o'.: Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control Of Student Publications 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-05521 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: MARCIA ABRAMSON Conscription should be continued... t tT i y~ f' .,8 Th " ,e 'rat y,., ~ *.~~. f , Draft or society: Resistance to what? LIBERTARIANS who argue for. an end to military conscription are well- meaning, but their contentions must be discarded as unrealistic. Elimination of the draft would lead not only to in- creased military, spending and a new upsurge of militaristic attitudes within the armed forces; it would take away the personal impetus for moral questioning of the war that only the draft seems capable of raising in today's amoral society. @00 It shouldn't TH3E CCONCEPT of the draft is anti- thetical to the idea of a free society. It is a never-ending source of amaze- ment to me that so many people can pro- test so many things concerned with and wrapped up with the draft and refrain from attacking the institution itself. The argument that the draft isa nec- essary evil (for otherwise, they insist, we must have a "professional" army) is a well-worn staple of certain pragmatists, Why not have neither, and let patriots fight the wars. "But," they say, "if there were no draft we'd all be slaughtered in our sleep!" It would be well if these pragmatists not- ed the existence of another side to their tarnished argument. The idea that the government can conscript citizens to fight a war so un- popular that enlisted men alone are not numerous enough to fight it is at least questionable, if not absurd. The idea that the government should be allowed to con- script young men and forcibly detain them in patriotic, well-meaning concen- tration camps in peacetime is ludicrous. Authorities and politicians from Nixon to McCarthy to the respected Republican Ripon Society have urged an end to con- scription and have pointed out that an all-volunteer army is not only desirable but entirely feasible. The costs of such a system would be high, but when the as- tronomical costs of the "Selective Serv- ice" are eliminated the figures are some- what more reassuring. fHE CURRENT trial of Dr. Spock is indeed significant to the entire issue of conscription. If resistance to the draft is, as it should be, deemed a legal means of expression of protest, the system be- comes completely obsolete. No one will be drafted against his will. The SSS will be issuing invitations rather than induction notices. Perhaps I'll be slaughtered in my sleep. But then again, I'd probably be a lot safer sleeping in a well-guarded con- centration camp. Thanks, but no thanks. -JOHN GRAY As the war drags inevitably on, it has become manifest that the only alterna- tive to massive drafting is the mainten- ance of a professional army. The prob- lem of motivating sufficient numbers of volunteers who would compose such an army could in the short run only be .solved by substantially raising military pay scales. .Worse, the professional army would undoubtedly fulfill the very fear which has traditionally made Americans wary of standing armies: the fear of a mili- tary sub-society, with attitudes and values unto itself. The existence of a peacetime draft throughout the Cold War years prior to Vietnam was a dan- gerous step down the road to militarism; the creation of a professional army would only enhance that unfortunate trend. BY A LOGIC admittedly perverse, the draft - by immediately affecting the lives o-f 'thousands of young men who Imight otherwise'have never become con- cerned with so "remote" an issue of pub- lic policy as Vietnam - has led many to question the fundamental premises of the war. Furthermore, it has provided an easy tip-of-the-iceberg-like object of protest and created civil liberties side is- sues (reclassification of war protesters, etc.) with which to attract "traditional" liberal support. This latter function of the draft - to create civil liberties martyrs who will win sympathy and support for the anti- war movement - has been much in evi- dence lately. The Spock-Coffin trial lays the fundamental question to the Bill of Rights: just how free is speech? General Hershey's criticism of a proposed draft reform which 1 would allow lawyer par- ticipation on behalf of defendants during selective service appeals proceedings has drawn sharp rebuke from even conserva- tive sources. RECENTLY, another likely trend-set- ting case prompted by the selective service has arisen. James Oestereich, a divinity student who lost his deferment after turning in his draft card, has per- suaded the Supreme Court to hear his case. Previously, the court has refused such cases. Solicitor General Griswold has conced- ed that Oestereich's draft board should not have reclassified him. Perhaps bet- ter than any other, that action illustrates the success of the draft in creating side issues. The side issues must not be allowed to become ends in themselves. The draft must (and has) create interest. Without it, the history of the 1960's might have