THE MICHIGAN DAILY Court.Orers Integration C t d In *Uversity 1fGeorgia F r Rejects Plea By Official' For DelayYIT 4K S, i i Vote Ends Chanlces For Further Appeal By The Associated Press. WASHINGTON-The Supreme Court late yesterday unanimously denied a request that it stay the admittance of Negroes to the Uni- versity of Georgia. The request for a stay was pre- sented to Justice Hugo Black of the high tribunal and he in turn submitted it to other members of the court.. Atty. Gen. Eugene Cook off Georgia, who brought the request for a stay, said he would have no comment on the denial. He and two aides who accom- panied him here planned to re-' turn immediately to Atlanta. AP Wirephoto Situation "Confused" GEORGIANS LEAVE COURT -- Eugene Cook, Attorney General of Georgia, and two aides leave Cuban, Fear Of Invasion Lessenhing. HAVANA OJP)- The novelty of watching for an enemy that never comes seemed wearing thin among Cubans yesterday. There were signs Fidel Castro may soon announce the strength of his People's Army has frightened off American aggressors. Cuban propaganda outlets con- tinued to assert that the United States planned to invade this is- land nation before President Eisenhower tutns over the White House to President-elect John F. Kennedy January 20. Denounce Maneuvers Castro - controlled newspapers used big headlines to denounce the United States Navy maneuvers in the Caribbean and a visit of the supercarrier Franklin D. Roose- velt Monday to the United States naval base on Guantanamo Bay., Revolucion charged that Ameri- cans have mined the bay. That charge was denied by a United States Navy spokesman in Washington. He said travel through the base to Cuban docks at the head of the bay must re- main unrestricted under terms of a 1903 treaty. Cites Preparations The newspapers repeatedly cited alleged American-financed war preparations in Guatemala, 700 miles away across the Caribbean, as proof of Washington plans to attack. But activity in Cuba's defense preparations, which have placed all Cuba under virtual martial law since Dec. 31, appearedto be dwindling. . Heavy rain and a cold north wind contributed to this. , Ready Demonstration Cuban labor organizations -in the forefront of the workers mili- tia - arranged for a massive demonstration before the presi- dential palace Friday night. It is logical to suppose Castro will adaress the. mass meeting. Many believe he will choose this time to announce that the poten- tial invaders have been scared off by Cuba's massive demonstration of armed strength. World News JRoundup4 U.S. SENDS AIRCRAFT: Laos Talk Brings No Solu WASHINGTON (JP-Soviet Am- ' assador Mikhail A. Menshikov talked with Secretary of State Christian A. Herter< yesterday for 40 minutes about the Laotian cri- sis. There was no immediate iridi- cation that the discussion, held at Menshikov's request, at the State Department, would lead to any break in the East-West dead- lock over war-troubled Laos. Menshikov himself -referred to the talks as "a quiet discussion" and said he had given Herter no notes or proposals. Says Airlift Grows State Department press officer Lincoln White said the Soviet air- lift to Red rebels in Laos actual- ly is still growing-contrary to weekend reports that it had been abandoned. He said Russian pilots and crewmen are manning the planes. Asked about Menshikov's stand- point, White referred to the Soviet press. The Russians claim that the United States is-interfering in in- ternal Laotian affairs. They con- tend the pro-Western Boun Oum regime is illegal and are calling for a revival of the one-time watchdog commission for Laos, made up of representatives from India, Canada and Poland, Confirm Report Meanwhile, the State Depart- ment spokesman confirmed re- ports from Vientiane that the United States has sent light air- craft to the Boun Oum govern- ment. White said four helicopters and four two-seater, propeller-driven planes had been furnished as "part of our normal military aid pro- gram to Laos" and at the request of the Laotian government. The planes, he said, are nor- mally used for training but also have light armament and can be used for observation and liaison. White said he presumed the Unit- ed States would train Laotian pilots if requested. Asks Planes The request for the planes, he, added, came from the Laotian defense chief, Gen. Phoumi No- savan, at "a fairly recent date"- presumably after the Communist trouble erupted. -The planes arrived yesterday asa Prince Boun Oum's government again charged Soviet and North Vietnamese troops are invading' the kingdom. Few westerners here believe the invasion report, But some Euro- pean circles fear delivery of the planes could speed up the arms race in Laos, with the West and the Communists rushing to supply rival sides in the Laotian civil war. This could further complicate efforts to work out a political set- tlement, they said. LAOTIAN COMMANDER, - Colonel Khouprasith, left, mander of the Phong Hong ,area north of Vientaine in studies -map with fellow officer on airstrip in the froi area. A helicopter of the loyal Laotian forces is in the ground. GUERRILLA TACTICS: f Cook also declined to comment on developments in Georgia on the university situation yester- day, other than to make the ob- servation that the situation was confused. Cook had asked that Black re- instate a stay order issued earlier this week by United States