COLLEGE PRESIDENTS HURT FREE SPEECH L lzr uyrn See Page 4 Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom , No. 81 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 12, 1961 LENDARS DRIVE: SGC Defers Fayette Motion SUSPE By PAT GOLDEN A discussion of endorsement and id to a local collection .drive for lyette and Haywood counties, 'enn., ended without a motion in tudent Government Council 'last ight, but the project was calen- ared as a Voice political party ctivity. According to the agenda pre- ared by the Executive Committee, proposed motion by Roger Sea- inwein, '61, that would form a unmittee to endorse and aid the oice project was considered by ne Council in a committee of the hole. Under this procedure, dis- cussion is allowed but the only motions that are in order are those to either extend or end the com- mittee. When committee time elapsed, Seasonwein did not make his motion. He indicated that a revised version would be presented next wiek, Food Drive, The project is a drive to collect non-perishablefood, used and new clothing, money and utilities (stoves and refrigerators) for sharecroppers' families in Hay- wood and Fayette counties, Tenn., which appear to have suffered an [eW Soviet Student Arrives In Cultural Exchange Plan By LINDA REISTMAN Braving the confusion of international red tape and a serious understanding in course selection, Vallei Postunov became the versity's third exchange student from the U.S.S.R. four days Vallei became a part of the cultural exchange program between United States and Russia last February. The Science Research incl, ,governing body of the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute, re Vallei did his undergraduate work, and where he is now an ecpnomic boycott by their white communities since they registered to vote in the 1960 national elec- tion. Carol Cohen, '64, co-chairman of the project for Voice political party, announced that the local drive will begin immediately. Let- ters are being sent to all housing units, campus organizations, ,church groups, and civic organiza- tions explaining the drive and asking both for endorsement and contributions. Collection boxes for food and clothing will be placed in central campus locations. Money and cor- respondence will be handled through Tennessee Campaign, Apt. 1, 516 E. WilliamSt., while other contributions will be stored at 802 Oakland St. Miss Cohen stressed that checks must be made out to Tennessee Campaign, c/o Carol Cohen, Permit Extension Miss Cohen said "Voice hopes to make the necessary arrange- ments to permit extension of the collection to housing units and the city of Ann Arbor." "We cannot solve the problem in Tennessee, but we can help through this drive. We hope the response is great enough to send more than one truckload of food and supplies," Miss Cohen said. Tell Panhel Unit'sAims T * u State Legislature..O(pen s 7' 4 Expect New Cil Rights Controversy Republicans Feud Over Appointment ructor of general mechanics, select '4','.' omm1ttee ed him as one of the 20 stu- ts to participate in this year's hange. "The council of the in- ,te felt that I was neither too .ng nor too old to make the ," said the 33-year old in- actor, who already has a num- of scientific publications to Suggests Bill To End Bias' WASHINGTON (AP)-The Presi- dent's Committee on Government Contracts yesterday called for leg- islation to set up a permanent committee with power to elimi- nate racial discrimination wher- ever federal funds are involved. The committee, headed by Vice- President Richard M. Nixon, vis- ited the White House to present its final report. The report said discrimination is America's "most destructive so- cial and economic problem," and recommended expansion of the committee's scope of activity and authority to extend the govern- ment's policy of equal job oppor- tunities into new areas. Makes lRecommendations The committee recommended the federal government extend the principle of equal opportunity to: 1) Grant-in-aid programs with particular reference to those in- volving federal funds in education, training, recruitment or referral. 2) Programs where federal sub-, sidies are involved in housing. 3) Agreements under which the' government contributes funds to state and local programs. The committee said the rela- tionship of housing to economic deprivation of some minority group members is an increasing problem. Frequently, the distanceI from suburban plants to housing' available to minority group mem- bers, particularly Negroes, causes commuting problems, which, in ef- fect, create 'an employment bar- rier, the committee said. Issues Statement President Dwight D. Eisenhow- er issued a statement in which he said he urgently called the atten- tion of every American to the committee recommendations. "~These recommendations, if act- ed upon, will bring our people closer to the great goal of full equality of opportunity," Eisen- hower said. Eisenhower added that the com- mittee has served the nation well and has had a most successful ex- perience in promoting employment equality on government jobs, Hemingway's Illness Called Hypertension ROCHESTER, Minn. (A)-Nov-7 elist Ernest Hemingway's ailmentl was described as hypertension by1 a spokesman yesterday at the1 Mayo Clinic, where the 62-year- old author has been under treat- ment since Nov. 30.' Hemingway is to be released within the next two weeks. His1 condition is considered satisfac- is credit. Planned Study Vallei planned to take advanced study in the field of Naval Archi- tecture at the University of Penn- sylvania as part of the exchange plan. Arriving in Philadelphia last October, he discovered that only a general course in mechani- cal designs was offered at this school. He then asked permission