been even more dismal than it has. -LUCY KENNEDY Bureaucracy, By SEYMOUR SLACK T AM SURE you have, at one time or another, had the oc- casion tot telephone a large uni- versity for information. It mat- ters little what it is that you are inquiring about, for the result is nerly always the same. It might happen something like this: "Good morning, University of Maize information, can I help you?" "Yes. I would like to talk with someone about employment in re- search." "The number of the Personnel Office is 521-6843, you welcome.' (click) "Good morning, Part-time Em- ployment, Miss Grumman speak- ing." "Hello, I would like to talk to someone about employment in re-4 search." "What field are you interested in?" "Communication science." "I see., How many hours did you want to work a week?" "Oh, full time. As many hours as is possible." "I'm sorry, this is the Part- time Employment Office. You want Personnel. The number is ahhh . . . 521-6844." (click) "Thank you." "Good morning, Central Per- sonnel, Miss Foster, speaking." "Hello, I am trying to inquire about employment in research. Can you help me?" "Have you filled out our appli- cation form?" "No. How could I. I'm on the telephone." "Oh, yes. Ahhh . ..what area of research are you interested in?" "Communication science." "I see. Have you ever had any experience in the hospital?" "I had my appendix out when I was fourteen." "I see. How about programming, do you know any computer lan- guages?" "Yes, I have worked with FOR- TRAN, COBOL, SNOBOL, and PIL., "Did you use PIL in the hos- pital?" "No . . . I was too young." "When did you learn to take a pill?" "No No. I mean I was too young to know about PIL computer lan- guage." "I see. Would you like to speak to an interviewer?" "Yesl I would." "Hold. just a moment, I will see if he is busy." (click) (click) "Mr. Jergensen, will be right with you." (click) (click) "Hello, Jergensen speaking." "Mr. Jergens, I am interested in employment in research." "Communication science, right?" "Right."- "My secretary told me, you see." "Yes, I see." "Well, let me see. What level of research are you qualified?" "I have a bachelors degree and I want to continue on with my masters. I thought something like a research assistant on a com- municatiohs project might tie in with my course work." "You mean, assistant in re- search." "Do i" "Yes, you see, this office handles only non-academic appointments or assistants in research." "I don't want an appointment, I want a job." "Right. But an appointment is a position doing research. Have you ny love ing a position in communication science doing research while I work on my masters degree. Do you know of such openings?" "Yes, sir, but not in Medical Personnel. You want the Office of Research Personnel. The num- ber is 521-6840." "Thank you very much." "You're welcome sir, goodbye." (click) "Good afternoon, Research Per- sonnel, Miss Gaberdeen speaking." "Hello, I would like to talk with someone about securing a research position in communication science. Can you help me?" "What did you want to know?" "Is there any positions open or will be in the near future?" "You will have to talk with Mr. Finch. Just a minute, I'll see if he is busy . .. Mr. Finch will be right with, you sir." (click) (click) "Mr. Finch speaking, can I help you?" "You've got to, there aren't many numbers left." "What?" By TOM BEUKEMA Daily Guest Writer EDITOR'S NOTE: The au- thor, who graduated from the University with a bachelor's degree in psychology last month, is a member of the Ann Arbor Resistance. On April 3, the national day of resistance, he turned in his draft card with eight other local men. OUT OF the dissent to the op- pressive American "System (iLe. the various mechanisms of control and economic progress for those who own and operate them) grew the Resistance move- ment. Resistance directly chal- lenges the theory and operation of one of those institutions, the Selective Service System. But the tone of draft resistance plunges deeper, into the conditions whi'ch allow the draft to dominate young Americans as it now does. The act exists as one personal response to the manifold socio-political stimuli, In July, 1965, the Selective Service System included in its or- ientation kit an article entitled "Channeling", in which it proud- ly asserted the importance of the draft in the determination of a young American's choice of study and career: "The process of channeling manpower by deferment is en- titled to much credit for the large number of graduate students in technical fields and for the fact that there is ~not a greater short- age of teachers, engineers, and other scieptists working in activi- ties which are essential to the national interests ... "In the Selective Service Sys- tem the term 'deferment' has been used millions of time to describe the method and means used to attract to the kind of service con- sidered to be most important, the individuals who were not com- pelled to do It. The club of in- duction has been used to drive out of areas considered to be less im- portant to the areas of greater