IMPLEMENTING THE REPORT See editorial paige Y A'rA6 Sw4t igau ia i1 CLEAR lih-r72 Low38 Pleaisantly fair; fairly pleasant Vol. LXXVII, No. T9-S Ann Arbor, Michigan, Saturday, May, 25, 1968 Ten Cents Six Pages Spock trial: Seeds of sympathy srof. Joseph Sax of the Law School 1is currently in Boston observing the Spock conspiracy trial. His an- alysis of the courtroom situation will be published in The Daily un- til the end of the trial. By JOSEPH SAX Special To The Daily When the trial of the Boston Five resumed Friday, Asst. Dep- uty Attorney General John Mc- Donough was recalled to the stand. McDonough had already done the defendants a service in pic- turing them as "articulate and moderate" when they stated their anti-war views to him on Oct. 20 at the Justice Depart- ment in Washington. But the high point for the defendants in this first week of trial came 'when James St. Clair, attorney for William Sloane Coffin, be- gan his cross examination. St. Clair, a member of one of Boston's most prestigious law ' firms, used the cross examina- tion brilliantly to initiate the defendants' counter -attack. Thus far the prosecution has methodically been building its case by stressing two central points. First, that the defend- ants continuously admitted that they were "counselling, aiding -and abetting" draft re- sisters in direct contravention of the law; and second, that they openly defied and chal- lenged the government to pro- vide a "moral confrontation" by indicting them. St. Clair's cross examination met the prosecution head-on. Extracting from McDonough the admission that the de- fendants had urged legal rea-, sons for their conduct-such as their belief in the unconsti- tutionality of the selective serv- ice law and the war, and their conviction that they were with- in the protection of the free speech provisions of the first amendment, he emphasized that the defendants' statements were not admissions of guilt, but of challenge to statutes and actions they believed, to be in- valid. This point he tied quick- ly to the "defiance" evidence of the government. "They wereexplicit in their insistence they were violating t- law," St. Clair said, "so there could be a prosecution to test these laws." He asked McDonough, "Didn't you re- alize they were trying to pro- mote a test case?" The answer was "no," but St. Clair had made his point. It was not de- fiance of law, but a forun to test the law, which the de- fendants sought. If the defense can persevere in this strategy and make their point to the jury, they will have achieved an extraordinary vic- tory. For while the judge will instruct the jurors that ques- tions of law are not ,for them to decide, St. Clair has tried to get them to consider the legal issues indirectly-by viewing the defendants' good faith con- viction in their legal stance as a defense, and their provoca- tion of the indictment as an ac- ceptable and appropriate means to test their position. In this regard. it is most in- teresting that the other point brought out on cross-examina- tion of McDonough was the re- sisters' despair that they could not get the government to un- dertake aserious examination of their complaint that the United States was traducing in Vietnam certain of its obliga- tions under the conventions governing the rules of war. Thus, St. Clair went to some effort to ask McDonough whether he thought the defend- ants had raised "significant" issues as to the morality and legality of the war, to which McDonough answered, "No." And, when McDonough said that he did not fully under-, stand the meaning of what the defendants were saying, but admitted that he made no ef- fort to ask questions which would clarify things for him, St. Clair concluded by noting, "You didn't understand, yet you asked no questions, though inability to communicate with' the government is the com- plaint of young men challeng- ing" the war. It was a powerful session, and a significant one. But whether the jury will view these events as a justification is most uncertain. No doubt the prose- cutor will tell them, and the judge instruct them, that a belief in the legality of one's conduct, however sincere, does not absolve one of criminal re- sponsibility. But the seeds of sympathy are being planted; time alone will tell whether they can blossom in the heart of a Wellesley Hlls sarchitect or an A&P meat cutter. DeGaulle asks greater power Calls for ,economic reforms; stock exchange in flaires PARIS (R) - Charles de Gaulle appealed to the deeply troubled French last night to vote him powers to make sweep- ing economic and social reforms, and he threatened to quit if they don't.. The immediate reply from riotous students was re- newed violence in the streets 'of Paris and arson fires at the Bourse-the stock exchange. Labor was skeptical at best. In a television-radio broadcast, the 77-year-old president asked for a "mandate of renovation"-a referendum to be held in June that would give discontented students, workers and farmers a greater voice -Associated Press TwoNiews of de (aulle DEMAND MEETING: Blacks boycott AH By MARCIA A3RAMSON Most of Ann Arbor Pioneer High School's 129 black students will boycott classes Monday morning unless school administrators agree to a meeting with the faculty and student council for a discussion of a controversial curricula question- naire and other grievances. The black students began their class boycott yesterday morning and forced administrators to meet with them throughout the day. Late last night the school ad- ministrators and superintendent of schools Scott Westerman were still meeting to determine how to handle the boycott. High school programs are di- vided into several areas. There had been complaints that black students were being forced into the general (non-college-bound) curricula. The survey asked how each black student was put into a curriculum. White students were not surveyed. The boycott is being led by the Ann Arbor Youth Council of the NAACP. Council president Ed Welch predicted that many white stu- dents would support the boycott. The black students did not list their