Credits and Education TULPA Y A ~" - e Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN mns Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS iU Prevai" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBoR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 printed in The Michigan. Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. ., zy 8, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: ANDREW HAWLEY Idea of Free Society Demands Courage from 'U TOR'S NOTE: Following is the first part of a debate on University attitudes and polices toward A defense of the University position will appear Tuesday morning.) [E MICHIGAN CONTROVERSY over uni- versity speaker policies,. which stemmed Inally from incidents at Wayne State, is eaing in official scope now that Wayne asked for , a united stand among state dges and universities. The situation remains bizarre as ever, but also is increasingly wartening. is bizarre partly because of the individuals lved; the aggressive anti-Communist 1e Byerlen ("Civil liberties are derived from law, but from God ... Communism aierently evil"), and the ornery Senator a Blissfield, Elmer Porter, who sided with a Byerlein even before he knew all the a of the Wayne situation. It is bizarre because while Wayne has remained under 4y pressure from Byerlen and Porter, the r state institutions have carried on un- urbed with speaker policies much like ne's own. hei situation is dishartening for other Sans. So man educators have commended 0ne fr its admirable" or "courageous" id that one is driven to fear for the future raditional democratic practises: because the oial position of Wayne State (and also of ;University) is a profound and hypocritical ~tion of the principles upon which a Uni- ity ought to be built. Wayne's new "liberal" cy is meant to allow speakers who investi- Sfact, to enhance the scholarly reputation he university, while at the same time pro- ing it (Wayne) from becoming a sounding rd for propaganda." RIVERSITY PRESIDENT Harlan Hatcher has called Wayne's attitude "the reasonable I1n keeping with the responsibility of the versity to its constituents." The President's tude is reflected in University bylaw 8.11: The policy of the Board of Regents to encourage timely and rational dis- of of topics whereby the ethical and tellectual development of the student ody and the general welfare of the public 'ay be promoted and a due respect in- ilcated in the people for society at large rd for the constituted government of be state and nation . . . during such ieetlngs or lectures there shall be no advocacy of the subversion of the ,ernent . nor of the state, and such aeetings and lectures shall be in spirit nd expression worthy of the University.. . o addresses shall be allowed which urge be destruction or modification of our rm of government by violence or other lawful methods, or which advcate or istify conduct which violates the fun- aiMentals of our accepted code of morals." 'es bylaws of two state institutions reveal ighly discouraging philosophy of democracy Seducation. WSU believes itself competant 0$4 to ditinguish that which is "investi- on of -fact" from "propaganda." Can a anguing speech from a Marxist agitator both propaganda and educational in con~ t? Is "Operation Abolition" also an attempt propagandizing, or is it purely educational? )' ADEE TO A distinction between what is "educationally valuable" and what is are progaganda" is to become, at worst, ltarlan in orientation. It is not the role a University to determine what its students ft to hear; that is the role of a leviathan. ber I believe it is the role of the university actively cultivate a climate in which any Rion may be peacefully advocated and at- ded without fear of reprisal to either aker or listener. Let them be ideas of any de-fascist or democrat, brief or docu- nted, rational or irrational, revolutionary c onservative, responsible or irresponsible. ait there be an atmosphere of order in meeting, and that there be time provided oiposing opinions, are the only necessary lifications rhat does the University, the proud "Athens he West" (such irony), mean when it pro- Is its dedication to "ethical and intellectual elopment," then claims 'the role of pro- ;or of such absolute and inviolate goods "the fundamentals of our accepted code moals?"" STEAD OF COMPROMISING our foun- lation of free expression, we ought to place strengthening and sustenance above any i all institutions of society or accepted codes norals. This faith in ideas, this recognition Pie prevalent human need for self-assertion, . . .. FditoriaI Staff THOMAS HAYDEN Editor NAN MARKEL JEAN SPENCER City Editor Editorial Director this conception of universities as the standing vessels of freedom, is strangely lacking in troubled times. One recalls, for example, the "Red Scare" of 1952 when the University, in one semester, invoked its bylaw against speakers four times. Or one remembers the Lecture Committee expressing grave doubts about permitting ex-communist John Gates to speak here. three years ago. When will the axe, suspended now, fall again? I am aware that there are social and politi- cal pressures severe