Ce d4Awn ?fBaityg Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN pInions Are Pre* .UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS . Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONs BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 vals printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. T* smust be noted in all reprints. 16, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: PHILIP SHERMAN Hanson, Others Ignore The Ethics of Politis / (EDITOR'S NOTE: and of two article national student u7 gerian question.' '60, former Daily ed Lee, a graduate of lege, are overseasr the United States] Association studyin sity of Paris.) By THOMAS 3 WILLIA] DaiR Guest IfHE iVANIFES and above all, tion" are the stan political warfare. seemed only natur 6, UNEF publishe calling for negotis and announcing ganizing a nation for the end of thE ed upon youth gi ions, and "all de izations" to join sive manifestation The liberal pres announcement w A large picture of Pierre Gaudez a radical weekly teur, and the stu hailed as the nevi in the divided left * , A NUMBER of izations, ranging list to Communist ed their support. Pierre Mendes-Fr endorsed their sta But the success Students Demonstrate for Peace This is the sec- s on the French nion and the Al- Thomas Turner, itor, and William Dartmouth Col- representatives of National Student ig at the Univer- URN ER and M LEE Writers TO, the poster, the "manifesta- dard weapons ofy In France. So it ral when, on Oct. d a communique anions in Algeria, that it was or- al manifestation- e month. It call-k roups, trade un-9 mocratic organ- in the one mas- . s greeted UNEF's4 ith enthusiasm. UNEF president ppeared in the France-Observa- udent group wasU v force for unity L. political organ- from left-Gaul- fronts, announc-. Former Premiert ance specifically ' member organizations to decide their capes, which have lead in manifestation : nd. for themselves the entent of their the hells and are used as flails. the explosion of of the manifes- participation. The Communist trade-unionists a few right-w 4 * ;would probably fight fire with dividuals were WEDNESDAY night's Student Govern- nent Council meeting, the ethical prob- of decision-making emerged rather open- e issue was not simply whether or not should establish a Committee on Student ts but rather, what would be the appropri-. deliberative manner of establishing such immittee. The Council decided to accept i votes by proxy, and therein lies the two- ethical problem: 1) under what circum- cs ought one accept proxy votes? 2) in ways should proxy votes be employed? both cases Council members, especially utive Vice-President Per Hanson, failed to their responsibilities. E PROXY VOTES, as it turned out, were ast by Lynn Bartlett, Dan Rosemergy, and Trost. Obviously none were present dur- he lengthy debate on the Student Rights mittee, which involved both a substitute .n and one fairly substantial amendment. lett, a Voice party member supposedly nitted to bettering the condition of student has now missed two consecutive meetings. t, whio has consistently insisted that all te be fully and responsibly heard, still cast oxy vote although there has been no thor- debate on student rights for a month. -mergy opposed the whole idea from the , and perhaps had no need to hear the dis- on tch action evokes a general problem of onsibility. It may be wise to have no abso- rule about the use of proxy votes-they dnly can be cast responsibly if the issue lection of officers, or any other matter oughly-considered over a long time-period. In what cases does the casting of a proxy become an irresponsible act? When issues little discussed? When amendments have . added to a resolution? Bartlett and Trost, east, seemed to draw the line too rigidly: 'lund they should have been present to hear debate Wednesday, or not voted at all. THE - OTHER PROBLEM connected with proxy voting is more specific. Executive Vice-President Hanson had learned, early in the debate, exactly who had cast proxy votes and who had not. Hanson turned this knowl- edge, which other members of the Council did not have, to sheer political advantage. On what he called "just pure assumptions," Hanson figured twQ of the proxies were voting "nay," and their votes would be crucial ones. He thus showed little interest in debating the issues and instead, tried to move all previous ques- tions. In brief, Hanson was attempting to settle the issue on the basis of votes, not discussion. The question of who was present and who was absent and who were proxies should have been known to persons other than Han- son, and further, should have been the sec- ondary considerations. There is nothing neces- sarily wrong with counting heads or playing politics, but any member of a deliberative body has a greater responsibility to clarify the is- sues and justify his position with regard to them. T1HIS HANSON DID NOT DO. And to make matters worse, he had earlier in the eve- ning distinguished himself by adopting three successive, conflicting positions on another is- sue. When SOC Treasurer Arthur Rosenbaum sarcastically pointed this out, Hanson laughed it off. After the meeting, he said he likes "politics." At its best, SOC is a deliberative body which puts ideas before deals. At best, a proxy vote can represent a responsible judgment by some- one not present and should be used with at least as much responsibility or discretion by the person entrusted with the use of the proxy. Neither of these conditions was approximated