Ta-Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa - EIw A~irlflgwn Baihy Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN When Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Truth Wil -PreaiU" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOt, Mim . * Phone NO 2-3241 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. Y, JANUARY 20, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: PAT GOLDEN Co-ordinating the Colleges: Who Makes the Decisions SIDELINE ON SGC: SGC'S Week Delay Can, Be Beneficial By PAT GOLD N Daily Staff Writer ONE OF STUDENT Government Council's 10 functions, desig in its plan, is to serve as the official representative of s opinion at the University. Council use of the provision ranges from sending lette Southern governors about integration to expression of appro the Ann Arbor liquor-by-the-glass proposal. The majority of *e sios recently have dealt with various civil rights and civil 111 issues: Currently, SoC's operating procedures place the Council matically in a committee of the' whole for the initial discuss expressions of student opinion. Furthermore, "All final considera- tion cannot be given until seven D days after the initial considera- tion-. OFFICL The committee of the whole procedure is a device to make BULLETIN debate on a question more infor - mal. The chairman relinquishes the chair and becomes a member °- The Daily Official Bulletin of the committee. Any member official publication of The Un sity of Michigan for which may speak as often as he can get Mihigan Daily assumes no edi the floor, providing a person who responsibility. N o ti c e s shou has not previously spoken on the sent in TYPEWRITTEN for quesion .dos no as forit.Room 3519 Administration Buil question does not ask for It. before 2 p.m. two days prec The SGC agenda places time publication. limits on debate for all motions. FRIDAY, JANUARY 20 According to Robert's Rules of Order, debate time in a committee General Noti of the whole cannot be extended past the designated time limit, The Early Registration Pass C evenif te comitee uanimus- tee of the Student GovernmentC even if the committee unanimous- is now. accepting requisitions fa ly wants to do so. of-Order Registration Passes for T'S ALMOST A TRUISM in Michigan that mI nething must be done to coordinate the' programs of the state's universities. The universities, through the Michigan Jouncil of State College Presidents, have said -epeatedly that they can do the Job them- elves. And legislators, growing impatient at he Council's delay, are considering their own "YS of ending the current .confusion. Pd 'rmost dangerous --- and perhaps the nost popular -,plan is to appoint a coordinator Woftview budgets submitted by the schools and ien reco endwhere the Legislature should pend its money. This is dangerous because the power to ontrol finances means the power to persuade olleges into accepting. control of allother olIc State Sen. Porter has decided that his 00r to bold up approval of Wayne State Jniversity's budget gives him the right to tell he governors how to run the school, and the tudents who they can listen to, and who would errupt them. A co-ordinator particularly the "rugged in- avidualist, hard-headed, cards on the table" ype so admired in comic books and the state .gislature - might decide to try a little persuading" on his own. COLLEGE PRESIDENTS, in an awkward position now, would lose some of their arganinng power with the appointment - by he state -- of a coordinator. Because, in the welter of figures and dif- ering scales that now surround the budget equests there lies a certain safety. No senator an now appeal to the public greed with quite facility of a coordinator. Because now it's word of the colleges against the word of he senators, and the public, if it has been aught by the Legislature that the colleges will Liways ask for money, regardless of their actual ted, , . well, it has been told often enough py the defenders of the budget requests that be required increases are 'minimal' and the ,ery least that will stave off the utter ruin )t the state. This stalemate would be broken by the ap- gtment of a coordinator. For he would be jknowl ededby both the colleges and the egislature to have all the information needed * arrIve at the most Just of decisions. And, in in instance where one or another of the in- erested parties accused of him of miserliness -- or extravagance - the public would pretty iuickly rule the complaint 'sour grapes' - ecause, by the very nature of things, no one - not even the parties involved - knows as iiuch as does the coordinator. F TH CORDIATOR were selected by LrandOm sample the colleges might hope to Mad him "on their side." But unfortunately, he coordinator is chosen by the legislators -- lnd despite a lot of talk about the importance , the advice of the college presidents and segenta in selecting the man, one can be issrdthat the legislators will in the end dck someone whom they can trust - and who vIll feel something of an obligation to prove us 'fealty.' To create 4 coordinator or coordinating board