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May 24, 1968 - Image 1

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444PP71 at

Intermittent showers
today and tonight

Vol. LXXVIII, No. 18-8SAnn Arbor, Michigan, Friday, May 24, 1968 Ten Cents

Six Pages



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De ense scores Fane


Prof. Joseph Sax of the Law School is currently
in Boston observing the Spock conspiracy trial. His
analyses of the courtroom situation will be pub-
fished in The Daily until the end of the trial.
Special To The Daily
The mood of the Spock trial has shifted dis-
cernibly during the last 24 hours. Yesterday's
session was a bitterly ironic one for the de-
fendants. At the very moment the government
was showing films of defendant William Sloane
Coffin, saying "Churches at their best have al-
ways been a sanctuary for conscience . . . now
if there are going to be arrests let these arrests
be made in the churches," U. S. marshals and
Boston police were storming the Arlington Street
Church to apprehend a young draft resisterwho
had taken refuge there.
Today for the first time the prosecution's
tactic of forthrightness in showing and reading
defendant's speeches may have begun to back-
fire. Thursday's session began with the prosecu-
tor reading "a time to say no," the speech given
S b3( 23-year-old defendant Michael Ferber at the
Arlington Street Church last October. Restrained
but powerful, Ferber's speech argued that it was
time to say no tp the war and in so doing to
say yes to that moral commitment which every
man of conscience must at some time confront.
With each sentence read by the government at-
torney, Ferber grew in stature.
This was followed by a film of the October 20
draft card turn-in at the Justice Department in
Washington. Largely composed of Coffin's re-
mearks outside the building, the film showed him
to considerable advantage. Coffin told the group

that "Military victory spells moral defeat." Sym.-
pathizing with the soldiers abroad and with those
parents and wives who had loved ones in Viet-
nam, he told them that "sacrifice alone, however
great, wash the blood off their hands." To those'
about to engage in civil disobedience, he said,
"You all, like Luther, who said 'here I stand, I can
do no other, God help me'."
The last witness of the day, John McDonough,
assistant deputy attorney general, described his
meeting with the defendants and others at the
Justice Department. Precisely, and without refer-
ence to any notes, McDonough detailed the com-
ments of each of the ten persons who had come
into the Justice Department building to partici-
pate in the ceremony of returning 992 draft cards
collected from young men across the nation. As
he spoke, it was with difficulty that one remem-
bered he was a witness for the prosecution. What
came across was the participants' deep concern
for the misguided direction they saw our society
taking in the war, the difficulty with which they
faced the dilemma of-a war which moved them
to seemingly illegal actions and the compulsion
which those of the older generation felt to sup-
port the conscientious decision of young men
constrained not to cooperate with the war effort.
For the first time, the accumulation of evi-
dence seemed to lean in favor of the defendants.
The prosecution itself had humanized them. The
image of abrasive and militant radicalism began
to fade. No one here is ready to suggest that
the defendants have a substantial chance of ac-
quittal, but for the first time it has begun to look
like something more than the inexorable march
toward the jailhouse.

DeGaulle meets
with cabinet; i
announce policy
PARIS (.0-Pres~dent Charles
de Gaulle met with his cabinet
yesterday for nearly four hours
in an effort to solverthe nation's
crippling domestic crisis.
De Gaulle, whose 10-year regime
repulsed attempts in parliament
Wednesday to overthrow his ca-
binet, is scheduled to address the
nation on television tonight.
The strike-bound nation waited
impatiently for word from the 77-
year old Da Gaulle on how he
pns to deal with the upheaval
o{millions of workers.
Rioting students and police
turned Paris' Latin Quarter into a
bloody battlefield early today In
ominous prelude to a massive new
confrontation between the angry
left and De Gaulle.
The nightlopg conflict sent
more than 50 persons to hospitals
as brickbats, molotov cocktails
and teargas grenades flew through
the air and barricades flamed..
The farmers want higher prices
for their products, the workers
higher wages. The students, whose
drive for academic reforms ori-
ginally touched off France's grav-
est crisis since World War II, now
are protesting the exile of one
of their leaders, Daniel Cohn-
The leftist student idol, known
as Danny the Red, arrived in
Frankfurt from Amsterdam yes-
terday determined to reenter
France despite the ban.
In the overnight rioting, stu-
dents chopped down ancient trees
to form barricades and set alight
piles of uncollected garbage in
their desperate bid to halt the
steady advance of the police
through the student quarter.
Some student monitors rode
frantically around the area on
motorbikes trying to calm the si-
tuations. But their efforts were in
vain. Authorities said they sus-
pected there were professional agi-

