Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 18, 1963 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, May 18, 1968 A fair-minded look at the Victorians By LIZ WISSMAN Victorian Minds, by Gertrude Himmelfarb. Alfred A. Knopf, $8.95 The publication of Gertrude Himmelfarb's Victorian Minds would appear to mark the waning of a recent vogue in Victorian commentary. At least, the kind of drooling reports which have fat- tened the editors -down at Grove Press seem to have met their match in this more balanced account of an age. Of course there was an "Other Victorianism." But the importance of Victorian sexual aberration can only be understood in relationship to an exceedingly strong code of repression. Of course, the excitement over hidden diaries and the like has at least served the purpose of shattering a popular cliche, if only by introducing another facile generalization. To those fresh- man students of philosophy it is a revolation to find that John Stuart Mill had a sex life at all. But Mill's aberration, as well as the "free love" indulged in by George Eliot, differ from our mod- ern system of indulgence. Novelist Eliot was as steadfast in her adultery as Updike's Couples are chaotically promiscuous. The peculiar- "justness" of Victorian Minds is the result, at least in part, of Miss Himmelfarb's theory of historical investiga- tion. She is a classicist of the already institutionalized school of Intellectual Historians. She is, moreover, unconcerned about the forced creation of history "de novo." In her own words, the past is "more recalcitrant than either politicians or historians like to think;" it resists the modern effort to erase or alter it. Miss Himmelfarb achieves a balance between traditional concepts of Victorianism (e.g. sexual repression and the domination of Middle Class values) and her own "creative history." There is novelty in Victorian Minds, but it is the product of collected insight and the gathered light of material refracted through multiple points of view. Another contribution to the broad balance of this study is its eclecticism. The book is a collection of separate essays, rather than a sustained assault on the Victorian Age. Much has been said in other reviews of this book, about the necessary "unevenness" which results from such a method. But Miss Himmelfarb's interest is not in the perfection of a particular genre or historical ideology. Her work is fragmented in order to present a more fertile and varied account of the living flux of an age. Morebver, she avoids the grand dilemma of intellectual his- tory: whether to reckon by individual or ideology, by a general intellectual environment or an elite. Miss Himmelfarb uses the essay form to ridealternately on each horn of the dilemma, giving equal weight to both approaches. One might assume that such a "liberal" and collective ap- proach to history would be matched by a political bias. The Vic- torian Age has, after all, long been touted as the birthplace of English Liberalism. But the founding genius of Utilitarianism, Jeremy Bentham, is soundly strafed by Miss Himmelfarb's criti- cal vocabulary. Bentham is revealed as the father of Liberal hypo- crisy. The Hedonistic calculus turns into a calculated hedonism, with Bentham seeking prison reform only as a means of self- aggrandizement. Victorian Minds also destroys the popular myth of the liberal reform of 1867. In what is probably her most "revolutionary" es- say, Miss Himmelfarb reveals that the extension of the franchise was actually enacted by the Parliamentary Conservatives. This decisive moment in English history was no more enlightened than most other political movements. Taking place in an atmosphere of economic depression, struggles for control at the death of Palmerston, and a general "fact of apathy," the reform was push- ed by Conservatives who trusted the servility of the masses to the traditional order. It is the dual problem of hypocrisy and expediency which makes the Victorian Mind relevant to our own state of mind or emotion. We share with that age the problem of the platitude, and the crusade undertaken more for the glory than the good. If we become more aware of our motives, we also become more ruth- less. There is much we can learn about the shape of our ideologies and the origins of our institutionally Great Society from Gertrude Himmelfarb's insight. ;sbooksbooksbooksbooksb The angry mind of an anguished black existence By STEVE WILDSTROM Soul on Ice, by Eldridge Cleaver. McGraw-Hill $5.95 Eldridge Cleaver is back in jail. Cleaver, Minister of Information of the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, was busted last month after a gunfight between Panthers and Oakland, Calif., police and was hustled back to prison for parole violation (he was paroled after serving part of a sentence for rape), and now faces a new charge-of assault with intent to commit murder. Cleaver was lucky. Unarmed 17-year-old