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January 15, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-01-15

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P )M~i i gun tiI1J

Toward Faculty Leadership


Seventy-First Year

Antone Are Froe
Will Provau"

orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

JANUARY 15, 1961



Directory of Minors;
A Useful 'U' Project?



'E RECENT ACTION of Dean of Men
Walter B. Rea in preparing and distributing
minors directory to local taverns and liquor
des has aroused considerable reaction among
° student body., The list which includes
mes and bfrthdates of University students is
other attempt by the administration to aid
il merchants in identifying University stu-
That the University has taken this action
admirable. As employees of a state-supported
Iversity, (a state which has seen fit to pass
4 enforce a law prohibiting buying or
Inking of intoxicants by minors), the Uni-
esity officials have a right and an obligation
help enforce this law. In doing so they are
last taking steps that will solve many of
e problems involved with the underage
inking that occurs in Ann Arbor. The ID
rd became so easy to change that after
eral modifications, it was 'replaced by the
tion receipt with little attempt at positive
ntifacation of the individual. Tavern owners
4 liquor outlets are continually running the
k of having their licenses revoked and
ylng heavy - fines ,when they serve persons,
eclally students of questionable identifica-
a and age.
of such a diverse and scattered student body
a necessitated the ID card as a uniform
thod of identity and since it has failed, the'
versity sought to create other means of
,'here are some who will argue that this is
sternalism" on the part of the University,
at it Is making a moral judgement of what
right or wrong for students. This is an in-
curate assertion. In preparing such a list, the
Oiversity does not say that it is morally
ng for those under 21 to drink. It says
at since the law prohibits such individuals
n drinking, the law should be enforced.
e University is not encroaching upon "cer-
t Inalenable rights" of the students by
ulatIng the conduct of extra-academic con-
et'that, is within the boundary of the laws.
niversity driving codes do constitute this
Z of regulation.)
ME PROBLEM O underage drinking in
tpverns and purchasing of alcoholic bever-
BP has been present in An Arbor for some
ie. It will not end with this list, obviously.
verns and stores have the prerogative to
use to sell liquor to anyone because state
rulaton by the liquor control commission is
y strict. They do refuse when identification
mproper and it is only fair that these outlets
given the protection which will make it
der for students who are of age to buy and
se underage to be refused. The problem
serious to these places of business, where a
ase is difficult to obtain and maintain with
y violation, whether that violation was in-
tional on the part of the owner or not. With
.or by the glass coming to Ann Arbor, the
ation is further complicated and more
)METHING MUST BE done and this list
will at least force underage students to
ort' to more devious means to purchase
oholic beverages. These means may be more
ficult to utilize and cut down the problem.
least it will help the flagrant buying of.
ohol by minors; consumption is another
tter. But as was proven during Prohibition,
a person wants to drink he can easily do
The important thing to note, however, is
fact that the University is realizing its
ponsibility to the community in helping to
tail the problem of student disregard for

