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September 20, 1960 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-09-20

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'icket Activities Mapped

Ann Arbor's band of anti-dis-
crimination picketers, bolstered
by a summer of demonstrations
and successes, moves into the, fall
term organized officially as the
'Ann Arbor Direct Action Com-
The group is mapping an ex-
panded campaign for the coming
It first banned together last
February to demonstrate against
alleged discrimination practices
against Negroes by the Cousins
Shop, and local branches of F.
W. Woolworth Co. and S. S.
Kresge Co. which allegedly segre-
gate heir Southern stores.
blow, as the picketing deon-
strations enter the seventh con-
secutive month, Jack Ladinsky,
Grad., coordinator and chairman
of the steering committee for
AADAC, finds "the interest on
campus stronger than when we
began last February."
The committee will continue to
picket the Kresge outlet on State
Street 11 a.m.-lp.m. each Satur-
day and the Kresge and Wool-
worth outlets downtown 7-8:30
p.m. each Monday evening (the
evening downtown stores stay
World Study
Plan Initiated
At Coluimbia
World and international rela-
tions will become a second pro-
vince of study for graduate stu-
dents from many fields in Colum-
bia University's newly created
International Fellows Program.
Including 50 students in fields
ranging from engineering and
education to law from 34 schools
this year, the program is intended
to give future leaders basic train-
ing in international affairs. This
training is expected to increase
the fellows' contributions in their
own fields and to help "cope with
the complex forces that now
operate across national bound-
aries," Columbia's President Gray-
son Kirk said.
In announcing the program,
Kirk said that it was created in
the belief that the increasing de-
pendence of peoples on each other
in today's world called for new
approaches in the education of
those who aspire to leadership.
The fellows will continue regular
graduate studies in their speciali-
ties, adding the program courses
and colloquiums to their program.
They are supported in their stu-
dies by grants from a group of
foundations led by the Edward
John Noble Foundation.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
sent a letter praising the program
as a contribution to the nation's
welfare to David S. Smith, the
program director.
Daily Classifieds
Ring Results

AADAC will conduct its dem-
onstrations despite a statement is-
sued during the summer by rep-
resentatives of 19 chain stores in
conjunction with the United States'
Attorney General that lunch
counters in some 69 Southern
cities would be integrated.
"Close reading of the statement
reveals that it is not a change
of policy, but merely a statement
that stores in 69 cities had been
desegregated," Ladinsky explain-
ed. The number has since climb-
ed to 90 cities in 11 Southern
states, he noted.
"We are gauging our picketing
work by the success of the "sym-
pathy boycott' of these stores in
the North," he said. "So far the
reaction to the boycott has given
us no evidence that we should
To Resume
Picketing against the Cousins
Shop will resume at its expected
reopening next month after the
store's customary closing period
during the summer. The demon-
strations against the store last
year "did not enter into" the clos-
ing, Landinsky believes.
During the summer, AADAC
staged the first beach "walk-ins"
i nthe Ann Arbor or possibly in
Michigan. They met with success
July 31 when nine Negroes in a
"walk-in" group of 20 were ad-
mitted without incident to the
previously non-Negro Newport
Beach Club on Portage Lake.
However, at the next attempted
"walk-in" Aug. 7, beach owner
Michael Crisovan, who previously
had admitted the Negroes as "my
guests today," refused them admis-
sion and stated that the beach
would be closed for the rest of
the season.
Now with a mailing list of over
100 names collected during regis-
tration, AADAC plans to expand
its anti-discrimination campaign
beyond "walk-ins" and picketing
Tentative strategy calls for
work to eliminate "discriminatory
and restrictive classified advertis-
ing" in newspapers,.discrimination
in the sale of rental of real estate
and housing facilities and a step-
ped-up economic boycott of local
branches of chain stores which
allegedly discriminate against Ne-
groes in the South.
Club To Hold
Pep Dances
The Wolverine Club will hold
Stag 'n Drag dances in the I-M
Building after the Pep Rallies this
The first one will be October 7,
before the Duke game. Admission
will be 50 cents.
A well-known disc jockey will
spin records for the dance in addi-
tion to some campus entertainment
such as the Friars or the gymnas-
tic team.
One to two thousand tickets will
be available for each dance. The
money raised will be used for var-
ious campus projects.

