Zj 4e Mlrhgan Batty Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ttb Will Prevaow, STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. *"ANN ARBOR, MICH.* Phone No 2-3241 orials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. "It's Too Small To Play House Let's Play School" , a ( ' 1 .. 4+ = {. . . .*.,x3 " (m ', ,, -..,,:F, AT T 'Butterfield 8' Rings The Bell AY, JANUARY 10, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: SUSAN FARRELL By-Law on Lectures, Represents Majority View. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is the concluding part of a debate on University attitudes and poli- les toward lectures. The argument is in support I retention of Regent's By-law 8.11). 'HE RECENT WAYNE STATE controversy over a speakers ban brings to mind the et that the University itself has a by-law aling with essentially the same matter. And re, as at Wayne. some groups (in the name that sacred cow-academic freedom) would ve all limitations such as those placed by the gents by-law removed. But just exactly what does this burden on e speech have to say? This Regents by-law ec. 8.11 (1) ) reads in part: . . . the use of University lecture rooms and auditoriums may be granted..., under guaranty that during such meetings or lec- tures there shall be no. . . advocacy of the subversion of the government of the United States nor of the state and that such meet- ings and lecture shall be in spirit and ex- pression worthy of the University. "No addresses shall be allowed which urge the destruction or modification of our form of government by violence or other unlaw- ful methods, or which advocate or justify conduct which violates the fundamentals of our accepted code of morals." A rather easy ruling" to support, you might y. But disappointingly enough, these appar- tly innocuous words can arouse dispute and position in some quarters. VHAT IS BEING opposed here? If we make the rather safe assumption that an expres- n in opposition is an espousal of a diamet- a,lly opposed position, we see that this plat- m would countenance speeches on Univer- y facilities that would: (1) advocate the subversion of state and na- nal government, (2) urge the destruction or modification of r form of government by violence or other lawful methods, and (3) advocate or justify conduct in violation our accepted code of morals. Ah yes, all this .. . and in the name of aca- mic freedom-freedom of speech. Those who would remove the present ban on eeches disruptive of law, order and morality y out with self-righteousness that "not one ice must be stilled." But this plea for an extension of the minor- right to tear down our governmental and onomic system from within, little being pro- ted by that system, must fall on deaf ears. nose of the left voicing the demands of .nority rights must recognize that there is other side of the same coin -- majority hts. THEY MUST RECOGNZE that rules such as this by-law are representative of the pre- vailing attitude of the state and national com- munity. To those who formulated such a by- lawt (and to this corner), there appears to be justification for preventing such speeches from being made here or elsewhere. Lest advocacy becomes advocacy to action, and harm is done that cannot be repaired, such a ruling must be made. Quite frankly, each of us have a vested in- terest in our system of government, be he the banker, the corner grocer, the factory worker, or you, the student-here on money your par- ents made under this system. To be sure, all are not equally fortunate in this country.,But when compared with the nations bound by our op- posing ideology, our own shortcomings are in- significant indeed. And so, with this vested interest, we must fight to retain it whether with Regent's by-laws or more encompassing legislation. We can riot allow advocates of overthrow to speak, lest a single individual be lost to him and the society we thrive under be weaker to that degree. SURELY, THERE IS ROOM for contention within our system. We too have a left-to- right political spectrum. But let our strife be just that-"within our system." Those who ad- vocate overthrow and subversion are outside the pall of acceptability. Ask what harm a single voice can do mouth- ing his cause in opposition to our accepted code of morals (and to our own far left: yes there is an "accepted code of morals," not al- ways abided by, but still existing and function- ing). A Supreme Court decision 40 years ago