Seventy-seven years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under authority of Board in Control of 'Student Publications 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 ,r-. s. i* r tf9n g. :~ rr...,r;.4-k v:f ., I',1 J' " t'i A womaln's life LUCY KENNEDY--- eTe affluent society: Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily exp ress the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. --- TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1968 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID MANN The MSU tuition plan: Graduating the 'U' to fairer fees LAST SUMMER, when it became ap- parent that the University needed more money, the Regents turned solemn- ly to the student body and, in addition to large out-of-state tuition hikes, raised annual in-state tuition from $348 to $420. Last summer, when it became appar- ent that Michigan State University needed more money, the Trustees turned to the sudent body and raised in-state tuition. For some students, the increase was from $358 to $354. The reason was the inauguration of a graduated tuition system at MSU. In- state students at State pay between $354 and $501 depending on their parents' incomes. While the system has raised a great deal of controversy (including attempts at passing a state Constitutional amend- ment banning the plan), it has on the whole proved extremely successful. With a few minor improvements, the system could prove an excellent mechanism for increasing revenues from student fees at the University, without increasing tui- tion for those least able to pay. THE PRESENT system at MSU allows students from families with incomes less than $16,666 to apply for an auto- matic reduction in their fee by provid- ing the schools with their parents' W-2 income tax form. The reductions may bring the stu- dent's tuition as low as $354 if his fam- ily earns less than $12,000 a year. Since the scaled-down tuition does not decrease the total revenue received by the school, the effect is to provide an increase in MSU's ability to grant schol- arships which have greater value to the recipient. Through normal procedures, a student paying any of the various tuition levels may still apply for and receive fi- nancial aid. For those students in need of further financial aid, the system becomes es- pecially advantageous. Since most of these students are already paying the minimum tuition, less money from the university's endowment is needed to re- duce their tuition to a level they can af- ford. In this way, financial aid will be available to. more students than ever before. THE UNIVERSITY has for several years been known as a school for "rich, white students" and the graduated tui- tion system is one possible way of rid- ding itself of this odious reputation, by helping to change the actual percentage makeup of the student body. By making he student body racially balanced, both black and white will bene- fit from the contact with those of the most widely diversified backgrounds. The graduated tuition plan has been labelled unfair by its opponents. If im- properly administered, it can indeed be unfair. Most of the problems, however,{ can be eliminated. For example, it has been argued that the gross income listed on the W-2 form is not a fair gauge of the wealth of a family without accounting for number of dependents. Under MSU's system this is accounted for by allowing any family with two or more childIren at the uni- versity to pay the minimum rate for every child after the first. It does seem that a straight deduction for each de- pendent coupled with the MSU method would be even fairer. 4 NOTHER objection to the plan is that it does not account for students who are self-supporting. Here the MSU plan seems adequate: students earning over $3000 a year can declare themselves in- dependent of their parents. Since, after deductions, this amount is about the minimum needed to put oneself through college, the student can fairly be con- sidered self-supporting. The figure should probably be lowered somewhat to allowj for students who, even with their part- time earnings, need sholarships to help them through. $2500 would probably be a better number. The final objection to the graduated tuition is that wealthy families with no income are allowed to pay the minimum fee. Here it can be said that the case is probably rare, and the expense to the University of investigating this possi- bility would be prohibitive. At least it can be said in this case that the system is helping those who, perhaps, do not deserve it, not injuring those who do. What must be remembered about the graduated tuition system is that its im- portance does not lie in the fact that tuition drops in the income range from $16,666 to $12,000. The importance of the system, instead, lies in the fact that it allows the school to help more people in the under $12,000 bracket - those who would have been hit hardest by the tui- tion hike -- by at least maintaining the university's present level of loans and scholarships. AS THE University's tuition continues to increase year after year, the edu- cational community is more and more composed of students from rich - hence usually white -- families. We are con- tributing to a society in which the poor are not educated, and hence remain poor. Since every tuition increase contributes to this effect, tuition increases must cease for those in lower income families. Even this will not contribute to improv- ing conditions within or without the aca- demic community - other, positive steps must be taken - but the University must now begin at least a holding action by initiating a graduated tuition sysem with the coming fee increase. -MARTIN HIRSCHMAN "AAY T1HE FEST (RUSAtDER WIN," :'.t's.1 ...S... :TE VE WILDSTROM,,.