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April 18, 1960 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-04-18

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"Now All We Have To Do Is Prove That We Haven't
Been Here The Past Seven Years"

Seventieth Yeav
TruthtW Prevai " " STUDENT PUBICATIoNs BLDG. *"ANN AoR , MICH. Phone No 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all repri its.
Diseri1mnation Program
Circumsp-'et Promiin
e University shall not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion,
ed, national origin or ancestry. Further, it shall work for the elimination of discrimination
private organizations recognized by the University and from non-University sources
ere students and employees of the University are involved.
-Regents By-law 2.14

ABED ON REGENTS' authority, the Univer-
sity has thus far developed a two-pronged
ack on discrimination-both in student or-
4zations and in off-campus housing. Both
e been handled commendably, with deliber-
but not unnecessary speed, and both have
gained well within the bounds of propriety,
Leh is to say, within seemingly proper limits
University authority over individuals.
tudent Government Council announced its
i-discrimination machinery first, with the
mmittee on Membership Selection in Student
manizations. This committee has yet to be
up, though the Council will take action
this early this fall.
HE ADMINISTRATION, principal handler
of the second prong of the attack, also
ved into action. A committee on Discrimina-
a in Off-Campus Housing has been organiz-
to administer and act upon investigations
t0 arrot ras
PART of the University passed away this
t didn't die with a squawk, it didn't ruffle
versity feather, but it's gone. The Parrot,
ere coffee was cheap but talk was cheaper,
no longer detouring State Street traffic
ough its blue door,
o more food to friends of the waiters,
more coffee for the athletes and sundaes
the co-eds. At least not at the Parrot, for
ere else can one have coffee while watching
eds go to 10, 11, 1 o'clock classes. A land-
rk has passed. Many will miss it.

of charges of discrimination in off-campus
Student Government Council took the better
part of a semester to formulate its plans, and
the matter is still open to review when the
Council desires. The committee worked with
authorities "in the field" concerning off-
campus housing, including Dean Fauri of the
social work school and Professors Haber, Angell
and Newcombe. It also worked with students on
the committee and met with townspeople.
Nothing was rammed through quickly; every-
thing was given as much consideration as,
apparently, either body thinks it is capable
of sustaining.
STUDENT Government Council's membership
selection committee deals legally with the
individual organizations it is concerned with--
only as an organization membe Is any in-
dividual, or his conscience, affected. (One
hopes actions affecting the organizations' con-
science, will also affect the individual con-
stituent consciences.) The off-campus housing
committee only deals with denial of aid the
University ban provide. It is a limited kind
of crusading, but usually the limited action is
the one that succeeds in making a social
change-pyrotechnics make good headlines and
happy agitators, but they often cause more
trouble than they do good.
In short, the actions of the various branches
of the University are apparently well-
considered, and certainly reasonable. They are
in keeping with the fact that, while a univer-
sity should traffick in ideas in advance of the
body social, the same university is also a
member of, and dependent on, that same
body social.

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Daffodils, Coal Dust
Color 'Sons and Lovers'
UNTIL RECENTLY. D. H. Lawrence's only contact with the film
industry was a French version of the once-banned and boring
sex-novel, "Lady Chatterley's Lover." The current "Sons and Lovers,"
from an autobiographical novel of life in the English Midlands, is
more representative Lawrence and better film making.
Directed by former camera man Jack Cardiff, the 1913 tale
of sacred and profane love tied up with the silvercord is played
out against-or enveloped in-the hard realities of Industrial society
and the tenuous, soft-focus poetics of the English landscape.
Trevor Howard as the drunken, black-faced minor whose Joy