Offcil Notes Kenya's Progress,
House Constitution. local auton- The main economic objective in
"In Kenya the British are try- omy is to be expanded. the country is to diversify the
ing to train and prepare people In the next stage of preparation
for self-government." Mr. Duncan'I h etsaeo rprto economy to afford more channels,
Ndegwa, Asst. Secretary ' the for independence, the party in for employment. To aid this, the
Kenya treasury saidt power will consult with the British government needs as much assist-
Ndegwa is on a four-month government. But Ndegwa empha- ance from foreign sources as pos-
Neaist ornn a foumnth sized that the amount of time it sible, he said.
specialist grant in the United takes will depend on the peoples'1FnsNed
State primarily to study the Fed- takses ailpnd on the pecumtanes Funds Needed
eral Reserve System and credit diicult o asse. The government would lend the
mechanisms to aid farmers ando assess. money received to farmers and use
small business men, He was in Expresses Concern it to develop power stations. In-
Ann Arbor over the weekend. The former Statistic Officer of dustries in Keyna have been in-'
He also hopes for the establish- the East African High Commis- creasing more rapidly than ever
ment of a central bank for the sion also expressed his country's expected. However, much is left to
three East African territories of concern over the Congo situation. be done. Especially important, for-
Kenya, Uganda, and Tanganyika. He said that the general feeling eign aid would be used to increase
Facilities Shared about the crisis is that it demon- production of shoes, processed to-,
The three presently share corn- strates the dangers which may bacco, meat curing, and patent
mon communication facilities, a arise from independence without medicines.
common market, and common tar- careful preparation, The visitor also emphasized that
ifs, but Ndegwa expressed hope He also sees it as an indictment funds are needed for education.
for closer relations in the future. against a colonial system which At present, though the existing
Kenya, a British colony and doesn't train the people to take education is good, only one-half1
protectorate, is ruled by a British over, thus leaving both an admiin- the children are able to go toI
governor who can overrule the istrative and technical vacuum. He school for the first four years. .
representative Consulate and Leg- called the former Belgian admin- Besides grants to schools in
islature. But next year, in accord- istration an artificial super-struc- Kenya, American scholarships are
ance with the new Lancaster ture, helpful to African students. There

To Impound Bikes
without Licenses

Bicycles which do not bear cu
rent licenses will be subject to
impoundment on and after Oct. 1
by the University's Bycycle Con-
trol Program.
Illegally parked bicycles, such as
those parked on sidewalks. underl
canopies, or blocking building
exits can be impounded at any-

" .

time, Vice President for Student
Affairs James A. Lewis said.
!Also bikes which have been
stored in racks in classroom areas
or left there for over 48 hours will
be impounded. This is to assure
that students' bicycles that have
been stolen and then abondoned
can be identified and returned to
their owners,
Bikes that have been impounded
are stored in the University
Storage Buildings located on East,
Washington St. and must be re-
claimed within ninety days or be
sold at public auction.
Bikes that were impounded
after June 15 can still be re-
claimed this week only.
Licenses, on sale for a fee of

50 cents, may be obtained in the
lobby of the Administration Bldg.
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sept. 20-23.
or at other times at the Office of
the City Clerk or at City Hall. The
owner must have his bicycle serial
number in order to purchase a
Vice President Lewis also point-
ed out that combination chain
locks are almost an open invita-
tion to thieves since many stu-
dents set them for only one num-
Motorized cycles are subject to
the Michigan Motor Vehicle Code
and therefore are not permitted
on sidewalks. They may be park-
ed in University bicycle racks
wihch are accessible by way of a

O rganized
Assembly Association is already
hard at work, according to Jo Saw-
yer. '62, first vice-president of the
As Orientation Chairman, Joan
Weinberg, '62, is in charge of the
Big-Sister program for incoming
freshman women and transfer stu-
Plans are well underway for I-
Hop to be held this year on Sept.
24 in the League Ballroom, she re-
ported. This dance. sponsored by
Assembly, is held traditionally on
the evening of the first home foot-
ball gameg Dolores Gelios, '62, will
serve as chairman of the dance.
The Assembly Executive Board
will hold its first meeting of the
year on Thursday, Sept. 22, and
the Assembly Dormitory Council
will begin functioning on Monday.

prof. Courte
Given Leave
Prof. Robert Courte, of the mu-
Sic school, violinist of the Stan-
ley Quartet, will be on sabbatical
leave in Italy and France for the
fall semester.
He will work on transcriptions
of unpublished concerti for viola
d'amore written by Antonio Vival-
di. "The transcription of the con-
certi in suitable keys for the
viola would constitute an invalu-
able addition to 17th and 18th
century viola repertoire," Prof.
Courte commented.
The viola d'amore is an instru-
ment equipped with seven strings
to be bowed and seven others
which are not bowed, providing a
sympathetic resonance of the up-
per strings.
In October, Prof. Courte will
speak at the Eighth General As-
sembly of the International Music
Council at UNESCO House, Paris.
Dave Brubeek
To Perform
This Friday
Dave Brubeck and his quartet
will play at 8:30 p.m. Friday in
Hill Aud., under the sponsorship of
the University Bands.
The quartet features Brubeck at
the piano, Paul Desmond on alto
sax, Joe Morelia on drums and
Gene Wright on string bass. This
group has appeared on the Ed Sul-
livan and Steve Allen television
shown, Omnibus and Monitor, and
has played widely behind the Iron
Proceeds from the concert will
go toward sending the Marching
Band on away football games.
Ticktts will be on sale in the
Hill Aud. lobby from 9 am. to 5
p.m. daily, except Sunday. All seats
are reserved.

Privileges Blamed
In Kenya, the ratio of Africans
to whites is about 100 to 1. Ndeg-
wa attributes many political diffi-
culties to the privileges formerly
granted to the whites.
"The government is revising its
policy," he said. "Ten years ago,
there were very few Africans in
the legislative council. In the new
constitution, three-fourths of the
seats may be taken by Africans."
Land holding, education, and
civil service policies are also in
process of revision.
Adjustment Necessary
Ndegwa believes that survival of
the white element. in Kenya de-
pends on its adjustment to hav-
ing Africans as rulers, for at this
point they haven't the power to
resist the process of independence,

are now 400 students studying in
the U.S.
Ndegwa pointed out. "The in-
vestment going into a man is of
greater importance than that go-
ing into a machine."


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