tEGENTS' BY-LAW:Y MAJORITY RULE See Page 4 Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom 4br, .741at 19 CLOUDY, WARMER High--35, Low-20 Partially overcast with temperatures slightly higher. :XI, No. 79 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1961 FIVE CENTS SIX r Sandiver Closes seorgia College Shutdown Follows Court Order To Integrate as State Plans Appeal ATLANTA -Gov. Ernest VanDiver last night announced the sng of the University of Georgia, scheduled to have been integrat- by two young Negroes today for the first time in its 175-year his- y. "It's the saddest duty of my life," the governor said in announe- the closing, but said he would ask the Legislature to repeal the 7 cutting off state money to the university. He said no classes uld be held at the University at Athens today. He speculated that the Legislature, which convened yesterday. ild act in time to reopen the university within a week. To Ask Delay The governor also said he had sent State Attorney Gleneral Eu- ie Cook to Washington to ask United States Supreme Court As- h sociate Justice Huge Black for a Sdelay in the federal court integra- tion order so that the state could appeal the case on its merits. But he said no action could be expected from the Supreme Court before noon today and therefore he had no choice but to carry out the provision of the state law calling for withdrawal of state funds to any branch of the state university system at the moment it is integrated under federal court order. Midnight Statement Council Upholds WSU Speaker Rule Educators * * * * * * * * * CHARLAYNE HUNTER ...school's out FAYET TE: SuggeSt Aid To Negroes By JOHN ROBERTS A national food and fund rais- ing drive for the Negroes inF Payette and Haywood counties, Tennessee has been proposed in a letter recently sent to 40 of the nation's universities. The letter, written by Daily Editor Thomas Hayden, '61, and Sandra Cason of the University of Texas, urges a "carefully struc- tured program" to relieve victims of a white merchants' and land- owners' boycott against Negroes who registered and voted in the last election. Ask National Action While "scattered student and adult groups have undertaken hlghly valuable 'food for Fayette' campaigns," there has been as yet no concerted national action, the letter states. "We therefore ask that you immediately begint supply-raising drives in your localities. The need seems to be 'or clothing, food (perhaps of the nonperishable variety), money for expenses, and utilities (such as stoves or refrigerators). "These are the immediate needs of the Negro community, and are prerequisites to any of the pro- posed plans for alleviation of the crisis, such as the plan for a sharecroppers' cooperative. Fur- ther, they are obviously vital pre- requisites to even broader pro- grams, such as the one for equal voting rights in those counties." Advise Personal Delivery The letter advises interested groups to personally deliver, by truck, the supplies collected,- or, if this is unfeasible, to mail them4 to 802 Oakland, Ann Arbor. "David Giltrow, chairman ofI Voice political party, indicated that his organization was con- idering the initiation of a campus- wide drive in response to the letter. If the decision is made, the drive will be headed by Carol Cohen, '64, and Roger Season- wein, '61, Giltrow said. A "blood drive" sponsored by several campus organizations last mnonth sold donated blood for $315, which was sent to the distressed areas. Similar fund raising cam- paigns have been conducted by he University of Chicago, Antioch College and the University of Caiifornia. Secure Injunction The federal justice department ucceded two weeks ago in secur- ng a temporary injunction against white landowners in Haywood and Fayette counties, ordering them t show that Negro sharecroppers were not being evicted from their nrnncr fh.. nr....,Pa . n er o rA _^+_... - VanDiver's midnight statement capped a dizzying series of events in which one federal judge grant- ed a delay In the integration or- der, another overruled him and the two young Negroes returned to the - campus to complete regis- tration. Thousands of university stu- dents demonstrated when news of the impending closing hit the campus. Four persons were arrest- ed. Earlier, about 2,000 yelling, boo- ing students followed the two Ne- groes, Charlayne A. Hunter and Hamilton E. Holmes as they went through the registration process. To Urge Repeal In urging the Legislature to re- peal the segregation law, VanDiv- er said the appeal to the United Stales Supreme Court would ex- haust the state's last legal reme- dy in a 10-year battle to main- tain segregation in Georgia schools. He said developments since the state law was passed in 1956 had turned the act "from a source of hope to an albatross.., if allowed to remain in the law, its effect will be to close the doors of Geor- gia's hallowed halls, to cease bringing learning and enlighten- ment to over 7,500 young men and women . . ." The governor emphasized that his action referred only to the seg- regation law applying to the state university system, and not to a similar statute applying to gram- mar and high schools. Russia Brings Congo Debate To UTN Council UNITED NATIONS --~-At So- viet request, the United Nations Security Council was summoned yesterday to meet Thursday morn- ing for a new debate on the Con- go, It was the second time in little more than a month that the So- viet Union brought the Congo question to the Council. The Rus- sians support the imprisoned ex- premier Patrice Luaumba against the Kasavubu-Mobutu regime. Omar Loutfi of the United Arab Republic, council president for January, arranged the meeting on a complaint filed Saturday by So- viet Deputy Foreign Minister Val- erian A. Zrin. Zorin charged Belgium had taken part ion organizing an at- tack by one Congolese faction on another New Year's Day through the Belgian-administered UN trust territory of Ruanda-rundi to the r east of the Congo. Inspections Set on Liquor At City Council last night, City Administrator Guy E. Larcom, Jr., reported that preliminary Inspec- tions will begin for Class C liquor licences "within the next week or Take Stand At Meeting By SUSAN FARRELL The Council of Michigan State College Presidents yesterday en- dorsed Wayne State University's controversial speaker policy as "a sound one." "We have no disagreement with it," Victor Spathelf, president of Ferris Institute and of the coun- cil, said last night after the Coun- cil adjourned its meeting at Mt. Pleasant. Spathef's statement came al- most two months after Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Blissfield), head of the state senate's appropriation committee, had threatened to cut any increased appropriations for WSU as long as the university re- fused to reinstate its 10-year-old ban forbidding Communist speak- ers on campus. WSU's current policy is to per- mit Communists to speak on cam- pus providing that their purpose is primarily educational rather than propagandistic. University President Harlan Hatcher characterized the policy as "wise and proper ... substan- tially the same as that of the state's other universities." Spathelf said that the relation of a speaker to the instructional purposes of an institution is a "commonplace measure of ap praisal" and expresses concern about the nature of the instruc- tional program, whether formal or informal. "A university, after all, is not a wide-open public forum. It is primarily concerned with instruc- tion and research and matters re- lated to them." This involves "in- stitutional scrutiny" to insure that "personnel resources are utilized for specific and valid in- structional purposes." "WSU's policy was discussed and reviewed at yesterday's meet- ing of the Council. Their action is taken as final and the matter a closed issue," President Hatcher said. The Council will resume its dis- cussions today in Ann Arbor, Iirksen Asks Salary Hike For rWorkers WASHINGTON () - Sen. Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois, the Senate GOP leader, yesterday in- troduced a $1.10 an-hour min- mum wage bill which will stand as a rival to the broader proposal President-elect John F. Kennedy is expected to submit. Federal law now sets one dollar an hour as the minimum wage for many businesses and industries in interstate commerce. Dirksen said his proposal to boost the minimum by 10 cents an hour would have an "impact which will not be too great on the economy" in the current business slump. Kennedy, as a senator, spon- sored a $1.25 minimum wage bill which the Senate passed. A Senate - House conference com- mittee deadlocked over this meas- ure and a less liberal house ver- sion, however, and both versions were left stranded when Congress adjourned last year. Foreign Asks Adl Exchange Lion by K Court Rules Old Stocks Go to State LANSING (AP) - The state Supreme Court ruled yesterday that Michigan may claim any stoek and accumulated dividends which have not been acquired within a reasonable time by heirs, of the owners. Atty. Gen. Paul Adams said the d.ecision would bring "millions of dollars of new revenue into the state's primary school fund." The case involved a suit against the Continental Motors Corp., aE Virginia company doing its prin- cipal business in Muskegon, in which the state sought to obtain a total of 4516 shares of stock be- longing to dead or missing per- sons. The stock, at current market prices, is worth abd'ut $100,000. Worth $100,000 But Solicitor General Samuel J. Torina said the high court's opinion is expected to affect mil- lions of dollars in General Motors, Chrysler and Ford stock out- standing in the same category. Adams said he would order pro- ceedimgs started immediately to get all possible proceeds. Michigan Law Under Michigan law, all es- cheated money goes into the state's school fund. Property coming un- der the escheats law includes (1) death intestate; (2) owner missing for seven years with no known heirs and (3) abandoned property. In yesterday's unanimous opin- ion, the high court rejected Con- inental's claim that the sites of the property involved in the suit were not within the state of Michigan. The opinion was written by Justice Leland W. Carr, with only Justice Thomas M. Kavanaugh not taking part. Justices Give Labor Ruling, WASHINGTON (P) - The Supreme Court - in a landmark decision - ruled yesterday that the National Labor Relations Board is required to decide conflicting