importance in which deferments are given, the individuals who did not or could not participate in activities which were considered essential to the defense of the Nation. The Selective Service System anticipates further evo- lution in this area .... j. - INTENTIONS and methods similar to those of Selective Serv- ice - in part sustained by vested interests, power blocs, and coali- tions - seems inherent in other institutions as well. For example, the- education system emphasizes technological utility; it breeds little personal growth and crea- tivity. Similarly, the political and economic system places an indiv- idual or a race in a position of dependency and subordination, which maintains itself in part by undermining meaningful minor- ity participation. The Pacific phase of World War II started not in 1941, but in 1854, when Admiral Perry in'tro- duced Western civilization into Tokyo Harbor with three war- ships. U.S. military advisors and forces currently are engaged in anti-guerrilla combat in Guate- mala, Panama, Thailand, and in many other places; sheer' num- bers of Americans fighting and dying emphasize the combat in Vietnam. ANOTHER possible reason for this emphasis is the situation within the United States. In the early 1960's Negro Americans be- gan to react more positively to the oppression and exploitation to which white America has subject- ed them. Internal dissent grew to such a dangerous extent that the resultant tension demanded re- lease. The Vietnam conflict pro- vided the way. Besides guiding the imminent hostilities away from the reasons, the power struc-R ture also sought to unify the country toward this military scapegoat. Here U.S. forces, large- ly conscripted, support a dubious- ly chosen native elite who act against the best interests of the Vietnamese people - usually in the interest of American military and economic investment. Ran- dom bombing and the indiscrim- inate use of napalm furthers the atrocity. When disagreement .with this atrocity spread widely, particu- larly among "deferred" college students, the "System" attempted to smother it with one of its or- gans, Selective Service. This be- get and nurtured the Resistance movement. - April 15th, 1967. At an anti-war rally in New York City some 125, draft-age men burned their draft cards. During the week of October 16-21, which climaxed with the march on the Pentagon, several hundred joined them. Now the preferred act was to return the cards to the local board cr to the Justice Department. December 4th. April 3rd. Presently over 3000 men have publicly, proudly, an- nounced "Hell, no, I won't go!" Many more have refused copsrip- tion into the military, have "es- caped from freedom" into Can- ada or other sympathetic havens, or have quietly vanished. In less than a year the FBI ilEt- ed almost 60,000 Selective Service violations, which does not include refusal of orders or other acts of non-cooperation within the ili- tary. - Why? The fear of ,he "club of induction," and the lifelong choices which young male Ameri cans are forced to make, has cre- ated widespread examination of self and society in those formerly "Deferred". TO MANY, therefore, the act of resistance symbolizes hn aware- ness of the evils of America and of the disregard of the precepts upon which the United States were founded. But this act is more. It is a personal commitment which commences a way oflife based on the dignity of te indi- vidual, and on respect for that dignity. Selective Service, as well as the other controlling institftions of the U.S., segregates the individ- uals with which it deals from their environments and societies. One isolated cannot effectively fight many. On the other hand, Resistance remains group activity which unifies diverse persons who share a common goal. For no one man created the above conditions. Nor can any one man rectify them - neither Johnson, nor Kennedy, nor M- Carthy. It is we, the American people, who support the corrupt and the inept in those conditions. And only we can countermand them. ALTHOUGH the movement be- gan on larger college campuses, now over 60 groups exist on and off campuses across the country: Many have developed counseling centers to provide informatin about deferments and other alter- natives to draftable men and to other , interested parties. Sme have contacted and worked with persons in areas where no group has started. Others have ap- proached potential draftees and their teachers in high schools, and in many cases have been in- vited into the classrooms. And Resistance ;m e m b e r s suppoi t movements which challenge other inequitieshand exploitations. For the future" groups, have planned and started communes, coffeehouses, and freeschools, and other cbnsttuctive projects. Al- though almost all active resistors face the imminent prospect of prison terms, each one knows that others stand with him and behind him, to take his place and to greet him when he is released. For resisters, saying '"No!" to the draft is a beginning to saying "No!" to the stifling oppressions and inhumanities