STUDIES AT FUB: 'U' Student in Berlin Reports re UNDER AUTHORITY Of BOARD IN CONTKo. O STUDENT PUBLICATIONS STUDENT PUiLnCATIONs BLDG. * ANN AIWsK, MICH. " Pbone NO 2-3241 (EDITOR'S NOTE: Edward Plater is a University student currently at- tending the Free University of Ber- lin. Reprinted here is a letter he recently sent to Dr. James Davis, director of the International Cen- ter.) By EDWARD PLATER Life here in Berlin is fast and intense, and what -I accomplish in the course of a day invariably falls short of that for which I had hoped. The wonderful opportuni- ties for speaking with students from Germany and other coun- tries, the chance to broaden one's cultural background and knowl- edge through the many fine the- aters, concert halls, operas and museums in Berlin-it's over- whelming, and I find myself in a constant struggle, weighing the importance of this or that play or concert or museum visit with my lectures and seminars and get-to- gethers with other students in an attempt to strike a happy me- dium, which unfortunately still eludes me. This may well explain why I have not written you ear- lier. Actually, however, in order to be quite sure of one's impressions, one must give them time to sink in and become firmly established. My impressions of Berlin are con- stantly changing, constantly growing, and what to me may seem true and certain today may seem uncertain tomorrow. I have, therefore, decided not to express myself at the moment concerning the divided city but rather to uti- lize this opportunity to write about the Studentendorf,vin which I'm now staying and over which I feel I can give a fairly concrete presentation. The "student village" is located COHEN: Exhibit Open r7 { RACKHAM Grant Exhibi- tion of Milton Cohen, entitled "Manifestations: Light and Sound" opened Wednesday evening at the Museum of Art. On display was not the customary painting or sculpture, but instead mobile sound and imagery were the media through, which the artist chose to express himself. Film and slide projectors aimed at a system of rotating prisms and mirrors moved and mixed imagery in space. This visual ma- terial, both abstract and photo- graphic, played over walls, ceil- ing, and suspended scrim curtains. The sound, composed by Robert Ashley of Ann Arbor and Morton Feldman of New York, was chan- neled through a series of loud- speakers placed around the gal- lery. The spectators sat on mate and experienced sound and image evolving in dynamic and expansive space. The implications of this kind of performance suggest to Cohen a new concept of theatre. This would be theatre in which "visaural" events are organized within a reference both serial and cyclic. The drama would be without be- ginning or end and the spectator would be free to select significant events within an unrestricted vis- aural field. There will be four more Wed- nesday evenings performances on January 18, 25, February 1 and 8. On permanent display are two showcases dealing with the visual and sound aspects of Cohen's re- search. -Sam Ashley off a broad boulevard called Pots- damer Chaussee in the south-west corner of Berlin, the Schlachten- see district. It is a fifteen minute bus ride from the Free University of Berlin, which lies north-east- ward in the Dahlem district. The neighborhood surrounding the vil- lage is a clean, pleasant residen- tial area. Within a few minutes walking distance are rustic parks, a nature preserve and popular lakes, such as Wannsee, which attracts Berliners by the thou- sands in the warmer months. The "village" attracts the eye immediately as one approaches by bus along Potsdam Chaussee. It is on a slightly lower level than the avenue, and one sees from the upper deck of the bus only the tops of the individual buildings, all done in a coherent modern ar- chitectural style with black and white cement exterior. Going down the main walk into the village one approaches the central square. Here stands the residence and offices of the "may- or" and his family. The building also contains a storage room from which the maids obtain their sup- plies and bath facilities for those who tire of showers and feel the need every once in a while to take a bath. Before the building is an artificial pond in which 'until the first freeze a few weeks ago gold- fish were kept. To the right of this building is the Baser, an adequate grocery store standing at the disposal of the 800 odd students who live in the village. Surrounding this central plant are the houses in which the stu- dents live. There are, I think, at present sixteen houses, five of which are for women. I understand that additional houses, a restau- rant, and a small auditorium are also planned for the village, which, incidentally, opened just last year. Each student has his own pri- vate room, completely furnished, with broad window area and large closet space. House 8, in which I'm staying, has a storage cellar and three floors of residence. Each floor has a modern kitchen and dining area-a great convenience for the time-and money-consci- ous students. The 32-man capacity of our home is made up of stu- dents from Jordan, Greece, Syria, India, the German Democratic Re- public, the Federal Republic of Germany, the United States, Ghana and other countries. 