im- plied the harm that could be done by the lone disruptive voice, saying in effect that freedom of speech does not imply the right to shout "fire" in a crowded theatre. , What good does it do to find that there was no fire to the bodies trampled in the crush to the exits? What good would it do to find that the advocates of revolution and overthrow had proferred empty promises,.when the blandish- ments had turned to chains? Some would have us remove the by-law that in some small way proscribes the activities of those who would deny us our way of life. They confuse freedom with license. We cannot allow the cry of "fire" to be shouted in our theatre, if there is a chance that even a handful of malcontents might heed it. -MIKE GILLMAN EX, BOOZE AND violence, life's- staples, as well as John 0'- Hara's, are generously apportioned in Hollywood's latest O'Hara of- fering, "Butterfield 8." In his earlier novels, O'Hara depended less on endless compila- tions of minute sociological fact to establish social rank, and con- cerned himself more completely with essentials; without, however, underestimating the importance of social status nor failing to de- lineate social structure. This is one reason why his earlier novels have turned into better movies than the later novels: "Butterfield 8" as com- pared to "From the Terrace." The affair in "From the Terrace" was less plausable and less satisfying (artistically) .because the mistress. seemed somewhat contrived. Gloria's character is never doubted after the opening scene, nor are the social levels in which she is acting out her destiny. An amazing amount is accomplished in a few minutes without any dialogue. Apart from that, why didn't they just keep Miss.Taylor in her slip for the trest of ,the movie. Her plight was revealed - I kept wait- ing for the rest toy be - I was having as hard a time concentrat- ing as Eddie Fisher - so why the strip-tease. Often the audience reaction is more interesting than what is hap. pening on the screen. When Miss, Taylor was confessing to Eddie how she started her sexual career at the age of thirteen, the audience was collectively at the edge of its seat. Anyway, if you have not realized before that so-called whores ofter get that way because they are filled with more-or need more- love than other women, then set this movie. It makes a fairly gooi case for this particular waywari type. -Thomas Brien AT THE MICHIGAN: 'Seven' Falters WINTER PRESENTATION:' DAC Offers Varied Program 'TE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN" is an American adaptation of a Japanese film "The Seven Samurai" which is in turn taken from an old folk tale. In this tale, it is a time of peace, the samurai warriors have fought their battles and now have no- where to go, no one to figh and no one to kill. But in the pro- vinces, there is a village, which is annually terrorized by a band of rogues. After'years of paying tribute to robbers the farmers of the village stir for rebellion against their oppresors. Hunting for swords to fight the intruders, the farmers instead, hire the war-less warriors to rid them of their problem. The war- riors come, do battle, and win a victory in a minor engagement. However, with a final battle im- pending, a delegation of farmers weakens and decides that capit- ulations and continued subjuga- tion are better than possible death. This group betrays the war- riors and the men of war are captured by the rogues. They are released on the condition that they leave the provinces, never to re- turn again. But the men of war have found in the village, after years of alim- less killing, something worth fighting for and return for a de- cisive battle. And 'at the tales conclusion the warriors have found something (home, family and responsibility) on which to base their future and the farmers have gained the dignity known .only to free men. * * * IN "THE Magnificent Seven" this tale has been loosely trans- fered to the provinces of Mexico, the samurai have become Ameri- can gunfighters, and the Japanese farmers are Mexican peasants. As long as the film follows the tale it is interesting, dramatic and often moving. However, in the story's journey from Japan to Mexico it unfortunately passed through Hollywood and has been somewhat diseased in the process. If the producers and director had followed the original story more closely they might have come up with an unusual and first rate film. As it stands, this is an enjoyable evening, but no more. -Harold Applebaum MAX LERNER Pr razrr.: . .. r TME DRAMATIC Arts Center deserves the thanks and appre- ciation of the community for its occasional offerings of the unusual and interesting. This is not to say that the evening was without flaw; the production had its faults; they were many and ser- ious. But it also had moments which, especially in view of the limitations of technical facilities, were extraordinarily fine. * *.