in life, and gradually whose very
soul, is smudged with coal dust, is
superg. And Wendy Hiller as the
misused wife and over-possessive
mother is not far behind.
the young prototype of Lawrence,
is angry, and brooding, and not
very good. His actinglplus made
me nervous, and against the
greater refinement of the others
was often painful. We can only
wish that be had not suffered
quite so noisily or so much in
finding his freedom-it detracts
from the delicate, static quality of
the film.
Mary Ure, however, is at com-
plete peace with her surroundings.
A fine actress and a great beauty,
she dominates a role of wistful,
circumscribed passion.
In the last analysis, it is not
the people, but the landscape that
dominates. As in the novel, it is
the city that threatens to destroy
the young Lawrence, and it is the
landscape that finally frees him
as he parts from his young love
in a spring wood, with the far
middle distances of the landscape
becoming one with the tentative
foreground of their vague faces.
-Michael Wentworth

Economic Aid: Abroad but Not at Home?

Upstaging at the UN

(EDITQR'S NOTE: Mr. Lerner wrote this column
while visiting the University last Thursday, when
he spoke before a student group as part of the
orientation week program.)
7E NEW United Nations session and the
admission of the 15 new nations to UN
embership could not help being a dramatic
ent, even if Khrushchev had not made it
by rounding up his croniesrand calling upon
l and sundry heads of government to attend.
cannot help feeling that President Eisen-.
wer and Secretary Herter have again missed
e boat and have miscalculated badly in trying
play down the importance of the session.
What they failed to see and what Khrush-
iev did see, was the inherent symbolic drama
the mass admission of the African nations.
)me of them, from every realistic veiwpoint,
e not yet ready for full nationhood. It might
ive been better if some of them, notably the
mgo Republic, had adhered to a slower time-
ble. But, ready or not, here they are.
The Soviet empire will make a strong bid
r their support and allegiance. That is why
brushchev set out on the Baltika for the
N meeting. His outward reason for coming
to present his disarmament proposals again,
id again boast about Russian scientific and
chnical triumphs and again seek to patch
gether the frayed banner of world peace
hich he tore to tatters at the late lamented
aria meeting. But his effective motive is
ite different; it is to win a victory for
mmunism in political warfare by wooing the
w African nations and to court the neutralist
aders like Nehru, Nasser, Tito, and Sukarno.
ably angry with this man, who, after the
suits he inflicted on America and its Presi-
nt at the Paris affair, has the gall to invite
mself to New York an put on a big show
. American sail. Eisenhower is a simple man
th a sense of honor and a code of personal
elings in his dealings with other heads of
vernment. Khrushchev is a complex man
to never hesitates to make a personal about
ce if it will advance the cause of communism.
The mistake that Eisenhower has made was
let Khrushchev trap him into making his
cisions on the basis of wounded personal
elings and national pride International
lities is a cold and impersonal affair in which
Editorial Staff
City Editor Editorial Director
DITH DONER ................ Personnel Director
CMA KAAKR ........ . aie Edit.r

you let the past bury its dead and calculate
always on the present and future.
Just as the French generals in World War II
fought the wrong war Eisenhower has let
himself fight the wrong round-the Paris one
of last May rather than the living New York
one of this September. As a result he let
the State Department, on the technical ground
of security, commit the folly of cooping
Khrushchev up on Manhattan Island. He has
given Khrushchev a grievance. By doing so
he has reversed the martyr roles. It is no
longer Eisenhower who is the martyr. It is
now Khrushchev.
ASK YOURSELF what a President like
Franklin Roosevelt would have done in such
a setting or one like Woodrow Wilson or a
dramatic rleader who never reached the
Presidency like Wilkie.
I think anyone of them would have put on
a magnificent performance as the leader of
the host country where the UN is happily
located playing the role straight. He would
have announced to the world that after
Khrushchev's behavior at Paris, no American
could feel overjoyed at the new visit. He would
have gone on to say that after Khrushchev's
withdrawal of the invitation to visit Russia,
he felt tempted to repay him in kind.
But he would have added that the problems
of the world are too grave, and the stakes
of world death and life are too high, to allow
any leader or nation the self indulgence of
bruised feelings, He would have hailed the
occasion of the UN meeting because it sym-
bolized the new birth of a new African con-
tinent of nations. And he would have jcined
in the invtation wo the heads of government
to come to New York not for displays of
public oratory, but to counsel together on how
to keep the troubles of the new nations from
being exploited by the Communists at the very
peril of world peace.
ALAS, this is not the fiber of which Eisen-
hower is made, nor Nixon, nor Herter, nor
any of the men who presumably consult on the
high policies of the American administration.
They have committed the blunder of trying to
dwarf an important international occasion in
the dimensions of their own bitterness. They
seem to be acting not with largeness and
generosity but with a rigid tightness of spirit
sticking to the strict letter of the law about
freedom of movement for UN representatives.
That is, I fear, not only harmful to American
'political fortunes in the worl( it is also
dangerous for a functioning United Nations.
The United States has an unparalleled ad-
vantage in having the UN located on its soil.
It means that the diplomatic and political
lif . aof a., nt fnainn is .n-ru-naA a +1ta r,..nt.

