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January 13, 1961 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-01-13

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ke A

asks Extension
Present Polici(

Rush Plans



Communists Play Same Role

Associated Press News Analyst
The Soviet Union's role in Laos
suggests that she and Red China
may be playing interchangeable
rather than merely complementary
roles in Communism's 1961 "Big
It also suggests that, in spite
of their seeming compromise over
who shall lay prime stress on
"peaceful coexistence" and who
shall hold in reserve the threat
of force to decide the cold war,
Prison Office
Objects to TV
WASHINGTON (P) - Director
James V. Bennett of the United
States Bureau of Prisons wired 10
television stations yesterday that
the bureau will oppose renewal of
their broadcasting licenses if they
showed the program, "The Un-
touchables," last night.
All the stations have applica-
tions pending before the Federal
Communications Commission for
renewal of regular three-year li-
Bennett has been battling with
the American Broadcasting Co.
over "The Untouchables," which
he contends has defamed officers
of the Prisons Bureau.

the West cannot afford to take
an eye of either one.
Although preoccupied with Rus-
sia and Russian arms in Cuba and
Laos, the United States' outgoing
President and incoming secretary
of state are taking time to em-
phasize concern over Red China.
There are two immediate rea-
One is a subtle but growing in-
clination in Western diplomatic
circles to credit Russia with a cur-
rent if no permanent leaning to-
ward continued non-shboting war.
This follows her argument with
China over coexistence, and down-
grades her triple display-in Laos,
Cuba and The Congo-of willing-
ness to intervene physically.
The other reason for America's
particular concern with Red China
is the approach of a time when
United States opposition will no
longer be sufficient to prevent
United Nations recognition.
When the Communist Idiom has
been sufficiently illumined by
deeds to make the recent Com-
munist Manifesto really under-
standable, we are quite likely to
find the two leading countries of
the bloc playing the same game
of expediency quite aside from
Now that American weapons
have been pitted against Soviet
weapons in Laos, Western observ-
ers will be watching closely to see
what Red China, acting perhaps
through her associates in North

Viet Nam, will do as a corollary in
South Viet Nam.
There can be little doubt that
Moscow and Peiping consid'er this
Laotian-South Viet Nam front as
one front.
Both lost a long guerrilla war
to the British in Malaya, where
most of the Communists were
Chinese. Neither, in the long run,
will be satisfied to let that issue
remain settled,
Ends A-ttack

Cites Record
Of Checking
Democrats Disagree
With 'Too Rosy' View
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower called on
his successor yesterday to stick
to principles which, he said have
kept America strong and free in
a world menaced by Communist
Reviewing the record of his
eight years in office, during which
he said the country has risen to
unprecedented heights while hold-
ing Red imperialism in check,
Eisenhower said:
"These vital programs must go



