THE MICHIGAN DAILY ity Press Expansion s Book Production By JUDITH OPPENHEIM Since 1954, the scope of the Uni- versity of Michigan Press has in- creased to the point where it ranks among the top university presses of the country. The number of books published annually has increased more than 500 per cent over the last six years, from a total of nine in 1954 to 46, last year. During this same period, the sales income of the Press has risen from $104,000 to approximately $1,150,000, although the Univer- sity subsidy has declined from a high of $138,000 in 1955-56 to $500,000 in 1959-60. Production Increases This increase in production and income is due largely to the in- creased professionalism of the Press. Owned by the University and the state, it was originally a service agency for the University. Although its purpose has always been the same as that of the Uni- versity, to disseminate knowledge and publish the results of scholar- ship, the Press has developed into a professional publishing depart- ment, serving the general cause of education rather than the faculty alone. The original Press building on Maynard Street, completed in 1955, has already become too small for the rapidly expanding organiza- tion. In late October, the Press offi- ces will move to a former post office on East University which is now being remodeled for them and the original building will revert back to the University. Press Aims The aim of the Press is to pub- lish a wide range of books for an audience of educated readers with varied interests. Its books are dis- tributed by stores and through1 agents all over the world, partic- ularly in the English speaking countries.. The Press also prints books in foreign languages and has recently. undertaken a large-scale program of Russian publication. Some of the works included in the project are not available in the' Soviet Union because of government cen- sorship.. One of the most important such works is a forthcoming collection of short stories by the famous Russian authoreMikhail Zoshchen- ko, edited by Mark Slonam. Conjecture Based The number of copies printed of each books is based on an expert's conjecture of the expected sales. In paperback editions, .7,500. to 10,000 copies are usually printed. The price is determined by the production cost in relationship to expected sales, overhead and ware- housing costs, and royalties. The power to approve publica- tion of a manuscript lies with an editorial committee composed of University faculty members. This committee considers the merits of the particular work and then sub- mits its recommendations as to' publication. Rejection by the committee con- stitutes an absolute veto on publi- cation of the book, but acceptance is merely permissive. A claim to publication is established only when a formal contract with the author has been signed by the University Regents. Prepare Manuscripts' Once a manuscript is accepted, editing consists mainly in prepar- ing it for the printer. The respon- sibility is almost entirely left to the author, and no actual rewrit- ing is done. The University's printing plant on the North Campus puts out some of the Press's books, and others are published by different printing companies throughout the Country, Selection of a printer is made mainly on' an economic basis, and a press Is often selected especially for color plates or foreign langu- age publications. Economist's T"our Includes U' Visit Today The Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in Kenya, Duncan Ndeg- wa, will visit the University this weekend. On a 120-day tour of the United States, Ndegwa will spend today through Sunday on campus. In this country on aspecialist grant, he has lectured to numerous groups on economics. One of the younger men in Ken- ya's government, he was a statisti- cian officer for three years for the East African High Commission. Anyone interested in talking ; with Ndegwa may call him at the Union or Mrs. Suzanne Myer at the International Center. ISA Plans B-- kl Hi-Weekly Discussions The International Students' As- sociation is beginning the season with a series of bi-weekly debates and discussions on current contro- yersial issues. Starting last night with the po- litical situation in the Congo and continuing with the Cuban ques- tion next week, "We hope to ar- range a similar discussion when- ever an area of the world gets hot," said Elliott Tepper, vice- president of ISA. The first Sunday in October, all the nationality club presidents with the officers of ISA will meet" at the home of James M. Davis, director of the International Cen- ter. In the future, Tepper suggests representatives of the nationality clubs arrive early. The clubs would being operation sooner, and aid International Center registration. "This is still up in the air, but we may well have this organized next year," said Tepper. "The registration forms in use this fall are perfect in theory," Edward G. Groesbeck, director of the registration and records de- partment says. The single form which replaces the extensive railroad ticket was used in a small-scale experiment last February and then replaced the latter completely for summer school registration. Groesbeck hopes that students will work more carefully on this shorter form so that the various officers will have more accurate information to aid them in servic- ing the student body. Accuracy is so important on these new forms that the checking staff has been doubled, Groesbeck said. After thorough checking each form is placed in a new machine which takes fifteen, and runs them off two at a time. They are then alphabetized be- fore being sent to the various cam- pus offices. Though this theory is thought to be perfect, Groesbeck com- mented that changes, aimed at aiding both students and the Uni- versity, are made at every regis- tration. GROESBECK COMMENTS: Registration Form 'Perfect in Theory' THE, EASY WAY-The new "perfect theory" registratioh form, shown at right, is designed to help eliminate errors and make things easier for the registering student and is being used in all schools for the first time during a fall semester. It replaces the giant "railroad ticket" shown at left. *f "" f ^REND 0 p'N ONLY . 32 P0{ $1.95' CHOIC ELECTED! by a landslide...the new Esterbrook "101"! Now-a dif- ferent type of cartridge pen! It carries 2 cartridgesin the barrel--one is a spare-so there's no need to run out of ink. 32 points in its favor! Every point custom-fitted to a different handwriting personality. Choose your personality ...choose your pen point...32 in all $1.95 is the low, low price of the Esterbrook "101" Renew Point Fountain Pen... so there's no opposition to the fountain.pen budget this yearl Get on the Esterbrook bandwagon...pick your pen and pen point now! S colors. Squeeze-fill available, too! ": :':: r,.;.:: ".; .; : :.-r: :: . ": . ": rr:: :.}?(+ : ::.t : n': n}:J:: is i; .r :^:: : .... ... .. _...- _. ~ _. 1 r.... .. :::. v: :.C"n"::::. :.::::.:..-.^:. : .v.Jr : rt4r: xr.: YYr{:4nfJ.w:.w.: h..:. t::? Qi:: 4:. : :. .. .x ......,. ... .. ....... .. ... ... .. ... .. .. .. .... ... .. ". \ ....... . . .:. .....v .< .......... ...: Y... .. " . . ....' ': . . ... .. . . . .. IRMA CA VAT ZUBEL KACHADOORIAN SEPTEMBER 12-SEPTEMBER 30 first exhibition in this area following four years in Europe - *T.M4. TbhE btbrook FienCOa. The 9sarbot "ill Othier ksubrok Forsythe Gallery 201 Nickels Arcade Read and Use The Michigan Daily Classifieds THERE.S A POINT CHOICE OF S2-ONE IS CUSTOM-FITTRD FOR YOUI I ,I 'I t It's T .. - .. JNIV RSI 'YBO 1 S. ORE for the Best in BOO S and SUPPLIES NEW and USED TEXTBOOKS and SUPPLIES for all University of Michigan courses- Special departments for liberal arts, nursing, medical, and engineering 1 II Inspect our huge inventory of fountain pens, pencils, drawing sets, zipper notebooks, leather goods, stationery, slide rules, art supplies, and Michigan souvenirs! p WTIILTX'ILT ucIFmv unnucmnu f.., Ui ~ i