Dis- trict Judge W. A. Bootle at Ma- con. Bootle's stay in turn had, been upset by Judge Elbert Tuttle of the Fifth United States Circuit, Court. I The litigation arose out of the attempt of two Negroes to enter the university. Attacks Law Georgia Governor Ernest Van- diver said the four-year old law which provides for immediate cut- ting off of funds to. any branch of the state university system the' moment a Negro is enrolled under federal court order, is now "an albatross" around Georgia's neck. "I will not be a party to defi- ance of the law, as many would1 wish," Vandiver said in referring to Judge Bootle's order to admit the Negroes. The governor also said he had every confidence the; students at the university would" "act as ladies and gentlemen" during the crisis. the Supreme Court building after Cook asked for a stay of integration for the University of Georgia. The petition was presented to Associate Justice Hugo Black. Freeman Leverett, deputy attorney general of Georgia and Charles Allen, aide to Governor Ernest Vandiver of Georgia, are flanking Cook. Negroes Register at Georgia 'U' Guatemala Troops Tr Under U.S. Spervisi4 ATLANTA (A)-A Negro boy andi girl became students at the Uni- versity of Georgia yesterday, crum- bliig a segregation wall that had been, impregnable since founding of the school in 1785. Charlayne A. Hunter, 18, and Hamilton E. Holmes, 19, paid their tuition fees to university Treas- urer J. D. Bolton at Athens and will enter classes this morning un- der protection of federal court orders. They completed their registra- tion three hours after federal Judge William A. Bootle granted a temporary injunction at Macon restraining Gov. Ernest VanDiver from cutting off funds under a state law and closing the school where the governor obtained his law degree. A crowd of some 500 of the nearly 7,500 white boys and girls in attendance at Georgia stood quietly outside the treasurer's of- fice as the fees were paid. Bootle, the 58-year-old jurist who precipated near pandemon- ium in state political circles last Friday by ordering desegregation, enjoined both the governor and; State Auditor B. E. Thrasher, Jr. from interfering with operation of the university. VanDiver, 42, lashed back in a stinging telegram to Bootle this afternoon protesting, his order but saying "my respect for lawful processes and my oath as gover- nor preclude any act of defiance on my part." GUATEMALA (W - Detach-v ments of Guatemala's regular ar- my are getting intensive guerrilla tactical training at Retalhuleu near the Pacific coast of Guate- mala, the Defense Ministry said yesterday. United States officers are at the Retalhuleu base in their normal roles as Guatemalan army ad- visors, Defense Minister Enrique, Peralta Azurdia said. He denied that the base is be- ing used to train guerrilla fight- ers against the Fidel Castro re- gime in Cuba. "There are no aggressive inten- tions in connection with the" ac- tivities at Retalhuleu," "They are just routine by the Guatemalan army "In connection with t ence of United States o: should be remembered th ican military and air mis in Guatemala and norm; valuable advice to our ar He was commenting o York Times dispatch sa United States is supplyin mala with training person terial and other assistant preparation of a commas force for a possible cli Cuba. RENEWS CONTROVERSY: Haitian Government Closes Newspapers; Expels Prelate smartest 4 s tyle in the cold P9RT AU PRINCE, Haiti (A.- The Haitian government, renew- ing a controversy with the Roman Catholic Church, shut down one of its newspapers yesterday and expelled the nation's highest ranking church authority, theI Most Rev. Remy Augustin, He was the second prelate to be ousted. Police put Bishop Augustin aboard a plane for Argentina after holding him under house arrest 14 hours. He 'had been arrested in bed, Bishop Augustin, Haitian-born, had been running church affairs in this French-speaking Negro republic since President Francois Duvalier expelled a French-born primate, Archbishop Francois1 Unofficial sources said the government story in Bishop Augustin's case is that he had inserted a letter in the Catholic newspaper La Phalange asking for cancellation of a decree to crack down on student absenteeism. The decree calls on teachers to give authorities weekly lists of students who are absent and holds parents and guardians responsible for those who duck classes. Expect Talks Of Algerians, French Soon Poirier. Vatican Protests_ r,, '1- D)uofold 2-LA YER INSULA TED SPORTS JOHNS The famous underwear worn by the girls of the U.S. Olympic Teams. Jinique Duofold fabric is insu- lated! A tissue-thin layer of cotton (next to your skin) is interknit with an outer layer of wool and cotton. Air cells in be- tween insulate against the cold. You never feel perspired or over-heated. Wash like a dream. Deportation of the archbishop seven weeks ago drew a sharp official protest from the Vaticanj and almost certainly exposed the Haitians involved to excommuni- cation. Excommunication means denial of the church sacraments and loss of fellowship with other Catholics. Duvalier is a Catholic. So are most other Haitians. The government is still trying to crush a university student strike movement begun last fall in pro- test at the jailing of a student leader suspected of being a Com- munist. This strike was a factor in the action against both the church