U.S. POWER PLAY JUSTIFIED 5.Pale 4 Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom Daitjp PARTLY SUNNY Warmer, generally fair tonight and tomorrow. VOL LXXI, No. 75 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 1961 FIVE CENTS SIX PA Council May Revise Comittee's Rules' Postpones Approval of Procedures For Membership Selection Group By PAT GOLDEN The Committee on Membership Selection in Student Organizations last night submitted to Student Government Council its proposed procedures, but the Council put off their approval pending some revisions. As proposed the procedures specify that any individual,. or the committee itself, may make complaints about violations of member- ship selection regulations. Names of organizations in violation will not be disclosed unless a public hearing is demanded by the group. "The complainant and the group complained against shall have the right to file an answer to the statement of charges. The group Reor ganizes International Student Plan By RALPH KAPLAN Student Government Council last night approved extensive re- organization of machinery to deal with campus international stu- dent affairs on campus and began consideration of a resolution to condemn the House Un-American Activities Committee's movie, "Operation Abolition." The HUAC motion, substantial- ly like one recently passed by the National Executive Council of the United States National Student Association, contends that the film contains serious misrepre- sentation. Furthermore, it implies that participating students perpetrated acts of violence, and that the stu- dents were "dupes" of Commu- fists. To See Film The Council intends to see the film and hear debate by outside sources before taking action on the motion. The international student regu- lation presented by Brian Glick, '62, past chairman of the Inter- national Coordinating Board, abolishes the International Co- ordinating Board and establishes br nternational Relations Com- mittee as a related board of SQC. The motion also directs S GC's present International Committee to "provide service to foreign and American students by concerning itself with all programs, activities and projects in the area of cam- pus international affairs." Ex-Officio Members The international committee will include ex-officio representa- tives of all campus organizations concerned with the area of inter- national affairs. Direction of International Week, which had been a func- tion of the International Coordi- nating Board, will now be done by an International Week Chairman and a committee chosen by him. The International Week Chairman is to be chosen by the Council. Related'to planning of interna- tional activities will be an annual conference, to be held in May, to be entitled the* International Ac- tivities Orientation and Planning Conference which will consider all international activities, Housing Problem James Seder, '61, chairman of the SGC- Human Relations Board said, "I see nothing more that can be done in the area of housing for international students, be- cause further laws are needed be- fore substantial progress can be made." Seder said the Human Re- lations Board had in the past dealt with international relations mainly in connection with housing of foreign students. Union President Perry Morton, '61, objected to Glick's proposal because "it would harm the need for coordination of International Activities in a formalized man- ner." , Belgian Khing, Socialist Chief Meet in Palace BRUSSELS (W) - King Bau- douin met with Socialist Party President Leo Collard last night on the heels of a demonstration by rock-throwing young toughs complained against shall have the right to appear in person, have legal or other counsel, and be given a reasonable time in which to prepare its case," the com- mittee's statement says. There are four possible decisions the committee may reach on a complaint: dismissed as no case; recommendation to withdraw re- cognition; recommendation to re- tain recognition; and suggestions for other remedies. Might Occur Committee chairman James Se- der, '61. explained that a recom- mendation to retainrecognition might occur if some discrimina- tory practice was found, but the group in violation also showed evidence of cooperation and pro- gress in removing it. The Council asked the commit- tee to consider removal of a re- quirement that every member vote yes or no on every question and a provision that members having a direct interest in a particular case be denied a vote on that question. Seder explained that the yes-or-no provision was intended to counteract possible outside presure on committee members to abstain from voting on certain questions. Several Council members in- dicated that they doubted the magnitude of such pressure. Voting Privileges Interfraternity Council Presi- dent Jon Trost, '61, objected to the denial of voting privileges to committee members with, direct interest in a question. "Affiliation or other personal interest in a case does not necessarily mean that' the person cannot vote objec- tively," he said. "Whether or not he feels qualified to vote ought to be left to the individual's discre- tion." Interquadrangle Council Presi- dent Dan Rosemery, '61Ed., com- mented