Associate City Editor
BOTH in the 1960 Republican
platform and in Nixon's speech
accepting the GOP nomination
there appears to be a difference
in attitude toward poverty in the
United States and in underdevel-
oped countries. While it is some-
times difficult to make generaliza-
tions on the basis of isolated
cases, conclusions based on two
campaign documents for the GOP
seem justified.
In the international field, such
phrases as, "...in the great Amer-
ican tradition of concern for those
less fortunate than we are, we
welcome the opportunity to work
with people everywhere to help
achieve theireaspirations for a
life of human dignity. And this
means that our primary aim must
be not to help governments but
to help people-to help people at-
tain the life they deserve," are
found in Nixon's acceptance
In the platform: "We recognize
that upon our support. of well-
conceived programs of economic
cooperation among nations rest
the hopes of hundreds of millions
of friendly people for a decent
future for themselves and their
* * * -
THESE two quotes appear to in-
dicate a sincere Republican
desire to give much-needed aid
to the poverty-stricken peoples of
the world. Unquestionably in-
creased U.S. aid is necessary to
underdeveloped nations. But the
Republican foreign ecomonic aid
is to be of a certain kind. Both
GOP past policies and such selec-
tive phrases from the platform
and speech as, "our primary aim
...to help people attain the life
they deserve," and "our support
of well-conceived programs of
economic cooperation among na-
tions rest the best hopes of hun-
dreds of millions of free people
.," point toward aid from the
federal government.
Aid is not, however, to be given
by a government to its own citi-
zens to enable them to raise their
standard of living; this is deplored
by the GOP. Nixon, in speaking of
the Democratic platform's welfare
provisions, "...and they promis-
ed everything to everybody with
one exception: they didn't promise
to pay the bill." No, this isn't aid
that is taken from the citizens
through taxes and then given
back to the needy, but it is aid
taken from the richer nations to.
aid the poorer who would not,
substantially, contribute . to the
HERE, in the international
field, there is no mention of
encouraging the poor Indian or
African to use initiative or self-
help to gain a decent level of
In regard to the impoverished
at home, the line seems to change.
Nixon says, "...we put our pri-
mary reliance not upon govern-
ment but upon people for progress
in America. That is why we will

this by saying federal aid is not
needed in America, supporting
their position with stock phrases
such as, "The well-being of our
people, by virtually every yard-
stick, has greatly advanced under
this Republican administration,"
/ * , *
SUCH an argument appears weak
when, according to the U.S.
Bureau of the Census, 36 million
Americans last year lived in fam-
ilies whose total income was less
than $3,000.
But even the issue of whether
or not federal aid is the cure-all
to poverty is not the question I
consider. The Republicans didn't,
as they could reconcile both
views in their platform. The ques-
tion is how the GOP could sup-
port the heavy spending for the
impoverished abroad but stress