Pan- ther Bobby James Hutton was killedf when po- lice opened fire after someone shouted, "He has a gun." He was lucky not only because he es- caped with his skin; Cleaver, in the ancient tradition of revolutionaries, political and intel- lectual, from Socrates to Jomo Kenyatta, seems to do his best work behind bars. Soul on Ice is the product of California's San Quentin, Folsom and Soledad Prisons. Although his prison terms have all been for criminal of- fenses, he has in fact served most of his life as a political prisoner. In 1954, at the age of 18, he became the victim of a clash between the norms of a subculture and the laws of a larger society when he was arrested with a shopping bag full of marijuana. While serving that first prison term, he was indoctrinated into political consciousness by a group of rebellious, politically aware blacks at Soledad. In jail, he had a great deal of time to read and think and seems to have spent a great part of that time thinking about his ambiguous re- lationship with the white man and, more im- portantly, with the white woman. The mentally destructive ambivalence of the views many black men hold toward black and white women has been well documented in American Literature, but never more compel- lingly than by Cleaver. "I fought frantically to be free," he writes, "but The Ogre only mocked me and sank its claws deeper into my soul. I knew then and there, that I had found an im- portant key, that if I conquered The Ogre and broke its power over me, I would be free. But I also knew that it was a race against time and that if I did not win I would certainly be broken and destroyed. I, a black man, confronted by The Ogre-the white woman." Cleaver tells how in prison, where normal sex- ual outlets are denied in what may be the most punishing part of the American penal system, his lust for and hatred of The Ogre devoured his psyche. Both hate and lust eventually won out and on his release from prison, Cleaver became probably the first American man to make rape a political crime, satisfying his lust for the white woman and expressing his hatred for white so- ciety and its values, which he blamed for his condition. So, he writes, "I became a rapist. To refine my technique and modus operandi, I started out by practicing on black girls in the ghetto- in the black ghetto where dark and vicious deeds appear not as aberrations or deviations from the norm, but as part of the sufficiency of the Evil of a day-and when I considered myself smooth enough, I crossed the tracks and fought out white prey. "Rape was an insurrectionary act. It delight- ed me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man's law, upon his system of values, and that I was defiling his women-and this point, I believe was most satisfying to me be- cause I was very resentful over the historical fact of how the white man has used the black woman." However, after his exploits as a rapist landed him in San Quentin, Cleaver decided he had gone astray; "astray not, so much from the white man's law as from being human, civiliz- ed." He turned to writing. Soul on Ice is a massively uneven book. Clea- ver is at his best when attempting to probe the labyrinthine channels of relationship be- tween black and white in the United States. Although he had no formal training as a writer save that which he received in prison, his writ- ing is inspired, his analysis piercing and at times he rivals Richard Wright, Ralph Ellison and Franz Fanon at their best. His attempts to attack. American foreign policy, however, are of a much lower caliber. Much of this writing seems to have been lifted straight from New Left handouts and he often succumbs to the brand of vulgar Marxism that sees all American foreign policy as strictly eco- nomically oriented without realizing the much more frightening truth that anticommunism has become an end in itself as the fundamental ba- sis of U.S. foreign policy. The book would have profited more judicious editing by the staff of Ramparts, which produced it in cooperation with McGraw-Hill. As a political animal, Cleaver is very complex. Once a Black Muslim, he rejected the Muslim doctrine of black superiority when the late Mal- colm X, the hero of the book, split with Elijah Muhammed on that issue. Although convicted of one crime of violence and charged with a second, he disavows violence except in self- defense, a formal platform of the Panthers. While exploring the depths of his mind, Clea- ver has provided the white book-buying public with the best available window to the anguish- ed soul of the imprisoned black man, imprisoned both physically and spiritually, black man. While not a plan for uprising, the book clearly contains the seeds of revolution. It is, in its own way, as important a work as Mein Kampf. If America hopes to avoid race war and ensuing chaos, this must be read and heeded, and dras- tic steps must be taken to end the vicious degradation