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September 16, 1960 - Image 13

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-09-16

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NSA Adopts Moves
On National Issues
The United States .National Student Association, composed of
representative delegates from 383 colleges and universities, met in
Minneapolis for its 13th Congress, Aug. 21-30.
Nearly 100 resolutions were adopted in the Congress plenary ses-
sions and the post-Congress meeting of the National Executive Com-
mittee. Among the most significant of the resolutions were the fol-
lowing, in summary form:
FEDERAL AID TO EDUCATION-Affirming federal aid in prin-
ciple, USNSA urges financial aid programs directed at students and
institutions of higher learniing. Grants to students should be based
only on intellectual ability and financial need, and should take the
form of scholarships, graduate fellowships, and low interest loans.
Federal aid for construction in institutions should not be accompan-
ied by any form of control of academic policy, nor should instructors
be employed with federal funds. USNSA shall take responsibility for
an informative campaign regarding federal aid and free institutions.
DESEGREGATION-USNSA commends the action of southern
students involved in peaceful sit-in demonstrations, attacks those
"inveterate traditions of injustice which are elevated to the stature
of legal mandates" in the South, deplores the lack of thorough press
coverage of the sit-in movement. It recommends that member schools
support the movement through non-violent picketing, selective buy-
ing, messages of support to southern students, letters to local and
national legislators, and continued pressure to eliminate discrimina-
tory practises in local communities.
* * *
WORLD YOUTH FORUM-USNSA takes interest in the forum,
to be held in Moscow next summer, but desires that "all facts and
opinions relevant to the issues under consideration" be presented.
Before the USNSA decides to attend the forum, it desires several con-
ditions including the following: 1) that the Forum constitutes a free
and open meeting for expression of opinion which will contribute
to wider international student cooperation; 2) that youth organiza-
tions in attendance be prepared to prove their claim to represent the
youth in their respective countries; 3) that delegates be given prior
notice of the suggested agenda and that rules and procedure be made
nkown also; 4) that the speakers and resource persons be selected
genuinely to represent divergent ideological and political positions.
--USNSA believes that the duties and aims of the student press to
serve its community, to cultivate freedom of expression, and to stimu-
late thought and response in the community must be done as the
editors see fit and that the editor must bear full responsibilities for
his policies. USNSA affirmed that the student press must be free from
all outside interference and control and be completely self-directed.
USNSA asserts that the student press must be concerned with ac-
urcacy in all stories, maintaing an open forum for free expression of
ideas and have full regard for laws of obscenity, libel and other civil
legal restrictions but without violating principles of free press.
* * *
KERR DIRECTIVES-(Clark Kerr, president of the University
of California, last year issued a series of directives that prohibit stu-
dent government from taking positions on "off-campus political, reli-
gious, economic, international or other issues of the time.") USNSA
See ADVOCATE, Page 5

TNOfV. 8.
City Slates
First Vote
On Liquor
Amid speculations on whether
the step would be detrimental to
the student community, Ann Ar-
bor will vote Nov. 8 for the first
time in its history on permitting
the sale of liquor by the glass.
A vote on the issue was secured
last Friday when City Clerk Fred'
J. Looker reported that the Ann
Arbor Licensees' Association, an
organization composed of 25 lo-
cal tavern, restaurant and hotel
owners, had collected the required
total of 5,762 signatures.
Stirs Controversy -
The question will be submitted
to city voters Nov. 8, reads: "Shall
the sale of spirits in addition to
beer and wine be permitted for
consumption on the premises
within the city of Ann Arbor un-
der the provisions of the law gov-
erning the same?"
The proposal, which is success-
ful would boost Ann Arbor's total
of license-holding establishments
to 44 (at the rate of one per 1,500
of population), has stirred up con-
siderable controversy, especially in
regard to the University student.!
The city has imposed temper-
ance on students ever since 1874,
when an ordinance was passed
banning them from saloons-re-
gardless of age.
One of State's Few
It has since been altered and
reinforced, until today the Ann
Arbor-Ypsilanti metropolitan area
stands alone in the state with
Battle Creek and Kalamazooas
those which do not allow the sale
of liquor by the glass.
Straw votes and other expres-
sions of public viewpoints make it
plain there is still a sizeable seg-
ment of the city which is convincedj
that liquor by the glass would
have a damaging effect on the
student body. It would simply
make it easier for students to ob-
tain liquor-and give the city the
resulting problems, they argue.
Others reject as negligible any,
overall harm to students, and
point out that it would be a con-
venience to the townspeople.
While arguments fly pro and
con, University officials have re-
served judgment, apparently will-
ing to abide with local laws.