personal initiative to the poor at
PERHAPS the answer is to be
found in the role of the in-
dividual in the eyes of the Repub-
licans. Instead of appearing as
the defender of the individual, as
the GOP claims it is, the Republi-
can Party in this case seems to
favor the "general good" stove
the individual.
Several examples of this can be
found in the platform and Nixon's
speech. From Nixon: "Militarily,
the security of the United States
must be put before all other con-
siderations." Even though the
average social security benefit for
a retired person was only $17.25
a week, the platform reads, "To
meet the needs of the aging, we
pledge: Expansion of coverage,
and liberalization of selected so-

cial security benefits on a basis
which would maintain the fiscal
security of the system."
* * * .
THUS the answer is found in
the role given to the individ-
ual. In both the national and in-
ternational fields, the GOP seems
to feel that the individual comes
a poor second. As long as the Re-
publicans subvert the individual
welfare the interests of military
defense and fiscal security, their
demands for an international pol-
icy of federal aid and a national
policy stressing personal initiative
can be reconciled.
The individual can be protect-
ed and helped, so it seems, just so
long as the military security and
the fiscal integrity of the nation
is maintained. Sounds like a good
way to lose individuals and maybe

Bias Work
To The Editor:
DURING the past year, the Uni-
versity has made rapid prog-
ress toward eliminating one of
the great social evils of our time:
The Regents passed a by-law
(2.14) firmly declaring the Uni-
versity's opposition to discrimina-
tory practices, The University
community then proceeded to
draw up plans to implement this
Student Government Council
enacted a plan for working toward
the elimination of discrimination
in student organiations. This
plan circumvents problems of the
traditional techniques used in this
area. There is neither the arbi-
trary and unsatisfactory "time-
b omb" approach nor the sterile
concentration exclusively on writ-
ten bias-clauses.
. 9 .
A STUDENT, faculty and ad-
ministration committee also made
significant progress in another
area. The Committee on Discrimi-
nation in Off-Campus Housing
has drawn up a plan whichcon-
stitutes a major step toward elim-
inating the problem of minority-
group housing.
This plan ought to help open
up more housing units to minor-
ity-group stuents and reduce the
instances of hurt caused by cal-
lous discriminatory landlords.
proud of its accomplishments dur-
ing the past year, but perhaps
more important it should remem-
ber two lessons which can be
drawn from this experience:
1) Students, faculty and admin-
istration are capable of working
together successfully on common
2) A firm moral stand combin-
ed with careful planning can lead
to significant progess in the fight
against discrimination.
There is still a great deal of
work to be done-much of it hard,
tedious work: Implementing the
recently drawn up programs and
pushing ahead into other areas.
Let us hope that the record of
the past year will serve as a
model for the future
-James Seder
Chairman, SGC
Human Relations Board
Bravo, Union .
To the Editor:
H ATS OFF to the Michigan Un-
ion. From the first Martini to
the final smiling good bye, every
aspect of this year's student air-
flight to Europe was well handled.
Not only did the Union arrange
for a flight at bargain rates; but
it additionally chartered the first
rate services of SAS. which was a
treat for any Joan or Joe who likes
an abundance of free drinks, free
eats, and first class service.
If at any time in the future the
Michigan Union turns profession-
al and opens up their offices as a
travel agency, they have my busi-
ness for the future, as well as my
thanks for the past.
-Ted Cohn, '80

(Continued from Page 2)
Wed.-Sat., April 26-29, Friedrich Duer-
renmatt's "The Visit"; 8:00 p.m. Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Added bonus free to season sub-
scribers: Week of January 15-21, the
'Premiere Performance of an original
play. Specific dates to be announced:
8:00 p.m. Trueblood Auditorium or
Arena Theatre, Frieze, Building.
Season Subscriptions: $6.00 and 400,
plus 25c for each ticket for each Fri-
day or Saturday performance of "Pur-
ple Dust.' the March opera, "School
For Husbands," and "The Visit." Orders
may be sent to: University Players,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Ann Arbor.
Enclose self-addressed. stamped en-
velope. Checks payable t University
Players. Box, office (Mendelssohn Thea-
tre) open Mon., Oct. 17, 10:00 a.m.
Orders placed at this time for single
tickets will be filled AFTER season
subscription orders filled.


