TE MICHIGAN DAILY TUEBDAI Bergeon !Political Communication Patterns Differ Poliicalcom unictlonin R IPolitical communication mnfree AP CBS and totalitarian societies was the other parts of the political struc- fragmented - a pattern which topic 'of a report by Yale Uni- turc dependent on this elite.. tends to reinforce itself." ing to put the University out of versity Prof. Gabriel Almond at Coercion Essential Notes Differences business." the round-table conference of the Coercion is essential to commu- He notes that major differences Caldwell warned that a big ' International Political Science As- nism, he continued, but control of also exist in the process of com- problem to unions is employers' u EfUutU sociation, which ended here Thurs- communications media may be munication within highly devel- fear, which comes from lack of day after four days of research even more important in maintain- oped western nations and newly knowledge. "We've got to give Miss Gertrude E. Mulhollan re- reports and tours. ing a tight totalitarian grip on emerging nations in the rest of them time to learn , . . . We may signed from her post of assistant "Effective political action must government. the world. frighten them, and then they dean of women early this summer. be based on rational calculation, "Only the bureaucratic appara- While opinion leaders and their won't act rationally." Se s pt which in turn requires informa- tus of the Communist Party at followers in the United States both Caldwell explained the rights Mrs.Catherina C. Bergeon, who tion," Prof. Almond said. the very top level has a complete r e C e I v e similar information workers have, vis-a-vis employers. was appointed assistant dean in Under the Soviet system, only switchboard. All other structures through the mass media, interpre- 'Right to a Job' charge of women residence hall the Communist elite has this in-: plug in only to the central, where ters of political events in many a a personnel. formation: a fact which makes their communications can be re- other lands frequently must hur- They have "a right to a job.ifperonceived, monitored, and relayed at dle the barriers of illiteracy and they are to meet the primary re- Miss Mulhollan, who until last! the discretion of the central." diverse languages among their sponsibility of citizenship -- to June handled residence hall per- - Prof. Almond showed that, in followers. raise and educate their families." sonnel and woman applicants for O noT COdy contrast, a democratic system pro- Information Restricted Therefore, unions, which have student loans, found that with vides for a relatively free, multi- Prof. Almond added, "Where a constitutional right to organize increased use of the Uver- directional flow of information information flows freely through- must establish the "right to carry sity's Loan Fund and the creation Ceia e making it possible for all the poli- out most strata of Western so- out their program, Whoever ob- ofteeer nAssociationtical structures to calculate and ciety, in newly emerging nations jects, we'll have to dispose of him, in95 tee fortes o time r * act effectively, it may be restricted pretty much nullify his power, Caldwell said. was taken for women's loans. The iu "an U nit Patterns Parallel to urban areas. Moreover, the We'll have to get the Regents toinrhe office of the Dean of Men. "Within the democracies. the volume of political information get the enemy out of the way. ic tfpattern of communications tends passing through the communica- The union, Caldwell said, is to Office Created The Engineering College is not to parallel the pattern of political. tions network tends to be much work for incomes of $5,000 for all University administrators de- the only unit on campus which activity," Prof. Almond noted. "In greater in the more advanced, employees--$5,000 is the labor de- cided to create a Central Loan has an honor code the U.S., the United Kingdom and industrialized nations. And there partment's statistical average of Office which would handle loans the old Commonwealth, the growth are differences in the direction what an average family needs for for both men and women. This Cambridge Hall, formerly a of independent, highly specialized of communication flow between an average life and the ability to new office is now under the direc- married couples' unit on Univer- media has accompanied the the less and more advanced coun- educate its children without going tion of Assistant Dean of Men sity Terrace, has been converted growth of homogeneous political tries." into debt. Karl Streiff. Mrs. Ruth Callahan, into low-cost apartments for cultures which contain numerous In most transitional societies. Workers are "entitled" to this who was transferred from her Junior and Senior women, competing interest groups. messages tend to flow from the standard of living, and "the em- All hours are to be enforced en- "Where the political culture is central government to the peo- ployer must make this possible." r, tirely by the honor code, which fragmented, as for example in ple. In the U.S. and other in? means that every