Washington and the Youth Corps Pla ' e 1 AicIpgau &lY Sevnty-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNiVERsITY OF MICHIGAN n Opinions Are Fr UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PULICATIONS rutb wil P r t"~ STUDENT PURLICATIONs BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 itortals printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. 14 Y, JANUARY 5, 1961 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SHERMAN U.S.-SCuba Breach Seems Diplonmatically Just ifijable E UNITED STATES has finally taken the big step and withdrawn diplomatic recog- in from Cuba. We could have done this ng time ago, had we wanted to, for the on has taken a lot more on the chin from ro than the ridiculous limitation of em- y personnel. Given these past events, the drawal looks like a pure power play. he President's statement that "Our friend- to the Cuban people is not affected" ids a little like the Soviet claims that they hostile only to this nation's capitalist rnments and ruling classes, not the rican PEOPLE. also looks like a power play because it es after several other Latin American itries withdrew recognition, thereby logi- y removing charges thet the imperialist kees are treading on Cuba once again. ever, despite the fact that such charges e been logically obviated by a great many s, the charges will be still made, and .y with increasing shrillness. [IS SHRILLNESS is the major reason why withdrawal of recognition is a justifiable Diplomatic relations between nations imply ertain saneness of action, a feeling that y can deal with each other, at times at t, without sinking into public invective. Easy Come... iE ASSOCIATED PRESS quoted Minneso- ta Football Coach Murray Warmath, talk- about his team's preparation for the Rose rl about a week and one-half before game Our men still aren't bent as seriously for the Le as we want them to be," the Gophers' itor said. "They are still having fun ..." brget those scholarships, boys? -P. D. SHERMAN The fact of diplomatic relations means that one nation, by entering into them with another, publicly affirms its views that the other nation is capable of this reasonableness. Cuba appears, for one reason or another, to have lost this capacity. It would appear that Prime Minister Castro is being conditioned by his own propaganda; and this has led to the present situation in which it is impossible for the two nations to deal with each other. This is unfortunate, because the two nations obviously have a great many issues between them to be dealt with. The withdrawal of recognition signals that the United States has, for the moment, despaired of any.hopes to resolve the conflicts. A .REALISTIC view, Castro is only harm- ing himself and Cuba by alienating the United States, a process which has thus far culminated in the withdrawal of recognition. The United States is often a bumbling inter- national power, and it is not guided only by altruism, but this does not mean that tbe real grievances of Cuba cannot be ironed out in an air of reasonable bargaining. Castro has purposely ignored this, it would seem, in an effort to cement his position in power. But, as has been said, he is digging his own grave. The American nations have shown a great deal of restraint in dealing with the Cuban leader-he has been given more than his share of fair play. ITHDRAWAL OF recognition is a power play, but it is within the rules of the international game. Fomenting of insurrection in other nations, for instance, is not. The United States is not spotless in this respect and in others but in dealing with Cuba it has so far appeared to have acted honestly, and rightly. Therefore, withdrawal of recognition is a justified international act. --PHILIP SHERMAN By ALAN GUSKIN Daily Guest Writer 13RESIDENT-elect Kennedy, during the recent campaign, championed the idea of a Peace Corps to aid the developing coun- tries of the world. This notion re-' ceived immediate support from a number of universities and colleges throughout the country. It seemed as if the students were ready for just such a call. They had strongly supported the sit-in movement, they were indignant over the San Francisco HUAC "riots", they saw students throughout the world fighting for their beliefs, they saw nations governed by people who, but a few years before, were stu- dents-in short, they felt a need to be heard, a need to participate in the actions of their country. They felt and knew that they, could no longer be silent and apa- thetic but must in some way act. By participating in the Peace Corps, the students felt they could put their education to some worth- while use. They heard that there was a need for people with their skills and their idealism to work hand-in-hand with the people of other countries, not merely on good-will missions, but in an at- tempt to develop the natural re- sources of other countries, to teach others how to read and write, to teach them health mea- sures, to teach others to teach, and so on. They realized the ne- cessity