- Tenewlaw adorder SINCE AMERICA'S annual ur- ban traumas began in the sum- mer of 1964, an increasing cry has gone up in this country for "law and order." As pressure on governmental or- ganizations to enforce law and order has grown, it has become, clear that the most vociferous proponents of these two erstwhile social virtues have little under- standing of order and less of law. Those who argue most loudly for law and order are, for the most part, the Haves in an in- credibly rich society that still has a shameful large number of Have- nots. The order they perceive and strive for is the status quo ante in which the Have-nots remain Have-nots. To be sure, there are pious and in some cases sincere appeals to improve thecondition of the poor. but no one wants their condition improved to the point where it might interfere with the third corner of the American Trinity. the Free Enterprise System. THE LAW half of Law and Order deals primarily with laws designed to butress the funda- mental social order,which is based on property rights. When the Supreme Court of the United States rules that all men have certain rights that cannot be abrogated because a man is ac- cused of a criminal offense, the Court is accused of "coddling criminals."aClearly, these chan- pions of law are seeking law on their own terms. The fact that the property dam- age caused during last July's riot in Detroit caused a great deal more consternation in the com- munity and the nation than the 43 deaths is symptomatic of the depth of the Law and Order dis- ease (as one Detroit reporter who participated in an investigation which showed that most of the deaths were a result of unneces- sary use of official force put it, "Most of them were Negroes no- body cared very much about."). The report that rioters had caused more than $500 million property damage (later shown to be vastly inflated) horrified the good burghers of Detroit far more than the finding that indiscrimi- nate National Guard fire had kill- You can shoot any number of people, preferably blacks, but by God, protect the property. ed a four-year-old girl, an inno- cent motel guest and a fireman. IN THE NEW equations of Law and Order, a human life is worth less than a side of beef, a box of cornflakes or even a pair of shoe- laces, which is what one of the Detroit riot dead, a suspected looter, had on him when his body was searched. You can shoot any number of people, preferably blacks, but by God, protect the property. The cornerstone of the Amer- ican legal system is "Equal justice under law," something which has never been a reality but which has never been so near to utter rejec- tion as it is today. The Declara- tion of Independence stated that the purpose of government was to insure the rights of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," a transformation of the ancient for- mula 'life, liberty and prooerty." It is unlikely that this transfor- mation was accidental, and prop- erty rights didn't enter the formal American system until a decade later with the Federalist Consti- tution. Things, today have reached a point where the rig m of property is paramount and, i} tre lives and liberties of some mus' be, sacrified in th- protection Gf prope1 ty, then thf ,: is a necessary evil. WHAT THE proponents of Law and Order must realize is that their program can. only promote national chaos or disaster. A re- pressive program against' those who hold property as something less than sacred, if it is not com- pletely successful, will only pro- mote the eventual revolution they really dread. If repression is suc- cessful, everyone will be able to enjoy his property in a friendly garrison state, where life, liberty' and the pursuit of happiness fall by the wayside. There can be no law and order in American society until there is an elimination of the fundament- al injustices of the social order. And that means the Haves will have to part with some of their precious property and give it to the Have-nots. They are faced with the unpleasant choice be- tween an evolutionary change in which their complacent stations may be shaken or a slide into rev- olution or repression, in which everyone inevitably must suffer. AST WEEK I wrote an editorial condemning the Poor People's March for relying on emotional appeal rather than concrete lobby- ing programs. Somewhat upset by my criticism, the Ann Arbor Quakers involved in organizing local Poor People's marchers invited me to the final meeting of the marchers. As the Quakers had hoped, I found that the marchers had more concrete proposals than I expected. Although constantly crum- bling, the organization they had for the Memorial Day march was, I found, not of as much importance as the missionary zeal that kept them working despite obstacles. If this zeal returns to