job rights claims between labor unions. The unanimous decision was hailed by union attorneys as mean- ing probably that jurisdictional strife will be minimized. Justice Hugo L. Black delivered the decision which reversed the board's own 13-year old concep- tion of its duties under a section of the Taft-Hartley labor law. CONFERENCE: AMA Opposes Meany on Aid WASHINGTON (P) - A bitter controversy between the Ameri- can Medical Association and the head of the AFL-CIO flared at the White House conference on aging yesterday. This happened after President Dwight D. Eisenhower advised delegates to air every view "no matter how bitterly opposed it may be." The AMA accused George Meany, president of the AFL-CIO, U-S. Opens ''to Soviets By BUEL TRAPNELL The University is now open to Russian visitors, as a result of the State Department "opening" of five Michigan counties. However, five other previously open counties will be closed. The University has been offI- cially barred to Soviet visitors since 1955, when the State Depart- ment first restricted certain areas to Russians. Hatcher 'Pleased' "The University is pleased to learn of the State Department's action," University President Har- Ian Hatcher said. -"With the nation's expanding interest in international and scientific exchange programs, such action will assist the University in carrying out its assignments and responsibilities." Vice-president Lyle M. Nelson said he sees "no really great sense" in the patchwork pattern of areas inaccesible to Russian citizens, calling it "game-matching the Russians." He said that the State Depart- ment tries to keep about the same types and amounts of territory open as does the Soviet govern- ment, which keeps changing its prohibited territories for no ap- parent reason. 'Should be Open' "In principle, the University be open to all foreign visitors," Nelson added. The University has no real prob- lem in allowing Russian scholars to study here, he said, "because the State Department has been cooperative in granting exceptions. But the trouble has arisen in al- ways having to get these excep- tions." Most of the central part of the state is fair grounds for Russian diplomats, Nelson said, but they are forbidden in most of the land along Michigan's shoreline. In Wayne county, Dearborn is open and Detroit is closed. of trying to undermine the con- ference. And Meany accused the AMA of spending two years "in negative and hostile criticism" of a medical care for the aged pro- gram. Ike's Statement Eisenhower's statement, made in an almost Jocular manner, was a comment on accusations that the conference had been stacked by those-opposed to medical care for the aged tied to social secur- ity. The social security approach is favored by President-elect John F. Kennedy. "Now, I thought that was the purpose of conferences-to get op- posing or opposite views," the President said. A statement then was issued by Dr. J. Lafe Ludwig of Los An- geles, chairman of the AMA Council on Medical Service. Cooperative Spirit "Delegates to this conference representing medicine and many other groups came here in a spirit of cooperation determined to take realistic action to help the elder citizens of this country," Ludwig said, "Meany, through his campaign of smear and hostility, is making this difficult, if not impossible. "If this conference fails, the responsibility rests squarely upon the shoulders of Meany." In the statement, however, Lud- wig did not specify what actions or statements by Meany had pro- voked the AMA's ire. Makes Reference Meany, before delivering his prepared speech to a section of the White House conference last night, made joshing reference to the fact that it had been attacked by a spokesman of the AMA prior to its delivery. Meany read the statement which accused him as attempting to undermine the con- ference. "May I appeal to you, ladies and gentlemen," Meany said with a smile. "Please don't have the conference fail. I'd hate to carry this responsibility." He said he wanted to point out that the only contribution he was making to the conference was the talk he was about to give "and it's quite clear I am in favor of medi- cal care for the aged through so- cial security." Gets Applause A burst of applause from some 200 delegates greeted his com- ment. Meany in his speech restated the AFL-CIO's support of a medi- cal care for the aged bill tied to social security. While doing so, he discussed the AMA's opposition to the bill. "The first attack launched against it (medical care for the aged) echoed the old refrain that it would constitute 'an opening wedge toward socialized medicine," Meany said. "This cry of 'wolf,' so over- Recommends Mutual Fund University's Davis Heads Task Force On U.S. Program ii By CAROUNE DOW worked and so factual Grou ennedy iComimittee by the AMA in past years clearly unrelated to the issues, fell flat." To10Publish Supplement The Board in Control of Student Publications has approved Alpha Phi Omega's proposal to publish a mid-year supplement to the stu- dent director, Maurice M. Rinkel, secretary of the Board said yes- terday. The proposed supplement would include the addresses of new and transfer students and changes in present student addresses. Under