for proper training in the language and culture of the coun- tries into which they were going,. and for rigorous selection proce- dures. The students saw that. they would learn through the direct relationship with people of other nations, and that the United States would also gain a new purpose. They perceived that the revitalization of the United States would come through its youth and they saw that a Peace Corps which would send numerous people abroad for a relative short time would send them home with an understanding of our country's relation to the world, and with the insight that this country's do- mestic affairs as well as foreign affairs affects the peoples of the world. They saw and still see this pro- gram with great idealism, but they likewise perceive many of the problems that it will entail. * * * THESE WERE AND are the re- actions and beliefs of a great many students throughout the country. What is the reaction of the experts who have been, abroad and who are now sending small numbers of students abroad? For an answer to this question, my wife and I went to Washington this past vacation. We attended two conferences with the people who have the greatest amount of experience in this area; we spoke to Dr. Maurice Albertson, Director of the Colorado State Research Foundation which has been given the contract to study the Peace Corps and make recommendations to Congress; we talked at great length with Kenneth Coffey, ad- ministrative assistant to Repre- sentative Henry Reuss, who- brought up the original Point Four Youth Corps study bill; we spoke to Mark Roberts of Sen. Hum; phrey's office, Carolyn Lattimer of Representative James Roosevelt's office; and spent over two hours in an extremely interesting meet- ing with Senator Phillip Hart of Michigan. The following is a re- port of our Washington trip. * * * THE TWO conferences dealt with the same general areas. Therefore, I will refer to the ideas presented and not conferences at which they were stated. Due to the nature of the participants, a great deal of the discussion cen- tered around the organizations which now send people abroad. It was emphasized time and again this was not a new idea, that it was carried out by the Army in the Phillipines at the end of the second World War, and that there are a great many voluntary or- ganizations which are now send- ing people abroad. Probably the largest of these is the Internation- al Voluntary Services which has sent over 200 people abroad in the last 7 years. It was stated that there have been numerous re- quests to IVS from foreign coun- tries for more of their volunteers. The question was asked about the relationship of the voluntary organizations to a Peace Corps, and the conclusion, in general, was .that they would be used for in- formation concerning training and selection, forgeneral procedures and. the like, but that their operations should continue and serve to complement the Peace Corps. It was also stated by the directors of these organizations that requests for overseas duty have increased considerably and that they, with their present fa- cilities, cannot keep up with these requests. ANOTHER QUESTION which was recu'rrent throughout both meetings was the size of the Peace Corps. Here estimates ranged from less than 100 for the first few yearp, to over 100,000 as fast as possible. The former estimater was afraid that the countries could not absorb more than a handful of people at a time and questioned the responsibility and maturity of the students. The latter felt that to have any effect on peace there was a need for a huge corps as fast as possible and that such a corps would operate in large groups in a country, at- tempting to wipe out starvation and illiteracy as quickly as pos- sible. This same person delivered an eloquent plea that this would not be an elite corps of students, but that it should include youth of all skills, especially unionists whose skills would be crucial. There was concensus on the need for highly skilled leaders to super- vise a small number of youth so that their skills could be used correctly and not wasted through any rash or naive act. It was stated that these supervisors could very well be people who have been abroad in one of the programs mentioned above. * * * THE NEEDS .OF .the .so-called developing countries were discuss- ed. The International Cooperative Administration referred to a con- tract they had signed with a country in Africa for 250 teachers to be sent as soon as possible. In general, though, one of the weak- nesses of these meetings was the lack of discussion of the needs of other countries. As usual in meetings of this kind, the fear of immature and. irresponsible youth was express- ed. At one point I felt it was only fair that I, as the only student representative present, speak for the students. I told' of the work. of the Americans Committed to World Responsibility on this cam- pus, I referred them .to our Study Group Report as evidence that the students had decided to study the