Michigan with the marchers it may be the real source of victory in the local war against poverty. MISSIONARY ZEAL has always meant to me the aura surrounding my mother's ladies aid society. Well intentioned but pretty inefficient, the best my mother's ladies aid society could ever come up with was a new candelabra for the rectory. With a parish of only 2000, there was little the ladies of Hampden Mass., could do to win such quixotic goals as a million volume library for a mission establishment in Kenya. Yet as an outgrowth of earlier missionary societies, there was about the ladies aid society something appealing and in its own strange way effective. THE LADIES did not speak the language of the people they were trying to help and their plans frequently did not result in "the greatest good for the greatest number." But there were some very important areas where the missionary society accomplished at least something- frequently areas where everyone else had given up. The sweet ladies had a strength-coming perhaps from a con- viction that they were doing the right thing-to survive outside set- backs as well as their own blunders. ANY ANALOGY between my mother's ladies aid society and the Washtenaw County Poor People's Support Committee would be tenuous, but both the organizers and the marchers have the. missionary zeal. For one thing, the ladies organizing financial backing of the local poor for a Washington march have the conviction that something must be done no matter how small the return. AND SMALL the returns undoubtedly will be. Food and lodging for the marchers already in Washington has not been forthcoming and many out-of-state poor have been forced to buy food at stiff Wash- ington prices. (There may be other inconveniences as well. One Ann Arbor marcher, a heavy smoker, was worried about being put up by Quakers- many of whom forbid smoking, drinking or strong language in the home.) Assuming the poor do get in some way settled on the Mall by Memorial Day, reaction fromCapitol Hill will be tolerant but negligible. Perhaps a few poverty programs will be Implemented but between tax increase and a proposed $4 billion budget cut the money simply isn't there for something really new like a negative income tax. The 17 ADC mothers from Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti who went to the Washington march will probably come home with little to show for their trip but some sympathetic national publicity. If, however, publicity of the plight of these women can educate Michigan in the old missionary tradition, there may yet be benefits from the Poor People's March. AS THEY made plans for their sojourn, and as I thought back on my last trip to Washington, I began to realize how little the me- chanisms of our society work for the poor. The last time I went to Washington I took about $100 in travel- ler's checks from my account. I flew student stand-by both ways at a cost of about $35. With a few, wash and wear clothes and a "basic dress" I had all I needed for a 4-day weekend out of one piece of lightweight luggage. Cabs and hotel bills were my bigg st expense coming to about another $35. I was in Washington for th United States Student Press Association convention. Between meetings and the few free meals pro- vided by USSPA (through 'the courtesy of Newsweek magazine), I managed to squeeze in a trip around the mall for a quick glance at the sights I'd had a pretty thorough tour of when I went to Washing- ton with my parents earlier. THE PERSON on relief suffers not only the broad sociological sufferings - the loss of dignity, of purpose in life - he must also endure a totally different and in many ways less comfortable life style day to day. Money, for one thing, is not for the person on relief or the woman living on aid to dependent children checks the same medium of ex- change it is to a salaried employee. Our society may not yet be de- signed to work for affluence, but it simply doesn't apply in any regard to the truly poor. If you're an ADC mother you can't get traveller's checks from your bank account to go to Washington. You're lucky if you can cash any sort of check at all. CASHIER'S CHECKS were drawn up from local contributions and issued to the first group of women going to Washington. A lot of the final meeting discussion revolved around how to transport the $100 or so necessary for each marcher for train fare and food. Cashier's checks or postal orders would have been the logical answer but postal orders would involve a trip across town to the Washington Post Office, an impossible expense and complication for this group. (The last group of ladies who tried to cross Washington on this errand got lost.) Cashier's checks were unusable because the last groups of march- ers which had been given cashier's checks had spent several hours going from bank to bank trying to find someone willing to believe that they legitimately had the large checks and cash them. HAVE YOU been in Washington before, I asked several of the ladies at the meeting. One had been there on a high school trip. All of them, felt, howevei', that there would be no sightseeing. Like all of my questions, my query about sightseeing seemed fairly incompre- hensible to them. It is incomprehensible to think of sight-seeing in Washington if getting lost means spending someone else's money to get back to Camp Resurrection. 