the proposed method, changes in addresses would be registered vol- untarily on the students' part. "We will work with Alpha Phi Omega in deciding whether or not we will have the supplement di- rectory as now proposed," Rinkel said. Formal approval of the plan by the service fraternity is expected to come soon. President-electJohn F. Ken- nedy's task force on "Exchange of Persons," headed by James M. Davis, director of the Interna- tional Center, turned in its report yesterday calling for presidential leadership in strengthening a pro- gram of educational cooperation. Suggestions for immediate action included the creation of a mutual educational and cultural coopera- tion fund, federal financial aid to United States universities for more work with foreign scholars and. action to "remedy certain techni-' cal irritants which afflict the pro- gram." "Task forces represent 'brain storming' by private citizens." The; administration has the responsI- bility to consider the report but they have no obligation beyond' that. Kennedy has seen the report and Instructed that it be trans- mitted to the legislative and exec- utive branches, Davis reported, Asks Better Program "We are asking not for a bigger, but for a better progrm," Prof. Davis continued, speaking of the 34-part report prepared by the six-man committee in the last month. The committee recommended that an"action center" be estab lished in the government perhaps under an Undersecretary of state for Educational andCultural Af- fairs. The report cautioned against the present: arrangement of the coordinator of international edu- cational and cultural relations be- ing both the operating head of that organization in the State De- partment and coordinating office of all governmental agencies. This dual position should be avoided as one officer has difficulty coordinating departments as the operating head of one of them. The committee did, ' however, recommend an Advisory Commis- sion, on. Educational Exchange to, advise the proposed new under- secretary. Suggests Mutual Fund The group asked that the Pres- dent ask the Bureau of the Budget for foreign currncy accumulate from agricultural sales and loans' to make up a Mutual Education and Cultural Cooperation Fund (a Kennedy Plan). These funds could assist financ> ing United States government and private university programs abroad. The report also called for general aid to universities for their direct services to students and foreign visitors. Requests for change in the technical irritants of the immigra- tion law, social security and visitor per diem regulations and several recommendations, including the suggestion of increasing exchange programs with Communist bloc European countries, were also in- cluded in the report. 'Task Force' Asks Change In Visa Laws Changes in the immigration laws to allow foreign students to "worl their way through school" were 'MODERN, WEALTHY': Ley alk on Change ii Start Work This- eek On New Science Bilding By CYNTHIA NEU First steps in the construction of the new Physics and Astronomy Building to be built on the East Hall site on East University Avenue will begin by the middle of this week, the University announced yesterday. The Physics and Astronomy Bldg. will be the second of three buildings financed by a blanket $7 million appropriation made by the made by the legislature last spring. The legislative appropriation did not specify whether the buildings were td be combined or separate, and the Physics and Astronomy Bldg. and the Institute for Science and Technology are now conceived as separate structures. caused quite a stir in Japan," Next Summer Prof. Levy said, for the "peculiar, The IST building will cost $2.8 special and unusual system" of million and construction will begin Tokugawa did not call for such next summer on North Campus. care. The structure housing the cyclo- He also cited a "convertability tron, using $1 million is also lo- of people to new roles" as a reason cated on North Campus. for the great economic success Test borings for the Physics and of the Japanese society. A "mag- Astronomy Bldg. using $3.2 mil- nificent administrative system" lion, will start this week. with a civil service reinforced by The removal of East Hall will inheritence and adoption was get under way as soon as possible created. The Bushi, originally after the transfer of the Engineer- members of the military, became ing college English department to the civilian personnel, new quarters on the top' floor of Strong Economy the remodeled West Medical Bldg. The Japanese became skilled Cease Parking merchants and experts in ex- Francis C. Shiel, manager of ..t__ - r__- *vep RtenisQ £sai arin By GLORIA BOWLES "By any criteria Japan is one of the most modernized and wealthiest nations of the world, and an understanding of the feudalistic Tokugawa regime is important to an understanding of that success," Prof. Marion Levy said in a speech last night on "Social Change in Japan." A member of the sociology and anthropology departments at Princeton University, Prof. Levy returned recently from nine months in Japan. The rapid modernization of Japan can be attributed, in part to the "loyalty system, which left nnl mi ,s inn... bc n n famnily,,ane Emosa