CHEATING STUDY'> RESULTS PREDICTABLE Fee rage Y Snrs zga Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom ~ai4 FAIR, MILD High-42 Low-32 Clear with gentle south-- westerly winds tSiX. L. LXXI, No. 76 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 6,1961 DIVE CENTS SIX i Lgerians To Begin keferendum Voting French Forces Scatter In Country To Prevent Possible Demonstration ALGIERS (AP)-Heavily armed and battle-tested French security ies took up positions throughout Algeria yesterday on the eve of fateful referendum on this rebellious territory's future. Sixteen warships of the French fleet steamed in from France and nforce( ships already on guard along the coast. In three days of balloting beginning today, Algerians will vote , no, or abstain on President Charles de Gaulle's offer of self- ermination for Algeria. Metropolitan France votes-Sunday. Castro Arms 'Imminent I Cuba To AWait rivasion from U.S , " mm.ttee ives Report On Cheat i By ANDREW HAWLEY The Literary College Steering Committee yesterday released a report on cheating in the college, In which it found cheating most prevalent in minimal distribution courses, laboratory courses, and popular culture" courses," where *'there is considerable social pres- sure to take the course." "Within the distribution pro- gram," the report says, "two types of courses seem to have high rates of mass cheating." The first Is the required course, such as English 23 and 24, and the first four semesters of a foreign lan- guage, especially the most pop- ular ones, French, German and Spanish- Scienc Courses The other type of distribution course is that 'which most stu- dents consider the easiest alterna- tive among the science and the mathematics-philosophy sequenc- es." The report lists Astronomy 11 and 12 and Philosophy 31 as ex- amples of the latter. Laboratory courses, not only in the physical scienfes, were con- sidered subject to "mass cheat- ing," sometimes in the form of "dry labbing," but sometimes spreading to encompass all work in the course. Students who feel that the labs are "merely sense- less 'busywork' or unreasonably tizne-consuming,' and who are not majoring in the field are thought to b more likely to cheat than others. In both laboratory and distri- bution courses, the report says, students 'are able to rationalize their cheating into legitimate or, at ,least, acceptable behavior" with such excuses as "everyone else is cheating-and I must cheat to keep My head above water." Music, English Some music literature and cer- tain English and history courses were listed as examples of the "popular culture" courses in which "there is considerable social pres- sure take the course-either to fill gaps in one's knowledge of his culture (or merely for 'cock- tail conversation'), or because of the outstanding reputation or lee- turing ability of the professor." The report also states that there is a considerable amount of cheating by pre-medical stu- dents .. nPre-meds take a rela- tively large number of rewuired courses which many of them con- sider uninteresting and useless. In addition, many of these courses have quite extensive laboratory requirements--some of which are patently poorly designed." Aid Administrators James Seder, '61, committee cha~rman, said the report will be rsubmitted to and discussed with the administrative 'board of the college in hopes that it will aid the board and the faculty in deal- Ing with cheating, especially where it occurs on a large scale. The steering committee's prin- eipal techniques were discussion within the committee, with other #tudents, with teachers, and with James Robertson, associate dean of the literary college, and con- sideration of a statistical break- down of the administrative board's records on cheating cases for a one year period. Ike To Propose Increased Budget President de Gaulle has staked his prestige on the outcome. If the vote is y p, then the actual vote on self -determination will come later. He has threatened to resign if he does not get a sub- stantial majority. Despite the cross-currents of discontent in this, unhappy land, torn by six years of the Algerian nationalist revolt, it is generally believed that' de Gaulle will get his majority. This is virtually as- sured by the large vote in France where his popularity remains im- mense. Tension and agitation gripped both Algerians and European settlers in the big cities. Some reports said the Europeans would stage demonstrations. Others said nationalist rebel ter- rorism was planned. There were rumors rebel forces across the bor- der in Tunisia would attack from- tier posts. Voters in the villages begin cast- ing ballots this morning. The big- ger towns and cities follow to- morrow and Sunday. There are some 200 mobile polling booths- some in jeeps and others in heli- copters-to reach the remoter areas. The voters in Algeria number 3.9 million North Africans, 700,- 000 Europeans and 340,000 sol- diers. France has 27 million voters. The ballot boxes will be sealed See ALGERIANS, Page 3S Oust Of roy For A-Test LAGOS, Nigeria (MP-Protesting France's recent third atomic blast in the Sahara, Nigeria last night ordered the French Ambassador and his staff