Lit 4an ~ai44& "I CLOUDY high--28 L.ow-lB High pressure center moving toward campus. Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1961 FIVE CENTS SIX P OP Raps Building Plan U.S. Rejects Conference About Laos WASHINGTON (P)-The Unit- ed States has joined Britain and France in politely turning aside a Cambodian proposal for a 14- nation East-West conference to try to halt the war in Laos. A formal reply sent to Prince Norodom Sihanouk- earlier this week was understood to have thanked the Cambodian neutral' ist leader for a sincere effort to solve a situation with dangerous implications for his own country. While leaving the door open to a peace conference later, the Unit- ed States was reported in favor. of other means for halting the' fighting in the little southeast Asian kingdom, The State Department yester- day announced that the note had been sent but did not reveal what it said. This came after President Dwight D. Eisenhower, at his farewell news conference, blamed the Soviet Union as the main cause of the trouble in Laos by its support of the revolt of Com- munist elements. "At the moment there is no point of course of going into a conference unless everybody thinks this would be a good idea," Ei- senhower said. Earlier, a Laotian government source said that pro-Communist forces have shot down one of the four American - made trainer- fighters of Premier Prince Boun Oum's infant air force. The chance of getting a re- placement appeared remote. The propeller - driven AT-6, packing five-inch rockets and two .30 caliber machine guns, was re- ported felled by ground fire Tues- day while strafing retreating reb- els north of Vang Vieng. The fate of the Laotian pilot was un- determined. Three of the trainer-fighters, instead of the usual four, were parked overnight at Vientiane's airport. Their flights have backed the government offensive above Vang Vieng, a recaptured highway post 70 miles north of Vientiane, and helped menaced defenders of a staging area near the waist of Laos, WSU Defends Lecture Policy As Not Unique DETROIT (M)-Clarence B. Hil- berry, president of Wayne State University, said yesterday that Wayne's new policy on Communist speakers was in full accord with those of the other eight state col- leges and universities in Michi- gan. Hilberry reported to the WSU Board of Governors that presidents of the state schools decided at their Jan. 9 meeting there was no need for a state-wide policy on Communist speakers because pres- ent policies were nearly uniform. Wayne's 10-year ban against Communist speakers was relaxed Sept. 14 to allow educators and others whose talks would be in- structive to speak on campus. Protests caused the board to di- rect Hilberry to seek a uniform policy with the other presidents. Leonard Woodcock, United Auto Workers Union vice-president, was re-elected board chairman. A new policy of allowing high school students to be granted pre- liminary admission to the univer- sity on completion of the 11th grade was announced, Hatcher Ha Doubtsas' On Grants to SchooiQ ON YOUTH CORPS: To Hold National Conference U.S. Funds 'I By JOHN ROBERTS Americans Committed to World Responsibility will join the Na- tional Student Association and other groups in holding a national conference on the youth corps, Alan Guskin, Grad., said last night. Guskin, spokesman for ACWR, said that the conference will be held in Washington this March. Students from across the country will gather to debate the particu- lars of a youth corps program, at- tempting to reach conclusions which are representative of stu- dent opnion. James Scott, vice-president in charge of international affairs for NSA, is coordinating the confer- ence. A steering committee com- posed of students from the Uni- versity of Michigan, University of California, Duke University and American University will decide policy and handle regional prepa- ration. Three-Day Session The agenda in its present form, far from definite, would involve participants in a three-day session of workshops, addresses by pub- lic figures and tours. A final re- port, embodying recommendations and conclusion reached by the workshops, would be distributed to congressmen. Guskin said that the March date was chosen on the basis .pf advice he received on his recent trip to Washington. Most authorities are agreed that youth corps 'legisla- tion will be in committee about this time, and a national youth K ennedy Initiates Goodwill Proj eet for Latin America NEW YORK P- - President-elect John F. Kennedy adopted a' goodwill program toward Latin America yesterday by setting up Puerto Rico as a focal "meeting place and workshop" for improving