AT FIRST GLANCE, the directory of minors
proposed by the Dean of Men's office
might seem a sensible idea. If it works, the
directory would lessen drinking among under-
age students,- and provide a means to help
local merchants abide by state liquor laws.
However, on closer examination, the project
becomes only a manifestation of the Univer-
sity's "paternalism" in dictating personal mores
and a wasted effort, which, in all probability,
will accomplish little or nothing to deter minors
from obtaining alcohol almost at will.
IN ITS PATERNALISTIC feeling for students,
the University has forgotten that its students
are supposedly adults. True, the University
should make regulations consistent with pro-
tecting its property and rights of its students;
but personal behavior outside these fields is
and should be strictly an individual matter.
So long as an individual is not involved in
an incident disgraceful to the University, the
Dean of Men's office need not be concerned.
Therefore, the enforcement of liquor laws
should be left to law enforcement authorities,
not to an educational institution. If the Uni-
versity expects its students to act as adults,
it must also grant to them the prerogatives of
behavior that accompany adulthood.
FURTHER, SUCH A directory will not suc-
ceed even in its immediate objective; pre-
venting minors from obtaining alcohol. The
ways to circumvent these laws are many and
cannot be stopped by any directory. The fra-
ternity man may ask his older "brother.."
Older friends are usually quite willing to aid
their under-21 compatriots. In any case, false
identification is not at all uncommon or dif-
ficult to obtain. None of these sources of
supply would be cut off through a directory,
not to mention the near impossibility of ex-
pecting a busy merchant to check the identi-
fication of every young customer against a
directory. To certain segments of the student
body, such a listing would only make buying
liquor more -of a challenge, (and as such
something to be conquered?)
ALSO, IS IT within the realm of the Dean
of Men's office's activities to function as
a preventative agency? Whether the Dean of
Men's office is acting beyond its capacity in
acting before the violation is a question that
must be answered.
Then too, the preparation of such a directory
will be a considerable undertaking. It would
seem that the Dean of Men's office has more
pressing matters than the compilation of a
directory to aid local merchants in this manner.
rpi E UNIVERSITY HAS never been able to
deal effectively with the question of drink-
ing simply because it cannot and should not.
Even the drinking regulations in the dormi-
tories are scarcely enforced and exist only as
a safeguard against rowdiness. The only solu-
tion is to trust the student's individual judge-
ment and discretion. In reality, only a very
few cases of the most extreme sort should
reach the attention of the University.
It is ridiculous in a society where alcohol
is common to attempt to draw a sharp line
and say some shall have it and others not. It
is even more ridiculous and impractical to have
a closely integrated society, as there is at
the University, running on both sides of this
"line" and not expect some alcohol to filter
from one side of the line to the other. It is
equally ridiculous for the University to dictate
behavior to those whom it supposedly regards
as adults.

(EDITOR'S NOTE - Following
is the sixth article in The Daily's
series on "The University's
Greatest Needs." Prof. Lehmann
is assistant to the dean of the
education school.)
HOW DOES A University
make University decisions?
When anyonehinvolved finds
time to be thoughtful about
the total concerns of the insti-
tution, he wonders about the
impact he, or his particular
faculty can or should have on
University decisions.
It hardly seems necessary to
note that as the size of the
University has increased, and
as the interests of its faculty
have multiplied, the business of
communicating and governing
has become complex and burd-
ensome. Each seductive en-
croachment of an administra-
tive task upon the time of a
faculty member represents a di-
version from his primary inter-
est. There was a time, a few
years ago, when all-University
decisions seldom intruded on
the consciousness of most fac-
ulty members.
The University, it seemed,
would always respond to the
demands made on it.. The size
of the faculty increased as the
student body grew, budgets ex-
panded as the needs were spe-
cified, and new instructional
buildings were constructed with
some regularity. An additive
kind of of process produced de-
cisions which were satisfactory
substitutes for all-University
decisions so long as serious
competition for support receiv-
ed from the Legislature did not
S * * *
lege grew or changed as it per-
ceived the need or the desirabil-
ity. The involvement of the
general faculty was limited
and peripheral, since the pro-
cess had developed its own mo-
mentum and needed modest
steerage which, it seemed, could
safely be entrusted to adminis-
trative surrogates. This genial
arrangement ruptured in 1957
upon withdrawal of customary
Legislative support. Diversity is
costly to nurture, and first to
bear the pain of Legislative
scrutiny or budget curtail-
stitution respond to the pres-
sures and obligations placed
upon it? Can the shadowy lines
of responsibility of faculty, ad-
ministration, and students be
sharpened? What mechanisms
are available to articulate the
mission of the University?
The faculty, despite credit-
able efforts of the Senate Ad-
visory Committee, remains a
relatively ineffective voice in
the government of the Univer-
sity community. Committee ac-
tivity may itself be illusory,
since the faculty is often wont
to reject the recommendations
of its own delegates. In fact,
one may note a certain prefer-
ence for anarchy among -all
faculties. Undoubtedly, com-
mittee participation is benefi-
cial and informative to many
members, but the relative im-
potence of committees to stim-
ulate action is attested to by
voluminous collections of com-
mittee reports, labored over,
mimeographed, and filed.
Moreover, one might suggest
that acceptance of committee