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18 demonstrators
ailed In capital
Congressman intervenes to calmn
Poor Peoples' Campaign protesters
WASHINGTON (M? - A welfare protest on Capitol Hill
produced the first arrests of' the Poor People's Campaign
Eighteen demonstrators singing outside a House office
building were jailed on charges of unlawful assembly, a
Only the intervention of a congressman and a promise
by the Rev. Jesse Jackson, a leader of the campaign, that
other demonstrators would leave quietly prevented the arrest
of perhaps 50 more.
The arrests andi a hint by Jackson that Negro leaders
are looking beyond the current campaign to an economic
boycott in the nation's major

The church proved no sanctuary
Students win three conce
at San Francisco State C4

tators in the throng.
Shortly after 12 a.m. today
several demonstrators drove an
automobile headlong toward a
group of police. They missed the
police and the car crashed into
another. The occupants were
taken to a hospital.
Several French and foreign
photographers were injured by
flying missiles.
The Communist-led General
Confederation of Labor last night
ordered its branches throughout
France to start mass demonstra-
tions today.
The week-old strike wave ap-
peared to have reached a plateau
with employes of a few more com-
Janiesjoining the movement and
those of a few small ones going
back to work.
The exact number of strikers
was difficult to determine. Esti-
mates ranged up to 10 million.
3ssIons However a compilation of the
number reported by each of
France's three main trade union
federations put the total at half
of the national work force of 16
oliege million. Business and financial
sources supported the eight mil-
Academic Senate, a -lion estimate. This figure included
osed of the entire fac- many workers who refused to cross
move tokeepth~picket lines.
moved to keep the , The big enigma was what de
contract by a 30 vote Gaulle will tell the nation. Infor-
mation Minister Georges Gorse
ontinued at the 18,000 told newsmen the president had
hool despite the pro- filled in his ministers on the broad
exams begin in two lines of his speech.
Under the circumstances, Gorse
't in San Francisco said, "you will understand that I
ROTC is 29 students, cannot reply to your questions."