relations. Kennedy, two days away from his inauguration, announced the project after conferring here with Gov. Luis Munoz Marin of the Puerto Rican Commonwealth. Before flying back to Washington and the start of the inaugura- tion festivities, Kennedy also had lunch with W. Averell Harriman, who will be his ambassador at large. He also announced four ap- pointments to his staff, including} two military aides. Kennedy is- sued a statement saying he and Munoz were agreed there was a need for a clearer recognition that the United States understood Latin America's needs. He called it the "hemisphere's need for a fundamental effort- a revolutionary effort in the best sense-to satisfy the desire of Latin American peoples for a civilization that shall be great materially as it already is spiri- tually." Puerto Rico, he said, already has played an important role in advaneing mutual understanding. He said the Caribbean island has served as a laboratory that enabled thousands of Latin Ameri- can public officials, intellectuals and students to "observe the re- markable development of demo- cracy and economic growth by a people who have freely chosen to work out their destiny in close association with the United States." "Gov. Munoz and I," he said, 'have agreed to take measures to expand the availability of Puerto Rico's facilities for a meeting place and workshop where we in the United States and our problems and the possibilities for the great achievements that we can attain by working together." He said he had asked Munoz to maintain close communications with him and Dean Rusk, who will be secretary of state in the new administration. Urge Store Integration, By CORA PALMER The Ann Arbor Direct Action Committee,, in anticipation of the sit-in movement on Feb. 1, is send- ing a letter to five major chain store headquarters urging "the completion of desegregation in (their) Southern lunch counters." Southern lunch counters." In the letter, to be sent to W. IT. Grant Co., S. S. Kresge Co., S. Hress Co., McCrory-Mc- Cellan ., and F. W. Woolworth Co., AADAC is working with the Detroit Congress on Racial Equal- ity (CORE) to fully realize the aims of the sit-in movement. "There is good evidence that the national boycott is effective and that these major chains are con- cerned" Jack Ladinsky, Grad., Co- ordinator of AADAC said. "ItCis our hope that we can convince them that a change of policy on the national level would be advan- tageous to the chains as well as to the country as a whole," he added. Members of AADAC and of the Detroit CORE met Friday with a Kresge representative to discuss the problem. "It is hoped that the S. S. Kresge Co. will see fit to be the first national dime store chain to achieve total integration," La- dinsky commented. "We know from independent sources that approximately five southern branches of the S. S. Kresge Co. in metropolitan areas have not yet been intgerated," Ladinsky said. There are 725 Kresge stores, 50 of which are south of Virginia and most of which are situated in suburban' shopping areas. "We are convinced that the S. S. Kresge Co. has gone ahead rapidly to integrate those stores where there is clearly no problem of residtance from the local popu- lation," Ladinsky said. The letter urges these stores to not "stop short of the goal of a national policy on this matter. We cannot rest easily until every store in your chain is as much a symbol of free America as it is a symbol of our free enterprise sys- tem." Lack Of Quorum CancelA Meetimn conference then would have its maximum impact on the final form of such legislation. He added that publicizing the issuedand demonstrating student responsi- bility were other purposes of the conference. The ACWR groups here and at Wayne State University in Detroit will handle regional coordination for the midwest. Working Papers The University chapter will be in charge of preparing working papers for the conference. Guskin indicated that this would be han- dled within the framework of an enlarged ACWR study group pro- gram here. The present program, involving about 60 students, con- sists of eight group which are studying the needs of underde- veloped areas and the problems of establishing a youth corps. The ACWR group at Wayne State University will coordinate the contacting of other schools in the midwest, Guskin said. NSA representatives in the Far West, East, and South will similarly make contact with schools in their regions. The conference will be held at the campus of American Univer- sity, on the outskirts of Washing- ton. Tentative plans also call for one evening session in a downtown hotel. Saw Authorities Guskin said