enough to force the universities not to step out defiantly for their vital freedoms. There is the Legislature, dom- inated by rural, irritable elements. There are Detroit and outstate business foundations who look with disfavor on the full implementation of the Bill of Rights. There are Communists waiting to exploit student minds, as yet young and untrained in the American Way. With these pressures and concerns one may sympathize; then one must lament America's lack of democratic courage. It is understand- able and yet pathetic that even the universities are without the ability to translate their private "boldness" into public affirmation. Such a condition is pathetic not simply be- cause it speaks ill of the men who reign in . society, but also because it tends to train the student in acceptance of the current reality of compromise and dishonesty. It tends to dis- -courage rebellion, bravery, creativity. It re- places the ideal of principle with the ideal of expediency. Appeasement displaces frank- ness. "Ethical and intellectual development" are vacuous words, sorry monuments to the myth of the free state. , AM FURTHER TOLD that the actual word- ing of our policy on speakers is irrelevant "because this is a government of men, not of laws"- that is, the bylaw itself is not so important as its implementation by the Ad- ministration and Regents. At the moment these powers are apparently very benign; but a moment does not represent the future. The right to hear a public lecture should not be determined b whether the Regents are Democratic or Republican, conserva- tive or liberal, brave or without courage. servative or liberal, brave or without courage. Neither the Regents, nor the Administration, nor members of the Lecture Committee are equatable with Miss Byerlein's God; our civil liberties are not a consequence of their beni- ficence. Bylaws of the University should not be open to the whimsy of interpretation, or the pressure of public opinion. Again, I am told that since the present times are touchy, it would be unwise to change the current bylaw. I am told that "subversives" can speak anywhere in this area, just not in University buildings. But if we do not believe in academic freedom, why do we not let freedom flourish in our buildings, why do we not speak of freedom forcefully to our con- stituents, why do we permit "subversion" to go on in a closed atmosphere of privacy? A university should not keep a bylaw such as ours on its books merely to comfort financially- influential groups which might be upset by a more-classically liberal statement of speaker policies. The University's obligation is not to fool or falsely placate those of its constituency who fear controversy; its obligation is to see that controversy receive the fullest examination possible by the whole constituency. Why do we blur and falsify issues by masking academic freedomdbehind bylaws that make no demo- cratic sense? Finally, I am told that the idea of intellectual freedom is a naive concept which disappeared with the Alien and Sedition Act of 1798. Since that time the United States has been threaten- ed by subversive elements who, while posing as friends, are secretly eroding our freedoms; therefore, our freedoms must be relative. But in the first place, what is a relative freedom? If I am not free to think and say X, I am not a free man. Second, it seems generally true that American sensitivity to subversion is usually hyper, when compared to the actual extent of that subversion. If "subversives" exist, let them speak their will in an orderly, peaceful public forum; let students and other qualified citizens challenge that thought; let the test of confrontation proceed. If the ideas are acceptable, let us be "subverted." THIS IS NOT a request that there be no safeguards of the general welfare, although some of the American Tremblers will read it as such. It is an appeal for this University and this society to place in these negative times a more positive trust in the safeguards as- serted by our radical founding fathers. Ono finds it discouraging to realize that not even a university has the capacity to openly declare itself for such traditional concepts by eliminat- ing its bylaw and the cankerous Lecture Com- mittee which will implement that bylaw in the next crisis. What do we fear? Subversion? University budget cuts? Other economic reprisals? Making (EDITOR'S NOTE-Following is the fifth article in The Daily's series on "Tie University's Greatest Needs." Prof. Eastman is an associate professor of Eng- lish.) By ARTHUR M. EASTMAN ETWEEN the academic fur- lough at Christmas and the Armageddon of final examina- tions the old chorus starts to rise: "I don't care about the grade myself, Professor, but I'm applying for Law School '"Will the exam cover the stuff we had on the midterm?" "I got this C plus on the long paper and a 78 quiz average: what'll I need on the final to pull a B for the course?" "Grades, schmades! That's all they care about around here. But I. don't see it that way, Prof .. ." "I do all the reading and I never cut -well, just once when my roommate had that trouble-and I don't see how you can give