-Associated Press cities marked a' day of ten-
sion in the drive by the poor
Product of the strike fojbstndincme
, or jobs and" ncome.
"This campaign, has got to
bring the problems of the poor to
INTERIM CHOICES: the"attention of everyone in the
country," said George A. Wiley,
another campaign leader, after
the arrests. "And everyone should
Congressional leaders announced
1 1 0"the formation of an unofficial bi-
partisan group of 30 senators and
representatives to provide "a line
of communication" between Con-
By iLESLIE WAYNE gress and the Poor People's Cam-
Prof. Albert Wheeler of the Medical School yesterday filed a paign.
brief in Washtenaw County Circuit Court asking Mayor Wenidell E. The committee is headed by
Hulcher to make interim appointments to the county board of super- Sen. Edward W. Brooke R-Mass).
visors until its members are elected. Brooke said the committee will
In the past, members of the county board were appointed by People's encampment in West Po-
the mayor. However, the circuit court ruled May 11, that members on tomac Park, and try'to provide a.
the board must be elected on a one-man-one-vote basis. forum to discuss "realistic legis-
When issuing the ruling, the court delayed action on a contro- lative and administrative proops-
versial section dealing with the mayor's power of appointment until als" to help solve some of the
the city and Dr. Wheeler submit- I problems and national needs of
ted their position briefs. the poor.
The city, which filed its brief f f Od VISIT MILLS
last Monday, contends the mayor A ut W/ 1k I .EWiley sparked the confrontation
should not be required to make that resulted in the arrests when
any appointments, thus endors- he led, about 200 demonstrators
ing action taken by the mayor to Iuc ao 3 from the campaign's shantytowna
extend present board member' headquarters near Lincoln Me-
terms. 1* morial to the office of Rep. Wil-
The mayor extended the terms m strike bur D. Mills (D-Ark), chairman
of present board members April of the House Ways and MeansE
10 rather than appoint new mem- By NADINE COHOIAS Committee. J.
ers. Members of the Ann Arbor Wiley told the group Mills is.
bers.Memer ofWleycheled"on ofthemos
DENY VOTETeaching Association (AATA) responsible for a new welfare law
By extending the appointments, voted Wednesday not to report Wiley called "one of the most
Wheeler claimed the mayor was for work next ifall unless a con- vicious, racist laws in the history
"denying a people their own ef- tract settlement' with the Board of the country."
fective voice." Specifically, Wheel- of Education has' been reached The demonstrators intended to
er objected to the re-appointment and ratified by that time demand that Mills call hearings
of Cecil O. Creal, Herbert Ellis At a system-wide meeting the so they could testify for repeal of
and Bent Nielson to the board. AATA passed a "no agreement-no the law, which limits the number
Wheeler, state chairman of the work" resolution along with three of dependent children eligible fork
NAACP and local members of other resolutions. Two of the reso- Welfare benefits.
CORE had previously criticized lutions detailed fatification pro- At Mills' office they were met
these men as being "unrepresen- cedures for any pact with the by police guarding a closed door.
tative of the black community." Board of Education and establish- About half the demonstrators'
The mayor later claimed he ex- ed the authority of an AATA ne- settled down in the halls to waitJ
tended the appointments because gotiating team to meet with and the others remained on thes
he was not able to receive the Board representatives. sidewalk outside.
necessary six votes in council to Th hersouinctand A the start of a round of free-
approve his slate of nominees. His a formal statement of the teach- dom/ songs .by the group outside,
proposed slate included two of the ers' "strong disapproval" of the police informed Wiley it is against'
three board members opposed by Board's latest salary proposal, the law to sing or kneel on the
the NAACP and CORE. AATA executive secretary James Capitol grounds, and that anyone
Wheeler and the city disagree Scheu said the most recent offer, doing so .would be arrested.
on a section of the city charter esented to AATA represen SERENADE
granting the mayor power to ex-tveTusa eengws -
tend the termsofcappointedoffi-rs v tie B dy p fWileywho is executive director
terntle teirsucapoeoff-hsvtingf"the National Welfare Rights
ben leed or app e The Board proposal offers near- anizth an
ly a ,2 per cent increase over the Organi zik n, said anyone whoi
DISPUTED AREA I present salary schedule. The felt.lik sinn amind
In his brief, Wheeler states starting salary for teachers with going to jail was free to do so.
= = = ==== :20e-re -m$dent the-grup d.
this provision does not apply to a'/bachelor's degree would beBufishemdtegrpd-
the board of supervisor appoint- raised to $6,300 a year, ra $300 vide itself into those who intend-,
ments. In addition he claims a raise over the present starting ed to sing and those who did not.
section that forces .the mayor to salary. Teachers with a master's Capitol Police Chief J. M. Pow-
fill any vacant appointed office degree, presently earning $11,070 eliannouhedotovers albllhornio
within 30 days does apply, a year, would receive a, $240 in- that the r pitas'clarlyin o
The city's brief claims that ex- crease. . lation of the Capitol laws.
tending the terms during the in- The teachers, however, are re- "In spite of this 'we have not
terim period is both proper and questing considerably more. In a made arrests," he said, andshe
legal. March 2'7 proposal,' the AATA des- gave them three minutes to stop
Ann Arbor City Attorney Peter ignated what it termed a "mini- singing. Ever louder swelled the
Forsyth noted that new members mum package" of salary and strains of "We Shall Overcome."
will be elected to the board in fringe benefit increases. The police started loading thes
the November election, but Wheel- The AATA proposal requests unresisting demonstrators into pa-t
er claims delays resulting from salaries from $6,500 to $11,050 a trol wagons lined up at the curb
suits that might challenge the new year for teachers with a bache- and .had dispatched two wagon-r
apportionment plan could post- lor's degree, and salaries from loads to the Jail when Jacksont
pone the election for up to two $7,150 to $12,350 a year for teach- arrived from Resurrection City
years. ers with a master's degree. and conferred with the police.-