Activities, Academics Involvement

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second article in a three-part series
on orientation as a University proj-
ect and a University problem.)
Editorial Director
Any approach to orienting the
new student to the University as
an academic community will 'be
inadequate. As can be argued for
all orientation programs, the ap-
proach is nonetheless essential if
only in starkest skeletal form.
It is likely that entering stu-
dents are much better aware of
the social needs and goals which
characterize and individualize
them than of academic or intel-
lectual ones. High school provides
a lopsided fulfillment of its dual
role-social and academic educa-
tor-and high school graduates
thrown into the University find
themselves socially sophisticated
but intellectually green.
The orientation of a mind to
its environment is difficult to re-
duce to essentials. The problem is
complicated further when that
environment stresses the import-
ance of developing the mind above
all else, and is tailored to provide
optimum conditions for its
* * *9
BECAUSE OF ITS function as
the Janus of the American school
system, finishing as many scholas-
tic careers as it launches, public
high schools are primarily frame-
works in which the individual
develops socially. In high schools
slanted toward academic achieve-
ment, emphasis is on scholarship
as a socially valuable asset.
Discipline and limitation im-
posed perhaps necessarily in high
school academic programs and
curricula are removed or dras-
tically modified on the college
level, and social systems not
undervalued but certainly sub-
Educators, deeply anxious to
provide the finest educational op-
portunities and facilities, continue
to ask students, "What do you

...the intellectual bent
begins to struggle toward the end
of intergrating the academic tra-
dition of the university into his
life and work.
* * *
THERE IS, of course, only time
for a brief and halting push in-
hopefully-the right direction.
A mock lecture and an in-
spirational welcoming address by
President Hatcher are more or
less expected, more or less super-
ficial in the feeling of ease they
would create.
To supplement them, this year's
orientation engineers scheduled
student-faculty discussions and
deleted activities tours.
There are values and dangers
in throwing students and faculty
members into an amorphous
situation-"all right, now, discuss"
-when the brand-new students
can't be aware of questions and
the faculty members, drafted from
all walks of campus life, cant be
would wish to give the student a

most often criticized in pragmatic
terms are those which demand the
student's time and energy most
extensively and concentratedly-
the student government and stu-
dent newspaper.
Obviously, as long as such ac-
tivities are treated as appendages
to the educational program, no
answer to such criticism is ad-
missable. It can be argued that
time and energy-consuming ac-
tivities are actually harmful to the
/ student as a student, since they
constitute diversions which stu-.
dents may even come to consider
equally important with studies.
* 8 *
THERE ARE points to be made
on both sides of the activities
question. Undeniably, if the stu-
dent's development in an activity
is deep enough to be of any benefit
to him other than the superficial
filling of leisure time, it will cut
into study time and potentially
lower grades. On the other hand,
no student who devotes his time
and energy only to studies can
claim to fulfill his capabilities for
. * *
THIS UNIVERSITY, fortunately
for its students, isn't an ivory
tower or cloister. It is far from
the medieval university-a com-
munity of scholars. It is large
enough to leave its students room
for self-direction, though, and if
they want to live in private ivory
towers they have that option.
But to deemphasize the many
opportunities for extra-curricular'
involvement in a program design-
ed to orient new students to the
social and intellectual complex of
the campus is to neglect a re-
Yes, this responsibility comes
under the heading of intellectual
orientation. Option the entering
student has, but he can use that
option rightly or wrongly. If he
elects to pass through the uni-
versity as a phase, forming no
social or intellectual attachments,
he has chosen wrongly.
* . *



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