4 A. I~ s A man for all 0 . 0 PAUL HARVEY, ABC News commenta- tor heard regularly on the American Entertainment Radio Network, will be awarded an honorary degree of Doctor of Laws by the Board of Trustees and fac- ulty of Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa, during commencement ceremonies on June 8. This will be Mr. Harvey's eighth hon- orary degree. When advised of the honor, Mr. Har- vey said, "It's frequent visits to college campuses which keep my battery re- charged. I'm immensely encouraged that today's young people are asking so many questions which I can't answer. Some- body will have to. Tomorrow's politicians will have to be better men than ours were. "Of course," the ABC newsman added, "I am awed by this honor. I'll try hard to measure up to it." Mr. Harvey was awarded his first hon- orary degree, a Doctor of Letters, from Culver-Stockton College in Missouri in Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan 420 Maynard St.. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48104. Daily except Sunday and Monday during regular summer session. 1952. Since then he has received honor- ary degrees from St. Bonaventure Uni- versity, New York (1953); John Brown University, Arkansas (1959); Wayland Baptist College, Texas (1960); Montana School of Mines (1961); Union Univer- sity, Tennessee (1962) and Trinity Col- lege, Florida (1963). A native of Tulsa, Oklahoma, he was elected to the Oklahoma Hall of Fame in 1955. Among his other honors are "Com- mentator of the Year" (1962) and "Com- mentator" and "Man of the Year" (1963) by New York's Radio-Television Daily. He has also been awarded numerous Veter- ans and American Legion citations and Gold Medals from the Freedoms Foun- dation at Valley Forge, Pa. -ABC Newsletter GREAT typographical errors of all timej department: BOSTON, MAY 16-A psychiatrist who spent three months observing a Green Beret team in action in Vietnam de- scribed its members today as continual- ly risking death in a struggle to gain and maintain control of the group. Letters.*'You can never win' EDITOR'S NOTE: Prof. Gal- ler was a member of the hatch- er Commission on the Role of Students in Decision-Making. To the Editor: JOW DOES one ever win when dealing with students? I was very gratified at our meeting with the Regents to hear Mr. Fleming say that it was his intention to implement by fall as many feat- ures as possible of the report of the Commission on the Role of the Students in Decision-Making. The Regents supported this at- titude, and it was obviouslyi their intention to show their good faith with the students by not delaying implementation of the report. The Daily had been screaming about the long delay in accomp- lishing anything in this area, and one might have hoped that The Daily would support such imme- diate response from the Regents. Suddenly we find the students complaining bitterly that every- thing is moving 'too fast. "The students who ought to be deciding on things are not in town." If Mr. Fleming had made that statement as his reason for postponing action until fall, we would have had a .au n vn , w ti a mi rllv students and faculty to his staff for this purpose for the summer, but his was merely a suggestion. and was not particularly endorsed by anyone. It was not my understanding that a tripartite committee would make the by-laws recommenda- tiops; it was certainly Mr. Flem- ing's prerogative to ask Mr. Cutler to do it. Rather than be so nega- tive that Mr. Cutler chose to ask students and faculty "of his own selection" for advice, wouldn't it be better to look at the positive side, that he sought advice? It was not my understanding, either, that Mr. Steude would be excluded. Having been on the Commission, he is an obvious per- son to represent our views. The provision for a fail-safe mechanism in case the students or faculty fail to ratify the Uni- versity Couucil rules of conduct was part of the .charge given by the Regents to Mr. Fleming. (It was not Mr. Cutler's idea to pro- vide for this contingency,) It was the Commission's hope that the work of the University Council would be done in such good faith that this contingency would not have to be invoked. ultimate basis for all of this to work, after all, isn't it? --Prof. Bernard A. Galler, Mathematics Quick notices? To the Editor: THE NOTICE from the Under- graduate Library arrived ten days after the books were due. Caught up in the midst of exams, I had forgotten (like how many other unfortunate students) to re- turn two books by the specified date. I hurried to the library where I was unsympatheticallyinform- ed that my fine totaled $5.00, which probably exceeded the value of the books, one being a paper- back and the other several years old. When I asked why I could not have been notified before ten days had elapsed since the due date, the girl behind the counter replied, "You took the books out and they're your responsibility. We don't hav to let you know at all." The function of the Under- graduate Libary is to be of service to the students and faculty. If we are to be charged the exorbitant rate of $25 nr dn.v for every honk 'I A I 0'' ''., J h1 I I A I 11 r~oopr( , IMMIHMMMIB 1RWWAMEN if . A