which- would not much alter the argument, ept that a group of ten would probably be Old Conflict R THE FIRST time, the spring semester time schedule now available in the Adminis- ation Bldg. includes the examination sche- of lower quality than one top man) means to give to one man (or a few men) a power now shared by many legislators - it means to allow one man to toy with a state's colleges without any fear - except of his employers. rfE MICHIGAN COUNCIL of State College Presidents has realized the pressure from the public to come up with some plan to give at least the appearance that education funds are being spent to promote education, and not the ambitions of college officials or the dem- agogueries of state legislators, But he council hasn't yet come up with 'the right man.' The right man, of course, Is the one whom all members of the council trust - the man who will give completely unbiased recommendations, or orders, which will benefit all institutions as well as the state in general. Such a man does not exist. The council knows it, the legislature knows it, and doubt- less the men who have been asked to take the job know it too. To appoint a man who will deal "impartially" (and what does that word mean?) with all the schools is a job beyond the scope of the council. To appoint a 'coordinator' who will harm the higher education of the state in order to please his bosses is only too easy for the Legislature. Somewhere there should be a small still voice to warn the council, and leaders of education in general, that hesitation in acting on their own will lead to catastrophe. NOW THE JOB of the coordinator, whether hired by the colleges or the legislators, can be divided into two areas: The first is the gathering of information, the making up of charts and figures, not only on the universities but on other relevent fields as well - e.g., the plans of the high schools for expansion, and the growth of population. The second part of the job is drawing from the facts, and from the philosophy of the co- ordinator, a series of recommendations, which will, inevitably, juggle the relative prestige of the various institutions. Everyone - almost literally - has asked for someone to do the first job. But it seems that the council is being both slovenly and cowardly in proposing to hire a "compatable" chap to operate on his own and do the second job. PRESUMABLY, THE presidents of the state's colleges are intelligent men. Certainly they have devoted years to studying the needs of their schools, and know better than most what can be accomplished in the way of educational programs. Why do they abdicate the sum of their individual powers and place this collective responsibility in the hands of one man? The fact that the colleges are looking for a "harmonizer" (in the words of President Spathelf) is an admission that they have not been able, or willing, to reach harmony among themselves. And the fact that they haven't yet found a man they can all trust indicates the poverty of their position. The Legislature can find a man it can trust - it can trust him because it can fire him. But the council, in its own eyes at least, is nine independent bosses - and no one of them can have the Legislature's smug security about the dependence of the appointee. What the council must do is keep the right to "coordinate" the various programs itself. A man to collect the facts necessary to come to a decision would not be a hard man to come by - he needn't be a combination of Solomon and Machiavelli. THE ANTI-LIBERAL SENTIMENT: Fear of Being Different Exists By KENNETH McELDOWNEY Associate City Editor cCARTHYISM is not dead; there still exists in the minds of people an irrational fear of un-Americanism, of Communism. It is still not accepted, or even safe, for one to speak out against the actions of J. Edgar Hoover, head of the FBI, or the House Un-American Activities Commit- tee. If he dares to, he will be branded at best as a Communist dupe. This was all brought to light quite clearly on Tuesday night when I and a friend traveled to Battle Creek to speak out against the film "Operation Abolition" which deals with the demonstra- tions against the May HUAC hearings in San Francisco. I wish- ed to speak at the program being sponsored by the PTA. The person in charge of the pro- gram feared that my presence on the panel, which was to comment on Communism, would cause dis- order and demonstrations. My representative, August Johansen (R-Mich) a member of HUAC, said that if I appeared on the panel that he would fly down from Washington to speak against me. * * * FINALLY THE PTA decided against having me appear on the panel, but assured me that the panel would present fairly both sides of the problem of public safety as opposed to private rights In regards to the Communist threat and HUAC. After the movie was shown, the four panelists said, as do Hoover and the Committee, that the stu- dents involved were either Com- munists or Communist dupesand that the Communist threat must be combated at all costs. One pan- elist even advocated a preventa- tive war to