to leave within two days. It also barred French ships and planes. Information minister T.O.S. Ben- son told a news conference Am- bassador Raymond Offroy must be, gone by tomorrow night. Transit of French ships and planes was barred immediately, he said. Benson said sterner measures will be taken against France if Sahara testing goes on. This could mean a break of all diplomatic re- lations with France. In Paris French government sources had no immediate com- ment. France has ignored protests against the Sahara testing of atomic devices, insisting they are necessary for development of a nuclear deterrent and that all ex- plosions are carefull controlled. France exploded its third test device in the desert Dec; 27 at Reggan, about 900 miles from Ni- geria's border. Nigerian news- papers, trade unions, political par- ties and citizens immediately pro- tested. SEN. RICHARD RUSSELL . . no stalling on filibuster Flibuster Rule Votin 'Anticipated WASHINGTON UP) - Senators pressing for a change in Senate rules to make it easier to shut off filibusters maintained yesterday there was no danger the issue' itself would set off a filibuster. The bipartisan group of liberals called a news conference aimed at dispelling any idea that the fight could bog the Senate in a controversy lasting beyond the Jan. 20 inauguration of President- elect John F. Kennedy. They said they can use a parlia- mentary device to bring the dis- pute to a vote if Southern Sena- tors opposing their move should attempt a filibuster. Not Stalling Sen. Richard B. Russell (D-Ga) told reporters the Southerners were "not stalling" but he said that as a practical matter he did- n't see how any vote could be taken before next week. He said he understood some Senators on both sides wanted a chance to speak first. A short time later, the Senate. agreed by voice vote to take up the proposed rules changes. Earlier one of the liberal group said he would not expect any voting be- fore next week. Two Changes One of the proposed changes; would permit filibusters to be halted by a majority of the Sena- tors, or 51 of the 100 members, and another by three-fifths of the Senators voting. At present it takes the votes of two-thirds of the Senators voting to limit de- bate. At the news conference called by the liberal group, Sen. Jacob' K. Javits (R-NY) said "we feel we have a majority for a rules change." Russell previously told newsmen he thought both proposals for re- vising the present two-thirds re- quirements would be rejected. Senate Republican leader Ever- ett M. DIrksen of Illinois lined up with opponents of the plan to permit a time limit to be clamped on debate by majority vote. He told a reporter, however, that his position on the proposed three- fifths rule was fluid. Dirksen said he regarded the present rule as a weapon for minorities and as a member of the GOP minority in Congress who didn't know what measures the Kennedy administration might submit, he would like to have some weapons to use if necessary. UN Rejects Attack Claim Of Castro UNITED NATIONS MP) - The United Nations Security Council in effect rejected last night Cuba's charge that she faced imminent military invasion by the United States. The 11-nation Council did so by concluding a two-day debate without taking any formal action on a Cuban complaint filed Satur- day saying such intervention was expected in a matter of hours. This amounted to another de- feat for the regime of Prime Min- ister Fidel Castro in its Soviet- supported campaign to have the UN denounce the United States as an instigator of moves to topple Castro from power by military force. Omar Loutfi of the United Arab Republic, Council president, ended the meeting with a terse expres- sion of hope for reduction of ten- sions between the United States and Cuba. He appealed to both countries to do nothing to aggravate the situation. The Council wound up its de- bate early last night in an atmos- phere of relative calm compared Mediation RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) - A congressional movement got underway yesterday for Brazil to act as mediator in an at- tempt to restore relations be- tween the United States and Cuba. Some Brazilians looked upon the split as the worst crisis in Pan American history, although official and public opinion seemed to lean in favor of the United States action. Deputy Alfredo Nasser, chair- man of the foreign relations committee of the Chamber of Deputies, said he will ask Pres- dent Juscelino ubtshek to offer to mediate when he re- turns from his trip to the Bra- zilian interior. with outbursts by pro-Castro and anti-Castro demonstrators that disrupted proceedings Wednesday. But' some fist-fights erupted in the lobby of the General Assembly late yesterday afternoon and again outside UN headquarters. Guards ousted the participants from the lobby and New York police broke up the fighting outside the build- ing. In a final intervention Cuban Foreign Minister Raul Roa per- sisted in charging that his coun- try was in danger of military ag- gression by what he called the reactionary and imperialistic re- gime of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. -AP wirephoto ARMS