hoc faculty group.
tive demonstrations that have That group is askingtheir Cl
brou'ht Columbia's educationaltleguesyto "respect" the strike
process to a standstill. called by the Columbia Student
prcsstocamst nsti aywh.nCouncil and appoint a faculty
The clash caie on a day when committee to investigate events
Columbia's classrooms remained leading up to the crisis, with par-
closed so that student militants, ticular emphasis on the role play-
some of them bent on fomenting itdlay hesisonumbearoedla f
a campus strike, could cool off! ed by the Columba Board Of
a cmpu stike cold ooloffTrustees and top administrators
with "a day of reason and reflec- T
Reason and reflection vanished, Erlich, who was president of
however, during a street rally of the class of '59 at Columbia, has
students from other colleges out- contacted a group of Chicago,
side the university gate at Am- New Haven and New York
sterdam Avenue and 116th Street. alumni who are sending out let-
In support of Columbia strikers, ters to other Columbia graduates,
they displayed a banner reading urging them to cease making
"Strike against racist trustees, contributions-financial and oth-
erwise-to the school, until two
See related story, Page 2 ! conditions are net.
s-A'against racist police, and - "significant change" in per-
strike against imperialist wars, sonnel at the top administrative
The police said Columbia stu. level of the university, including
ensoite sedeomthest-tthe replacement of President
dents on the edge of the street Grayson Kirk;
rally locked the gate.
Swinging nightsticks, about 30 -A "thorough re-evaluation" of
policemen charged a similar num- the role of the university in the
ber of Columbia students. . Morningside community, with
At least three students suffered particular reference to the pro-
scalp lacerations or cuts. Several posed gymnasium in Morningside
Park - and the development of
were arrested and dragged away. a "mean dgfu da loue bet ee
The Kir us go"faciona meaningful dialogue between
The "Kirk nust go" faction the' university and its non-nsti-
among the students sought fac- tutional neighbors."-
j ulty support for the stilke, along
j with removal 'of Columbia Presi- NOTIFY TRUSTEES
dent Grayson Kirk. . The letters also urge class mem-
However, the 4,000 members of bers who plan to withhold finan-
the teaching staff appeared split, cial support to. notify the chair-
and only 200 of them" actually man of the Columbia Board of
went on record backing a strike. Trustees of their intention.
But by a 22-9 vote, the Colum- Erlich first began contacting
bia Student Couincil declared last class members Tuesday night and
night it was "morally outraged" has not yet received word of how
by the university's calling police many have been willing to sign.
to the campus. It said the ".pre- However, he feels the group will
sent administration has forfeited have "no trouble getting people to
its legitimate authority and . . . sign if we contact them while the
can no longer claim respect." issue is still an important one."
The resolution being circulated
among University faculty by Rap-
paport does not take a position on
the issues prompting the original
student demonstrations at Colum-
bia - university membership in
the Institute for Defen'se Analyses
and the propriety of constructing
a gymnasium on what is now a
playground for ghetto children.
It does, however, criticize the
administration for "persistent un-
willingness" to re-examine its
position in relation 'to the stu-
The statement goes on to further
support the ad hoc faculty com-
mittee at Coumbia in its urging of
students to refrain from occupying
any more campus buildings so that
there can be a return to a "police-
les campus."
t .: Rappaport, who is a graduate of

Construction on University
uilding projects continued yes-
terday despite a partial strike
by the building trade unions.
John Weidenbach of the
plant department reported that
construction was "l i m p i n g
along" yesterday. However, he
is not sure how long workers
will remain at their jobs.
"Everything is on a day-to-,
day basis," he said.
None of the University con-
struction jobs experienced a
complete shutdown. Work on
major projects, including the
new, dental school and the Mott
Children's Hospital, continued'
as normal.
The University plant depart-
ment is presently evaluating
,he effect of the shutdown. Re-
ports by contractors on specific
problems will be submitted to-
day to James Brinkerhoff, di-
rector of plant extension.
The failure of five construc-
tion unions in the Ann Arbor
area to come to agreement