needs of the developing areas of the world and the issues of a Peace Corps, I told of their ques- tionning attitude, of their feeling that a Peace Corps should have strict requirements, that a Peace Corps should eventually be put under the United Nations. I fur- ther mentioned that the students here believed that a Peace Cbrps. should not merely be "beautiful" Americans who want to make, America loved abroad but that they felt that the Peace Corps had a job to perform and when that job was finished they were to leave. I also mentioned that the stu- dents were highly concerned with the training of the Peace Corps members, and that they felt that an understanding of the language of the country to which they were sent and of the culture of that country, besides the necessary skill, should be required. The stu- dents, I stated, also conceived of this program as one of about three years in length, with the, first 6 months to a year as train- ing, both in the U.S. and in the country to which they are sent. I also made mention of the sym- posium that we had Dec. 9 and 10 and emphasized the critical thinking by both students and faculty at the seminars. * * * MY PRESENTATION met with great approval. Everybody iu the room requested copies of the Study Group Report and the pro- gram of the symposium. When the meeting recessed for lunch, my wife and I were beseiged by nu- merous people who wanted to talk ti us. Notable among these was Mrs. Chester Bowles. Among other things, she talked about the in- terest of her husband in the Peace Corps and said that she would be as influential as she could in pro- moting such a program. Another notion that was given a great deal of consideration at these meetings was that of selec- tion and training. It was stated that at the present time we could not train more than 500 people -TODAY AND TOMORROW Making Haste Slowly By WALTER LIPPMANN a pear for the Peace Corps due to the lack of facilities. The train- ing, might be done, in part, during the last year of undergraduate training. After graduation, the student should go through rigor- ous full-time training. It was stated that half of the training should be done in the U.S. and the other half should be on-the- job training in the country so that the corps member could become adapted to the food and living conditions of that country. This could facilitate learning the lan- guage and culture of the country. It was also suggested that the first three or six months could be carried out in one of the depress- ed areas of the U.S. Selection procedures were dis- cussed but the conclusions were vague. As the present methods of selection carried on by the voluntary services tend to be in- tuitive and extremely small in scope, the implicit thought was that there would have to be a great deal of on the spot research as well as rigorous training pro- cedures. * * * AS ALWAYS, question of exemp- tion from the draft was brought up. Somebody mentioned the fact that the students would push for attaching this to the Peace Corps legislation. This led to a great deal of dispute. I stated that the gen- eral feeling of the students at the University of Michigan was that they would like to be exempted, but that they thought it was un- wise to attach this to the bill due to the great possibility that if it were attached it would not pass Congress. General Hershey, Direc- tor of the Selective Service Sys- tem, was in the andience and nodded approval. Those who had spoken to Gen. Hershey said that he was very much in favor of a Peace Corps but that he felt it was unwise to attach the draft to it. He stated that all Peace Corps members would be given a deferment similar to that given a graduate student, until they came back. It was also pointed out that most people, would be close to 25 wllen they finished their three year tour of duty and that nobody is drafted, it was stated, beyond that age. A further point was made that un- der a similar process not one of the 200 International Voluntary Services members were drafted in the 7 years of its operation. The main purpose of the Peace Corps was said to be doing the job requested by the country. From this would evolve the under- standing by the Peace Corps mem- ber of the problems and desires of individuals from other countries and the responsibility of every man to every other man. It was also mentioned that such a Peace Corps manned mainly by Ameri- cans could help change the image of America abroad. . * * THESE WERE THE general con- clusions of both conferences. These conferences, I might add, were two of a number of such meetings held in Washington and New York. These meetings repre- sent only some of the activity that the Peace Corps has caused on Capitol Hill. After speaking with Ken Coffey of Rep. Reuss' office and Mark Roberts of Senator Humphrey's office it became obvious to me that each of these people wanted his office to present the bill to Congress. Senator Humphrey had presented a Peace Corps bill in the last Congress and has plan- ned to