of black men in the United States. Unfortunately, though judging the mood -of American society, it probably awaits the same fate as Mein Kampf. And American morality, again, will be the poorer for it. I f Che, man and writer, a man of accomplishments By JAMES HIGGINS Reminiscences of the Cuban Revolutionary War, by Che Guevara. Monthly Review- Press, $6.95. On board a Cubana Airlines plane in late January, flying from Havana to Prague, I was invited by the pilot to spend a while with him in the cabin in the ship's nose, where he was charting and steering. He told me, among other things, that he had flown Che Guevara on many occasions, to Algeria, for example, and to the United Nations. "Of course," he said, "Che, too, was a pilot." I said that al- though I had known Che had a number of skills I had never before heard that he could pi- lot a plane. "Oh yes," said the captain, poirting to the helms- man's chair, "Che would sit right there and take over. He was very good. An excellent pi- lot. And he enjoyed it hugely. I can see him now in my mind, so calm and happy, as close to me as you are." He shook his head, smiling at his memory of Che. "A wonderful man of countless accomplishments." Among these accomplish- ments, I had discovered while in Cuba when I read some of the material contained in Re- miniscences of the Cuban Re- volutionary War, was writing. Discussing Che's ability in this line with a Cuban poet and editor,-I said that Che's sketch- es of the life of war reminded me very much of the work of Isaac Babel, who, until I read Che, had seemed to me incom- parable in his genius for illum- inating, by thorough hard hon- esty in recording facts about particular human beings and episodes, a tremendous event of history in which many thous- ands participated. An event, also, changing fundamentally the present and the future for millions upon millions, perhaps. Now that I think over my first impression of the similar- ity between Che and Babel as writers, on the basis of re-read- ing Che in this book published in February by Monthly Re- view Press, I find myself res- ponding more sympathetically to Che for this reason: his writ- ing was simply an expression of himself as a man in the process of realization. I mean that he was first of all a man, not a writer, whereas Babel, for all his remarkable capacity to make things absolutely clear, seems to me to have to be clas- sified as a writer. I was in Cuba at a time when there were many reporters and visitors from all over the world on the scene. It was expected, I gathered, by the graceful Cu- ban host,, that surely those of us who came from the United States would want to have a look at the Ernest Hemingway home not far from Havana, which the government of Fidel Castro, who had been a friend of Hemingway, has preserved as a shrine. Somehow or other I did not want to go and, at one point, trying to figure why, I began to think about Che and Hemingway. It occurred to me that what I had entertained about the relationship as writ- ers and men between Babel and Che could be even' better dis- tinguished by considering Che and Hemingway. Everything, maybe, depends upon time and place. It could be that Che had a more favorable opportunity to become, as Fidel puts it, "a man of total integrity," with all that implies, than did poor Hemingway, like Che a wan- derer who though he found a home in Cuba did not, like Che, ever find himself. It was necessary to destroy the village to save it By DAVID SPURR The Village of Ben Suc, by Jonathan Schell. Alfred A. Knopf, $3.95. Jonathan Schell gives us more than just a lucid ac- count of a major American military operation in South Vietnam. What he tells is the tragic story of a warm and innocent people bewildered by the crassly flamboyant, clumsy technique of their American "liberators." American military officials in Saigon had a problem. It seems the National Liberation Front had long-controlled the villages in a large provincial area just northwest of Saigon, called the "Iron Triangle." The NLF had taken over each village and endowed it with a socialistic system-complete with Youth Clubs, Farmers' Associations, and Women's Clubs. Everyone, in a sense, cooperated, even, if only by paying taxes to the NLF. So, American or South Viet- namese forces would storm in and "capture" a village every once in a while, as the Viet Cong slipped off into the jun- gle, and declare the village "free." The VC would then come out of their hiding places after the Allied soldiers had left. and" resume control. This game of hide-and-seek went on for several years in the Iron Triangle, and by early last year the Americans were getting fed up, even though the villagers themselves didn't seem to really care who controlled things, as long as they could work their rice paddies in peace. The Operation "Cedar Falls" liberation plan was a master- ful military scheme to literally wipe the bothersome Iron Tri- angle