me a D." "Will there be a make-up?" "I'm not really asking about my grade, Sir. I just want to know how I can do better. I mean, this course is terrific." AND WITH THE chorus, the antiphonal response from the Professors: "What matters to me is that you've learned some- thing, even if the grade doesn't show it. That's what counts, isn't it? That's what you're here for, isn't it-an education, not grades?" "But my dear young lady, you haven't been in class since Thanksgiving You must take your medicine like a man . . . You'll find a Kleenex by the door." "My as- sistant handles the grades. Why don't you see him?" "For myself, I don't believe in grades. Why, if I had my way, you'd all have A's. But you know the system . ." * * * THE SYSTEM? The educa- tional system? One sometimes wonders whether "the educa- tional system," like "business ethics" or "Soviet democracy," doesn't involve a contradiction in terms, the values Inherent in the adjective at war with those in the noun. The means would seem to have got out of whack with the end. Students and faculty and administration would appear to have joined in a conspiracy to defeat their own purposes. They buy grades and sell growth. They reduce the dazzling complex and ex- citing business of enlarging man's mental potential to a figure on an examination, on a record, on a transcript. They substitute the external and quantitative for the internal and qualitative. They keep the system and let education go whistling down the wind. * * * I DON'T THINK it's as bad as all that, nor do my col- leagues-nor, I trust, do most students. But we all recognize at finals time that something is amiss with the way we go about our great common en- terprise of education, and we are likely to focus on grades as the festering center of what's wrong with the system. We know the arguments on behalf of grades. They are necessary if future employers are to choose wisely, if the student is to find opportunity commensurate with his proved potential, if there is to be any substance to the University's II:' I 4f }:. -Daily--David Giltrow certification of a student. Grades are necessaryto show the student how well he is do- ing-at the stop watch shows the miler, as the scoreboard shows the basketball player. Grades are useful as reflecting this 'inescapable reality: that value is a dimension of all that we do, that judgment, now and later, operates on all human performance. And given our frailty, grades are necessary to motivate our diligence. With- out grades and their built-in reward and punishment, how many would work as hard as they do .now? Would you? What about your neighbor? Doubtless some of these ar- guments can be overthrown, but their collective force is most powerful, and it suggests to me that it is not grading that cor- rupts our system but that to which grading is attached and without which our present grading has almost no mean- ing. I refer to the credit hour. * * * , YOU DON'T TAKE History here. You take three hours of History, or four. Your grade isn't an A or a B. It's three hours of 4 point, or less. It's the credit hour on which the system ultimately rests _-t so many for this course, so many for that, until the great day of graduation when some hun- dred and twenty hours have added up and the various grades have averaged out to a 2 point or better. And now let me fulminate a moment. The credit hour is American education's surrender to quantification, the ultimate testimonial to a mechanistic rather than a mental or spiri- tual view of man's nature. De- gradingly it analogizes the ed- ucational process to the thrifty materialism Horatio Alger and Ben Franklin used to celebrate. Giant oaks from little acorns grow. Many a mickle makes a muckle. Put your credit hours in the University Savings Bank ... But what has a bank to 'he Of M ajorities Kote. do with the organic unity of a- man's being? With the stateof his mind, thequality of his. curiosity, the fiber of his inner discipline? With his dedication to accuracy, his faith in the in- terrelatedness of knowledge, his hunger for truth? * * * DREAM HOW IT might be if we threw the credit hour onto the junk heap of quantitative reductions that seem to aid but finally betray us, there to rot alongside "the average voter" and "economic man." We would have requirements still, for it is the job of a university to de- fine the nature of a good edu- cation. And we would grade the student still on his success in mastering the requirements. But the grading would be lim- ited to comprehensive exami- nations-the grading, that is to say, that would stay on the books and appear on the tran- scripts. There might continue to be other grading too, but solely for the student's imme- diate use, to indicate to him the quality of his performance measured against the instruc- tor's vision of the ideal. There would be papers, still, and quizzes, midterms and finals, but taken not for the system's sake, but solely to guide the student to the attainment of enlarged and disciplined un- derstanding. The old chorus would fade into stillness. The dream would mean giv-- ing up a lot-the neatness of our present system, its testi- mony