save the world for de- mocracy. The side of the students, who believe they were demonstrat- ing against a force in the United States, HUAC, that is detrimental to true democracy and freedom of speech, was not given, Following the panel discussion the chairman asked if there were any questions from the audience. I stood up and gave the student's argument against the film that has been repeated by the Wash- ington Post, the Reporter and oth- er national publications. The first response I received from the audi- ence was a highly indignant man rising to shout, "I don't have to listen to this kind of stuff." He then stalked from the room follow- ed closely by approximately 20 others. * * * AFTER GIVING panel members and one member of the audience a chance to praise HUAC, cite the threat of Communism and ridicule the period of time I have had to read of the Communist threat the chairman closed the meeting. Following the meeting, I was subjected to comments such as "Why don't you go to Russia and talk to Khrushchev. He'll take your side," or, "We should run you out of town on a rail," or "This is a democracy, you can't talk that way." These comments combined with the wondering town the situation is radically dif- ferent. IN A TOWN such as Battle Creek there is only one newspaper, most of the citizens are either men who work in one of the fac- tories or wives of factory workers. Their access to information in- cludes their newspaper and maybe one or two picture magazines. Unfortunately, many of the oth- er citizens of perhaps higher ed- ucation and social position appear to have the same lack of informa- tion. For them the Communist threat becomes very real as they near someone who is better educated or in a position of some influence assures them that there is a very real danger. They do not question what they are told by either these people or statements issued by the government. For these reasons such a movie as "Operation Abolition" com- mands great attention and an al- most reverent respect. After all this is a film that was approved by a committee of our govern- ment, how could it not tell the entire truth? * * 9 WHEN THEY hear statemens counter to their accepted belief their automatic reaction is to as- sert that these were spoken by either a Communist or his dupe. They do not attempt to listen to the reasoning or the facts as pre- sented. Their conditioning forces them to disbelieve totally. In such an atmosphere films such as "Operation Abolition" thrive. They are either believed or else those who can see through them so greatly fear being brand- ed a subversive they refuse to voice their convictions. At the meeting I received no support publically. After the meet- ing a student-teacher from Mich- igan State University came up and said that she agreed. Other open- minded citizens showed interest the next day through conversa- tions and phone calls. This is very encouraging. However, the great majority of the country still remains in the dark both on the issue of the con- flict between the private and the public. There is too great a ten- dency on the part of most to for- get the rights of the individual in the wake of supposed dangers to the safety of the nation. For them, it is desirable to restrict liberties in the face of danger. This is something that few will deny. The issue is' whether or not there is sufficient danger to justify the abridgement of liberties. I believe there is not. "Operation Abolition" and pub- lications such as the Hoover Re- port and others are designed to persuade the public that such a situation does exist. As long as people remain unin- formed, it will be possible for per- sonal liberties to be removed in the name of freedom. * * * ROGER SEASONWEIN, '61, now wishes to change the council oper- ating procedures which require a week's delay in final consideration of student opinion motions. His rationale is that anything the, Council does is an expression of student opinion. Certainly, in one sense of the term. anything 'the Council does is student opinion. The distinc- tion here is between Council busi- ness which involves recognition off organizations, approval of student activities, origination or coordina- tion of student projects, or ap- pointment of students to various' committees and boards, and Coun- cil action which is solely to express an opinion. The reason behind changing the operating procedure, however, is more important than semantics. There Ais some feeling that the provision merely hampers SGC by dragging out issues which have' considerable time significance. The week delay was established partly so that the constituency would have time to express its actual opinion before the Council handed down an official student opinion. The question is whether Council members make an effort to find out campus opinions. * * *9 COUNCIL MEMBERS ought to try to determine campus sentiment on student opinion motions, but the constituency also can make a much greater attempt to be heard. Students can aid SGC con- sideration of opinion motions by attending meetings and speaking during constituents' time, and by direct communication with in- dividual Council members between meetings. The one week clause can pro- vide the opportunity for increased student participation in SGC af- fairs, but if it is not so used- if expressions of student opinion are merely an indication that more than half of the Council members present at a meeting agreed-- then the clause does hamper pro- cedures. 