Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of Student Publications ynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone:, 764 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. A place to call my own By DANIEL OKRENT ENE GILLIAM, a 35-year-old amateur artist who has held 32 different jobs in the past six years, ranging from appliance salesman to electronic engineer, was looking for a place for he and his wife, Ramona, a little while ago. They wanted something that would serve as a home-studio combination. When the Gilliams, who have been active in a number of local cultural groups, found what they wanted, the, two-part combina- tion exploded into a multi-facet- ed "thing" dedicated to commu- nity betterment and cultural en- 420 May -0552 SATURDAY, MAY 25, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: LESLIE WAYNE I npemening he rport H leientl the re ort Has it. all been: invain1 JT HAS BEEN 18 months since the mas- sive display of student power which led to the creation of the Presidential Commission of the Stuaent Role in Deci- sion-Making. The sweeping vice-presi- dential powers, the. sit-in ban, wnd the draft referendum are ancient history to a good part of the student body. Yet 18 months later after long and tedious debate it is clear that students are again about to be betrayed. For while University students and leaders have pa- tiently waited for reforms promised 18 months ago, it has become more and more clear that the administration is bargaining in bad faith. The commission was created in an at- mosphere of mistrust, but in the inter- vening months student leaders and the administration achieved at least peace- ful co-existence. The University appeared for a time to accept the one principle which was the rallying cry of the Novem- ber 1966 disturbances, that students alone should have control over those aspects of their lives which primarily affect them. More specifically, that students and only students should establish and en- force conduct regulations governing their non-academia University life. It is this principle which became the backbone of the battles to eliminate curfew for fresh- man women, student control of visitation policy in the dorms, and the abolition of University restrictions on driving. But as evidenced by the administra- tion's intransigent position on the actual implementation of the report of the deci- sion-making commission, President Flem- ing is unwilling to accept this most essen- tial keystone of self-government. JNDEED Fleming, who strongly endorsed the commission though it was a left- over from the previous administration, appears intent on forcing students to ac- cept his rules and even enforce them for him. Somewhere, both the spirit and the let- ter of the commission's report have been left far behind. The Hatcher commission, its members adamantly assert, intended to create an all-campus University Coun- cil (UC) as the legislative arm of the University community. However Vice- President Cutler and Director of Student- Community relations William Stuede have found it convenient to draft a re- gental by-law clearly antithetical to this principle. In the Stuede-Cutler draft, UC regula- tions apply only to students, not the en- tire University Community as the com- mission intended. So it would be the tri-partite Univer- sity Council, composed of a majority of faculty and administrators that would make rules for students. That is not the student role in decision-making recom- ' mended by the commission. And if that aspect of the proposed by- law weren't enough, Cutler and Stuede added an even more odious and unac- ceptable item. They proposed that rules passed by UC (rules applying to only students) should be submitted to the Regents for approval after 45 days if either Faculty Assembly or Student Gov- ernment vetoed them. WEN THE commission recommended these two groups be given the right to reject UC-passed regulations, they clearly intended it to be an absolute veto. One would have reason to seriously question any UC regulation which either tne faculty or students found unaccept- able and vetoed. The intent of this provision is not to- tally clear. It would be unfair to say out of hand that Fleming, the Regents, or the Office of Student Affairs wish to use the clause to adopt oppressive rules through bypassing the SGC veto. But their stated rationale for its inclusion is so dubious that one can hardly see another reason for the clause. Fleming says publicly the Regents are insistent there should be a provision in the by-law to break a stalemate in UC. Yet neither Fleming nor the Regents give cogent reasons for their insistence. The commission report, though admit- tedly vague, seems to have a much more limited role in mind for UC. The report states: "University Council should deter- mine... the locus of authority for mak- ing rules of conduct by members of the University community in areas where the jurisdictional lines are unclear or subject to dispute." In addition the commission states "the formulation of rules . . . relating for in- stance to the regulation of picketting or sit-ins should be carried out by an all- University body at the highest level" (University Council). With UC regulating conduct in these limited areas, student government would continue to establish and enforce rules applying to solely students, just as the faculty would in a like manner govern itself. UC would operate only in those areas ,where authority was not clearly desig- nated to some other groups. RUT THE administration has shown little desire for a fair and impartial system of student rule-making. Fleming apparently wants students to institution- alize machinery for the administration and faculty to control student conduct. The ominous spectre of Columbia feeds the administrative backlash in this ef- fort to reestablish disciplinary control. Students must realize that any compro- mise represents total defeat and is clear- ly a step