* THE STRONGER by Strindberg opened the program. In the orig- inal this is a dialogue between two women, with one of them remain- ing silent. It was adapted by Mr. Diskin into a pure monologue for presentation by himself. This was a mistake for several reasons. First, this is a conflict play and not a mood piece; I feel that the presence of the other person Is necessary to give focus to this conflict. Second, the evocation of an ambiguity as to which is the stronger is essential to the suc- cess. of the work. Third, Mr. Dis- kin does not have the flexibility and range of characterization to bring it off by himself. His mon- ologue is a monotone, broken only occasionally by a limited vocabu- lary of gestures. The ineptness of the presentation could be judged by the fact that at the nadir of the man's depression, the au- dience did not empathize, they laughed; and this is not a funny play. NEXT ON THE program was John M. Synge's Riders to the Sea. This is a rather horrid piece of sentimental trash. The presenta- tion, as a reading from music stands, was reasonable. The old woman and her younger daugh- ter, played by Elizabeth Hardies and Danice Chisholm, turned in sensitive performances of women in distress. 'Janet Kosse made of the other daughter, by her physi- cal positionubetween the others and her unwavering voice, a bas- tion of steadiness from which the other two depended. I do not think much more can be done. * * * MAID TO MARRY by Eugene Ionesco, which concluded the first half of the program was the best bit of the evening. Thomas Kind and Mari Stephens were superb as an old bearded pomposity and an only slightly younger bit of fluff. There is not need to describe their characterizations in detail; they were well suited to the play; and it is the play which I wish to discuss because of its bearing on the second half of the program. IONESCO IS A GAD-FLY, a balloon pricker, a stick of dyna- mite in the complacent womb of life. In this short work he goes directly to the absurdity he wishes to emphasize and sticks to it re- lentlessly. Misuse of words and the fatuousness of ordinary con- versation, especially between a man and a woman, is his theme, He divests words of their ordinary meanings by quoting them out of context. This leads to a problem in organization: after all most drama derives its structure from the meanings of words, either through a plot line which they enunciate or through the charac- ters they adumbrate. Deprived of these two normal functions , of words Ionesco utilizes the little bit of meanings retained by words in his universe to string together a ten minute sequence of consecu- tive non sequitors, enunciated by the man and agreed to by the woman. This is done with great brilliance and stye, one is kept constantly amused. Then grad- ually one realizes that something more is happening : there is a further element of structure. Short range order has been achieved by the free association of illogic, but the senseless banter becomes more and more tense until suddenly the two characters, completely un- aware of what they are saying, affirm the sanctity of the Word, for it is the Word of God. Look, look, he seems to say, thehe is truth within the heart of man 'but you have to push and prick and dynamite your way through mounds of misused words to find ,it. It is unconventional to find af- firmation, in fact to find any meaning at all, in a Ionesco play, but I did It-and I'm glad. * * * AFTER INTERMISSION four works by B. P. Moonyean, a local resident, were presented. Moon- yean seems to have caught the spirit of the renunciation of sig- nificance and the discomoding of propriety from Ionesco, but it leads him along different ways. The first two I dispose of quick- ly. The Lecture substitutes pure sounds, such' as "poop-poop-a- doop" and "hmmmm", for words. Clearly this is trivial, little more than an opportunity for the actor to mimic his favorite speaker. Tom Kind was good. The only virtue to Five Characters in Four Min- utes was that it lasted