in a quantitative age to quantity, its comfortable re- semblance to our institutions of banking and currency, it easy supply of apologies and subterfuges for student and faculty alike. It would be a tough dream to live up to-as they've found in England and elsewhere. But it might bring about the end of the warfare between "the educational" and "the system." It might replace educational emphasis where it ought to be, on the growing and organic mind of man. By WALTER LIPPMANN IN EACH HOUSE of Congress,. there are formidable obstacles to the rule of simple majorities, and the question is how far these obstacles -are to be reduced or removed. But the problem in the House is different from the prob- lem in the Senate, and the differ- ence involves an important dif- . ference of principle, and indeed of the spirit and the intent of the constitution itself. r * THE PROBLEM in the House of Representatives does not, as it does in the case of the Senate, arise from the power of a minor- ity to prevent legislation by a filibuster. The House does not have unlimited debate. The prob- lem there arises from the fact that the Rules Committee has al- most absolute power of life and death over bills before they can be voted upon. In recent years the Rules Com- mittee has had twelve members -eight of them Democrats and four of them Republicans. But two of the Democrats, Howard W. Smith of Virginia and William M. Colmer of Mississippi, have form- ed an alliance with the four Re- publicans, thus dividing the Com- mittee six to six. This prevents it from acting affirmatively, and en- ables the conservative coalition to block not only civil rights legis- lation but all maner of so-called progressive legislation. hk It is impossible,. I think, to defend this arrangement on the ground of principle. For the House of Representatives represents the people of the United States and its spirit is that there the sim- ple'numerical majority shall pre- vail. The bi-partisan deal in the Rules Committee is in fact a usurpation of power, depriving the majority of its rights, and thwart- ing the will of the people. * , , THE PROBLEM of the Senate, on the other hand, involves ques- tions of high constitutional prin- ciple. The crux of the question is not whether the majority should rule but what kind of majority should rule. Shall it be a simple numerical majority ofthe Sena tors present and voting? Shall it be two-thirds of all the Senators elected? Or shall it be something between the two? Here lies the crux of the argu- ment. What kind of majority shall have the right to end debate in the Senate, and therefore to bring about a vote? The kind of ma- jority that has the power to do this has the power to legislate. THE RECOGNITION that there may be various kinds of majori- ties is deeply imbedded- in tle constitution. Simple majority rule -one more than half of a quorum -is by no means the general prin- ciple of the constitution. Consti- tutional amendments, the expul- sion of members, the over-riding of the President's veto, require two-thirds of all the Senators elected. Treaties and impeach- ments require two-thirds of those presentrand voting. ' In my view it is important, in- deed vital to our liberties, to pre- Serve the principle that for great issues, for issues that affect deep- ly great regions or sections of the nation, there should be required moie than a simple majority. For we must never forget that majori- ties are not always liberal and that they may be quite tyrannical. It is, I have always thought, a. short view of history, to equate simple majority rule with the defense of the civil rights of Negroes. The civil rights of all Americans will be safer if within the Senate, which .represents the.Feideratl, principle, we do not give absolute power to simple majorities. THE PRACTI9AL conclusion which I draw from this is that the questionof cloturen the- ate is not one of this or that but of more or less. Between the two extremes of ia simple majrity opf! a quorum and of a two-th ds ma jority of all the Senators elected, there is plenty of room for com- promise. The proper point at which t make the compromise is where moderate Southerners likeLyndon Johnson and Sam Rayburn aan live with the solution, and feel that they .are no ubein g dragooned and over-ridden. For nothin go- can be done by persuasIon and education if the ioderates in the South feel that they are coerced.; (c) 1961 New York Herald Tribun, Inc. CURRENT: Rig ht ,. Face "E TRUTH would seem to be that the young college genera' tions of America may be at the beginning of another big swing, this time away from the state- welfarist political ideas that have dominated campus arguments since F.D.R. first tilted his ciga-A ret holder at a rakish angle and said 'My friends .. . the new radi- calism-a radicalism which 16oos with favor on more freedom and responsibility for individuals and more power over taxes and spend- ing for local political units-ia already on the attack In college communities . . p "Much of the stir on the cam- puses is due to a mwshroming national organization called the Intercollegiate Society of Idivid" ualists.. . The IS, which