'A typical day for a student liv- ing in the Studentendorf might go somewhat as follows. At 7:30 a.m. he is awakened, through prear- ranged agreement, by the maid. Shortly after 8 he finds himself in the Basan, purchasing milk, bread, perhaps eggs and a few sliees of bacon, or rolls for break- fast. After a quick breakfast he hurries out to the bus stop on Potsdamer Chaussee, where a con- siderable group of students has already assembled and is waiting impatiently or sleepily for the Achtzehner, the double decker bus numbered 18. Twenty minutes later the student has reached his early morning destination, per- haps Auditorium Maximum in the Henry Ford building where he will hear a lecture on German Ex- pressionism. The rumble produc- ed by the students' rapping their hands against the backs of the seats indicates that the profes- sor has entered the room. The same traditional expression of ap- proval ends the lecture. The stu- dent has by chance only one class this morning and returns to the dorf where he checks the mail, reads the newspaper or chats with the maid. In the afternoon and often in the evening his classes call him again to the university. On this particular evening he has a ticket to attend a concert by the Berlin Philharmonics in the Hochschule fur Musik locat- ed in the center of West Berlin. By bus and transfer to subway he reaches this business and shop- ping district, and if time allows e may have a cup of coffee in the small restaurant adjoining the Theater am Steinplatz, a small movie theater with special stu- dent rates directly across from concert hall. The concert over the student may go window shopping along the Kurfurstendamm, the 5th Avenue of Berlin, or stop for a snack in one of the many side- walk cafes. In any event he even- tually returns to the Stu- dentendorf and perhaps talks for a while in the kitchen with some of the other students. The German students I've met enjoy discussing, among other things, politics, music, literature and the theater. These fields are a completely integrated part of their mental awareness. Whether It be a student of medicine, law or literal arts, conversations over such topics as the presidential election -In America, the Niholun- genring performance in-the State Opera House on Unter den Linden in the east sector, the merits of the recent presentations of Mo- liere's Des Juan in the Schiller Theater, or Brecht's Three Penny Opera in the Berlin Ensemble are not uncommon. In general their interests seem to me a little more sophisticated than those of the American students. Between such activities as these the student must of course find time to study. This is often quite difficult, for there are so many interesting things to do and see in both the east and west sectors of Berlin. The days comes to an end, then, and the student retires with the, hope that tomorrow he will see and accomplish what Time de- nied him today. And so go the days and weeks in the Studenten- dorf, unbelievably fast but in- tensely interesting. I shall write again later when I have another chance to pull my' thoughts and impressions togeth- er. Until then I remain Limited -Daily-David Gltrow Combined Concert Strong Throuhout JT WOULD BE mere pettishness to find fault with last night's com- bined concert. From beginning to end, performance was on a level seldom equalled by the best of the non-professional groups, and even by some of the professional symphonies and choruses. To the University Symphony Band belonged the, first part, of the program, in which they performed "Procession of the Nobles" from "Mlada," by Rimsky-Korsakov; an obscure Verdi overture (to "Na- buco"); and a lengthier work, Morton Gould's "Symphony for Band." The brasps were brilliant, the reeds and winds and percussion only slightly less so, and the whole blended into one exceptionally fine ensemble. The University and the United States have just cause to be proud of this organization as the State Department's selection of a touring musical unit. As an encore, Prof. William D. Revelli conducted Op. 99 by Prokoflev, which the band will play during its Russian visit. * * * * THE SECOND, and major, portion of the program was devoted to the University Choir, Midhigan Singers, and Tudor Singers, all under the direction of Prof. Maynard 'Klein. Their program was exclusively Bach and pre-Bach: "Break Forth O Beauteous Heavenly Light;" "Sin- get Dem Herrn"; "Allon, gay bergeres," by- Michael Costeley; "The Quempas Carol," by Michael Praetorius (the latter two performed solely by the Tudor singflers) The Michigan Singers performed "0 salutaris Hostia," by Pierre de la Rue, and "Magnificat primi Toni," a motet for double choir by Palestrina. With the University Choir, soprano Elizabeth Bowman sang an old French carol, "Le Sommeil d l'Enfant Jesus." The concluding work was "Canticum trium puerorum," by Prae- torius. The choir, due to the size of the orchestra which occupied the stage, was stationed in the second balcony and this may have added to the effect. In any case, the diction was highly, intelligible; the harmonies and dynamics, even of the very small Tudor group, were