area off the face of the map. And it worked, sort of. The operation was successful only in the limited sense that any American military opera- tion in Vietnamcanybe suc- cessful. While carrying out the immediate strategic objective, the project made life hell for the very people whose "hearts and minds" American forces are supposed to be trying to win. To the generals sitting in Saigon, the plan looked splen- did on paper: helicopters - "choppers"-would swoop down on several villages simultane- ously completely by surprise, so that no Viet Cong could slip away. American soldiers would jump out of the choppers and surround the villages, then truck the people off to a camp while their villages were flat- tened by bulldozers, which would then blaze wide avenues through the surrounding jungle. The idea was to completely evacuate and destroy the area as an NLF stronghold, while the civilians carted off could presumably start life anew in other parts of the country. For security reasons, how- ever, no plans were made for this latter phase of Operation Cedar Falls. The South Viet- namese, in fact, were not told of any part of the operation at all before it took place. Thus, The Village of Ben Sue. Schell's story is an in-depth account from a personal view- point to the ghastly, bungling job the Allies performed in dealing with the peasant evacu- ees. For instance, Schell de- scribes thousands of rural ci- vilians being herded into a barbed-wire enclosure remini- scent of the Nazi concentration camps, then being greeted by signs hung on the wire pro- claiming, "Welcome to Free- dom and Democracy." But The Village of Ben Suc is more than a devastating po- litical indictment of American misunderstanding and absurd policy. The work lets us under- stand things about the war that the officials apparently could not, by treating the op- eration from the peasants' view- p)oint. While a perspiring American colonel sips a soft drink in the scorching sun and gleefully praises the ARVN forces for unloading the trucks "just like coolies-it's really gratifying," Schell is busy interviewing scores of old men, little girls, women, and farmers about their lives, their impressions of the Americans, and about the vil- lages neither they nor anyone else will ever see again. He is thus able to communicate what no news report of a military press conference ever could. He sees the war as it affects the people. What the author possesses is a sense of compassion for the peasants and respect for their quiet dignity that is unique among Americans. Writing in his simple, unpretentious-yet convincing - style,' Schell, in this, his first book, shows promise as a major new writer- reporter of this generation. Reading events through the eyeglasses of individual lives, his success as a major "human being" is equally evident. I began to reflect that Che was indeed the kind of man Hemingway might have desired to be. And the kind of man up- on whose natural, pure, and simple writing style the writing of the future might be modeled, which would mean, that those doing the writing would have to be, to quote Fidel again: "Like Che!" Among these writers, I hope, will be many of Che's comrades of the Cuban Revolution, to whom he makes reference in the prologue, to this personal history: "I am starting," he writes, "a series of personal re- miniscences of attacks, battles and skirmishes in which we all participated. It is not my in- tention that this fragmentary history, based on remembran- ces and a few hasty notes, should be taken as a full ac- count. On the contrary, I hope that each theme will be devel- oped by those who lived it ... I ask only that the narrator be strictly truthful. He should not pretend, for his own aggrand- izement to have been where he was not, and he should beware of inaccuracies. I ask that hav- ing written a few pages to the best of his ability, depending on his education and his disposi- tion, he then criticize them as possible in order to remove ev- ery word which does not refer to a strict fact, or those where the fact is uncertain." What more valuable appeal could be made, not just to his comrades of the Revolution, but to all men and women who dare to dream of writing their experience? It is an appeal, it seems to me for an end to fic- tion and for the beginning of a revolutionary exercise of the imagination in the telling of the truth about life. Not that there hasn't been such writing in the past; there have been many pioneers in the field.By the way, I mentioned the liber- ation struggle of Henry Miller, as recounted in his books, when I talked about Che with the Cuban poet-editor. He frowned. He did not immediately accept my effort to connect the deter- mination of each man, as I saw it, to write Life rather than Lit- erature. But after a while he said, yes, I see what you mean, except . There is an "except," to be sure. It is best defined by Che himself, in a letter to 'his par- ents, written