re-introduce his bill, with some changes, in the present Con- gress. Representative Reuss pre- sented the Point Four Youth Corps amendment to the Mutual Security Bill and plans to present a bill. for a Peace Corps to the present Congress. The thought is that the presentation of the bill will come from both camps in their respective houses sometime after they receive a preliminary report frorf 'Dr. Albertson. This draft will probably be ready some- time in February or March. Dr. Albertson's final draft is due May 1, 1961. It is planned that the bill will probably be in committee un- til sometime in May or June, when it will come up for a vote in both houses. * * * THE GENERAL FEELING of people on Capitol Hill is optimis- tic. They feel that the bill on a; Peace Corps will definitely get through. The point, of course, is how. According to Senator Hart, most Congressmen are awaiting word from the President-elect. * * * DR. ALBERTSON was likewise enthusiastic. We spent over five hours in conference with him talking about the role of the stu- dent in the Peace Corps legisla- tion. He wanted to know what my wife and I felt about the political activity of the students in attempt- ing to push suci a piece of legis- lation through, the attitudes of the students to the Peace Corps, and the best way to let the stu- dents throughout the United States know about the activity in Washington. We talked at great length about the possibility of having a National Conference of Youth on the Peace Corps and the idea of having a newsletter. He agreed to both Out stated that he, peace. He stated that it is his wish to set up a Manhattan Pro- ject for .Peace jst as there was a Manhattan Project. to build the Atomic bomb. His belief is that if we concentrate our efforts on social science research for peace, we could make great strides towards peace. I might add that in a great many ways he agrees with the views that I presented for the students at the meetings in Washington on the Peace Corps. 6 * * IN CONCLUSION, I would like to state that the individuals pre- sent at the conferences and the others on the Hill that we spoke to feel that a ;Peace Corps must be set up. They, almost unani- mously, feel that although the youth may not be experts in many of the areas needed for technical assistance, they have the impor- tant ability to relate to the youth of other countries, and often their ability to be unconcerned with dip- lomatic policies and more con- cerned with individuals .may very well overcome their so-called lack of experience. They emphasized that the youth who go over will have skills- which are necessary to fulfill many of the programs made by the experts. A great num- ber have had a college education and therefore will have skills as teachers, at the primary and se- condary levels, as technical as- sistants in biology and chemistry which will be vital for any agri- cultural or public health pro- gram. Some will be equipped as nurses, engineers, agriculturalists, Journalists, librarians, public health specialists. Others will have competence in areas, such as chemistry, social work, economics, medicine, natural resources, edu- cation and the like. There will also be a great num- ber from trade unions who have. skills which would be extremely important. * * * AS I CONCLUDE, I cannot help but think of the words of Dean Harold Bentley, of the University of Utah, at the conference, and of Max Lerner in a recent column. Dean Bentley stated that "young people have dreams, old people have visions-the Peace Corps is my vision." Max Lerner wrote: A new era is opening, a new wind rising, a new spirit is abroad in the American land. I have seen that spirit on the faces of young people not only in the campaign but on university campuses and even in the high schools. They have once again the sense that things are possible for America and for the cause of freedom, and in the cause they want to be used as they wanted. America's destiny is in their hands as well as in the shands of the new Presi- dent We shall need their brains and energy and com- mitment. Let us start. Let the students interested in the Peace Corps start by showing serious consideration of the prob- lem. Let us all start by studying the issues and the problems of the Peace Corps. AT THE SHUBERT: 4'Mattress, Buoyant. IF YOU ARE eager to retain the happy mood of the holidays, pay a visit to the Shubert Theatre in Detroit.before Jan. 14. 