grievances or present them in any written form. "We want to talk this out in words," Welch ex- plained. At their meeting with schoolx administrators in the auditorium yesterday, the students did discuss some of their grievances. They in- cluded: -distribution of scholarships to "rich white kids." -discrimination by teachers. Shortly before school endedeyes- terday principal Nicholas Schrei- ber summarized the day's events on the public address system. He said the student \ demand of a meeting with the faculty at 8 a.m. Monday was impossible and sug- gested a meeting at 2 p.m. instead. The students never went to classes yesterday. They went di- rectly to the general office and demanded that their question-l naires be returned. Rokicki promised the students their complaints would be investi- gated. The specific questions on the form asked the student what curriculum h'e is in, why he chose that curriculum, whether he was forced to enter that curriculum and if so, by whom, whether he has ever changed courses and why,. his attitude towards school, grade average and attendance record. 51 'Ad-hoe group drafts new bylaw proposal { .y An ad-hoc group of students has draw up a bylaw implementing completed a draft of the contro- the Commission's recommenda- versial bylaw proposal which tions by last Friday's meeting, but would implement the Hatcher decided not to act on the pro- Commission's recommendation for posal in the wake of student pro- the establishment of a University tests. Council (UC). .The students charged that Cut- The group, composed of mem- ler's version of the bylaw violated bers of Student Government the principles of the Commission Council and other student lead- report and was "railroaded" ers, will meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. through consultations with stu- to discuss the draft and to make dent leaders. Cutler claims that final changes and plans. for ne- changes in the intent of the Coin- gotiation. mission were necessary because of in their own affairs. No date for the ,referendum was an- nounced. First reactions from union an'd opposition political leaders ranged from shrugged skepticism to re- jection. Former Premier Pierre Mendes- France, a moderate leftist, said the millions of striking workers and rioting students have, in ef- fect, already given de Gaulle his answer. Anti-Gaullist rioters crushed a police commissioner to death with a truck load of rocks in Lyon and set fire to Paris' stock exchange in rebollion spreading across France last night and today. The fatality was the first officially re- ported in three weeks of violence. Students erected barricad'es for the third straight night in wide- spread areas of Paris. Windows were shattered and pavement was torn up along long stretches of street battlefields as insurgents hurled paving stones at police. Hundreds of youths late last night rattled open the iron gates of t h e classically columned Bourse, swarmed onto the trad- ing floor, piled up wooden quota- tion boards and set them afire. Firemen put out the blaze but' parts of the Bourse were badly, damaged. Speaking to the nation, de Gaulle spoke of the necessity to assure "the elementary existence of the country, as well as public order." Grim faced, the president said] the unrest is a sure sign that French society must 'be changed to permit citizens a greater share in the management of their affairs. De Gaulle's address did little to calm the nation. Georges Seguy, secretary-general of the Com- munist-led General Confederation of Workers, said workers "don't want a referendum but better working conditions." The French Democratic Federa- tion of Labor, moderately left, de- clared that the speech "confirms the necessity to reinforce the strike movement." "It is not a referendum that will solve the problems," said Waldeck Rochet, secretary general of the powerful Communist party. "The government is condemned in the long run.": Gaullists found reason to praise the president's address. Henry Rey, head of Gaullist deputies An the assembly, said de Gaulle had made a penetrating analysis of France's problems. firm On bombing PARIS (A) - North Vietnam seemed to slam the door yester- day on any hope of agreement with the United. States short of American retreat on the bombing issue, but declined to take the initiative for breaking. off pre- liminary Vietnam peace talks. The word from Hanoi, both from its delegation here and from leaders in North Vietnam, sounded harder and more uncompromising than ever as the two sides pre- pared for a fifth round of talks Monday after a four-day recess. The prospect was for either long-term deadlock or a show- down which could bring the talks to the brink of a collapse. BREAKING MEETING A North Vietnamese delegation spokesman said that on the Hanoi side there is no question of break- ing off the meeting. . On the American side, willing- ness to "stay the course" was the keynote. A U.S. spokesman, refer- ring to a description by the North Vietnamese of U.S. Ambassador W. Averell Harriman as "perfidi- ous and obstinate," retorted sharply. "We don't feel we're obstinate," said the American spokesman, William J. Jorden.' "We know we're not perfidious. We are try- ing to find answers to serious problems which are the concern of people all over the world. The sooner we stop throwing adjectives around and come to grips with real issues, the sooner we'll get something done." BOMBING HALT But Hanoi's contention is that its delegation came here to dis- cuss how to end the U.S. bombing of the north'and that nothing else can be discussed until that is settled. Speeches of leaders in Hanoi, headed by Premier Pham. Van Long at a meeting of North Viet- /nam's National Assembly, and broadcasts of Hanoi radio, ap- peared to be appealing not only to world opinion to bolster the Paris delegations' position but to internal opinion in North VietIamg as well. ,Hanoi -Associated Press Thomas Lewis and Rev. Berrigan Dra t protesters draw six-year sentences for recor destrructon BALTIMORE, Md (;P)-Two of cal" full term of 18 years, but the of the pamphlets was not