to transfer to another American uni- versity which offered a program in naval architecture. Due to the strained political relations of both countries, his request was not granted until a few weeks ago. "This University has a well- known naval, architecture depart- ment, and I'm- happy that I have the opportunity to study here," he said. To Begin Semester Vallei will begin class in Feb- ruary and intends to stay until June. However he will spend much of this time reading American scientific publications and dis- cussing his subject with Univer- sity professors. "I can learn much more on a personal basis becausej of the specialized nature of my field,"he commented. Course in this field are on the same level of knowledge in the two countries, Vallei noted. "The general mechanics course in which I was originally enrolled at the University of Pennsylvania was very much the same as the one I taught at Leningrad," he ob- served. Upon completion of his course of study Vallei plans to return to his wife and daughter in Lenin- grad where he will continue teach- ing at the Institute. SGC To Ask Clarification On Lectures Student Government Council voted without dissent early this morning to send a questionnaire to the University Committee on Lectures asking for clarification of certain sections of By-law 8.11, which constitutes the University's restriction of outside speakers. The questionnaire will ask how the Committee judges the nature of a speech, when this judgment is made, and what criteria are used for such determination. It will question whether the Com- mittee considers "affiliation with the Communist party or any other political group is evidence enough to prevent the delivery of a lec- ture." The Council will ask how the committee interprets a passage concerning prohibition of ad- dresses "which urge the destruc- tion or modification of our form of government by violence or oth- er unlawful methods, or which justifv or advocate conduct vio- By 3UDITH OPPENHEIM James Seder, '61, chairman of the Student Government Council Committee on Membership in Stu- dent Organizations, yesterday as- sured members of the Panhellenic Association that the committee is "not anti-Greek." Panhel President Barbara Green- berg, '61, invited the committee to meet with the association to clar- ify any questions Panhel members might have. Speaking for the committee, Sedvr began by explaining that its main purpose is facilitating execution of the SGC ruling that no student organization may deny membership on the grounds of race, religion, creed, national origin or ancestry. Several questions pertained to the membership clauses and statements on interpretation which each sorority and fraternity must file with the Vice-President for Student Affairs. Asst. Dean of Men John Bingley said SGC itself is interested only in collecting the information. Any preliminary checking by SGC will be strictly to ascertain that everything speci- fied has been submitted. At the present time fraternity and sorority constitutions are on file in the offices of the Dean of Men and Dean of Women in ac- cordance with a 1949 Student Affairs Committee ruling. No one has access to these constitutions except the Deans, Miss Greenberg said. The new requirement for filing membership clauses and in- terpretations will make filing of entire constitutions with the Deans unnecessary from now on. Miss Greenberg added that since SGC assumes complete statements from sororities will be submitted, "in good faith," there will cer- tainly be no cross-checking to see whether they are in agreement with previously-filed constitutions. To questions pertaining to what the committee would do in specific instances where violations might be charged, the members fre- See SEDER, Page 2 LANSING (Agp-Republicans as- sumed control of both houses to- day as state legislators assembled in a friendly atmosphere to open the 1961 session. None of the bitterness that marred the 1959 and 1960 session was evident, although the stage was set for future wrangling with the submission of two controver- sial civil rights bills, Democratic Gov. John B. Swainson was greeted with back- slaps and handshakes by Repub- lican senators when he strolled in- to the Senate chamber to greet former colleagues. He served in the upper chamber six years, two as Lieutenant Governor and Sen- ate President. Selection Feud Republicans began immediate- ly to feud among themselves over the selection of a chairman of the important Senate business committee, which screens the "Governor's appointments. The conservative element ap- parently won a skirmish with the liberal GOP element when Sen. Charles F. Feenstra of Grand Rapids emerged as the unofficial choice. Threatened Resignation Sen. Frank D. Beadle, GOP cau- cus chairman, was reliably re- ported to have walked out of a meeting of GOP committee mem- bers, threatening to quit his post if his choice for chairmanship, Sen. John Fitzgerald of Grand Ledge, was rejected. Beadle frequently warred with Senate conservatives during the last two terms and several times threatened to resign when they bucked his leadership. Giv e Group Added Duty Student Government Council approved a motion granting Cin- ema Guild the responsibility of advising the SGC calendaring committee as to the value of cal- endaring any motion picture shown on campus not connected with a course last night, Cinema Guild's previous respon- sibilities were twofold: to present high quality films at reasonable prices and to give campus or- ganizations an opportunity to sponsor films and receive a por- tion of the profits. x _.. . ,,.,,,wa... "-people the pr APPLY OLD SKILLS: has n< mayor Drr"rIa Doctors Search for New Cancer Cures cooper e he has received _medical , ,f . ..: r .. :.: