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January 05, 1961 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-01-05

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Refuses Support


Group Silent
On Clainms
Of Invasion
Decision May Mean
No Alliance Action
BANGKOK (AP-The Southeastc
Asia Treaty Organizatlofi council
failed yesterday to lend support to
United States charges that sub-]
stantial numbers of foreign Com-
munist soldiers are aiding rebels+
in Laos.
This is the key factor in decid-
ing whether western troops should+
be sent by SEATO to aid the pro-
Western government of Laos.
A statement issued by SEATO1
ambassadors was silent on United+
States and Laotian charges thata
soldiers from Communist North+
Viet Nam are backing the fightl
against the royal Laotian army.
Arlifting Material
The SEATO communique didI
single out reports that the Soviet+
Union has been airlifting war ma-y
terial to the rebels. This has been
rdmitted even by the Russians, t
who claim they are supplying
forces of the legal government of+
Laos. These forces, in Soviet eyes,j
are leftist troops driven from the
capital of Vientiane last month
by pro-Western forces.
The United States, which backs7
Boun Oum, issued a statement in
Washington Tuesday charging.
that "substantial numbers of
North Vietnamese Communist
personnel" have been parachuted7
into Laos recently. It gave no3
troop figures but said 184 Soylet
flights carrying supplies and men
have gone into Laos since Dec.

elCubanTransformatiOn Forces Break
(EDITOR'S NOTE-Two years ago
Fidel Castro marched into Havanna to United States purchases of
and received tumultous acclaim as sugar.
a revolutionary hero. The United Cbnsgr:
States quickly recognized his re- Castro's partisans argue that
gime and wished him godspeed. the revolution still has not had
What has happened to change all time to achieve orderly function-
this? Here is an analysis from an:
American reporter who has tray- ing in an island long plagued by
eied thousands of miles with Cas- mismanagement and corruption.
tro and observed closely the swing But the impression is strong that °
or his government toward the So- the revolution has lost its mo-
viet orbit.) mentum and is obliged to waste
By ROBERT BERRELLEZ valuable time and effort in ex-
HAVANA (P) - Washington's plaining and defending itself.
diplomatic break with Fidel Cas- An important factor in this ap-
tro's fledgling revolutionary re- peared to be Castro's alliance with
gime etches in red on the map of Communism, which. Cubans in
the Western Hemisphere a Cuba general seem to fear instinctively.
which in two years has been Along with this came a deepening
transformed into a Communist quarrel with the Roman Catholic
outpost r the West. Church and a complexity of eco-
nomic ills, all ingredients in Cas-
caTe Cbn is that hme Ctroutro's gathering crisis. In addition,
regie' future is intKremlinstrothere are signs of discontent in
regime's future is in Kremlin labor ranks and of armed oppose
hands, that its dependence on oran-still unorganized.
Moscow is far greater than Cuba's t
dependence on Washington ever Still Strong
could have been. While Castro's position at the
Castro's regime in 24 months top of the heap still is strong,
has virtually destroyed the upper fear appears to have replaced
class. It has imposed severe sac- fervor in efforts to keep the whole
rifices upon the middle class and population in line.
the labor maJority. It has done A huge armed force, far bigger
this in the name of raising up the than any maintained by dictator-
destitute, but it has raised the ial predecessors, is equipped with ..
most desperately poverty-stricken modern weapons. A far-flung
only to the level of the ordinary and efficient organization of po-
poor. lice state units tries to make up CHANGING CUBA-Workers' militia guard an oil ref
Eve of Break for growing disenchantment in the Havana after it was seized by the government for ref
On the eve of the break with ranks of former Castro admirers. process Russian oil. It was this Increasing trend toward
the United States, the consensus Assessing the revolution, for- an analyst says, that made Cuba a Western "Communist o
of experienced observers in Ha- eign and Cuban observers alike
vana was that Castro had lost say the positive features have CORRUPTION: Castro's sup- es in Cuba's history. P
perhaps half of the 90 per cent been outweighed by the negative. porters say he ended Cuba's tra- change little where g
support he claimed two years ago, They sum up the 24 months this dition of government corruption, controls are effective
and that his revolution, supported way:
mostly by fanatic, diehard Fidel- EDUCATION: A hurried con- but if so it has been swapped for soaring in some areas.
istas and Communists, had lost struction program brought thou- confusion and economic chaos. Many have become d
even more. sands of sorely needed schools. Critics cite millions spent in ill- ed with the Castro
Castro's own personality seems There is suspicion that the gov- planned programs. But many still distrust
to be the only cement holding the ernment is waging a deliberate - tro forces who, they f
revolution together. anti-church, pro-Marxist indoc- GENERAL WELFARE: Castro's attempt to restore the
Cuban and foreign observers trination campaign throughout regime halved rents, slashed prices as it was under dictator
say the 34-year-old prime min- the. island. of drugs, gave shelter to many in Batista. This, in the vie
ister has so alienated his West- new homes and apartments. But observers, is why the
ern Hemisphere neighbors that HOUSING: Low-priced homes it reduced salaries, then froze has been unable to orga
his revolution has been almost and apartments went up in Ha- them. It imposed the heaviest tax- tively within the island
hopelessly ensnared in a Soviet vana and some of the provinces,
economic net. but the program bogged down and
Castro's Confiscation now is less popular than last year.
Castro's confiscation of more Private construction is virtually A ET E D I I E I" D T
thanc bilion ollasAwoth o