per- f f t h~ dwith d i d h ld hp b ht i dA lour paciiisU c argea wi pour- Jauu ge aia ne wom ou rILugL ing blood on draft records last back after the court sought pro- fall were sentenced to six years fessional advice. in federal prison today. Judge Edward S. Northrop's Mteu. The men grappled with the dep- uties and were taken to the mar- The students expect to use their version of the bylaw as the basis for negotiation with administra- tors and faculty next week. Pres- ident Robben Fleming agreed ear- lier this week to have the bylaw drafted by a group composed of one student, one faculty member and one administrator. The Regents deferred action last week on the version of the bylaw submitted by Vice President for Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler. The Regents asked Cutler to instructions from the Regents and has repeatedly denied the charges of "railroading." Cutler's version of the bylaw would have had UC make rules for students only, while both the Commission report and the stu- dents' version have it making regulations for all members of the University community. The version of the bylaw draft drawn up by the students would have University Council make all non-academic regulations in the University. The six-year terms were im- posed on the Rev. Philip F. Ber- * rigan, 44-year-old Roman Catho- lic priest, and Thomas P. Lewis, 28-year old artist. A third defendant was given a three-year sentence by U.S. Dis- trict Judge Edward S. Northrop. The fourth was given a "techni- sentencing of the four war protes- ters, in U.S. District Court, touch- ed off a disturbance in the hall- way as about 200 spectators surg- ed out of the courtroom. Two male spectators in the hall had peace pamphlets. Deputy U.S. marshals told them distribution Bus company ceases Ann Arbor operation I By NADINE COHODAS Arvin Marshall, owner of the City Bus Company, disbanded his service yesterday after the city disclosed it has been negotiating with Short Way Lines for a city route. Marshall told his eight drivers he was through with Ann Arbor bus operations and was unwilling to continue under present condi- tio is. He said the possibility of a rival company entering the city was "quite a handicap to work under." 4W Marshall's drivers have been on strike for higher wages and fewer hours since Wednesday, leaving Ann Arbor without bus service. City Administrator Guy Larcom said the city is actively continuing negotiations with Short Way Lines and with another company, St. j ' Marshall said although he was discontinuing service in the city, his School Bus Service, Charter Service, and suburban runs would continue through June 1. City officials said negotiations with the two other bus companies were deliberately kept secret so that if an agreement with Mar- shall could not be reached, the city could make other arrangements for public transportation. How- ever, Marshall, admitted he knew about the city's secret negotiations "for about three weeks." Marshall had asked the Ann Arbor city council to approve a fare increase of five cents-from x.30 to $.35. He maintained this increase was necesary to meet his driver's demands for salary in- creases. To help overcome the company's 1967 deficit, the Council Monday shal's office. This touched off -discrimination in athletics. screams of "Justice," "Uncle The black students did not al- Tom," and "Where's the gas low any white students in the au- chamber?" ditorium during yesterday's meet- Order was restored quickly, but ing. A sign on the door read, "On- a crowd of 50 later gathered out- ly black students allowed." side the marshal's office to pro- test the men being held. The government accused the defendants of pouring blood w n draft records last Oct. 27 at the U.S. Custom House, headquartersP arki for all 26 of the city's draft boards. Pri They said their "sacrificial and,, constructive act" was performed By DAVJ to protest "the pitiful waste of American and Vietnamese bood" A proposed regulation eli in Vietnam. parking is likely to add extra co They said the blood was their situation. own. Authorities said it was The proposal, currently awai duck's blood. eliminate all parking on city st A jury convicted them April 16 E. Robbins, city parking and t of destruction of government reasons for the city's proposal. property, mutilation of governi- ment records and impedingvSe- However, SGC president 1 lective Service procedures: proposal results from a concern David Eberhardt, 27-year-old vehicles if the Regents approve1 conscientious objector and formertregulations. teacher, was given three three- He added there was little year sentences, also to run con- since many of the students aff currently. His bond was set at eligible to vote in Ann Arbor. $7,500. "The proposal is a sensele Fred E. Weisgal, court ap- is adopting out of fear of moreE pointed defense counsel, said he for the rights of the students i would appeal immediately to the Robbins linked many of th U.S. 4th Circuit Court in Rich- area with long lines of parkedt mond, Va. cellent refuge for muggers, who "You have transcended the tol- their victims," he said. He also erable limits of civil disobedience," igan cities that show a drop in Judge Northrop told the defend- of on-street parking at night. ants as he sentenced them, "Streets are for the moveme NEW CITY COUNCIL PROLPOSAL ng rule: Putting the car to bed ID M A N N ym :a .. e I II k, , - -a . .. .....,... s _, ........... .. ......... T ninating all late night on-street nfusion to the Ann Arbor parking iting action by City Council would reets from 2 a.m. to 5 a.m. John raffic engineer, has given several Michael Koeneke said the city's over a projected influx of student the abolition of University driving SGC could do about the proposal ected by the new ruling are not ss, "get tough" posture the city student vehicles, with little regard involved," Koenek@ said. he crimes in the Central Campus cars. "Parked cars provide an ex- can hide inside cars waiting for cited studies done in other Mich- street crimes following elimination ent of vehicles, not their storage," I i , . . m