that the present plans grew out of discussions he held with several persons in Wash- ington. Among these were Prof. Maurice Albertson of Colorado State University, head of a youth corps study authorized by Congress last year, and assistants of Rep. Henry Reuss (D-Wis). All agreed that a national conference would be a worthwhile and perhaps valu able project. After returning to Ann Arbor, Guskin approached NSA with his proposal. The NSA executive 'council, meeting. here last month, authorized Scott to take part in organizing such a conference. Guskin and his wife, Judith Guskin, Grad., are members of the conference steering committee. Other members are NSA workers. A meeting of the steering com- mittee will be held during the first week of intersession to finalize plans for the conference, Guskin said, and a NSA newsletter will be sent out shortly thereafter. House Rules Membership To Be Raised WASHINGTON (P) - House Speaker Sam Rayburn of Texas won a resounding and bloodless first-round victory yesterday in his fight for control of the power- ful House Rules Committee.. At a Democratic caucus mark- edly devoid of bickering, he ram- med through a resolution to boost the committee's membership in a way designed to take away from a coalition of Republicans and Southern Democrats control over the flow of major legislation. The resolution was shouted through at one of the briefest caucuses in party history - 15 minutes. It would increase the size of the Rules Committee from eight Democrats and four Repub- licans to ten Democrats and five Republicans. This could break the legislative grip now held by the four Republicans and two south- ern Democrats. Assuming that backers of President-elect John F. Kennedy's legislative program are assigned to the two Democratic vacancies, this should provide easier House sailing for such bills. In effect, the resolution was a compromise worked but by warring factions to avoid the more drastic step of purging one of the south- ern Democrats, Rep. William M. Colmer (D-Miss). Rayburn, in his determination to regain control of May Not Be 'sy Way 'U' President Predicts Billion Dollar Fund To Higher Education By PETER STUART University President Harlan Hatcher yesterday. predicted that more than $1 billion in federal aid to higher education is not far away, but said he had "grave doubts" as to its cost and im- plementation. Congress will probably author- ize a sum which is a compromise between the $5 billion suggested by Sen. Patrick McNamara (> Mich) and the $1 billion suggest- ed by Sen. Everett Dirkson (R* Ill), he said. Hatcher's comments on federal aid to higher education came in answer to a question posed by a member of the campus chapter of the American Institute of Chemi- cal Engineers, which he address- ed at a luncheon meeting. Federal aid should not be con- sidered "the easy way" to pay for education because it appears to cost less, he argued. President- HARLAN H. HATCHER ...questions federal aid I elect John F. Kennedy has said the federal government should subsidize states and local school districts which cannot support ed- ucation themselves, he noted. "Is it entirely stupid of me to ask where the, federal government is going to get the money?" Hatch- er asked. Then, answering his own question, he replied: "The federal government will use only thai money which it is able to obtain from these and other school dis- tricts." Won't Accept Responsibilities The local areas which require federal aid are those which will not accept their educational re- sponsibilities, he said. In addition, "I'm worried aboul the bureaucratic mind in Wash- ington," Hatcher continued. The federal government has withheld millions of dollars in aid from the state Department of Public In- struction for three years, simpl3 because something in the.depart- ment's methods of handling the money is wrong, he said. 'Asked if federal aid influences a university to compromise its in- tegrity, he replied that "up to the present time, the record has beer good." Even the land grant cobl- leges and universities, which are very closely tied to the federa government, have preserved their integrity well, he said. Request Disappoints Responding to a question con- cerning his views on Gov, .Johr B. Swainson's annual budget re- quest for the University, Hatcher said the request was "concerning even disappointing." The contrast between the high- er education request and "sisable increases" in such items as public schools and medical care for the aged gave him the immediate re- action that the governor "had no1 quite sorted out the areas of need in the proper proportions," he Philharmonic Performs