1961 fron student organizations. Pa can be obtained by an interview February 7, 8, or 9 for people who rally work over 15, hours per w throughout the semester. A letter f the employer must accompany requisition. Applications for Phoenix Project search Grants: Faculty members wish to apply for grants from theI. igan Memorial-Phoenix Project Resea Funds to support research in the pe ful applications and. implications nuclear energy'should file applicat In Room 2042, Phoenix Memorial Lat atory by March 1. Application ci will be mailed on request or can obtained at 2042 Phoenix Memo Lab., Ext. 86-407. Martha Cook Building is receiv applications for September 1961. n ent Freshmen and Sophomore won may apply. Please telephone NO 2 for an appointment. . Physical Education Classes for Upl class women Only: 'Fouractivity classes will be sc] uled for upperclass women only dur the first seven weeks of the sp semester. No freshman may register these classes. Each class will be ec pleted withing the regular hourly scb ule, so an individual might mak class following the gym class hour The elective classes are: Golf--Tues, and Thurs, at 8:10 8:45, Women's Athletic Bldg. Fencing-Mon. and Wed. at 10:10 10:45. Women's Athletic Bldg. Swimming-Wed. only at 11:00-1 Women's Pool. P.F.C.-Mon. and Wed., 3:10 to Barbour Gymnasium. Upperclass women may register these classes during the second ser ter registration period by going to Physical Education table at Watern gym. History 91-Mon., Jan. 23, 9-12. dents with initials A-L, in 25 Ang all others in Aud. C. History 38-Mon., Jan. 30. 9-12. dents with initials A-E in 229 An all others in 231 Angell. Notice to Bicycle Owners: More tl 165 impounded bicycles will berp1 in the' group to be sold at Pu Auction if they are, not claimed bei Mon., Feb. 6. Persons who have bicycles this year or in past years invited to check for their bicycles. cycle Storage Garages, located on Washington St. just off Forest Ave., open Mon., Tues.,. and Thurs. frci p.m. to 6 p.m. The service fee on all impoun bicycles is $3.00 if claimed within days. For the.next 60 days a sto charge of 10c per day is added. Wi storage at local shops is $1.50 month as compared to $3.00 per ma if the bicycle is left in our sto garagns. (Continued on Page 6) LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Williams Case and Membership Selection The inclusion of the exam sched raiseworthy convenience to the stud note, puzzling at best, is prominen over of the time schedule: "Your scr lasses must include a conflict-free exa chedule." Is this cryptic warning actuallya :eeping students from electing two ;urses whose exams are scheduled ame time? One hates to dredge up $sue, but the lopsided balance of adr ive expedience over educational pla aising its ugly head again. 'tElMOST THIS note could possib is that the powers that be passiona here will be no great increase in exa onflicts now that the time schedule is arly. Exam conflicts are unfortun lifficulties they present aren't insolub hey have been solved before. Para nucti of the debate regarding the inc he time schedule centered around spect of the same question: will stude Ilan their course schedules around thl chedules? If a student is compelled t course he needs because of an exam ie will be doing just that, through no its own. I would suggest that if no formal s given to professors and students toI onflicts between themselves, informal nents will be made as they have bee iast. Hopefully at some future time an ule is a_ dent. But t on the T E COUNCIL, THOUGH it does not affirm hedule of Its position, is the representative of the medule of universities, insofar as statewide policy is con- cerned. If it cannot weigh the opinions of ex- aimed at perts and come up with good plans of action, desired, then no one can. i 'at the On the other hand, the Legislature was voted into office to tend the people's interests; it a cliche should not yield its functionto a bureaucracy nlnig tra without any immediate censor of its activity. ~nning i A State Coordinator of Higher Education could follow the wishes of the Legislature in bly mean some areas, in return for relative autonomy 1y mean in others. After a while, of course, he would tely hope become less and less dependent on the law- revealed makers, for after a few years the position will Srevealed become more powerful than the Legislature ate. The would like. Any position that serves as the ble, since only meeting ground for two power complexes doxically, such as the universities and the Legislature lusion of will tend to accumulate power. another The legislators owe it to the much abused ents then principle of "the will of the people" to see that eir exam decisions