that the procedures did not specify the step-by-step ac- tions of the committee in dealing with complaints. He suggested a minimum time limit before the committee could take a final vote. James Hadley, '61, contended that since the committee would handle a wide variety of com- plaints, such a time restriction would seriously hamper its ef- fectiveness. The Council did not recommend the addition of a minimum time limit. According to the May 1960, ac- tion in which SGC established the membership selection committee, the group is required to submit its procedures before the close of this semester for Council approval. SENATE: toBegin Ordinary Sessions WASHINGTON W)-The Sen- ate, caught up in its perennial battle over filibustering, yester- day agreed to start conducting routine business in between argu- ments today. The unanimous consent agree- ment was bbtained by the new Democratic floor leader, Sen. Mike Mansfield of Montana, who not- ed that President Eisenhower has been notified that Congress is back in session. Under the agreement senators will be able to introduce bills and carry on other chores while de- bating the question of whether the rules should be changed to make it easier to cut off filibusters, Democratic senators settled one family fight by agreeing on a compromise plan for filling future vacancies on their policy and steering committees. The new arrangement cuts into some of the leadership powers Mansfield inherited from former Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas, who becomes Vice-President on Jan. 20. The 12-member policy commit- tee clears legislation for floor ac- tion after it has been approved by standing committees. The 15 rteering= committee members choose party members on the regular standing committees. While the Democrats squabbled, Republican congressional leaders conferred with President Dwight D. Eisenhower at the White Hopse. They announced later they wohld resist any "reckless spend- ing" proposals but would not pre- sent "blind opposition"' to legis- lation sought by the Kennedy administration. Senate GOP leader Everett M. Dirksen of Illinois said the Repub- lican position on domestic legis- lation would follow guidelines laid down by Eisenhower. He described the GOP position as middle-of- the-road. Louisiana Acts To Approve School Grants BATON ROUGE ()-The Louisi- ana House yesterday approved 69- 31 Gov. James H. Davis' $28 mil- lion sales tax increase program. The tax hike, which earlier failed by three votes to muster the neces- sary two-thirds majority, is de- signed to give financial aid to parents who want their children to1 attend segregated (private) schools. The state Senate must now vote on the measure. Earlier, the administration won 94-2 passage of a companion measure, dedicating the tax raise to the new grants-in-aid program. This was set up during the three straight special sessions Davis called to fight school integration in New Orleans. U.S. Diplomats As UN Debates Roa s Charge Cohen Calls White House Talks Biased 'U' Expert Scores Conference on Aging WASHINGTON (9)-A leading social security expert has accus- ed the American Medical Associa- tion, private insurance compan- ies, and business interests of stacking next week's White House conference on aging. In a letter to President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Prof. Wilbur J. Cohen of the School of Social Work said these groups "have so arranged it that . . . they have captured a disproportionate share of the delegates to the confer- ence." One of the key issues to be dis- cussed at the conference will be methods for financing medical care costs of the aged. Prof. Coh- en, an adviser to Congress for many years on social security matters, has openly supported a medical care program tied to so- cial security. Oppose Method The American Medical Associa- tion, the Chamber of Commerce and most of the insurance in- dustry strongly oppose this meth- od of financing medical care for older people. Prof. Cohen's letter, dated Dec. 17, was prompted by an invita- tion from the President to attend the conference. The letter and an answer to it by conference chair- man Robert W. Kean were releas- ed by Kean's office at the request of reporters. Prof. Cohen told the President, "I am not sure, at this time, whether it is desirable to attend the conference ... Matter of Policy "Since I am supporting Presi- dent-elect John F. Kennedy's rec- ommendation for medical care for the aged through social security, I believe the issue now is a mat- ter of policy for the Congress to decide. "As presently constituted, it ap- pears that the conference will be manipulated by organized medi- cine as another excuse to block action in Congress on this legis- lation. I do not feel that I should be a party to such use of public funds for the conference." Kean,rresponding for Eisen- hower, didn't directly reply to, Prof. Cohen's charges, but point- ed out that his office didn't have any control of the delegates chosen to attend; that they were chosen by the state governors. "Knowing you," Kean added, "Il do not think you will let them get away with it, but will appear and fight for what you think is best+ for the country." -AP Wirent WANTS