backwards. For in the interim between the November, 1966, demonstra- tions and the final implementation of the commission report, students have regu- lated their own conduct. Joint Judiciary Council has enforced only student-ap- proved rules. Students need not agree to any hastily written by-laws submitted while the ma- jority of the student body is vacationing for the summer. This is an issue worth fighting over. And if the administration insists on a mechanism to enforce oppressive conduct regulations, students can easily return the campus to the atmosphere in which the commission, was created. THERE WERE 1500 students sitting-in at the administration building then, but the campus is a bit bigger now and the lobby of the new administration building a lot smaller. -STEVE NISSEN ig Greeks gifts These pronouncements are a dreary echo of a distant past. They seem pain- fully irrelevant in a time when the NATO structure itself is being widely described as obsolete, when ferment in the Soviet empire is a dominant fact of European life and when many relationships are swiftly changing. PERHAPS most vulnerable was Clif- ford's claim that "we can play a greater part in helping Greece to get constitutional government if we continue our military aid than if we stop it." The men who are risking their lives in chal- lenging the Greek dictatorship have re- peatedly contended that U.S. military shipments inevitably will strengthen and sustain the regime's power and weaken the prospects of its overthrow. Their tes- richment. Scheduled to open this Sunday with a benefit concert- party that will hopefully pro- vide the funds to get the whole project going, "My Place" , is 'planned to accommodate the varied energies of Ann Arborites in a free community atmosphere. "I doubt if this building could ever look nice," Gene said the other day as he surveyed the' sprawling, ramshackle structure at 215 E. Davis that the couple has begun to occupy on a 10 year lease. "But it will look clean- and busy." THE FIRST PART, the "clean," is expected to come from volun- teer help. The second Trole--the "busy"-is also going to be filled by volunteers. But these volun- teers, the Gilliams hope, will be people who want or need a place to go to do what they want to do. The prospectus for "My Place" calls for more varied activities than one could logically inter- connect, but the one-roof idea is being adopted because of some- thing present elsewhere that is very illogical-"the air of insti- tutionalism which inhibits per- sonal identification and partici- pation." So the air is being whisked away to be replaced by something incredibly fresh. Wyhat do the Gilliams-who have set up "My Place" as a non- profit institution-plan to offer that will fill the institutional void? The list reads like a com- bination college 4atalogue- m- ployment agency listing-summer camp schedule-arts and craft center program. For instance, a small part of the total program: 0 art classes and gallery 0 theatre workshop and pro- ductions 0 music lessons * film-making * mathematics films and, lec- tures * lanned parenthood informa- tion 0 job information and referral * agency referrals * home improvement informa- tion. Right now, the Gilliams are lining up the'necessary instruc- tors for undertakings like these, and they are searching for people to take part in them. But, more importantly for the present, they need money very badly. FINANCING the omnibus proj- ect is not going to be easy, at least not the way they plan to go about it. The regular operating expenses will be rent for the build- ing, $250 monthly salary that the Gilliams will draw from the re- ceipts, and the costs of building renovation -and project supplies. To cover it, they hope that they will never have to charge admis-. sion, except for affairs like Sun- day's benefit ($2.50 a person). So where is the money going to come from? Contributions, they hope. Admission charges for spe- cial events. Hall rental from or- ganized groups (non-organized groups will be allowed meeting space free). Eventually, receipts that will surely come once they have procured the permanent cabaret license they are applying for. In the meantime, with sure op- timism and dedication, they are doing some planning. There is scheduling to be done-time pri- orities have to be established for the various classes and functioirs that will be taking place in the building's nine rooms. And- there is some sweat to be expended in whipping the old building into shape. But for now, any project is pointless without money. That's why there's a benefit tomorrow at 6 p.m., with The Don Gillis Thing, The Unpredictables, and The Circus. "OUR CHIEF CONCERN is with the community of Ann Arbor," Gene said. "The guys who go to work at three in the afternoon and just sit around in the morn- ing and do nothing. This is going to be a place to go to." If the Gilliams get the cash. Stop in on Sunday, look around. You'll see that it's worth' your support. .4 -Daily-Jay L. Cassidy Beam will be removed from hall Daily-Jay L. Cassidy The Gilliams and their place 4..,....,...:':::.::i""::::.^"""""^'^v:': . :.^:: v",v r:::: .".."...:..::" :+.'::f'.:'rr.Y::::r.!!viYr: rrfN.:'A"t Y::fnV:r"W:frf::: :"..,:.:. ':y.Yrr:fr+JnY. t Yn'+n:vWr'nV."."rt. !N:Y!Y"t"rrr::A'f.Y",i'h!'.'.hr".Yfrrrnhh:'frr ,":":" 'r:tYY!!W:r.Y J.W:r:"" .... ..,:u'Yn nY::: r: n:: :v~. .:".""r."av+vr"4. ":+ ". 