PREPARATION-Cuban civilian militiamen install a heavy artillery piece to meet what Castro calls the "imminent invasion" from the United States, HOLIDAY VISITORS: Tree Call Cuba Move Error By GLORIA BOWLES and JUDITH SATTLER Three people who visited Cuba during the Christmas vacation charged last night that the break in diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba was a mistake. The diplomatic action moves Cuba "a step closer to the Com- munist bloc," Peter Boehm, Grad, said. He added that the Cubans are not Communists and do not wish to be, but would follow Cas- tro if he joined the Communists. Joseph Harrison, an Ann Arbor businessman, said that it would be a "major catastrophe" if the Cuban people were driven to the Russians. "The United States should make every effort to main- tain friendship and keep commu- nication open." Both Harrison and Boehm, though attending several functions of the Cuban-backed Fair Play for Cuba, were not of- ficial members of the tour, Castro 'Demagogue' Prof. Irving Leonard of the his- tory department commented that Prime Minister Fidel Castro is a demagogue and he will wear him- self out. However, this break gives him strength with his own peo- ple. He charged that "our poli- cies in Cuba have been governed too much by special interests and not enough by the feelings of the people." Prof. Leonard, though having been to Cuba previously, did not go there during Christ- mas vacation. Many reasons were given to ex- plain why Castro took those ac- tions ' which forced President Dwight D. Eisenhower to sever relations. Miss Naomi Padron, a native of Cuba and permanent resident of Ann Arbor, said that it is still "fresh in the Cuban mind that the United States granted Cuban independence as a political ex-. pediency and that Cuba remained an 'economic colony' of the Unit- ed States."' The Cuban fear of invasion by the United States was cited by those who traveled through Cuba during Christmas. Newspaper Report Boehm said that while he was in Cuba a Cuban newspaper re- ported that Eisenhower intended an American invasion of the country as a last act of his ad- ministration, and that the people believed this claim. Beth Wolland, '64, who also traveled to Cuba over Christmas, agreed that the Cubans expect an invasion from the Urtited States." She said that there are rumors of a United States base in Gua- temala established to train "any- one who wants to invade Cuba."° Miss Wolland charged that parts of the $1 million being given by the United States to the refu- gees in Miami who fled Castro is used to support anti-Castro forces. Projects Fear Prof. Leonard said that inva- sion is "sheer nonsense," but that Castro is projecting the fear of the people toward the United' States. Another example of supposed American action against Castro was cited by Boehm. He said that an American diplomatic courier had been found carrying 150,000 pesos of Batista money and jailed for 15 years. Miss Wolland said that the United States may have planned the break prior to Castro's de- mands because six Latin Ameri- can countries broke off relations before the United States did. Prof. Leonard said these countries broke off relations to avoid revolutions in their own nations. May Follow U.S. "A few Latin American coun- tries may follow the United States because of economic difficulties," Harrison explained, but Castro may well be much more popular than the United States in these countries, and there may be "riot- ing in support of Castro." Miss Wolland also believes there are many Castro supporters in the Latin American countries, and said Cubans believe that the "straw democracies" in those countries are less stable than the Castro government. Blames Ike For Break Of Relations Island Troops MOVe To Major Outposts With Reinforcemeul HAVANA (') - Prime Ministr Fidel Castro brought out all ava able wea-onsyesterday and-pl-c them around his tense island ni tion to await what he insists "an imminent invasion" from ti United'States. At the._ same. time his Cabin kept the diplomatic door open President-elect John F. Kennec by declaring that "'responsibilii for the rupture between the Uni' ed States and Cuba falls entire: on 'the administration 'of Pre dent Dwight D. Eisenhower. Military Reinforcements Hundreds of militia reinforce ments poured by train and bus i to Santiago, capital of - eas ernmost Oriente Province. Mar troops moved down onto ti beaches but even greater nun bers were sent northeast towai Guantanamo City and Songo, ou side the United States Guantax amo Naval Base, Antiaircraft, antitank and oti er heavy weapons sprouted over Havana. Christmas and Ne Year's festivities do not end in til later this week, thus the v1 bore a strange military-holidi air. Seafront Arms Weapons were placed thck around seafront drive. Some ai tiaircraft batteries were set up n far from the almst empty ThnIt States Embassy building, where- ,dozen diehard Cubans still str around hopeful of gaining dda sio to the United States. The sudden and open displa of armament is apparently Mi tended to underscore Cast c charge that a United States to vasion is coming within t weeks, a charge ridiculed 4 Washington. The appearance