VISA-A Cuban who fought in the United States armed forces in World War II holds up his framed honorable discharge certificate along with his passport as he tries to get a visa in Havana yesterday before the American embassy closed. With him are other Cubans seeking visas. IN WASHINGTON: ACW Leaders Stir Interest. Evacuate" Cub Leaders of the Americans Corn- mitted to World Responsibility were in Washington two weeks ago in the midst of accelerating official interest in the idea of a Youth Corps. Two major conferences, both at- tended by Alan and Judith Gus- kin, Grads., and public statements by leaders and educators marked the greatest flurry of attention to thes proposal since it was raised by President-elect John F. Ken- nedy just before the November election. At the Conference on Interna- tional Economic and Social Devel- opment, called to chart "Foreign Aid for the Sixties," an entire day was devoted to discussion of the Calls Group Comunist By MALINDA BERRY FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover has labeled Communist led or in- spired, a group called the Progres- sive Youth Organization which met this weekend in Chicago. About 80 persons, half students, were at the meeting whose pur- pose was to organize the PYO. The group presented a "Youth Bill of Rights," which is composed of a five-point plan: the right of youth to plan their own lives free from fear of nuclear annihilation or the burden of military service, and the freedom to share ideas and skills with youth of other countries; the freedom of all youth to organize freely and to examine all ideas present in the world; the right of youth to an education based on an ability to learn, not the ability to pay; the rights of Negroes and all other minority groups to employment, education and all other public services; the rights of all youth, men and women to job training and full employment of skills with a future of job advancement and economic security. "The purpose is to provide all people the opportunity to examine scientific socialism. The group intends to take some obvious political manifestations of unrest and examine the basic social and economic reasons for them," Ken- neth Pierce co-editor of the Chi- cago Maroon, the only reporter to be present at the meeting, says. "The group advocates socialism only as a posible solution to the world problems. "Some of the leaders are mem- bers of the Communist Party and others are not, a particular politi- cal affiliation is not a pre- requisite to belonging to the or- ganization," Pierce continued. youth corps. Guskin, who had been invited by Prof. Samuel Hayes of the economics department, spoke briefly at the conference and dis- tributed copies of a study group report prepared by University stu- dents. Kennedy endorsed the ob- jectives of the conference, which was attended by over a hundred- organizationsinvolved in foreign aid and development. Research Team Also speaking before the group was Prof. Maurice Albertson of Colorado State University, head of a research team authorized by Congress last summer to investi- gate the possibilities of a 'youth service. The Guskins conferred with Prof. Albertson after the IESD conference and again fol- lowing a later conference called by Rep. Henry Reuss (D-Wis). Prof. Albertson announced that he and two other representatives of the Colorado State University Research Foundation would go abroad during January to see if the youth corps idea would be well received by other countries. His study is being financed by private funds in addition to the $10,000 authorized by Congress. Reuss, who introduced the bill to conduct the youth corps study, convened a .meeting of some fifty representatives of government and private organizations s'pecifically to allow Prof. Albertson to gather information for his report. Major Development A major development at this conference, held on Dec. 20, was the general agreement that any peace corps legislation should not be linked with draft 'exemption. Such an arrangement had been opposed on the previous day. Gen. Lewis B. Hershey, selective service director, opposed the draft link. He warned that Congress had traditionally refused to grant ex- meptions to anyone other than conscientious objectors and last surviving sons.. He pointed out that most parti- cipants would qualify for age, edu- cational or occupational defer- ment. With the small numbers now being drafted, these defer- ments would probably be tanta- mount to exemption. This was the consensus of the Reuss conference also, although dissents were registered by a rep- resentative of the United Auto Workers and the Guskins. Earlier, the Institute of Inter- national Education had sent to Kennedy a report outlining a "practical implementation" of the peace corps proposal. Harlan Cleveland, dean of the graduate school of citizenship and public affairs at Syracuse University, re- leased the report, which proposed that no more than a thousand carefully srceened and trained youths should be chosen to initi- ate the program. The report op- posed draft exemption for partici- pants, although it recommended deferment. T' Receives Documents Nearly all of the 800 boxes of the momentos, pictures and docu- hients of