in mid-1965, at the time he was leaving Cuba, for what turned out to be his eternal destiny in Bolivia. The letter is one of twenty-six in- cluded in the Monthly Review edition of his "Reminiscences." I quote it in full: "Dear Folks- "Once" again I feel be- tween my heels the ribs of- Rosinante; once more I hit the road with my shield up- on my arm. "Almost ten years ago to- day, I wrote you another let- ter of farewell. As I remem- ber, I lamented at not being a better soldier and a better doctor. The latter no longer adventurer-and that I am, only, one of a different sort -one of those who risks his skin to prove his platitudes, "It is possible that this may be the finish. I don't seek it, but it's within the lo- gical realm of probabilities. If it should be so, I send you a last embrace. "I have loved you very/ much, only I haven't known how to express my fondness. I am extremely rigid in my actions, and I think that sometimes you didn't under- stand me. It hasn't been easy to understand me. Neverthe- less, please just take me at my word today. "Now, a will which I have polished with delight is going to sustain some shaky legs and some weary lungs. I will do it. "Give a thought once in a while to this little soldier-of- fortune of the twentieth cen- tury. A kiss to Celia, to Ro- berto, Juan Martin and Poto- tin, to Beatriz, to everybody. "An embrace for you from your obstinate and prodigal son. Ernesto." "Ernesto" was, of course what his parents called hir when heswas born on June 14 1928, in Rosario, Argentina. He was named after his father, an architect. He studied and trav- eled in Latin America. He spent a short while in Miami. At the age of 27 he was in Mexico. He met Fidel there in July or Aug- ust of 1955. A little over a year later he was one of the expidi- tionaries on the "Granma," the small yacht which carried to Cuba the guerillas among whom were those few, like Fidel and Che, who were to survive to proceed with the success of the Revolution, achieved in early January, 1959. Che was wound- ed, captured and shot to death, at the age of 39, in a two-room schoolhouse in a remote region of Bolivia, where he had gone to "risk his skin" as a revolu- tionary. Reminiscences is both his story and the story of the Cu- ban Revolution, as complete an account as exists to date. It is, at any rate, the heart of the Revolution, besides being some- thing altogether new, to my knowledge: a history of the fu- ture by a man of the future, who nevertheless lived among us. It is testament, textbook, the absolute truth, putting to shame the pretenders and priv- ileged of the contemporary world. I think it is bound to have powerful meaning to the youth of America who have not yet discovered the spirit of Re- volution typified by Guevara. James , iggins, assistant editor of the York, Pa., Ga- zette and Daily, recently re- turned from a trip to Cuba. CONTINUATION Today's Book Page marks the * A A G n By JEREMY JOAN HEWES A Mass for the Dead, by William Gibson. Atheneum, $7.95 Ten years ago, William Gibson, author of The Miracle Work- er and Two for the Seesaw, sta'ted that "only in fiction can one tell the truth." A Mass for the Dead makes Gibson a liar, or at least wrong: seldom has an honest man's contradicting himself been such a welcome occasion, or the truth so eloquently simple. The writer talks of his parents, whom he was not able to see, really, until he was a parent, and then it was too late for him to be their child; and he talks of his sons, "a couple of two-legged miracles . . . growing up like grass," who have prompted his re- alizations and ultimate celebration. In the name of his mother and father, Gibson celebrates a mass not of worship and faith, but of reverence and love; in the person of his sons, Gibson learns his past and passes down his future. That is all.f Curiously, A Mass for' the Dead is quite similar in situation and sentiment to James Agee's truth-in-fiction, A Death in the Family. But Gibson has gone a step further into himself and thus come a step closer to us than Agee's novel was able to do; by labeling his book a "family chronicle," Gibson has suspended the functional requirements of fiction but maintained the objectivity necessary to convey human personality and event. The book is a succession of sights and sounds so ingeniously invoked that an instrument or photograph could not reproduce them. In a certain magical way, Gibson makes the unseen face behind those thick, rimless glasses he fondles more real in words than in flesh, and the tinkling of the upright in a Harlem tene- ment more clear in the mind than in the air. But more important than the sensations here are the lessons and reminders Gibson offers to children not yet parents, and to parents too far from children. The reminders, for instance, tell us that we all can sing and the lessons teach not how to sing but who has earned our songs., r:::: ,: ._&.: .:::W~Y.tV' & ~ .N > E ~ ' I