is con- sidering changing its name t;o get the word conservative into its' running title, is educational In ita aims, and does not partake in o- litical campaigning. But the stu- dents who have been affected by Its principles have translated them into political action. Last wInter when the National Defense Educa- tion Act of 1958 was being attacked by university presidents because it' required a loyalty oath from s . dents availing themselves of gv' ernment tuition subsidies, under graduates responded by forming a National Student Committee for Loyalty Oath. Talking to the young right-wing- ers at one of their functions is an illuminatipg experience Th'eir re- sponses to recent history are quite uncomplicated. They don't relish looking forward tO a life in which their paychecks are destined to b hacked Into by growing- charges for a 'social security' whithl they are sure will be paid in monstrous- ly inflated coins some forty-five years later. They don't want to be- come veterans of future wars and they are sure the best way of stay- ' ing out of the American Legions of the future is to keep, Soviet Russia in its place now. -John- Chamberlain The Wall Street Journal .. , BY DUVALIER GOVERNMENT: Students' Rights Suppressed in- Haiti By GLORIA BOWLES A TELEGRAM to the Student Government Council asking the organization's denunciation of the Duvalier government in Haiti came close on theheels of a No- vember 22 student riot in the country. Camille Lherrison, an anti-Du- valier exile residing in New York, asked SGC "to protest against tortures inflicted on innocent col- lege and university students." He cited the jailing of students, the dissolution of student organi- zations, and the closing of schools as acts against the young people of the country. The Association of Haitian Students declared an "unlimited general strike" on No- vember 21. The former minister of edu- cation also said that two students were killed in the November riots and that police were "ordered to shoot on school children at the university." LHERRISON, who served in the cabinet of ousted Haitian dictator Louis DeJoie, is waging a cam- paign for a Duvalier coup that might put the two into positions of power in the tiny Caribbean country. SGC President John. Feldkamp would be "irresponsible" for the group to act on every one. * ** * THE LHERRISON telegram came to Ann Arbor a day after Port au Prince students protested against the government's dictator- ial policies. Both the university and secondary schools were clos- ed by the Department of Educa- tion on November 22 for an "early Christmas holiday." A communique from the De- partment, reported the Port au Prince paper le Nouvelliste, blam- ed "penetration of Communist ideology in certain Faculties, sev- eral high schools and colleges in the Capital" for the riots. School closing came with "the goal of pacifying students" and making them "reflect on the grave danger which constitutes the action of Haitian agitators and foreigners who attempt to upset national peace . . " At a November 24 press con- ference, minister for education and foreign affairs, Joseph Ba- guidy, pointed the finger at stu- dent Joseph Roney, who had been arrested in September for distrib- uting subversive literature of a "Communist . . , character." He was released at the urgings of other Haitian students. try in political turmoil. On No- vember 22, following student ac- tivity, the government declared martial law in Haiti "in order to counteract the anarchical effects of Communist activities." Four days later, on November 26, 6,000 Duvalier partisans pa- raded in the streets of, Port au Prince, proclaiming their loyalty to the Duvalier government. Some sources claim the demonstration was the effort of the Haitian civil- ian police, the Caribbean country's modified version of the Nazi Ges- tapo. CONDEMNATION of Duvalier policies did not end with stu- dents and a later declaration by laborers. The Vatican got into the act on November 28 with a pro- test against the expulsion of Arch- bishop Francois Poirier, charged with giving $7,000 to the Commu- nists for overthrow of the Du- valier government. Only passing notice of the event was made by Le Nouvelliste, which depended on, official government commu- niques during the days immedi- ately following the crisis. The archbishop was hustled out of Port au Prince for Paris with- out warning. Montreal's "Le De- THERE HAS been considerable unrest in Haiti since the 1957 free election of Duvalier, In which three opponents charged voting irregularities. With much of the population illiterate, for example, electors inked each voter's hand to indicate a cast vote, but the, voters soon discovered the ink is soluble in water; in some districts, there were more votes cast than. eligible voters. Duvalier has ruled with an iron WHETHER THE RECENT trou- bles In Haiti stem from Commu- nist Influence as the government insists, or whether unrest is born of real dissatisfaction as the Lherrison telegram indicated is a question for debate. It is accurate to say, however that although it claims to be a government of reconciliation and though its dictator declares "the