of the weapoi seems to have heightened Cub invasion fever. All Cuban rad and television stations have bei transmitting martial music, o Castro speeches and anti-Amer can slogans for four days nc around the clock. Charge Terrorism The cabinet statement blami the Eisenhower Administration f, the diplomatic break also backe Castro's charge that some Unit States Embassy personnel promo edcounterrevolution and terroris here. Terrorism itself came under til cabinet's purview, The cabin authorized death sentences fi any anti-Castro saboteurs and i who help them. United States Charge d'A far Daniel M. Braddock and his skel ton staff called In packers to he move equipment and files from t embassy. Little movable property willt left when Braddock and his aid leave, after turning over to Swi Ambassador Walter Bossi custo of the embassy and protection f remaining Americans. The State Department setc early deadline for removing pe sonal belongings at governme expense when, several months a, relations with Cuba became tes Embassy dependents wre se. home last September and tpi household goods with them. U.S. Officials Return Home From Havana WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (A') Cold, tired and sick of the ter sion in Fidel Castro's Cuba, United States embassy personr arrived here yesterday in respon to the bearded dictator's deman to get out of Havana in 48 hour "The order Castro gave on tel vision "came right off the top c his head and even caught his ow foreign office by surprise," sa AN-,1 ,-a n ..A NEW SCHOOL: Group To Form Plans On Gran Valley College By CYTHIA NEU The planning administration group for the Grand Valley College will hold its first meeting Jan. 11 - 13 in Grand Rapids and will meet with the Board in Control of the college in Greenville Jan. 13. The University named Vice-President for Student Affairs James A. Lewis and Prof. Algo D. Henderson, director for the Center of Higher Education, to serve with Raymond N. Hatch, assistant dean of the education school from . _.. . ..., ----r ...--- _... _ R 31USICAL ANTIQUES: Warner 'Revitalzes' Serpent, Ophichde By MICHAEL HARRAH The serpent and the ophiclide were brought to 'life' once again last night after a long silence. Prof. Robert A. Warner, of the music school and curator of the yK.. Stearns collection of old musical instruments, traced the history of the serpent and the ophiclide, assisted by tuba player, William E. Hettrick, Jr., '61SM, who played them. The serpent is a twisting instrument, cut from wood and covered with varnished leather. It was the successor to the cornett (not to be confused with the present day cornet, which is quite different), and, though played with a metal cup mouthpiece, comes closer to ' being a woodwind, because it is possible to play a complete chromatic - scale on it, an accomplishment not attributed to brass instruments. Marching Music Prof. Warner said that the serpent was originally used in orchestral playing, but it enjoyed some popularity in English marching bands, under King George III. He explained that the serpent was used extensively in French ecclesiastical circles to strengthen the bass music in religious services. He also pointed out that some critics had praised the serpent for ' its tone, dynamic range, and flexibility. But others were not so Snleased such as composer George Frederick Handel who said, "Thisj Michigan State University as ad- ministrative consultants. Dorr Coodinator Prof. Harold M. Dorr, dean' of state-wide education will serve as coordinator. Dr. Chris A. De Young, profes- sor emeritus of Illinois State Nor- mal University is serving as gen- eral secretary to the group, and Dr. Icie Macy Hoobler of Ann Arbor is the board representative serving with the consultants. The new four-year college was approved by the legislature last spring, and its charter will become effective after a site is provided. for the college and $1 million are raised from private sources. Williams Appoints Then-Gov. G. Mennen Williams appointed nine members to a ten- tative board of control, which must have the approval of the state Senate before it can become permanent. Representatives from MSU, Wayne State University, and the University met with L.hWilliam Seidman, chairman of the board, and pledged their support to the Belgians Near, Compromise Endin Strikes BRUSSELS ()-Agreement was ,reported near last night on a face-saving compromise to end the 17 - day - old violent socialist - led strikes. They had threatened to topple Premier Gaston Eyskens' Catholic- conservative government. An informant close to Socialist party leadership said: "The end is near." "In meetings all over the coun- try, Socialist trade unions are be- ing told that negotiations are un- der way for halting the strike," he said. The Belgian state radio quoted reports that the strike was nearing its finish. The Socialist informant said everyone was "fed up" with the strikes which have cost Belgium. millions of francs in lost produc- tiinn and nrnerty damae and WASHINGTON (P) - President ight D. Eisenhower, before aving office, will send Congress n increased budget forecasting surplus next fiscal year of at ast $600 million and nerhaps I