leaders. Archbishop Accused Haitian officials accused Arch- bishop Poirler of having given $7,000 to aid Communist-plotting students. He denied this and was backed up by the Holy See - in effect Pope John XXIII. Allen Rejects Job As HEW Official ALBANY, N. Y. () -- State Education Commissioner James E.j Allen Jr. has turned down an appointment as United States Commissioner of Education in the administration of President-elect John F. Kennedy, Allen's office said yesterday. ALGIERS (W)-Peace. negotia- tions between France and the Al- gerian rebel government are ex- pected soon, high French officials said yesterday, These officials said secret con- tacts between envoys of the French government and the rebels may begin "in a matter of weeks" to be followed by full negotiations. The move would follow the Sun- day referendum that approved President Charles de Gaulle's handling of the thorny Algerian problem. But there was no outward sign of a move by either camp. De Gaulle went ahead in Paris with his plans for giving Algeria virtual self-government at home. Rebel Premier Ferhat Abbas consulted his cabinet in, exile at Tunis. His spokesman said .the referendum result was not on the agenda "because it does not real- ly concern us." But, behind the apparent indif- ference on both sides, there was a general feeling that things would soon be moving. Students Register Miss Hunter and Holmes slip- ped into the administration build- ing through a rear door to com- plete admission procedures. She will study journalism. He will continue pre-medical courses and plans to transfer later to the uni- versity medical school at Augusta, Ga. The judge scheduled a hearing for tomorrow at Macon on mak- ing the injunction permament. Capitol sources speculated that such an action would void the present state appropriations' act which says tax funds can't be used to operate an integrated school. VanDiver's announcement at midnight Monday night that the university would be closed if the Negroes enrolled yesterday sent attorneys for the National Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Colored People on their hurried mission to Macon, 100 miles south of Atlanta. The governor's plan was to rush through the Legislature a repeal of the appropriations act clause about cutting off funds. He emphasized that he would not consider closing for more than a few days the school where he received his law degree a few years ago and was active in cam- pus affairs. Soviet Group Form Agenda, MOSCOW (A) - The Central Committee of the Soviet Commu- nist Party decided yesterday at its winter session to take up not only the country's agricultural problems but also the aim and scope of world Communism. From the closely guarded Krem- lin meeting it was disclosed the committee is putting on the agen- da discussion of a communique issued after last fall's 21-day sum- mit conference of 81 Communist parties. By The Associated Press' SCRANTON, Pa. -- A federal grand jury yesterday indicted for- mer governor John S. Fine, 67, for income tax evasion. A three count indictment against the onetime Republican leader also named his brother-in- law, Donald P. Morgan. Each was charged with evasion for the years 1955, 1956 and 1957, * * * WASHINGTON -- Senators re- ported yesterday that Robert S. McNamara, 44-year-old millionaire designated as the new Secretary of Defense, proposed to put more than $1 2million into a trust outside his control while he holds office. He proposed this handling for the money he received last month for selling his 24,705 shares of stock in the Ford Motor Co. of which he was president when he was picked by President-elect John F. Kennedy. * * * WARSAW-Communist Czech- oslovakia yesterday granted Po- land a $125 million credit to fi- nance new industries under the next five-year plan. * * * UNITED NATIONS-Dag Ham- marskjold is cutting short his vis- it to Africa in order to attendr Security Council sessions on the Congo. His office announced yes-' terday the secretary-general will return home Friday, CAPE CANAVERAL (A) - The Navy's "second generation" Polar- is scored a third straight success yesterday, scooting 1,600 miles down the Atlantic missile range. Officials termed the test flight of the advanced submarine weap- on a complete success, just as pre- vious launchings were on Nov. 10 and Dec. 6. The new Polaris, denoted #-2, is larger and more powerful than the well-tested, already-operation- al A-1 series. It is designed to boost a nuclear warhead 1,725 miles. compared with 1,380 miles for the A-1. Primary objective of yesterday's test was to log general perform- ance of the two stages of the solid-fuel rocket. Range and accuracy were not main goals as the missile was steered by autopilot instead of the complex inertial guidance system. Phone NO 876779: New Polaris Test Success Relax while you have on opportunity to do so Come and see the new things at our shop. Perhaps we've something you have wanted. ,.. . B JOHNLEID' T. V^r ' . y ~ 3 , i t , t - ,.:. : . x. , 4 \ i .. .4 " .'r ", Z * 601 EastL Giant January Fashion Values! The Michigan Union and Women's League present WINTER WEEKEND SKIING AT HOLIDAY HILL Outstanding Collection Sale-Priced to save you to " Blouses by famous makers " Sweaters fur blends-bulkies Ski rtsPlaids, plains, pleats, slim wools, blends 1/2 a~t MAIN SHOP 530 S.Forest off S. 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