Issues New
Statements h
Group's Congress
Meets in Minneapolis K
To Debate Problems
Editorial Director
Defining and direting the stu-
dent in relationship to his society,,
representatives from some 380 of
the nation's colleges and universi-
ties met recently at the 13th Na-
tional Student Congress at Min-
neapolis, Minn.#
New statements on the freedom F
and responsibility of the student
press, the role of the student in FULL UP-The University residence hall system i
the total community, international ters such as these on the ninth floor of South
cooperation among student groups
and the threat of totalitarianism
became basic policy declarationsD
of the United States National Stu-Deans eport
dent Association in the legislative
plenary sessions that closed the
Congress. -.By JUDITH BLEIER it weren't for
USNSA also took stands on such Reports from the offices of the space, I would
ajor issuede gregatsouthern t deans of men and women indicate right here," she
ins nd esegegaionloyltythat University housing is filled
oaths, compulsory ROTC Cuba to capacity this fall. Women
and nuclear testing. Temporary housing has been We have h
Not Binding established within the residence many of the gi
Neither resolutions nor basic hall system to accommodate those sion to remain i
policy declarations passed by the students who, because of late ac- they were pla
Congress are regarded as binding ceptance to the University, were Mrs. Fuller sai
on the member schools, but are not assigned rooms. is usually impo
attempts to articulate the en- Residence Halls 'Prepared' "We are bein
sus of national student opinion on Converted study halls in Mosher, minute room ca
current issues involving or affect- Jordan and Stockwell Halls have time now, and a
ing "students in their role as stu- been set up to house approxi-
dents." mately 30 women, according to
How limiting is the definition Mrs. Elsie Fuller, Assistant Dean Pii nel
of the student's role? The basic of Women and Director of Hous-
policy declaration on "The Student i in Women's Residence Halls.
in the Total Community," written "We were' prepared for this Fal M
by former SGC member Al Haber, situation ahead of time," Mrs.
'60, expands the USNSA's present Fuller said, Every student who is Panhellenic A
concept of the role of the student. involved in the temporary set-up cuss various fac
College students should concern was informed of it by the Uni- ing in its fall n
themselves with social and politi- versity prior to his or her arrival Barb Greenber
cal affairs not necessarily tied to in Ann Arbor, yesterday.
nocal campus or academic spheres, A residence set-up has been Among the fi
the declaration maintains. "The devised for women with two bunk will be the purp
student should seek with interest beds in each room. "Everyone has tions, valuable a
those problems which will lead to been very cooperative," Judy Cep- to undertake, j
responsible involvement in social has, Grad., reports. She is living and creating
and political action." temporarily at Jordan Hall. "If projects.
Regenerate Movement
Arguing for the adoption of the }p/y
proposal, Daily Editor Thomas > '-
Hayden, '60, said, "1960 has seen
the regeneration of a vital student
moeet...ndryigitals U N F N S1
the simple belief which the foun-
ders of this, organization held-
that the student is a person quite ' 4
capable of thinking through hisA
position and following up that A
thought with action, decisive ac-
tion designed to bring about
change in the state ofraffairs
"Critics of this bill will claim the Y
American student is not capable -
of making decisions ... . that the
role of leadership and decision-
making is something properly to-
be exercised by our parents ...r
something that we ought only to
think about, something which_ __
comes later on . . Ia

to Hi





Is filled, necessitating the use of temporary guar-
Quad for students accepted late.
es ences Full

Gives Britt
The Rev. Fr. Laurence V. Britt,
S. J., was named to replace the
Rev. Fr. Celestin. J. Steiner, S. J.,
as president of the University of
Detroit, the appointment to be ef-
fective Oct. 30.
Father Steiner will take the
newly created post of university
chancellor, and the Rev. Fr. Mal-
colm T. Carron, S. J., will replace
Father Britt as dean of the arts
and sciences college.
The appointments were an-
nounced to the Jesuit members
of the university community by
the Rev. Fr. John A. McGrail,
S. J., provincial of the Detroit
Province, Society of Jesus. They
were officially made by the Rev.
Fr. John Baptist Janssens, S. J.,
general of the Society of Jesus.
Father Steiner had been presi-
dent of the university 11 years, the
longest term of office for any
president, In his new of fice, he
will be responsible directly to the
president and will be in charge
of directing the university's de-
velopment program.
In announcing the appoint-
ments, Father McGrail said that
"In keeping with the university's
long-range objective of continued
planned development, it seemed
advisable to appoint a new presi-
dent at this time, while continu-
ing to take advantage of the in-
valuable experience and wisdom
acquired by Father Steiner."
He also noted that the increas-
ing complexity of the university
had greatly increased the responsi-
bilities f the president,
During Father Steiner's tenure,
the university's student body has
increased by about 4,000 to 13,-
588, and its faculty has expanded
from 458 members to 685.
The university plant has had
five new buildings worth a total
of $7 million added to it, and
many other programs have been
either begun or expanded while
Father Steiner was president.

the lack of closet
n't mind staying
Ask to Stay
ad requests from
rls asking permis-
n the dorms where
ced temporarily,"
[d. Of course, this
issible, she added.
ag notified of last
ncellations all the
we are placing the
ssociation will dis-
ets of sorority liv-
mieetings, President
g, '61, announced
rst topics for study
ose of house func-
activities for houses
judiciary problems
interest in house

women in permanent housing as
rapidly as we can," she reported.
John Hale, Assistant Dean of
Men in Charge of Residence Halls
concurs with Mrs. Fuller. The
number of men in temporary
housing is constantly fluctuating,
he said. The total of 54 men hous-
ed on the ninth floor of South
Quadrangle has been reduced
within two days to 35, and changes
are still being made.
No New Problem
Temporary housing is not a
new problem at the University.
"The top floor of South Quad-
rangle has been used for this
purpose during the opening in
the fall for the past three years,"
Hale explained. Although the
Dean of Women's office has ex-
perienced similar situations be-
fore the opening of Mary Markley
Hall, housing nearly 1,200 women,
solved the problem until this year.
But if the total enrollment at
the University is not to remain
static, there will be a need for
additional housing facilities, per-
haps within the near future, Halt

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Here is your opportunity to become an American Brother to an
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this form and send or bring it to the International Affairs Com-
mittee, Student Offices, Michigan Union, Ann Arbor by Tues-
day, Sept. 20. For additional information call the Michigan

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