-Daily-Henry Yee

assignments, is in fact a sub-
version of the faculty member's
first concerns; he takes on a
bit of the administrative task,
and then a bit more till he be-
comes more and more of a dean
and less and less of a scholar.
This may not be entirely un-
satisfactory, since mistakes will
be made with or without com-
mittees, and the ones made by
committees may be preferable.
The committee structure, how-
ever, is in a real sense a re-
sponse to the need of delineat-
ing some of the common tasks
of the University. It is also a
way of spreading the adminis-
trative burden, and may thus
serve to blur the edges of areas
of responsibility;
* . , *,
CERS have the uncomfortable
duty of defining a new role for
themselves in the face of an ex-
panding University, shrinking
'resources, and competition
among the units for what re-
sources are available. Addition-
ally, they must arbitrate a
growing in t e r - dependence
among the units and provide a
means for expression of mutual
Moreover, and most pressing,
they must present the face of
the University to the Legisla-
ture. With all this, plus a con-
siderable bureaucracy which
they must tend, it is difficult
for administrative officers to
perceive themselves continually
as faculty surrogates. Fre-
quently, these officers are in
a better position than the fac-
ulty to know what the faculty
should know to make Universi-
ty decisions. Under these cir-
cumstances it is all too easy for
administrative officers to ac-
quire a cynical contempt for
the lethargic immobility of fac-
ulty Initiative.
* * *
might be said about relation-
ships which have existed, and
not entirely as a disclaimer.
No one, I am sure, seriously
questions the motives of either
faculty or administration but
presumes that they are direct-
ed to the best interests of the

entire institution. Unquestion-
ably, the University of ,Michi-
gan enjoys an enviable reputa-
tion because of the very diver-
sity in which it has been able
to luxuriate and the autonomy
of faculties within separate
units. Moreover, the relative
salary position of the faculty
with respect to other institu-
tions has been protected and
nourished vigilantly by the Uni-
versity's administrative offi-
cers. To say all this, however,
is not to suggest that human,
cordial relationships can be
substitutes for University poli-
What is needed is an inter-
mediary of some sort-a group
of "agents provocateurs," if you
will, who are charged solely
with responsibility for search-
ing looks at the University's
mission. These "AP's" should
probably be two or three fac-
ulty members released full time
for three year terms who would
have access to all data normal-
ly available to facultyand ad-
ministration for the entire
University. Their objective, an-
nually at least, would be the
production of proposals for
faculty reaction. They would
take as their thesis the obliga-
tion to stimulate, to be provoc-
ative, to specify with clarity
.positions or problems to which
the entire University should ad-
dress itself.
Their role would require
close and persistent inquiry of
all faculties, deans and admin-
istrative officers without regard
to sacred cows, custom or tra-
dition. Ultimately, I suspect,
their fealty must be to the fac-
ulty, if they are to warrant its
confidence and have access to
its best information. Obviously,
however, administrative offi-
cers must have a profound in-
terest in the formulations of
the "agents," and especially in
the reactions of the faculty.
S* * *
ONE NEEDS TO warp the
dictionary definition of "agents
provocateurs" a bit to make it
a useful concept here. The in-
tent really is not to introduce
the "AP's" to make either the
faculty or administration per-