Local 426 continued to work
without a contract. Trowel
Trades Local 14 (bricklayers)
struck only against contractors
belonging to the GCA-HBC.
The reinforced steel workers
and the operating engineers are
the two unions most critical,to
University building projects
Brinkerhoff noted. The oper-
ating engineers struck at all
projects today.
William Hughes, chairman of
a committee representing the
GCA-HBA. said the total effect
of the strike in the Ann Arbor
area is still unknown.
The Reinforced Iron Workers
attempting to work at the Hur-
on High School on Geddes road
and at an office building on
Plymouth road were sent home
by the contractors without pay.
Dick Wheeler. businiess agent
for the Iron Workers Union
said that their union had been
"locked out" from all of their
Wheeler said that the union
is willing to meet management
representatives at "any date.

The carpenters 'are meeting
in Jackson today. Prospects for
a settlement at this meeting are
"unknown", said Carl Weber,
president of the local. The car-
penters will strike on May 7 if
a contract is not agreed upon
by that time.
The laborers met in a bar-
gaining, session with the con-
tractors last night. The date.
for a formal presentation of
the contract has not been de-
termined, but workers will con-
tinue at their jobs, explained
Douglas Harding, president of
the local.
Harding noted that it was
"hard to say when a formal
contract will be presented."
The bricklayers are continu-
ing to strike only against GCA-
HBA members. They are pres-
ently signing individual agree-
ments with contractors willing
to meet an interim agreement
of a $1.00 per hour increase.
I The GCA-HBA offered the
bricklayers an hourly increase
of 36 cents the first year and

a May 13 show cause hearing, "We think we have found an ex-
RECRUITING PROBLEM Kelley said he would take im- cellent successor for Dr. Stirton,"
The drop in the University's mediate action. said Allan F. Smith, University
ranking could present serious dif- The committee convened at 10 vice president for academic af-
ficulties in the recruiting of new a.m. yesterday, but Clark was not fairs, who announced Scott's ap-
staff members. present. When the committee pointment to the Dearborn facul-}
"We worry about a drop in our' members reconvened at 2:30 p.m., ty last week.
national standing because it takes they were met by a court officer Scott has lectured in Moscow,
the edge off of our competitive who attempted to serve the in- Kiev and Leningrad at the invita-
spositi ehr ow findg that junction. tion of the Soviet Academy of
schools with whom we never had Committee members refused to Sciences. He 'is the author of a
tcompete before are now cew accept the injunction and had the 1960 book, "Analog and Digital
petitively bidding with us for new court officer forcibly removed Computer Technolojy."j
faculty cmembers. ad oe erLk
' "yWe can s. from the Capitol Bldg. when he Scott, born in New York, holds
last year. We just can't stand two could not produce official identi- bachelor's and master's degrees
of them, that's all." a " tado: fication. from MIT. He received his doctor-
Indeed, the past year has been' During the morning session, the ate from the University of Illinois,
a difficult one for Smith's officen committee voted unanimously to and has taught at Illinois and
"We certainly have had a serious, ask the Senate to rule Clark in the University of Connecticut.
problem with recruiting, "he says.
"We haven't done much new re-c
cruiting in the last year; last fall f}a.. >
we put a freeze on new staff posi-
tions and concentrated only on{
filling vacancies."
The AAUP report shows that 4
the University kept its 'A' ratings
for both average compensation to -
associate professors and to assist-
ant profesors and improved its'
- rating for intructors from 'A' to
'AA', the highest possible listing.


"Since the majority of new
appointments come at the asso-
ciate and assistant professor'
levels," says Smith, "the Univer-
sity can still compete favorably
with the other top institutions
However, "the increase, for the
compensation level of instructors
is just a happenstance; it did not
come out of a deliberate effort to
raise salarie." he avs ° u faet.

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