THE MICHIGAN DAILY /' U.s. Chai In Laos Allies Doubt Communist 4ggression State Department Calls Situation Grave rges of Meet Iw Intervention ith Skepticism WASHINGTON (J)-The United States stood fast yesterday on its charges of continuing Soviet and other Communist interference in Laos despite a swelling chorus of skepticsm, even among allies. State department press officer Joseph Reap said the situation in Laos remains grave. "Active Communist support is continuing with increasing vigor,' he said, adding that the state department "has received no in- formation which would cause us to retract anything we have said." Skeptical Reports The statement was made in the knowledge that reports from Bangkok declared that some United States diplomats in Asia, as well as some members of the Southeast Asia Treaty Organiza- tion, doubted United States char- ges that substantial numbers of outside Communist personnel are taking part in the Lao civil war. Both the Lao situation and the break in diplomatic relations with Cuba were due for an airing Fri- day before the Senate Foreign' Relations Committee. Secretary of State Christian A. Herter was called to testify at a closed door session, along with two of his top aides, assistant secretaries J. Graham Parsons for Far Eastern affairs and Thomas C. Mann in charge of Latin American affairs. Neutralist Pressure The pressure from neutralist countries for a peaceable politi- cal settlement of the Laos fight- ing continued to mount here. Burma's Ambassador U On Sein conferred with Parsons for almost an hour on the Lao situation. The meeting came at a time when Chinese Communist Premier Chou En-Lai was visiting in Burma. On Sein said the Burma govern- ment believes that revival of the International Control Commission would "very much ease the situa- tion in Laos and make a contri- bution to a peaceful solution." Laotian Watchdog The Commission, composed of India, Canada and Poland, served as a watchdog in Laos after the 1954 Geneva peace conference on Indo-China. India, supported by Britain and, France, has strongly urged that the Commission be called back at once. While the United States has eased some of its original opposi- tion, it was not yet clear that Washington is ready to use the Commision unless it is clearly understood that the Pro-American government of Premier Boun Oum is recognized by all as the legally constituted government. rI DEFENSE: Plan Bases Promotions On Abilities WASHINGTON (P)--A Defense Department committee yesterday proposed basing officer promotions more on ability and less on length of service. The aim: to get rid of dead wood and push ahead the more promis- ing officers in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. The recommendations, drafted by a special eight-man committee, have been circulated among the services. The group hopes to for- ward its 'proposals to congress by early summer. The plan would bring about greater uniformity in the promo- tion policies of the four branches cf the armed forces. Among other things, it would cut the number of Army and Air Force generals, re-create a one- star rank in the Navy, increase the number of lieutenant-colonels, colonels, Navy commanders and Navy captains. Throughout United State his- tory, selection for military promo- tion has been based strictly on seniority. The only departures have been in wartime and in selecting top peacetime command- ers. This gave rise to the saying that an officer was certain of promo- tion, provided he lived long enough and stayed out of trouble. Under the seniority system, any officer passed over twice for pro- motion is automatically out of uniform, unless the top command permits him to stay on-and this doesn't happen often. DEMONSTRATIONS=-Moslems demonstrated in Algiers for self-determination last month. A large Moslem vote is expected to result in a decision for self-determination in the balloting that starts today, although Algeria's European settlers will probably oppose it. Algerians To Determine Own Future (Continued from Page 1) his wish in the countryside, where rebel slogans in demonstrations al- after -each day's voting and will the Algerians often work closely most every night-troops took up not be counted until Sunday. with the French settlers. But in positions around vital installations the cities, Moslems are showing and government buildings. Au- There is no doubt that most of increasing signs they will abstain. thorities were fearful of an inci- the European settlers will vote One factor for a yes turnout is dent that could set off bloody no. They fear self-determination an army order to get out the vote. demonstrations. . will lead to independence, and Gen. Jean Crepin, French com- The city's walls were like an ab- their rights will be swept away mander in Algeria, in his in- stract painting. Slogans were by the Algerian majority. Some of structions said a no vote would scribbled insulting de Gaulle and their organizations have issued favor the nationalist rebels and the army covered them up with orders to try to block the referen- "certainly thedCommunist world, whitewash. dum. which is behind the rebellion." - Moslem Boycott The directive to the army has De Gaulle pins his hope for a prompted a protest from one vote big yes 'vote in Algeria on the control ocmmission in Oran, which Moslems, despite a boycott on the sail it could not fulfill its impartial referendum called by the Algerian task under the circumstances, nationalist rebels. In Algiers--where Moslems in The French president may get the Casbah have been shouting 1 Take a break t BOWLING, at ANN ARBOR RECREATION STUDENT RATES MODERN -AUTOMATIC 605 E. Huron NO 2-0103 4 I z