Washtenaw C o u n t y Sheriff
Douglas J. Harvey, lashing out at
members of the Washtenaw Coun- -
ty DeputiesdAssociation (WDA),
last night demolted its president,"
William H. Stander, from sergeant
to deputy.
Earlier in the day, Stadbr,
and former deputy Fred J. PostillI
secretary of WCDA, brought
charges against Harvey accusing
him of violating the states
Hutchinson ;Act which forbids
public employers from discrimi-
nating against workers because of
labor union activities.
Harvey demoted >Stander in
front of the entire force which
was gathered for its regularly
scheduled departmental meeting,
calling the members of the asso-
ciation '"tro iblemakers."
The demoti n constitutes an
annual decease in pay qf abo
.Postill said "Harvey was very
disturbed when he saw our charges
printed in the Ann Arbor News."
Harvey read the charges in front
of the meeting and said that the
deputies were trying to "ruin"
Harvey has fired Postill twice
and Stander once allegedly Je-
cause of their unionizing activities.
In February a State Labor Med-
iation .Board examiner found
Harvey guilty of violating the
Htthinson Act because of' his
firing of Stander, Postill, and two
other deputies who sought col-
lective bargaining rights with the
CountyBoad of Supervisors.
Harvey, who is up for re-election
in November unless someone cha
lenges him in the Democratic jri-
mary in August, has been piutting
pressure on the deputies associa-
tion for the past six months,
About six iweeks ago 'Harvey
formed a new deputies group
called the Deputies Bargaining
Organization. Postill says that
about half of the 65 man' force
has gone ovpr to the6new organi-
zation largely because of threats
of demotions and firings frm
Harvey. In addition, ";Informed
sources indicate that Harvey has
promoted the six command offi-
cers (officebrsabove deputy rank)
who, have "been organizing the
new 'group.
Stander's and Postill's case
against Harvey includes charges
that the sheriff discriminated
against the two when they were
reinstated to the force following
the February ruling by the SLM.
Stander was a shift sergeant
before he was firhed but was 'put
on road patrol under a corporaE
when he returned to' the force.,
Postill was fired again byH'a"rvey
less than two months after h
was reinstated, to the =force in
March. He is pushing for a sec-"
and reinstatement to the Mrce
and is charging Harvey with duty
discrimination from the perio4 Qf
M~arch 18 to 0May t. -
Postill said he is "very certain"
a fourth set of charges will be
made against Harvey in regard to
Stander's demotion,
Senate passes .
crime' ControlS

Administrators at San Francis-
co State College yesterday gave
in on three of four student de-
mands as over 400 students con-
tinued to sit-in in the school's
administration building.
The concessions came after
day-long consultations with stu-
dent leaders who had threatened
to "close down the school" if de-
mands were not let yesterday.
Students have been given signed
statements on the three Issues,
# Bus line hints
fare increase
Although drivers for theCity
Bus Company agreed to a new
wage package yesterday, continu-
ation of bus service still depends'
on a fare increase.
The drivers went on a sick call
strike Tuesday after City Coun-
cil delayed action on a proposed
fare increase.
The drivers settled on a $27 per
day wage increase yesterday.
However, unless City Council ap.

said student leader John Levin.
The concessions were:
-The admission of 428 students'
from minority groups under spe-
cial admissions requirements;
-The formation of an "ethnic
studies department," which would
offer such courses as black his-#
tory, and the appointment ofi
nine professors from minority
groups to this department;
-The rehiring of Juan Martin-'
ez, an instructor of Latin Ameri-
can history who has supported
the students ,demands and had
helped organize the campus' Third
World Liberation Front.
Protests continue with students
still, demanding the termination
of the college's contract with the
Air Force Reserve Officer's Train-
ing Corps.
Levin said "Tremendous com-
munity and student support" for
the demands were responsible for
the success of the demonstrations.
The protests are being led by
the student government, the local
Students for a Democratic Society
and -the Third World Liberation
Front, with the support of other
The sit-in in the administration



Joi n


.Daily and meet Slimy Stevie

Special To The Daily
Because No One Else Would Print it
Steve Nissen is a man with
a message: "Shaft 'em," Steve
He is known as Slimy Stevie
to his enemies. If he had
friends, he would be known as
Slimy Stevie to them, too. He's
In his function as Daily ace
reporter and thief, Slimy oozes
into some of the strangest

"Why did you join The
Daily?" we queried.
"Before," he countered,
"when I wanted to shaft some-'
body I could only spread ru-
mors around. Now I can print
"Besides," he c o n t i n u e d
knowledgeably as he slid our
address book into his shirt,
"The Daily offers a unique op-.
portunity to meet interesting
people and express thought to

cause I can get Cokes for a
nickel here and be in on top-
level decision making and know
the first names of all the Re-
"Well, uhhhhhh, it was because
I wanted to steal things and
shaft administrators," Slime
contended with a fiendish grin.
"Aha," we thought.
Now, his fervor was begin-



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