'Until theneardelightful bit of fun, naughtily titled "Once Upon a Mattress," will be playing. Satire and Buster Keaton are ings of a comic realmrin which the old tale of "TheIrincess and the Pea" is re-written-entirely for laughs-and set to music. * *, * KEATON IS SILENT, struck dumb by an ancient curse until his only son, misnamed Dauntless, marries. Since Keaton's jabber- mouth queen is opposed to any match for her "little boy," the king must only pantomime throughout the play. , The king's misfortune is the audience's gain. Keaton is a mas- ter of the gesture and the lifted eyebrow. Funniest sequence is his embarassed discussion of the birds and bees with his rather dense son. NOT ONLY THE king is ef- fected by his son's lack of a prin- cess, however, for a decree per- mits no one else in the realm to marry until Dauntless has found a bride. Woe! for most of the queen's ladies-in-waiting 'are in an unfortunate condition for single ladies. Into this sad circumstance comes Dody Goodman, of all people. Those who've watched the Jack Paar Show should put all pre- °judice aside, she is charming. * * * MATCHING KEATON in the ability to mimic and capture scenes, she is a delight from her entrance (she was so eager to meet Dauntless, she swam the ONE GOOD New Year's resolution is to rec- ognize that both at home and abroad the w Administration will need time to get or- nized and to get set to deal with the great sues. As of now, the situation is quite unlike 1933 hen Roosevelt took office. There are grave oblems which need to be solved and there e agonizing issues which must be worked rough. But there is no over-all national nergency, like the closing of the banks in 33, and, despite the Congo and Laos and the :e, there is no immediate crisis of peace and ir. Therefore the Kennedy administration does t have to improvise and to proceed breath- isly to do things. There is nothing in sight hich calls for a period like Roosevelt's first indred days. The Kennedy administration ,n act with deliberation, and for the problems faces, more or less long range in character, needs to deliberate carefully, to plan thor- ghly, and then to act decisively. 'HE NEW Administration will need time, a few months of time, even though the men ready chosen have an extraordinary back- ound of experience in public life. The Cabi- t is sometimes described as a group of pro- ssors. The truth is that they are a group of blic servants, men who have made public e a career. There is not one of them who es not already know his way around Wash- gton, and there are few among thema who do t combine practical experience with a theor- ical discipline in the subject with which they il deal. They are, moreover, a highly sophis- ated lot. Nevertheless, the task of policy aking in this huge government is unsettled d confused, and the new men under the esident's active direction will have to work .t their ways of working together. At home, to take one example, the problem the dollar will engage not only the White use and the Treasury and the Federal Re- rve. The central and critical issue in the bal- ice of payments is the capacity of American dustry to compete more effectively in world arkets. This involves the prices administered big business and the wages demanded by e big unions. The new Administration will Fditnrial Staff THOMAS HAYDEN. Editor NAN MARKEr JEAN SPENCER City Editor Editorial Director not inherit, and it will have to create, proce- dures fo rexerting its power and influence in such matters. THERE ARE two reasons why in the next few months, during the shake-down cruise so to speak, the new Administratioun must not be hurried into making major decisions in foreign affairs. The first is that there are several agen- cies concerned in advising the President, the State Department, the Pentagon, the Atomic Energy Commission, the Treasury, and the Budget Bureau. They will have to learn afresh what it is like to work with a President who administers the government. They have be- come used to a staff system under which, like feudal lords, they make treaties with one an- other. This diffuses and dilutes decision. For decision is impossible unless the ultimate decid- er listens to and participates in the critical debates. A second reason for not hurrying into the biggest decisions is that they will surely be bad decisions if they have to be taken too soon. There are a number of important foreign poli- cies which come down to us from an era that is passing, that of the post-war world. They will have to be reviewed and reconsidered and this will have to be candidly explained. It will take time. But if the new Administration is forced by events to make decisions on Jan. 21 or even on Feb. 21, it will unavoidably fall back upon the old formulae. For these, however badly they worked, are venerable and undisputed. Even if the President and his advisors have re- viewed the old policies themselves, they will scarcely have had time to explain their deci- sions to Congress, to the press, and to the people. OUR ALLIES, let us hope, will understand that under the American political system a change of Administration is not the same thing as a change of government in a parliamentary state. It is a much bigger and more radical operation. For while we have a civil service which keeps the government machinery run- ning no matter who is in the White House, the makers of policy extend down at least three or four levels deep into the Administration. This may be a good system or a bad one, but it is the system we have, and the unavoidable delay in coming to grips with the government issues is