former Gov. G. Mennen Williams have arrived in Ann Arbor to be added to tie Univei- sity Historical Collection and a few more are expected shortly. Williams and his wife, Nancy, in a letter to the Regents at their Dec. 16 meeting said "The objec- tive worth of these papers can best be realized if deposited in those (historical) collections." Many of the items, which were catalogued chronologically at the capital, will be open for public exhibit later, but the main value will be to researchers. To Continue Naval Base Hecklers Interrupt Security CouncilTall As Cuban Speaks By The Associated Press United States officials haule down the Stars and Stripes fror the embassy flagpole in Havan yesterday as America and Cub traded bitter charges in a Unite Nations Security Council debat interrupted by anti-Castro hteck Most of the embassy staff lef1 with only a token force of 11 stay ing to finish the details of turnin over the United States propert and conduct of affairs to th Swiss ambassador, Walter Ross In Washington, Presiden Dwight D. Eisenhower serve notice, however, that the Unite States intends to. maintain 'it naval base at Guantanamo Bay. In a tersely worded statement he reminded the Cuban govern ment that "the treaty relatioo under which we maintain the nav station may not be abrogate without the consent of the Unite States." Soviet Support In the Security Council, Cuba: Foreign Minister Raul Roa, sup ported by the Russian represents tive, repeated Cuban claims the the United States was planning t attack Cuba and that the brea in diplomatic relations will pre cipitate the aggression. Roa asked for the meeting Sa turday i'i a letter declaring th the United States was plannin an attack on Cuba "within a fe hours." He had just started speak ing yesterday when six Cubans i: the public gallery began shouting Guards hustled them out, and th debate was resumed. False Charges United States delegate Jamne Wadsworth told the council Roa charges were false, fraudulen hysterical and ridiculous and o: previous occasions had failed t win support from the Council it self, the American foreign minis ters and the UN General Assembl Wadsworth denied specifi charges that the United State was engineering the diplomati isolation of Cuba and that it ha circulated to other America foreign ministries' a documen setting out that it- wasprepare to order military intervention i Cuba. "The real attacker here," Wads worth declared, "is the Cubai government. The weapons at character assassination and fals alarms. All Governments "The target is .not just th United States but all those govern ments of the Western hemispher whose policies the leadership i Havana does not happen to like And the launching point for th propaganda invasion is right her in the United Nations." "We do not ignore the fact, Roa charged, "that this break wi precipitate the aggression; but I is fortunate that the nest of viper which was the North America embassy in Cuba has also dis appeared." FOR, AGAINST CASTRO: Demonstrators Clash at UN UNITED NATIONS ()-Demon- strators for and against Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro clash- ed outside United Nations head-' quarters yesterday as the United States and Cuba traded bitter charges in the Security Council. At least one man was hurt and several others were spattered with egg and tomatoes before police restored order between two groups fighting outside the public en- trance. Inside the Security Coun- cil chamber, the debate was twice disrupted by hecklers. Seven men an a woman were expelled from United Nations ,headquarters for yelling, "Viva Castro," from the public gallery of the Council chamber. As they reached the street, about as many anti-Castro pickets threw eggs and tomatoes at them. The anti-Castro group charged across the street, police swung clubs to keep them back and one man was knocked down, bleeding from the forehead. The man said PROJECT TALENT- Study Evaluates U.S. Student By MARTHA MacNEAL Financed by the United States Office of Education, an immense study of America's high-school student is now underway. Called Project Talent, it is an inventory of the aptitudes, abili- ties and backgrounds of 450,000 urban, suburban, rural, public, parochial and private high-school students throughout the country which will continue to study the individual students for the next twenty years. individual's choice of a career, and an analysis of the educational experiences which prepare stu- dents for their life's work. Battery of Tests The two-day battery of tests was given to high-school students in May, 1960. The tests attempted to get as much information as posible about the students' abili- ties, achievements, interests and backgrounds. An additional survey gave a boys are not necessarily superi to girls in mathematical abili and that spelling in original e says is poor. An official bullet publicizing results more specil cally is expected to be released the spring. In recognition of the need develop an educational syste adequate for tremendous diversi of abilities, Project Talent see to analyze "any talent that ci be foundd by paper and pent means,- including non-academ: f ;.: ... _, ,..:.. . ..../frf..r.. f. emu' ,f~' .... s ... ., 1/