Opinionsw Are UNDER AUTHORTY OF Bomlr) m CONTROL OF STUDENT PuBLcATIONS lth Will Prevail" -- -- LIPPMANN: Quiet Diplomacy HERE HAVE BEEN, as every- one knows, some feelers from Moscow looking towards a resump- tion of diplomatic intercourse. For all practical purposes there has been none since last May. Mr. Khrushchev appears to want it to be thought here that the break after the U-2 affair was a personal quarrel with President Eisenhow- er; this quarrel would automat- ically be laid aside with the in- auguration of Mr. Kennedy. The U-2 quarrel can be laid aside. But it does not follow that President Eisenhower's venture in personal diplomacy can be resum-/ ed. The question now is not how soon a personal meeting at the summit can be brought about. The fiasco last year, which ended in Paris but did not begin there, has taught us a lesson. If the kind of understanding which the world so badly needs is to become possible, it cannot be had without far deep- er study and preparation than have as yet been given to the problem. We know now that had Eisenhower and Khrushchev met at the summit in May, they would have been grossly unprepared to go beyond generalities. * * * THIS LABOR OF study and preparation makesit necessary to resort to quiet diplomacy and to stay away from spectacular ac- tions. Thus last week Mr. Kennedy denied the report that he was planning to send a special envoy, presumably Mr. Averell Harriman, to Moscow to talk with Mr. Khrushchev. Obviously, he is quite aware that this would have mess- ed up everything. It would have confirmed Mr. Khrushchev in his predilection for abnormal' diplo- matic procedure and in a most spectacular way it would have downgraded our Ambassador in Moscow. What the Kennedy administra- tion needs if it is to have time for study and preparation is to upgrade the American ambassa- dor in Moscow and the Soviet Ambassador in Washiigton. It is necessary to resume the diplo- matic intercourse which was sus- pended last May. But it is unde- sirable and impossible to go back to Eisenhower's summitry. It fol- lows that the two countries must cultivate the habit of talking to each other through their Embas- sies. These can, of course, he sup- plemented by unofficial meetings of experts like the ones held re- cently at Dartmouth and in Mos- cow. THE GREAT TASK of quiet di- plomacy is to work out ways and means of keeping the critical ques- tions-Laos; the Congo, Algeria, Cuba-from reaching the point of irreparable decision. In these critical places we are particular- ly involved in Laos and in Cuba, and in both places our immediate objective must be to avoid a sud- den showdown. It sounds brave and dashing to say that we must take the lead and act decisively to solve the problems of Laos and of Cuba. But the fact is that these prob- lems are in the present state of the world insoluble. There is no conceivable way in which Laos, which has two Communist states on its frontiers, which is a coun- try of trackless jungles, can be made finally secure against infil- tration and guerrilla fighting. We cannot seal off Laos from the Communist states which it touch- es. And there is no conceivable wayrin which we can deal with Castro except to contain him gradually with the growing col- laboration of the other American states. We cannot exorcise the revolutionary spirit of Fidelism. BY OPEN DIPLOMACY, which only too often means loud- mouthed diplomacy, we can do little to assuage, indeed much to exacerbate these crisis. For then one side or the other has to back down if there is to be any accom- modation. But in quiet diplomacy, there is no loss of face if a coun- try backs away from an extreme position which has proved to be untenable. For this reason, quiet diplomacy is for the time being the hope of the world. (c) 1961 New York Herald Tribune, Inc. Change MANY A YOUNG southerner who has attended segregated schools all his life is apt to find himself in a desegregated class- room when he goes to college .. . More than half the South's pub- lic colleges have desegregated. By contrast, just over one fourth of the regions biracial school districts have desegregated. Of 199 predominantly white public colleges, 116 are desegregat- ed in practice or principle. Of 38 predominantly Negro colleges, 14 are desegregated. This makes 130 desegregated tax-supported col- leges in a total of 237. No exact figures are available "In a Word, Yes" Problem Far LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Speaker Policy Draws Comment To the Editor: I HAVE been too interested in the editorial controversy on free- dom of speech for guest speakers on the university campus to stand on the sidelines. As a purely prac- tical business, I favor letting any organized and recognized student group invite anyone to speak on any subject. But I do not think that this can be grounded on ab- stract right. Freedom of speech no more implies the right to speak in a particular building, than free- dom of the press means that a particular newspaper is obliged to print my letter. Freedom of speech no more means the right to insti- gate crime and violence than free- dom of religion includes conduct. ing rites of human sacrifice. But what is the actual situa- tion? Is there a "clear and present danger" of revolution in the United States? Not one American in a thousand is a real Commun- ist, and that small minority are not distinguished by power, wealth, intelligence, popularity, or influence. Sabotage and espionage, even by , a few, are real dangers. But oratory is a