Wednesday night. --THOMAS HAYDEN Editor Romp THI JUVENILLE deliquency is a modern problem? If you do you'd better head for the State Theater, where "The Plunderers", a quartet of teen age desparadoes terrorize a town in a manner which would do their contemporaries proud, are currently holding forth. Trail City is a small sleeply hamlet, somewhere in the West, until the four boys ride into town. Returning from Dodge City where they have been pushed around following the cattle drive, they vent their frustrations in progres- sively lawless acts. After numerous filchings, beat- ings and finally murder, the weak- livered townsmen decide they must take a .stand. And to lead them they have a one-armed civil war hero Captain Sam Christie, Jeff Chandler, a man who's spirit has been ruined by his war wound, but who's soul has been refur- bished by a woman's wiles and a new strength of conscience. THE CHARACTERS are straight from a sociology\ text. Temem.- bers of the gang are the phil- osphical,, experienced Mexican (John Saxon), who has suffered continual frustration as a mem- ber of a minority group; "Mule," the oversized boy, anxious to turn his great physical strength against anyone who stands in his way; Davy, the follower; aid Jeb, the leader, a coward at heart who hides behind a show of bravado. Despite the heavyhandness of the characterization, and the fa- miliarity of the plot "The Plun- derers" is an enjoyable evening of entertainment. Appealing' both to Western and suspense film fans, The Plunderers" deserves a. somewhat better fate than a three day run. at the start of Christ- mas vacation. Harold Applebaum ithin the hall was a smoke-bomb by ingers. These in- hustled out and JNE ON SGC: The Recognition Problem DENT GOVERNMENT Council spent half i hour Wednesday night discussing re- tion of a group called Young Americans Ieedom, YAF is a politically conservative zation, dedicated to the principles of Iharon Statement. s commendable that the Council take this t time for the process of recognition. SGC d not be a rubberstamp for enthusiastic ants who want to organize for weak rea- mbership selection and its relation to Irawal of recognition have caused much est and some action in recent months, e Council has an even greater responsibility cognize properly and cautiously in the place, so that the question of withdrawal not arise. WEVER, THE Council session Wednesday id not generally center on points relevant e basic criteria for recognition. At times liscussion seemed to be a mocking attack ae political views of YAP President Wil- Sikkemga. e group's foundation, the Sharon State- , was adopted by the founders of national g Americans for Freedom Sept. 11, 1960, iaron, Conn. It outlines conservative views berty, the purposes and limits of govern- ment, the Constitution, market economy, the Communist menace and American foreign policy. One premise of the statement says, . *.*. foremost among the transcendent values is the individual's God-given free will, whence derives his right to be free from the restric- tions of arbitrary force . . . " Roger Seasonwein quizzed Sikkemga for ten minutes on the term "free will." SEASONWEIN CLAIMS that he has an ob- ligation to show the Council and others present whether the members o an organiza- tion understand the phrases they use in their constitution. Regardless of this, the point be- labored and did not deserve a third of the time given to the process of recognition. Philip Power asked Sikkemga how the group would verify that persons joining it did in fact support the Sharon Statement. The ques- tion was valid, yet Power's tone, both in asking and in receiving the answer, indicated that perhaps he was more interested in needling a conservative than in really hearing an answer for recognition purposes. Dennis Shafer's comments were only par- tially relevant to recognition. As a fellow- conservative, he was inclined to use Council time for personal questions about the group. "I think the Sharon Statement is great; I think your constitution and the whole set-up is great, but what kind of activities are you going to hold to implement the statement?" he asked. oNE REQUIREMENT for recognition is that the organization's program be in the stu- dents' hands. This need not necessarily cause the Council to ask about the specific activities planned by a group. The Calendaring Com- mittee deals with specific activities. Besides this requirement, a group asking for recognition must adopt certain financial procedures, have objectives consistent with the educational goals of the University, adhere to the membership regulation, and neither engage in subversive activities against the government nor advocate the overthrow of the government by force. The University Regulations booklet says that "recognition does not signify endorsement of specific ideals or programs of the organization, but provides an opportunity for those interested in such a group to utilize University facilities." Thus, in considering a grant of recognition the Council should limit its debate to questions which pertain to the conditions of recognition. The debate should not serve as a springboard for the oratory of members, nor should 'it become a source of Council humor at the expense of te organization's delegate. -PAT GOLDEN tation was still in doubt; it re.- mained uncertain whether the major trade unions would go along, The Socialist (FO) and Catholic (CFTC) trade-union confedera- tions were reluctant to undertake any common action with CGT, the Communist confederation. * * .