thirty se- cnods less than one might have expected. * * * 4 PIECE FOR 2 Voices and Welsh Songbird is something else again. English words, spoken by voices Kind and Diskin, are used without meaning, but allowed to retain some of their power to evoke images. Welsh words, spoke by. Miss Stephans, are without mean- ing to most of us. So far this is like Ionesco, and like the first two plays of Moonyean. In those first two plays, however, unlike this, one, he attempted to follow the leader all the way and struc- ture his plays on what meaning was left to his words. Here he forgets semantics entirely and builds entirely on sounds. This is music, of course, not drama, but so what! It was entertaining mu- sic. (Occasionally a snatch of sig- nificance would attach to a word; the incongruity lead to humor, much as when a passage in a musical composition reminds one of a popular song.) This was the most successful of the local pro- ducts; it is a pity it was not a bit shorter for its material was limited, TIME CONCLUDING work was Suite for Cage, that's John Cage. This .is .an .over-blown, neo- baroque monstrosity. On stage are a woman, writing to a lonely- hearts and miscellaneous advice column; the columnist; a guitar player; a dancer; a tape-recorder, with someone to run it. The wo- man and columnist exchange pseudo - Freudian reminiscences which lead nowhere, being occa- sionally interrupted by the others. One is struck again by Moonyean's use of music-like construction, here on many levels. Verbal patterns of the people are repeated with modifications, as are motions of the dancer and the not cl te ab- stract sounds of Gordon Mumma's electronic pastiche. The trouble with the piece is teat it seems more designed to set forth a few mildly shocking minor obscenities than to illuminate any basic absurdities or truths. It and disgust rather than at the oc- cassional unpleasantness of hard' facts. The concluding scene in fact, forthose with stomachs like my own (and from the audience reaction there were many whose weren't) could be seen as an amus- ing parody, of the child-birth scene which graces so many im- ported movies these days. Again; though, I feel that Moonyean in- serted his distortions and anoy- ances with the hope of effecting audience reaction to their own inherent obscenity rather than directing the reaction through the superficialities at the underlying parody. --J.Philip Benkard DAILY'OFFICIIAL, BULLETIN e-Showdown .. .. r .v .. .. r. .r .'. .; 3HE WEAK CAN OFTEN do what is not ' permitted of the strong. Some people who eered Peru's break with Castro's regime, id would cheer Uruguary's or Venezuela's if ey came, are harsh about the breaking of lations by the U. S. Their point is not that resident Eisenhower lacked provocation '- e obviously had plenty - but that America' strong enough to take a lot of riding from small Caribbean state. My own feeling, as I wrote in an earlier lumn, is that Castro forced the break for fficient reasons of his own. Some of the asons make sense for a left-wing government, ch as the desire to close down a visa-granting nbassy and thus stop the outpouring of Cu- ins, much like the outpouring from East ermany. Others make sense only on the gic of a paranoiac's behavior: when he strikes you, and you hit back, he shouts to the eavens this proof that you are his enemy and art of a conspiracy to destroy him. I suppose that President Eisenhower had ae alternative to the action he took. He might ave swallowed American pride and cut the mibassy down not to eleven or twleve but one man, who would have remained there a dramatic witness to the patience of iba's powerful neighbor. This would have idercut Castro's constant complaint that the . S. is a big ineffectual, spying, conniving lly. A one-man embassy could not do any pionage - or any other business that em- ,ssies (including Castro's) normally do. But to do this President Eisenhower and ecretary Herter would have needed far more aaginativeness, resourcefulness, and sense 'humor than they have shown in the past. his may well have been exactly what Castro unted on. HAVE HEARD it said that the U. S. action was a hurried-up one in order to saddle ennedy with an accomplished fact before isenhower has to lay down his power. Such notion seems to miss one of the known Nphoprtrif a 1 41,... a v ,.r1RcdPn+ h. I thought the best comment on the Cuban diplomatic break came from UN Ambassador designate Adlai Stevenson, who regretted "the