danger only when the masses are ready to follow the agitator. Moreover, of all audi- ences, the best one to hear an un- scrupulous demagog is a critical and educated one-such as a Uni- versity group. One might almost say that some agitators are so false and subversive thatrthey should be allowed to speak only on a University campus, where their assertions will be discounted and can be refuted! There are two other practical reasons for erecting no barriers to outside speakers. One is that re- fusal gives the excluded person more publicity than his actual speech would do. I have attended off-campus meetings several times which attracted large crowds inainly because the speaker had not been allowed to speak on the campus. The other is that student sympathy is apt to go out to the underdog. If a student is not al- lowed to hear someone, he is apt to ask himself "What is this doc- trine that is so dangerous that we must not hear it? Maybe that Communist really has a case." Liberty is the safest policy; in the old proverb the wind could not blow the man's overcoat away, but the warm and genial sun induced him to shed it of his own accord. -Preston Slosson Speech Control... To the Editor: AFTER READING Mike Gi- man's editorial, I see why speech is controlled at Soviet Uni- versities: 1. Each student has a vested interest In the Communist system because he is being supported either by the Soviet government or by money made under the Com- munist system. 2. Thus, they cannot allow ad- vocates of overthrow to speak lest a single individual be lost to the Communist cause and the society under which they thrive be weaker to that degree. While this attitude may be wor- thy of a monolithic police state, it before there was an opportunity for rational consideration of con- flict views in an attempt to dis-. cover the right course of action. Mr. Gillman should read Holmes' dissent in the Gitlow case (arising out of the Bolshevik scare of the 20's) in which he explained his opinion in the Schenck case, from which the theater example is taken. He insisted that there must be a clear and present danger of violence before political views could be punished or prevented. * *. * THE UNIVERSITY by-law does not meet Holmes' test. It would re- quire a low opinion of Michigan students to believe that merely hearing a Communist urging class warfare would straightway cause them to rise up in violence. A basic presupposition of democratic gov- ernment is that the people have sense enough to govern them- selves. If someone offers shoddy merchandise oan the marketplace of ideas, the people are more likely to see its faults when measured against competing ideas than is any group acting to protect its vested interests. We have more to fear from cen- sors than speakers. -David Wise, '62L Tennessee Campaign... To the Editor: T AST AUGUST Negroes in Hay- wood and Fayette counties, Tennessee, were permitted to re- gister to vote for the first time. Shortly afterwards the same Ne- groes, largely farm tenants and sharecroppers, were ordered to vacate their homes. Landowners insisted that the mass evacuation of the Negro sharecroppers was a result of mechanization. Negroes argued that their two-year cam- paign for the right to vote was the direct cause of their eviction. The displaced Negroes were moved by the Fayette County Civic and Welfare League to a tent city called "Freedom Village," where they received meager supplies in the form of food and clothing. Even since these Negroes have been allowed to register, banks have been making heavy loans to white farmers who have declared their intentions of mechanizing their farms, As a result, many Negroes are now in danger of losing their jobs. Large landown- ers have announced their plans to convert their farms into cattle ranches so as to further reduce the need for Negro farm hands. Since then local merchants have refused to sell food, clothing, and other basic commodities to these Negroes. Other white merchants have been ordered by various large companies to curtail their business with registered Negroes. ** * SCATTERED STUDENT and adult groups have initiated "aid for Fayette" campaigns, but a solution has been by no means effected. Helpful as such pro- visions have been for the growing Negro community living in their "Freedom Village," the future de- mands and needs will continue to be great. Only through a care- fully structured campaign will the necessary supplies be produced Letters have been sent to cam- puses and organizations all over the country urging their support for this vital issue. The work is being done largely through stu- dent governments, political parties and clubs, church groups, and any other interested organization. * * S We are now asking you, as mem- ber of both the University and the Ann Arbor communities, to give your support to this campaign. The need seems to be for clothing,' food (perhaps of the non-perish- able variety), money for expenses, and utilities (such as stoves or f'efrigerators). Large boxes for contributions will soon be located at strategic points on campus and in town, and the supplies will then be shipped to Tennessee via truck, which seems to be effective as a means of drawing attention to the activity. We believe that this drive is mo tivated by a sense of value for life and a desire to translate such values into achievable social pro- grams. Thus, we ask you as in- dividuals and as organizations to give your wholehearted support to the "Tennessee Campaign." We are hopeful, and even assured, that