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HAVANA ()P) - Cuba turned on. New tactics will have to be
yesterday from the task of re- developed, of course, to meet new
pulsing a "Yankee invasion" that situations, but the underlying
never came to planning a victory principles should be constant."
parade to demonstrate support for The retiring President began
Prime Minister Fidel Castro's and ended his final State-of-the-
revolutionary government. Union message to Congress with
Propaganda organs abruptly prayerful good wishes for Presi-
dropped warnings of the United dent-elect John F. Kennedy, al-
States attack once freely predict- though he did not mention his
ed by Castro. Instead they con- successor's name.
centrated on rallying a massive Eisenhower in effect pronounc-
crowd for a march to the presi- ed a well-done to his Republican
denthal palacstro i address the administration but said he did not
throngrisstlrotwillcdreraBtwish to leave the impression that
ro here are inote certain that all is well, all problems solved.
if he does, he will announce that Republicans in Congress gener-
the "aggressors from the North" ally applauded Eisenhower's mes-
have been frightened away once sage. Many Democrats said it pre-
again. Credit will go to the two- sented too rosy a view of the
week mobilization of the workers President's administration.
militia and soldiers backed by a Rep. Charles A. Halleck of In-
lavish supply of Czechoslovak and diana, the Republican House
Soviet weapons. leader, said it demonstrates how
Fewer armed men-and women well Eisenhower has kept faith
appeared on the streets of Havana with the people and left "an
and others cities yesterday. The America far stronger and better
Malecon seafront drive in Ha- than it was eight years ago."
vana, heavily guarded during the Rep. Thomas E. Morgan (D-Pa)
mobilization, is still closed to the chairman of the house foreign af-
public but is almost barren of fairs committee, commented on
soldiers and militiamen. Many of the other hand that " no one
its Czech antitank and antiair- facing the world situation as it
craft guns appear to have been exists today can point with pride
withdrawn, to our accomplishments."
World News Roundup
By The Associated press
BATON ROUGE-The Louisiana Legislature fired another segre-
gation barrage in the New Orleans school crisis yesterday, passing
a measure to name a new city school board and again moving to dis-
miss the superintendent of schools.
The Legislature, the Orleans parish school board and superin-
tendent of schools James F. Redmond have been at odds for weeks
over integration of city schools.
* * * *
MOSCOW-Charges that United States warplanes are buzzing

to Continue
GOP Policy
soon to become the Kennedy Ad-
ninistration's secretary of state,
indicated yesterday there will be
no sharp departures from Eisen-
hower administration foreign pol-
icies, at least for the present.
Rusk submitted to questioning
by the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, although he won't be
nominated formally until after
John F. Kennedy is inaugurated
as President seven days from now.
Rusk was before the commit-
tee for more than two hours and
afterward chairman J. William
Fulbright (D-Ark) said it won't
be necessary to call him back.
Fulbright-who at one stage was
in the running for the secretary
of state post-said his committee
will consider action on Rusk's
nomination at its next business
By all signs, Rusk will be ap-
Both Republican and Democrat-
ic senators probed for Rusk's
views on a number of interna-
tional issues-Red China, Cuba,
disarmament, summitry, United
States relations with its allies,
the fate of United States fliers
held in Russian prisons, to list a
Party Chief
Hit for Lying
MOSCOW (tm--Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev has reprimanded
the Communist party chief in the
great grain producing Ukraine for
lying about corn production,
warning "You will pay for this
lack of leadership."
The premier then suggested that
farmers be taught to operate trac-
tors and combines instead of im-
porting professionals from thou-
'sands of miles away for a harvest
lasting only 15 days.
The Central Committee, which
already has ordered a drastic
overhaul of the agricultural min-
istry, continued its secret ses-
sions yesterday on methods of
spurring farm output.
1103 S. University NO 2-6362


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Soviet ships were expanded by

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the Soviet Union yesterday to other
Snations of the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization.
British, French, Canadian, Nor-
wegian and Danish ships or planes
were accused by Viktor Bakayev,
Soviet merchant marine minister,
of shadowing Soviet vessels or
swooping down over them on mis-
sions of photography or harass-
ment. The Russians have often
made such charges against the
United States alone.
"These provocations," he told a
news conference, "were of syste-
matic nature and were undertaken
obviously on instructions from the
U.S. War Department (sic) and
with the knowledge and encour-
agement of the Eisenhower ad-
* * *
PALM BEACH - A literary
minded President-elect, John F.
Kennedy, worked yesterday on an
inauguration address he obvious-
ly wants to make one of the last-
ing documents of American his-


by Serbin, casually yours in blue coffon chambray dashed

Kennedy has available
a critical staff review of
auguration speeches of

to him
the in-
his 33

predecessors. Not many got high
grades from the aides to a Presi-
dent-elect who is himself a Pulit-
zer prize winner-for his book,
"Profiles in Courage."
"The general level of inaugurals
is low." one staff member summed
it up. Among the great exceptions
noted by Kennedy's reviewers is,
of course, Abraham Lincoln's
classic second inaugural speech.
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