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Their campaign provides a bad- ly needed last ditch effort to breathe some life into an educa- tional system which seems to be retreating further and further from touch with living,breathing students. Hopefully, it will show a confrontation between diametric- ally opposed educational philos- ophies, if voters are able to pene- trate the veil of subtle exchanges which still shields the position of some participants and it will for- mulate a coherent image of what is being debated. ALTHOUGH the platforms of the two candidates differ immen- sely in many ways, they have in common a creative approach to educational problems. And they both appeal strongly to those seg- ments of the community which the existing educational system is unable to accommodate, and which it is rapidly losing its ability to silence. The support of the New Politics Party for these two candidatesis illustrative of its new and unique brand of utopianism. Although it is seeking a trans- formation of society that may be more radical than any previously envisioned, it has no plans for a sudden dramatic coup, and is cer- tainly not gathering its forces for complete withdrawal from an aging and ailing world. It is part of a movement whose tactics are undecided and whose goals are undefined. This has given rise to a modesty in its im- mediate expectations and a flexi- bility in its framework which en- ables it casually to adopt a myriad of aims and approaches from Bill Ayres carefree slogan "the trouble with the schools is that there are too many grownups on the school board" to Joan Adams' incisive casting up to liberals the shallow- ness and unfulfilled promises of liberal programs. The hostility of the less imagi- native segments of society will by no means serve to quell this move- ment. IF IT RUNS aground it vill be because the disco itended elements which it :s mobilizing have beco:me to be affected, in whatever areas of society seem to be salvageable. This has brought forth a great deal of emphasis on promoting in- dividual self-determination and an enormous stress on liberating persons from irrational institu- tional constraints. One of the major points of em- phasis in Mrs. Adams' campaign is that the focal point of any just and workable way of combatting the problems of our educational system is to find out from the people affected what really are the needs which are crying rout to be resolved. It is one of the first co-, herent attempts to answer the question "what do you people want?" She has been actively seeking to promote the involvement of that sector of the community which is, customarily denied a voice in the decisions which influence they quality of its children's education by organizing it into groups which can criticize the schools from a position outside the power struc- ture. MRS. ADAMS opened her cam- paign by saying that one of her main reasons for running is that she "has served on enough com- mittees that made promises they didn't fulfill." She now feels that the only way to make a school sys- tem that is wholly outdated re- sponsive to the demands of its students is for there to be some real community representation. She hopes that as an individual who knows the needs and aspira- tions of the disenfranchised com- munity, she will attain the power to speak for them. The significance of Joan Adams' campaign for a seat on the Ann Arbor Board of Education derives to a great extent from her reas- sertion, in a new and far less facile manner, of an optimism and of certain fundamental faiths which reigned more or less undisturbed in this country throughout its youth. OF LATE, these beliefs have beenrlargely lost sight of in the welter of confusion which has en- gulfed us as a result of the in- ability of most of us to see the relevance of these beliefs to a rapidly changing environment. And the optimism once believed to be insuperable has been long suffocating in the widespread de- spair of problems which have cropped up ac a pace to which we are not accustomed and which are being called to our attention with a ferocity surpassed only by the torment which they are inflicting on their most obvious victims. The need to be realistic in the face of this turmoil has almost totally stifled all imagination and even wiped out the capacity to combat our problems in the level- of the individual, in sharp con- trast to the more prevalent quasi-, cynical faith in the process. The entire thrust of her cam- paign runs directly counter to the kind of mentality which prevails among most Ann Arbor voters. Awestruck by the scope of the community's needs, it can only devise dramatic remedies, utterly lacking in internal logic and and in understanding of the needs of either the community or the school system. In the past, these neurotic pro-' posals have only enraged conserv- atives, paralyzed liberal thinking, and demonstrated to the low in- come and black members of the community that it is futile to ex- pect the impetus for any construc- tive change to come from the existing power structure. The campaign of Joan Adams hits strongly at the pathetic in- effectuality and possible insin- cerity of those who have made feeble hit or miss attempts at aid- ing low income children to adjust to the demands of a school sys- tem primarily oriented around theF ,needs of fairly well off white stu- dents. It also provides an incisive criticism of the monotonous lam- ents of those who might like to see innovations in the schools but who are utterly lacing in the moti- vation or ingenuity to make maxi- mum use of even the existing re- sources. INSTEAD OF despairing at the multitude of ills against which the school system has at most tried to merely hold its ground, applying desperation measures on- ly when forced to do something by the threat of imminent dis- aster, Mrs. Adams is full of sug- gestions for rechanneling re- sources, which with a little imagi- nation and effort could alleviate some of the more dramatic prob- lems. For example, she sees no reason to despair at the far from perfect achievements of Operation Head Start. Presently, there is a huge waste of effort involved and an acute source of frustration grow- ing for both pupils and the school system because this program can- not accomplish miracles in one summer. It is largely the lack of adequate coordination between the federal program and the local school sys- tem which forces many of the Head Start pupils to repeat, the program the following summer. The problem could be resolved if a means were found to