you will. -Carol Cohen, '64 -Roger Seasonwen,'61 Chairman, Tennessee Campaign Voice Political Party HUA C Film... To the Editor: SEVERAL DAYS AGO a letter appeared in The Daily con- demning the House Committee on Un-American Activities film of the San Francisco student riots as be- ing a fabrication of untruths and edited so as to distort the events. This letter, whether wittingly or unwittingly contributed directly to the Communist parties' hope of discrediting a film which exposes its aims and goals concerning the students of America. It plans, of course, to control the students of America by identifying itself with the liberals on campuses and then influencing them. This is what happened in San Francisco. This letter played on the theme that the police had been overly brutal and stated that the peace- ful students, had been forced to leave city hall by policemen and hose-wielding firemen. To show that the students were acting in a peaceful manner the letterquotes a statement by the Sheriff of San Francisco to the effect that the students had been acting peace- fully at all times. * S AS TO THE factualness of the film itself concerning the Com- munist domination of the riots, known communists can be identi- fied from the films which show' them leading and inciting the rioters. The official FBI report, signedby J. Edgar Hoover, states bluntly that they were communist led and inspired. Gus Hall, head of the communist party in Amer- ica, states in an official party document that students, because of their search for knowledge' and positions as emerging leaders, are to be the main .point of attack. By PRESTON GROVER Associated Press writer MOSCOW-An urgent program to boost farm production to the level where it can meet the Sov- iet people's demands for more and better food evidently will be presented by Premier Khrushchev at this week's meeting of the Corn- muist Party Central Committee. For the past week Pravda has been hammering away at man- agement failings on farm pro-. jects. Khrushchev himself told newsmen and diplomats that the big virgin land operation inKaza- khstan-scene of two successive failures to meet crop goals-will be whipped forward ' again this year, come what may. Grain and meat have been the great Soviet shortages and this condition was not bettered last year. IT IS becoming difficult to buy some kinds of meat even in top- level stores. Pravda said in a warn- ing editorial that there are signs the 1961 farm program is already showing neglect. The Party Central Committee real management of the Soviet',; 600 members who represent the Union, meets today to make de- cisions that will be converted al- most directly into governmental decrees. The main job of this meeting, announced two months ago, will be outlining a policy to put agricul- tural production on the track. The Soviet Union's industrial production has maintained a mo- mentum impressive even to doubt- ing westerners. But the farm sit- uation is just as much a headache for the communist comissars as it was for the Czars. * * * IN 1958, Khrushchev proclaimed success for his virgin land pro- ject, in which 50 million ares of new land were brought under the.l plow within five years. But 1958 proved to be only one fat year with good weather. The following two years brought har- vests that were unsatisfactory to such a degree that Tass now re- ports a 25-year plan to irrigate the arid virgin farm lands in Kazakhstan has been worked out by Soviet specialists. Although the Soviet Union is by no means faced with anything like famine, the situation has been further complicated by a disas- trous crop failure in Communist China. The Peiping Radio said the age-old specter of famine threatens areas of China. Thus, in a period of China's greatest political intransigence and greatest physical need, the Soviet Union'came up with an unsatis- factory crop of its own. s * , JUST WHAT new dramatic step is possible for Khrushchev is hard to say, for many methods have been tried. Khrushchev banished Nikolai Belyaev, one of his Presidium fa- vorites, in 1959 for failing to have a banner year in Kazakhstan which is east of the Caspian Sea' in Central Asia. Again last year the management there was sacked. Agriculture Min- ister Vladimir Matskevitch, long under fire for failures, was sent to Kazakhstan on a do-or-die mission to get 1961, production rolling. Last year was a repeat of 1959: Thousands of machinesidle in the fields for want of drivers or parts and grain rotting in windrows on' the ground or covered by snow. THE VIRGIN land area is not alone in weak management. Prav- da cited instances in European Russia, in the rich Ukraine itself, where sugar beets and corn were left unharvested, cattle went hun- gry in the barns and some animals died. Still, this area has added vastly- to production. The Russians now claim the Soviet Union exceeds the United States in milk output. The fact remains, however, that agri- culture in general has not kept up with bigger appetites and more mouths to feed. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumessno editorial responsibility. "N o ti c e s should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding pubication. THURSDAY, JANUARY 12 General Notices Academic Costume: Can be rented at Moe Sport Shop, 711 North University Ave., Ann Arbor. Orders for Midyear Graduation Exercises should be placed immediately. Doctoral Foreign Language Examina- tions: The last doctoral foreign lan- guage reading examinations for this ,mesterwill be given on Ja. sn23.