*- UNEF SPOKESMEN, however, appeared less concerned about the failureofuunion support to jell, than about the attitude of the government. It seemed likely that the manifestation would be ban- ned, which would cut down sub- stantially on student participation. President Gaudez declared in a press interview (Oct. 14) that in sponsoring the manifestation, UNEF was playing its last legal card: "Among students, the movement for insubordination (refusal to answer the draft) is growing from day to day; if the enterprise which wethavegundertaken were to fail, then great numbers of young people would for lack of any other course choose clandes- tine action, insubordination, re- fusal: already the pressure on UNEF has reached a critical point Words and writings have not sufficed; let us hope that action will be more successful in con- vincing (the government) to act quickly." THE NEXT DAY, Oct. 15, the Communist Party central commit- tee met, and heard leaders Wal- deck Rochez and Maurice Thorex blast UNEF for its unilateral ac- tion. (The Communist Party or the CGT had not been consulted before UNEF published its communique.) The Party declared in a resolu- tion that "the working class and its party, without which nothing is possible, will not serve as a tool for any sort of organization." Their reaction was in part doc- trinal-the proletariat must be in the vanguard of all social action --and in part resentment at hav- ing been out-maneuvered by the youngsters of UNEF. ON OCT. 19, the morning papers caried the text of a joint appeal for a manifestation: "On invitation of UNEF. re- presentatives of the CGT, CFTC, UNEF and FEN (teachers' federa- tion) met. A national day of action was decided upon, for Oct. 27:- for peace by negotiation in Al- geria;-for mutual guarantees of the faithful application of the principle of self-determination;-- for the safeguard of democracy and its fundamental principles." UNEF, PEN, COT and CFTC each published a similar state- ment of its own, and called upon members to participate. There were, one noted, several dis- crepancies in these statements. CFTC, the Catholic group, went no further than declaring its sup- port for the aims of the mani- festation, and calling upon its CGT, THE COMMUNIST group, announced that while it supported the idea of a national day of pro- test, it was not prepared to under- take a centralized Paris mani- festation such as that sought by 'UNEF. Its members were urged to demonstrate at their factories one hour before the usual end of the' work day. The Socialists (FO) published a communique the same day, making it clear that they had replied negatively to the UNEF initiative. However, the Paris section of FO announced its support of UNEF. With the demonstration only eight days away, the gaps in the united syndicalist front were clear to all. UNEF HAD LITTLE time to dwell on its predicament, however. That same day, it was announced that its Assistant Vice-President for International Affairs, Domini- que Wallon, was being drafted into the army, effective Nov. 1. Since Wallon's academic stand- ing was excellent, it was clear that the move was politically-motivat- ed, and was aimed at UNEF itself. UNEF immediately went to the telephone, getting in touch with all the liberal newspapers, while Wallon closeted himself with a lawyer., * * * IT WAS DECIDED to appeal the decision to annul his deferment in two ways: through the re- cruitment board of the district in which Paris is located, and through the administrative courts, charging an illegal action by the Ministry of Defense. The next day, it being clear the manifestation would be banned, UNEF apparently obtained the agreement of the Communists to go along with their plans. UNEF formally requested permission to hold a manifestation on the Place de la Bastille at 6 p.m., and was turned down by the government. UNEF announced it would hold it anyhow. Once it was clear that UNEF and the trade-unions would at- tempt to hold the manifestation despite the ban, political groups of all shades made their positions known. These ranged from those of the Left which for the most part supported the UNEF initi- ative, to Rightist groups such as the Union of Veterans of North Africa, which asked that the mani- festation not be banned so all veterans from North Africa, and all nationalists, might come to the rendezvous "to see that our sol- diers are respected." * * * AS OCT. 27 drew near, it be- came clear that if a manifestation were held, it woijld be in the classic tradition of French political rallies. The police would attack with zeal, as they always did when the demonstrators were of the Left, using their heavy night-sticks and fire, pulling up paving stones and filling the air with them. It was clear people would be injured; deaths might result. Yet to pull out was impossible, in UNEF's view. The manifestation was essential to demonstrate the degree of opposition to the govern- ment's Algeria policy. * * * DURING THIS period, the UN- EF office was an armed camp. A visitor had to shout his name and errand through the door, and was then scrutinized through the keyhole. Once in the vestibule, he found himself surrounded by ath- letic types carrying sticks. The entrances to the individual offices were all but blocked by packing cases and filing cabinets. These precautions were 'not ex- cessive, apparently, because 30 members of Young Nation did break in on Oct. 25. They were repelled by the student syndi- calists, who had wisely prepared teargas