form illegal acts, but to inject
a stimulant into the process
and to provide a mechanism
for university decision making.
These "agents" need time and
freedom for reflection, analy-
sis, and invention. They must
not be burdened with requests
or demands but attend to their
self-imposed task, of sober
forethought as representatives
of their colleagues. Some of the
signal advantages of their po-
sition would be (1) full time
preoccupation, (2) no compul-
sion to justify, and (3) free-
dom to scrutinize with imun-
And to what concerns should
these "agents provocateurs"
turn their inquiry? First, I
qhould hope, to those impon-
Sderables for which no satifac-
tory decision mechanism exists:
the size of the University; the
character of its general mis-
sion as related to the unique
-objectives of the separate
schools and colleges; the ap-
p6rtionment of the general
funds budget and capital out-
lay appropriations; the char-
acteristics of the student body
including applicants and grad-
uates; and the University cal-
endar. Such an array is for-
midable enough, but second-
arily, attention might be given
to questions such as grading
practices, faculty loads, the
costs of instruction and the
relative rewards of teaching,
,research, or state service.
*' * 4
an arrangement are interest-
ing. There is, of course, the
implicit assumption that a
couple of full-time faculty
members and a secretary can
be more productive than any
part-time committee however
deeply concerned its members.
might be. There is also the no-
tion that the "agents" migh
be sought out by those faculty
members who wish attention
given to issues which go be-
yond the boundaries of their
own school or college. It might
eventually even be possible for
selected members of the facul-
ty to attach themselves on a
released time basis to the
"AP's" for short periods of
study on particular problems of
interest to them. One might al-
so assume that the "AP's"
would soon possess a fund of
information and expertise
which could prove invaluable
to any individual, faculty or
administrative officer,
The scheme might also amel-
iorate some of the disjointing
effects of present amorphous
decision making on the highly
ego-centric concerns of the fac-
ulty. These effects went unno-
ticed when the University was
simply added to and the indi-
vidual faculty member's inter-
ests were not tampered with.
Now each decision depends on
antecedent decisions which
touch more surely the individ-
ual faculty member's daily
Finally, there is the in-
triguing prospect that some de-
cisions might be made on the
basis of evidence. Much of
what we do or decide to do now
rests on speculation or on the
relative weight of an individ-
ual's position in the status
hierarchy. The "agents pro-
vocateurs" might provide a
reality basis for concerted fac-
ulty action.

t '

Rep ly
To the Editor:
W E ARE PLEASED to annoy
that $325.50 was donated b:
persons to Mr. and Mrs. Ja:
Gabrielle. The following' note
sent us by Mrs. Gabreille:
"Dear Mr. Kaufman,
"We are so grateful for
wonderful and kind intentioni
the good people in Ann Arbor
Our personal thanks to all t
who responded to our appeaL -'
--Robert . Cra
-Arnolds S. kaufma
To the Editor:
WAS READING in, your '
Liberal paper the other day
article you featured concer
the expected Civil Rights coni
versy in the Michigan Legislat
It was also very amusing he
you made Swainson appear
hero as you implied that
rights is only A feu among.
'I might remind you 60-0
"Liberal" Democrats that it'
your party that featured a
to run for Vice-Presient.,I
your party that contains. a
'"lovelies" as Faubus, Eastla
Sparkman, Talmadge, and 's
other great leaders of our i
'dom-Loving" country who con
tute Athe very backbone of y
party's national fortress. I am
trying to make the Demcrl
Party appear as racists; altho
most arch - segregationists
Democratics. I Just want to
the "problem" in its properp
spective rather than pass it
under some party label.
-C. E. Dr'ofnib,'6IBA
To'the Editor
N READING your other
splendid leftist newspaper, II
appalled to discover two rat
blatant incongruities.
A headline in the .J0. 7thi
tion . proclaimed: AMA Supp
Kennedy Plan on Aged Care.
accompanying story in no v
supported the headline. UPI,
quoting the AMA, said, "I f
Kennedy plan passed it would b
national, disaster unfair to b
young and old."
An article in the Jan 12th is
declared that the Secretary of
fense designate Robert Stra:
McNamara was a "registered"I
publican. In Michigan, becAuse
open primary elections, a v
registers only as a voter and th
,can be no "registered" Repul
cans or Democrats.
In the future please try to
'frain from misleading headl
and incofrect statements; slant
the news is one thing, a misrep
sentation of the facts quite 1
-Gordon Frevel, '6
The Daily Ofieial Bulletin is a
official publication of The Uni '
sity of Michigan for wh"cbRT
Michigan Daily assumes no editori
responsibility. N o ti c e s should 1
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form
Room 3519 Administration SudiA
before 2 p.m. two days precedb

G ., '.,: , :'. :: :-,-.,.. :' .5 . .:.- ...., ., :'.. .'. '.-': ..: .::? >. . .. ... ... ...::,2? .'.. .....ti n . C ... .. ..... .. ... .. ..... ... ..... ...... .. .t ..,... .." ... .... .. .. . . ........ .......... ... ....., .......