-AP wirephotos
MYSTERIOUS EXPLOSION-An explosion apparently shattered the nuclear core of an atomic re-
actor in this building at Idaho Falls Tuesday killing the three technicians left in the building at the
P:02 p.m. blast. The Atomic Energy Commission isolated the blast area and dispelled fears of wide-
spread radiation danger. The cause of the first fatal accident in nuclear work in 11 years is un-

Historians Ask Foreign Policy Change

Historians at twenty - three
American colleges and universities
last month appealed to President-
elect John F. Kennedy and his
new Secretary of State, Dean
Rusk, not to allow the "dead hand
of the past . . . determine the fu-

The appeal, signed by 32 schol-
ars of American atd European
history, called for a new course in
world affairs which would con-
sider the diplomatic recognition
of Red China and the Democratic
Republic of Germany.
Recognition of the two Iron
Curtain countries was considered
- a ~ ~--


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a step toward the peaceful settle-
ment of the Berlin and Formosan
issues. The historians also saw,
such action as part of a program
to check the further spread of
nuclear weapons.
Urges Recognition
The letters urged "Diplomatic
recognition of the People's Re-
public of China as a step in the
quest for a peaceful solution to
the smouldering relationship be-
tween the governments of Formo-
sa and China. Recognition is al-
so essential for an effective pro-
gram to check the further spread
of nuclear weapons.
"Diplomatic recognition of the
Democratic Republic of Germany
as a step in the quest for a peace-
ful solution to the precarious stat-
us of Berlin."
Prof. Alexander DeConde of the
history department, one of the
historians to sign the appeal,
commented that "Recognition
does not necessarily imply ap-
proval" of the Red Chinese and
East German governments; there
is not a moralistic issue involved.
No Appeasement'
The United Satesecertainly
does not have to appease the Red
Chinese or East Germans, Prof.
DeConde said, but in the interests
of ending a dangerous nuclear
weapons situation, it is necessary
to talk with them. And to do so
through normal means involves
diplomatic recognition.
As to the repercussions official
United States recognition would
create, Prof. DeConde was sure
there would be many. He stressed
the point that he didn't feel, the
position of the historians is a ma-
jority, nor though is the position
of the so-called "China bloc."
The masses of the people, Prof.
DeConde said, really are not that
concerned with foreign problems
of this type.

15. than a billion dollars worth of'a
No Evidence North American property was
A dispatch from Vientiane yes- only one of a series of events mul-
terday said Western officials tiplying his own problems. It re-
there have found no evidence of sulted in United States retalia-
a large-scale land invasion from tion in the form of an embargo
North Viet Nam, despite Laotian on exports to Cuba and an endE
government charges that as many ;
as 3,000 North Vietnamese troops j -- _
are fighting in Laos.
The Western officials noted' W orld rews
that North Viet Nam has long
supplied the Pathet Lao guerrillas'Ro du
and even sent in cadres which 1i
usually withdraw after military j (
operations get under way. y The Asociated Press
A small group of United States By
military officers, who flew from LEOPOLDVILLE - Secretary-
Washington and arrived only a General DayHammarskjold ar-
few hours before the SEATO rived yesterday to help chart fu-f
council meeting, sat in the ses- ture United Nations Congo oper-
sion and apparently introduced ations in the absence of a new di-
purported evidence of Red troop rective from the United Nations
intervention as outlined in the Assembly.
statement issued Tuesday in HammarskJold told newsmen he
Washington. plans to confer with Kasavubu
and the United Nations staffI
headed by Rajeshwar Dayal of
gTp r India. He flies to South Africa
L/ G Friday to investigate racial seg-
regation there under a separate
I ith JBlesstUnited Nations mandate.


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Of President
WASHINGTON (?) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
accepted the resignation of Doug-
las Dillon as Under-Secretary of
State with a "Dear Doug" letter
that went beyond the usual thanks
for a good job and a wish for
future success.
The somewhat unique comments
byEisenhower in accepting the re-
signation seemed open to inter-
pretation as a reply to published
reports that Eisenhower was an-
noyed that Dillon, a Republican,
had accepted a post in Kennedy's

zation of American States yes-
terday approved additional eco-
nomic sanctions against the
Dominican Republic.
The vote, after more than four
hours of debate, was 14-1 with six
abstentions in favor of an em-
bargo on petroleum and petro-
leum products, trucks and truck
trimmed down its original esti-
mate of the damage done to the'
new carrier Constellation in a fire
at New York last month to about
$47,942,000. It said repairs will
take about seven months.

Bretton Talks
With Williams
Former Governor G. Mennen
Williams recently postponed his
intended African tour until after
Jan. 20 because of pressure in
winding up his affairs as gover-
nor, Prof. Henry L. Bretton of
the political science department
Williams has been in contact
with national authorities on Afri-
ca in preparation for his duties as
Assistant Secretary of State for
African Affairs. Prof. Bretton has
been working with Williams for
some time.

I ____________________________


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