clearly audible. * * * * THE CONCLUDING PORTION of the program was a single work performed by the University Symphony Orchestra, Prof. Josef Blatt conducting. He chose Berlioz' "Rdman Carnival" overture, a neat change of pace from the Baroque mood set by the choir. It was gay lyrical, and spirited in turn, and the audience (of whom a number were music educators, here for a conference) was highly impressed. -SELMA SAWAYA TODAY AND TOMORROW: Sa The French Decision Oin Referenrldum Whar THE REASON IT was possible to limit the Korean War was be- cause small tactical nuclear wea- pons had not bee developed. Since Korea, the family of nuclear wea- pons has grown so rapidly it is difficult to distinguish between a large conventional weapon and a small nuclear one. As armed forces come to be equipped with a variety of small tactical nuclear weapons, the temptation for each belligerent to use a slightly larger weapon will be hard to resist. Among nuclear powers, limited war has its weakness even as an instrument of policy because, to quote Paul Keeskemeti, "In deal- ing with the political problem of securing a settlement on the basis of partial nuclear operations, the winner must take into account the losers ability to unleash a last orgy of destruction. When it comes to setting terms, the possibility of a last explosion of despair must be . counted as part of the losers bargaining strength . . . This implies that in nontotal war the final political payoffs must be moderate." -Oliver Knauth -NPA "Some Of These Days You're Gonna Miss Me Honey -"' By WALTER LIPPMANN THE REFERENDUM on Algeria is, it seems to me, more deci- sive than the gross figures seem to show. Thus, it is true that if we count the abstainers as having voted no, then Gen. de Gaulle- re- ceived 58 per cent of the vote in France itself and only 39 per cent in Algeria. But these figures do not tell correctly the story of what happened. What was the issue on which all these votes were cast? It was whether de Gaulle should have a mandate to make an Algerian set- tlement on the basis, if necessary, of independence for Algeria. On this issue France itself voted over- whelmingly to give de Gaulle a mandate to make an Algerian peace. ;Only about 18 per cent of the registered voters sought to deny him the mandate. But who were they? They were the Right- ists who want to retain Algeria as a part of France and they were the Communists who, while they do not care about Algeria, are op- posed for other reasons to de Gaulle. Most of the non-voters, more- over, are to be counted as silent assenters to de Gaulle's policies, for in France the politically pas- sive are, for the most part, will- ing to go along with his leader- ship. WE MAY conclude that France Itself, metropolitan France, has now said decisively that it wants peace, that it does not support any longer the resistance of the Euro- peans in Algeria, and that, while it hopes for an association' with' Algeria, it is prepared to accept an independent Algeria. This is a de- cisive result. The voting in Algeria itself was much less significant. The Euro- peans voted no, as of course they would. The Moslems abstained in the cities, following the instruc- tions of the rebel leaders, and in the .country they voted when the French Army took them to the polls. One cannot take these votes, seriously: What the voting does show is that the Europeans are a small minority, no longer support- ed nolitically by their comnatriots sure of the huge Moslem majori- ty, In withdrawing their support of the European settlers, the peo- ple of metropolitan France have assumed the obligation of protect- ing the lives of the settlers and of indlemnifying them for the pos- sible loss of their property. BY THIS REFERENDUM Gen. de Gaulle has won a vote of confi- dence in himself, he has won a mandate to proceed to 'the surgi- cal operation which peace almost certainly requires, and he has re- ceived notice that the people of France want to finish with the Al- gerian business. No one who looks at this vote can imagine the French people supporting an Al- gerian civil war for years to come. There can be no doubt that American opinion will be strongly in favor of Gen, de Gaulle, and whatever influence we have in North Africa, in the United Na- tions, in other world capitals, is sure to be exerted to help him. He must succeed. For there is no tolerable' alternative. Were he to fail, the Algerian war would be- come terrible in its desperation, and almost certainly it would be- come, at least by proxy, an inter-; national war. In that event France would be sucked out of any genu- ine alliance with the West and the whole structure of the Western system would be shaken. IF WE ARE ENTERING a pe- riod of quiet diplomacy, we should make it quite clear that a convul- sion in Western Europe and in the Western Mediterranean would make make the international situ- ation unmanageable. Therefore, those who want to relax the ten- sions will find it important to keep them relaxed in North Af- rica. (c) 1961 New York Herald Tribune, Ine. FFICIAL The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- ,.- ...._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __fe."_ _ _ --