of the present "System:" Indeed, it is a begin- ning to saying "Yes!" to actions which will re-institute certain basic human values tn American society. "Oh, yes. Ahhh . . what area of research are you interested in? "Communication science." "I see. Have yOu ever had any experience in the hospital?" rr::.. r{{rngsssm im 28is~ i#5 :aa2sssiils ain x'"&#ti"}}":v:":{}}}: };"..a}R};ri"?". :rXi >:>:>:"}?:" Freiheit ist nor In demr Reich der traume tried the Medical Personnel Of- fice? My secretary tells me you have experience in hospitals." "But . . ." "Besides, I only have technician positions open now. The number is 521-6841. Thank you for your interest, goodbye." (click) "Hello, Medical Personnel. Just a moment pelase .... (click) ... . Miss Fogarty speaking, can I help you?" "I hope so. I am inquring about a position . .. "I'm sorry, sir, everyone is out to lunch. Could you call back or do you want me to take a mes- sage?"s "Ten after twelve already? No, no message, I'll call back after lunch." Lunch hour passes. "Good afternoon, Medical Per- sonel, Miss Vanice speaking." "Yes, I was talking to a Miss Fogarty this morning, is she in?" "No, she only works mornings. She is pregnant you know." "No, I ahh . . . I mean . . . I am desperately trying to find someone who can aid me in secur- "Excuse me, I would like to in- quire about getting a position in research. My field is communica- tion science. I was told an assis- tant in research appointment was appropriate for a beginning level." "You mean a research assistant, don't you? That's the academic title." "I'm sure I do. Now, I have a bachelors degree and I am going to be working on my masters." "I see. Have you contacted the School of Graduate Studies yet?" "I might have, I talked to every- body else." "What?" "Nothing, nothing. Please sir, just tell me, do you have any available positions in communi- cation science doing research. God knows you and the school could use a few." "No, I'm sorry. Due to national, monetary cutbacks the project directors are hiring very few re- search assistants. However, we have a branch office out at Bab- bling Brook Airport. They might need a . . . ." (CLICK)1 V WHO THEN is free? Student editors of the Michigan State News found out last week just how expendable some of their hard won promises of academic freedom really were. The State News ad- visory board rejected the senior editorial pointed another student petitioning for editor. This represented 'a sickening double cross of a pledge of editorial freedom given the State News by this year's stu- dent faculty committee on academic freedom. The committee etched out the limits of student power in the forefront of an academic freedom report later adopted by the university. Over the protests of several of the student members the committee gave the, State News advisory board power to re- ject the recommendation of outgoing senior editors. (But it did not give the board power to appoint a substitute edi- tor. Traditionally, the editor appoints his own staff.) 'THE COMMITTEE however stressed that the advisory board should not inter- fere with tone or content of the State News without submitting extraordinary reasons. In the final draft of the report adopted, section 6126 was changed, giv- ing the advisory board the prerogative to "select one of the other petitioners". Pro- +.*+ olt +he+ vn, imto mpera qq !ir!ib y fin- Werner. The advisory board, by an un- disclosed vote, overturned the recom- mendation and appointed Ed Brill. Now Werner and two seniors who favored him have appealed to the student faculty: judiciary, charging that the rejection violated the spirit of the academic free- dom report. A LONG WITH personality clashes in- volved (a member of the advisory board4 is Brill's roommate) the advisory board has refused to reveal its reasons for rejecting Werner. This is in sharp disparity with the theory that the onus of proof should rest on the board. And. by the spirit of the report, the board needs extraordinary reasons to interfere with the paper. At stake, though, is more than just the workings of due process. Appointing an editor out of hand with- out consulting the paper's senior editors is a slap at their judgment. But ruling on the appointment of a new editor in the first place smotes the spirit of free- dom of the press. No board, no matter how informed, should have the power arbitrarily to censor the press. And re- jecting an editor is a nefarious mode of censorship. That power must be vested with the editors of the State News if freedom of the press is to be maintained. Other avenues such as the recall can be established to remove an editor should 4 FEIFFER A 6X20VKINJ& AcOV&)TLJ' P012OH15 £XIPUF ILI (ZTAVT A55AVL-T IMPOV6R6KW t7TkWC AcdOPk) . 9'f A S' NI'~p~~- Wk OUTrrW m 1#15 rpP COW7 LUT FOS R1OUf ool THE '' W6 MUST 007' W3(-OWL-US7 OF Ou- V t 1eH1 R vC ts e' CO1H K OANJP WHO AI4OO 1 ppp- 7 GoJ OWMK10 1k)TO 6M 4AY - TOLC VA C ILQf : loVX~w.A iQMlji MNP 1(W CCUP4117 YO CO~Jr .......tO t./1OA1G (t F Id ) I , I N A j/I~i\Va. I if IW'~A~J-/~~ATAI 1.. V ' ~ ftl ..-'