in the vitally important area of educa- to drop tion are kept before the eyes of the people. conflict, If the Council of College Presidents prepares fault of a list of priorities and states, after study, what it wishes to be accomplished first, and directive what last, then it has done all it can do and work out what it is supposed to do. The Legislature, arrange- being given both the priorities and the data, n in the must decide -- for this is its job - how much examin- monev to nn ndn the ream s ts To the Editor: LET'S BE REALISTIC about the controversy over the injunction against the Williams chapter of Beta Theta Pi. The issue here, as any fraternity members knows, is not the "type of enforced selection practiced at Williams" as your edi- torial suggests, but the fact that the Williams chapter has, volun- tarily it seems, pledged a Negro. The 'total opportunity' debate is simply a convenient pretext to obscuse the real question-demo- cracy of membership in Amercian fraternities. If the basis of a fraternity is the 'theory of compatible' mem- bership,' then the chapter ought to be allowed to determine who is truly compatible. This seems to be the case at Williams. The outside interference comes from a vicious and outmoded policy of a national officialdom, not from any cause at Williams College it- self. Such interference will do more harm to the fraternity sys- tem than all the total opportunity plans ever developed. -W. Robert Connor Book Drive. .. To the Editor: 'HE STUDENT Government Council and the International Student Association are co-spon- soring a drive, from Wednesday, February 15, 1961, to Friday, Feb- while project and one that should enlist the support of the entire academic world and its associates. The support of both the University and Ann Arbor community is needed to make this drive a suc- cess. At this time when there is a great exchange of books, we appeal to the faculty, students and community to consider the great need for educational materials throughout the Asian world-a need which we can help meet. We are urging you NOW TO SAVE YOUR BOOKS for the drive early next semester. The kind of books wanted are university, college, and secondary level books in good condition, published after 1945. Works by standard authors published before 1945 are also needed. Categories of books and Journals needed are history, psychology, comparative, religion, social welfare, economics, business, law journalism, geo- graphy, and scholarly, scientific and technical journals in runs of five years or more. Boxes will be placed at strategic points for collecting the books. We hope that you will recognize the need and give it your support. -Jeanne Parn, '63 -Elliot Tepper,1'62 Co-chairmen, Asian Book Drive Electoral College.. . that the winner tends to have a larger majority in the electoral college than he does in popular votes makes for more orderly gov- ernment and avoids the temptation to fiddle with the votes that a' proportional distribution system would bring. Under a proportional system, which would have made the electoral score much closer, the recounts would still be going on. The opportunities for hanky- panky in a close election that the Mundt plan would bring stagger the imagination.. Harrah's cavalier dismissal of the McGee Amendment (which would force electoral votes to re- flect the popular vote of the state) with the remark that the fear that electors might frustrate the will of the voters is " . . . a remote possibility, and history has proven It too remote to bother with," makes one wonder where he was last November. Has he forgot the lip-smacking unction with which the Mississippi and Alabama electors were contemplating their opportunities to throw the election into the House of Representatives? This hankering for a system that allows a body representing a minority to frustrate the will of the majority is the real tip-off to what is bothering Harrah and Mundt - there are more Demo- crats in this country than Republi- cans. The fact of matter is, Harrah, Mundt, and Thurmond want to in arrogating to themselves I decision of just what the will the people is, in the face of majority expression to the c trary. -Daniel Bernd Department of English Dumpers... To the Editor: IT SEEMS THAT some peo aren't happy unless they're c ticizing something. I was quv shocked to read Mr. Goldber appraisal of the Symphony Ba concert as "a mixture of the vi good and the very bad." I doi know what his standards are, 1 if Sunday's concert didn't live to them, I doubt if any colc( ever will. Not only was the ban playing as near to flawless as have ever heard from them, 1 the choice of numbers was exc lent. Although Rafael Mendez blend with the band at times, I cani recall his ever being "drowned a torrent of percussion and hea brass," as Mr. Goldberg so poe, cally put it. A good soloist m be capable of becoming an in gral part of his accompanimei which Mendez did with perfecti The criticism of the clos: number I consider especially u fair. I have yet to speak to an one (Mr. Goldberg 'excepted)w found this number anything otl