deterioration of relations that has resulted in this decision being forced by the Cubans." The real count against Eisenhower is not that he broke the ties when he had little other choice, but that he should never have allowed things to come to that pass. That is the trouble with any government which does not know how to wage the war of ideas (or politwar, as it is coming to be called.) If you fail at that, then you are forced by a constantly narrowing range of choices - until at the end you have to do something harsh and clumsy, like breaking relations or calling out a fleet patrol or sending an air- craft carrier into a trouble-area. A wise and skillful government acts patiently, plans ahead, and keeps the range of its choice broad. CASTRO ON THE OTHER hand, knows the the game of politwar, and is keeping his choices open. Hence his rather obvious attempt to drive a wedge between Eisenhower and' Kennedy by saying that Cuba looks forward to a new policy on the part of the incoming Ad- ministration. This serves the double purpose of splitting Cuba's opposition in the U. S. and abroad and of unifying the support of Castro's measure at home, since Kennedy has become a figure of hope for so many Cubans. Conceivably a Kennedy administration might move to reestablish diplomatic ties, and con- ceivably Castro would respond, and both governments could save face. If it happened it might spark a confidence-building process on both sides. But I am skeptical of its happen- ing. Castro needs the U. S. as an enemy in order to save his regime and give it popular support. As for his view of Kennedy, it is worth noting that Ambassador Roa at the UN Security Council meeting attacked Eisenhower as a reactionary imperialist. Are we to assume that Kennedy will be regarded as a liberal imperialist? In Marxism this is an impossible The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editotial responsibility. N o ti c e s should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. TUESDAY, JANUARY 10 General Notices Academic Costume: Can be rented at. Moe Sport Shop, 711 North University Ave., Ann Arbor. Orders for Midyear Graduation Exercises should be placed immediately.I Attention January Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health, and School of Business Administration: -Students are advised not to request grades of I or X in January. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work must be made up in time to allow your in- structor to report the make-up grade not later than 8:30 a.m., Mon., Feb. 6, 1961. Grades received after that time may deter the students' graduation un- til a later date. Recommendation for Departmental Honors: Teaching departments wishing to recommend tentative January grad- uates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, for honors or high honors should recommend such students, by forwarding a. letter (in two copies; one copy for Honors Coun- cil, one copy for the Office of Registra- tion and Records) to the Director, Hon- ors Council, 1216 Angell Hall, by 4:00 p.m., Fri., .Feb. 3, 1961. Teaching departments in the School of Education should forward letters directly to the Office of Registration and Records, 1513 Admin. Bldg., by 8:30 a.m., Mon., Feb. 6, 1961. Noticetostudent organizations. Ac- tivities must be calendared so as to take place before the seventh day prior to the beginning of a final examina- tion period. (niversity Regulations Concerning Student, Affairs, Conduct, and Discipline.) Makeup Examination in Economics 51 for those who missed first and second hour examinations, Thurs., Jan. 19 at 4:00 p.m., Room 101 Economics Bldg. Doctoral Foreign Language Examina- tions: The last doctoral, foreign lan- guage reading examinations for this (Continued from Page 5) f FEIFFER NOW,11WOU 0 MVC 660 AL4Ve ae6e we WDTO GIV; OE TNT Off1, C6PTAMI.U V KC NOW M T-HE tMPM OF fH6 PA1 IF qoU.WAt. r AN APP1.C a2. S0IA6' IO&, LWHAT AM L I?T8C . I 4., MqAL ARA t i TAKC A 4OR1 Cvi, HM THOQ&H 1T &FOPTAtI) ACA, f86 6RA4S ARCH AMP VC lI6PAR K106 C$COft CRv(CC £CCVAO ViUP1V TH6 CT)1'TH FW-OR, 604(to THC * HOQSAMCAdoL FO9 AN) ,6U, tg WH 6 66D5 / Live 6 0 )KIMOLO800 I'D 661AT M AfM' (1 00u~M~ 'I 4)CUI, 19 SfOP t iAti0& F? OR A I~mUW I w FR~omf oUovr fc~ WH RE 1 ALWAYS pGA O PANO9 oNNL' TMC THIRDP FL.OOR. 50 AN0)~1 (MMMA WNW QCOME T fO ' 1 W.JVO e i.f TI) U cs, 'iH1rtW MF DOWN NOW Lulot WfOWt ?IN~ TK{M AMR& TH6'RC -meowtJ k)FROM T96 'flIRa7 I P1Tq ApOU oCw'Eit?4 SORMCCT6 SV I; F