involved in it. It follows, and this applies most particularly to Mr. Khrushchev, that the way to deal with the Kennedy administration will be to recog- nize the necessity of not hurrying it into action. (c) 1960, New York herald Tribune, Inc. Xw" VOICES NO. 2: New Quarterly Needs Talent Badly "DRESSED UP IN aspiration that doesn't fit," to borrow from one of its poems, is an apt description of Voices: though editor Robert Bassil's program has some potential, in theory, the 11. terature he's been able to put together is a pretty sad comment on the Midwest "renaissance" he hopes for. It is, shortly, imitative, poorly conceived, trite, and occasionally gross. "We aim," he says, "to be re- gionally representative, with our roots springing from earthy hu- manism and classicism." Voices, a riew literary quarterly published in Saginaw, and in its second issue, somewhat ironically appro- priates the phoenix as its symbol. REBELLING against the beat, the existential, the secular, espe- cially against thestandardization of language, Voices has conflict- ing aims: first a return to a sort of nature or folk mysticism ("man's roots and life rest in nature and in the country") and second, a complexity in style and form to match the complexity of a "changing world." A large part of Bassil's difficulty lies in the newness of his maga- zine, and the resultant fact that he's attracted the wrong breed of contributors. A literary ren- aissance is hardly apt to begin with a collection of bubbling amateurs, and "inspiring" high school English teachers. VOICES' SEARCH for new and significant forms and subject has resulted in still another Prufrock parody; this one by Herbert Schapiro is worse than the rest. Sample: "Let us go, go, go then, you and me, When the night shapes up like misery," Schapiro, the notes say, is dis- tinguished by his "dry 18th cen- tury wit and voluminous cloak of ghotly sv ,,s. dedicated to the affirmation of nature and all that. The poems are overwritten, dull, and indis- criminately strewn with adjectives that lend an air of the ludicrous rather than the miraculous to the birth and death of the bird. Ac- tually, the whole things sounds remarkably like "The Owl and the Pussycat" story or a trip to the zoo. Both poems are innocent of effort. Their undue length belies their amateurishness; Roche DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. N o ticesshould be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. THURSDAY, JANUARY 5 General Notices MIDYEAR GRADUATION EXERCISES To be held at 2:00 p.m. in Hill Aud. Reception for graduates, their rela- tives and friends in Michigan League Ballroom at 4:00 p.m. Please enter League at west entrance. Tickets: Three to each prospective graduate, to be distributed from Mon., Jan. 9, to 1:00 p.m. Sat., Jan. 21, at Cashier's Office, first floor lobby, Ad- min. Bldg. Academic Costume: Can be rented at Moe Sport Shop, 711 North Univer- sity Ave. Orders should be placed im- mediately. Assembly for Graduates: At 1:00 p.m. in Natural Science Aud. Marshals will direct graduates to proper stations. Graduation Announcements, Invita- tions, etc.: Inquire at Office of Student Affairs. Programs: To be distributed at Hill Aud. Doctoral degree candidates who quali- fy for the Ph.D. degree or a similar graduate degree and WHO ATTEND THE GRADUATION EXERCISES will be presented a hood by the University. clearly doesn't know how to use his form and the rhyme is juvenile and obvious. In "grass," Roche wants to grow with it. Nature certainly is being affirmed, for "My mouth grows green." In "A Rose," this 'sign- post of neo-classicism" says, in effect, that there is quite a con- trast between a classical temple and a gothic cathedral. This is bad enough in text books, gro- tesque in a poem. His "Revelation in Blanes" sounds like Tintern Abbey, if it were written as a high school English assignment, and affirms the excellence of a shot of pan- theism diluted with sentimental verbosity. * * * GEORGE ARRICK'S "Three Poems" are almost literal Cum- mings rewrites and this speaks for itself. Alfred Ebelt's short unnamed poem is not unsuccessful, and in- congruously unpretentious in light of the other selections. He man- ages to keep it short and to the point and his image is consistent an coherent. I But Patricia Hooper's "Love in the Stadium" is possibly the most gross thing imaginable. "We ., waved our campus flags of love beyond our madras plaids and tweed desires." Cora Duncan's 'The Strength of Shirley Heatherby" deals with the adjustment of misplaced values and the pains of finally growing up. Her narrative is uninteresting and banal, and the plot conven- tional, * * * MOST OF THESE so-called writers are obsessed with the cult of self, and with the necessity of talking about it. They just aren't regionally representative, or rep- resentative of anything except the inability to get beyond a rehash of what was said twenty or more years ago, and said effectively enough then. They protest against the IBM intelligence, yet their