continue the assistance given to the kids in this program by incorporating the teacher-aids, who currently have no slot in the school system, into the regular school program. Funds for this and similar pro- grams which would focus on the basic educational and social needs levels, but particularly in the high school, is another problem which Mrs. Adams sees being veiled by. the focus on attractive exterior and the more conspicuous marks of a progressive school system for which Ann Arbor has traditionally striven. Mrs. Adams contends that the school system's method of warding off an explosion with a show of force by having police on the spot to quell the trouble is by no means the most enlightened way of cop- ing with the situation. She perceptively points out that this and most of the school sys- tem's methods for dealing with problems in -the area of human relationships amount to "putting children close to adulthood force- fully in an adolescent stage." She believes very strongly that "students can solve a lot of their own problems. They have to be heard. "The fundamental human problem of the school system- is' that kids are being pushed into a corner where they have to fight back." Mrs. Adams' campaign strikes sharply at the distorted values which deeply permeate the ed- ucational system, which are subtly perhaps even more deleterious than the unfulfilled promises and half-hearted attempts to alleviate the more obvious abuses. She directs a major portion of her attack on the school system at the racial imbalance which is in- herent in fundamental policy deci- sions and which'seems organically built into routine operation of the schools. A particularly telling mark of the school system's failure toward low income and black students, which Mrs. Adams focues on is the exceedingly high dropout rate of these students and the age at which most of them leave school. She contends that the vast majority of students, regardless of their race or economic level, enter high school with high hopes and enthusiasm. 'But the accelerated academic pace of high school, be- gins to really tax the shaky ed- ucational foundations of low in- come and black students. The increased segregation of the col- lege-boundstudents from the non- college-bound with the almost total channeling of the system's resources into programs exclusively designed for college-bound stu- dents is intensely discouraging for the non-college bound, causing them to drop out, regardless of their ability or level of achieve- ment in the curriculum in which they were enrolled.' MRS. ADAMS does not imply that every child has an inalienable right to pursue a college? prepara- tory program, but she is vigorously averse to relegating large numbers of non-college bound students to rranaraln 1 nrrin,,l.-which-4 n roam,,.n-. -. myriad of extra-curricular activi- ties, all tailored to suit the inter- ests and convenience of the white niiddle class majority is still an- other example of the subtle in- justices perpetrated under a' sy&- tem almost wholly \insensitive to the needs of its minority members. By far the most significant sub-- stantive attack which Mrs. Adams levels against the school system consists in her criticism that the perverted values which she sees underlying the treatment of low income and black students extends to the intellectual dishonesty em- bedded in the content of the cur- riculum. She contends that the teaching of black history as an elective course separate from the regular courses in American his- tory is discriminatory and "can- not contribute to mutual respect between students of the two races." MRS. ADAMS envisions the pur- pose of schools as "turning out good citizens, prepared to make their way in the world tomorrow, with a good education that will enable them to go as far as their capabilities will allow, and with the knowledge to build a better world than we have." She strongly agrees with those who hold that the community should give greater support to the schools. But she is just as em- phatic in' her insistence that the schools have an obligation to the community to merit this support by producing educated individuals. Joan Adams' campaign for a seat on the school board, besides being an expression of reaffirma- tion of faith in representative gov- erment, and the essential ability of the individual to best deter- mine his own destiny, is a reitera- tion of the fundamental American belief in the importance of educa- tion and the emphasis on youth as the foundation of a nation's strength. These ideas formed an impor- tant part of the mental settwhich prevailed' in this country in pre- vious eras. Today, the emphasis made by Joan Adams and others on the importance of youth for the health and future of the na- tion does not lie, as it did earlier in this nations history, in the no- tion that youth power can be har- nessed to increase American ma- terial prosperity. Rather,' youth ~s seen as ,a po- tential Instrume;,t in bringing about moral purification in the nation. To achieve this, we need a vastly improved educational sys- tem because the family and the other societal institutions which mould young people are frightfully inadequate. MRS. ADAMS is campaigning to right the inequities of the educa- tional system, and through it so- n _ _ w 0 ewroge ivii jN HIS APPEAL for renewal of military, aid to the oppressive Greek despotism, Defense Secretary Clifford occupies dubi- ous moral and strategic ground. Appearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Clifford contended that "the obligations imposed on us, by the NATO alliance are far more impor- tant than the kind of government they have in Greece or what they think of it." He further asserted that NATO would "disinegrate" if "our military aid to our allies was determined by the kind of government they maintain." Second class pnstage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arnr, MIdhigan, 48104. Daily excerit Sunday and Monday daring regular }6