girl will be in France and Italy, the press tends dustrialized nations, more two- If the government said $5,000 at closing hour, and that any late- to be dominated by interest way communication is commoni Regents, CaIdwell explained. And ness will be reported by herself. groups and political parties. This, and the flow of information from aegerncanndtel "sxplignif.canIt also means that roommates in turn, means that the audience the people to the government is without the standard of living must report each other's absence for political communication is greater. suficiet thesduadhiscildengsince this is the only way of in- sufficient to educate his children. .vestigating a possible accident. According to University rules, men must observe visiting hours Chora ertesand no intoxicating beverages are C A R D S 0 F A D M I S S 1 N allowed on the premises. To Feature Thisuniversity - supervisedF G .4 ~~apartment unit is experimental,G# 1k MISS GERTRUDE MULHOLLAN ...resigns post previous post as advisor to Stu- dent Government Council, also handles loan applicants in this office. Miss Mulhollan has accepted a post as counselor of woman stu- dents at Stanford University, California., New Duties Among Mrs. Bergeon's duties as residence hall personnel director will be providing guidance for house directors, counselors, and nurses. She will also be the repre- sentative to Joint Judiciary for the Office of the Dean of Women. Summer changes in the Dean of Men's office included Mark Noffsinger's transfer from the post of senior resident director of the quadrangles to that of assis- tant dean of men in charge of off-campus housing and auto- mobile regulations. Also, William Perigo, who last Spring retired as University basketball coach, was named as- sistant dean of men. He will work in the areas of loans, scholarships and personnel counselling. Death Takes 'U' Scientist ' Professor Emeritus Peter Okkel- berg, _79, died Tuesday night at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital. A zoologist, he served for 40 years on the University faculty prior to his retirement in February, 1951. Professor Okkelberg came to the University as a zoology instructor in 1912. He became a full profes- sor in 1923 and then held several administrative posts in the Horace H. Backham School of Graduate Studies, serving as associate dean from 1947 to 1951. A native of Minnesota, Dr. Ok- kelberg was a-fellow member of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the American Society of Zoology, the American Society of Mammalog- ists, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, and others. A 'memorial service was con- ducted at 4 p.m. Saturday in the First Presbyterian Church. Me- morial contributions may be made to the American Heart Associa- tion. apartmn ni is experiment and if it is successful, other units may be converted. To undergrad- uate women it represents an op- portunity for apartment living. It will elect a council and officers, however, to coordinate house acti- vities and represent the house in campus organizations. The apartments have been re- modeled, new Westinghouse re- frigerators installed, and new kitchen utensils purchased. "Un- packing all the new stainless steel kitchenware was like being the bride at a bridal shower," one resi- dent exclaimed. The Cambridge Hall planning committee, consisting of both stu- dents and house directors, has made every effort to make the cost, facilities, and governmental organization of this unit appealing to Undergrad women. If the unit is successful, it may open up another alternative to liv- ing in dorms, sororities or co- operatives. It is an attempt to provide the advantages of "having a place of one's own"-within the University system. Ballet Group Sets Auditions The Ann Arbor- Civic Ballet group will hold auditions at 8:30 p.m. Oct. 5 at 525 E. Liberty St. The group gives productions during the year under artistic di- rector Sylvia Haman, Ann Arbor Ballet instructor. In addition; it promotes one professional produc- tion per year. CORRECTION NOTICE In the Daily of Friday, Sept. 16, the prices in a RANDALL'S advertisement were inadvertently switched from one shoe to the other. U. of M. REFORM JEWISH FAITH for use at the STUDENTS HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES at TEMPLE BETH EL 8801 WOODWARD o GLADSTONE DETROIT Phone: TRINITY 5-8530 ROSH HASHONO SERVICES Wednesday Evening, Sept. 21 ........... 7 Thursday Morning, Sept. 22.............10 YOM KIPPUR SERVICES Friday Evening, Sept. 30 . , , ......... . 7 Saturday, Oct. 1, Day-long, beginning .... 10 P.M. A.M. P.M. A.M. Students who wish to worship o Temple Beth El on the High Holy Days are cordiolly invited to write for cords of admission. Home hospitality will also be provided upon request. Please direct your in- quiries to Temple Beth El, 8801 Woodward, Detroit 2, Michigan, Attention Irving 1. Katz, Executive Secretary. DR. RICHARD C. HERTZ, Senior Rabbi HAROLD D. HAHN Assistant Rabbi TEMPLE BETH EL, Michigan's Oldest Jewish Congregation Welcome Students some good quality same good service same fair prices II