-(Cunt n,ed on Page 5)

(Contini~ed on Page 5)

'The Loser' Fails

To Win Battle

'ederal Courts Teach States Lesson

HE COURTS OF the United States have at
last begun to fight in the long battle to
ce integration of public facilities in the
The weapons they use'are powerful, and they
ye been reluctant to bring the full force of
em to bear even yet, but as each other re-
urse fails, their weapons are trained closer
.d closer on the state governments.
they no longer satisfy themselves with
Editorial Staff
City Editor Editorial Director
;NNETHMcELDOWNEY ....r Associate City Editor
DITHl DONER ............,.. Personnel Director
OMAS KABAKER .:......«...,. Magazine Editor
OMAS WITECKI ..... ..........Sports Editor
ROLD APPLEBAUM .....Associate Sports Editor
CHAEL GILLMAN ......... Associate Sports Editor

crushing semi-innocent pawns between their
force and that of the state, but have begun
to carry the battle to the doors of the state-
houses themselves,
LOUISIANA OFFICIALS learned that they
were no longer to be considered immune
from action simply because they could force
their will to be technically done by others. The
entire legislature, the governor, and several
other high officials found themselves the sub-
jects of recent injunctions to cease interfering
with integration of the New Orleans schools.
And in spite of executive and legislative at-
tempts to close the schools before integrating
or refuse to pay teachers in the integrated
system, the schools are now integrated-even
if only on a token basis.
The still-continuing fight over the inte-;
gration of the University of Georgia seems
bound to be shorter and sharper, but pointing
at the same lesson-obstructionism and inter-
ference will no longer be tolerated, no matter
what guise of seeming legality they may

THE LOSER by Peter Ustinov. 330
pp. Atlantic-Little, Brown. $4.95.
PETER USTINOV is an extreme-
ly versatile individual. He is
continually proving, on film and
stage, that he is one of our finest
actors. With his play "Romanoff
and Juliet" he has also shown
that he can effectively create an
evening of deft entertainment. Not
content with visual arts Mr. Usti-
nov last year published a collec-
tion of short stories. And now, in
what he cites as his greatest
challenge, Mr. Ustinov has pre-
sented us with The Loser, h4s first

book deals with a study of the
defeated Germans and the Italian
nationals as the fate of Winters-
child moves steadily towards its
inevitable conclusion.
It is in this last section that
Ustinov functions at his best. The
earlier sections are cramped and
needlessly complex. But in the last
100 pages we are treated to the
authors probing descriptions of
the German and Italian national
types, with a few Americans also
on hand. As good as this section is
it does break the work into two
distinct parts and somewhat de-
stroys the consistency of Winters-
child's story.
IS THIS THE story of Winters-
child (The Loser) or is it the
study of the Germans (The Los-
ers), Italians and Americans? One
of the book's problems is that this
issue is never clearly decided.
Another flaw is the author's
seeming inability to stay within
the vernacular in his dialogue. The
wit and glibness of the dialogue
is often out of context with the
social station of the character.
Peasants, merchants, nobleman.

"Us College Kids Got To Have More Pep Rallies"
-:4' V ff

THE LOSER begins as the story
of Hans Winterschild, a Prussian
youth, who grew into maturity as
Htiler grew in power. The preco-
cious youth is thoroughly indoctri-
nated with Nazi ideology before
reaching his teens and by the out-
break of World War II has become
a fanatic, emotionless officer in a
battalion of storm troops.
Winterschild blindly faces death,
performing his soldierly tasks with
great bravdo as the Germans
sweep through Poland and Eastern
Russia. But his problems arise


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