bombs for such eventuali- ties. * * * ON OCT. 24, UNEF resolved the dilemma of the banned manifes- tation with a brilliant stroke. The Minister of the Interior met with UNEF President Gaudez, and representatives of CFTN, FEN, and the Paris section of FO, and received permission to hold a, modified manifestation. The conditions agreed to were that UNEF and the others would hold a "private" meeting inside one of Paris' largest halls, using the area immediately outside the building to assemble. The Communists were made to look ridiculous, for that same morning they had again reversed their stand, and announced that they were not supporting the cen- tralized manifestation. UNEF would be holding the meeting with -the support of all Paris trade- unionists save the Cofimunists. * * * CGT (TIE Communist trade- union federation) tried to regain the initiative by sponsoring local demonstrations all over Fraxce, but one of its own members, the Paris Metal Workers, criticized it publicly for "letting the stu- dents down." The day of the manifestation, trouble again brewed, as the police denied that permission had been given for any activity outside the hall. It was obvious more people were going to appear than the hall could hold, and that meant violence. * * * AT 6 P.M., Oct. 27, there were 3500 people inside the large hall. Outside, 10-15000 more, mostly students, had gathered. Gaudez read a speech which had been approved by the other three participating organizations. Both he and Wallon received huge hands when introduced. The only sign of , counter- locked in the washrooms. Outside, things were not so calm. Several Socialist deputies and even two former Ministers; of the Interior were beaten by police. * * * THE FINAL TOLL was 533 people led off to the police-stations and 38 policemen injured. Num- erous demonstrators of the Left and of the Right were injured, by each other but especially of course by the police. The New Work Herald Tribune reported that the police attacked the Rightists most heavily, to pay them back for almost 'breaking the lines three weeks earlier be- fore the Presidential Palace. Le Monde, prestigious liberal daily, reported that the police had been singling out reporters and press photographers in their at- tatks, seemingly in an attempt to prevent documentation of police brutality- "The attitude of certain police- men left no doubt about .their sympathy and their political or- ientation," Le Monde commented acidly. * * * ALMOST COMPLETELY lost in the noise about the manifestation was the news that the government had taken a thorough beating on the attempted drafting of UNEF officer Wallon. The administrative court de- clared the case "not receivable," saying that the recruitment body had sole jurisdiction. As the re- cruitment body does not meet before next March, and can not in any case consider criterion other than academic, Wallon's defer- ment is insured. The morning after the manifes- tation, the Communist newspaper l'Mumanite declared the previous day of national protest to have. been "an immense success. "The Communist Party salutes the working class, the students and the intellectuals, the peasants, the French men and women of. all classes and all opinions who joined together in the action for peace in Algeria." ~ *.* THE DUST HAVING , settled, several things seem clear. UNEF's manifestation accurately demon- strated the strength of feeling against continuing the war in Al- geria. It represented a victory by unit- ing the non-Communist left in a single action, and hence an as- sertion of leadership within the Left by democratic forces. It also seems clear, however, that one can never know what effect if any the manifestation and other protests have had on, the policy of Gen. de Gaulle, who seems bent on arriving at snail's pace at a solution acceptable to neither Right nor Left. Suggestion.,. To the Editor: W E APPRECIATE the difficul- ties and problems associated with the idea of a Peace Corps which have been anticipated by the people whose signature is "Americans for the Prevention of the Second Generation of Ugly American." These people obviously attended the ACWR Work Sym- posium held last weekend and should then well understand solu- tions to the very problems which they suggested. * * * IF THE AMERICANS for the Prevention of the Second Genera- tion of the Ugly American are really serious about their criti- cisms and are interested in some- thing other than a Goldwater-ian posture (seated with feet on desk), they will join with us in the ACWR -study program to make sure that their concerns are given the con- sideration which they deserve. --Bert Qarskof, Grad. J. Joseph Pia, Grad, Disappointment.... To the Editor: WOULD LIKE to add my name to those of Anita Fecht, Felix Pappalardi, and 86 other music students in expressing 'my dis- appointment in finding no men- tion nor review of the University Choir Christmas Concert in your newspaper. ** * THOUGH I AM not a music student, I have had the privilege of singing in Maynard Klein's University Choir for three semes- ters and feel. that the tireless of- forts of Mr. Klein and his Choirs to properly prepare and perform the ;complex and beautiful works of J. S. Bach, Michael Praetorius, and others, at least deserves some mention in the campus newspaper. -David C. Macleod, Spec. Knowledge... To the Editor: AFTER attending the program last night on the House Un- American Activities Committee and seeing the movie "Operation Abo- lition," the importance of knowl- edge becomes quite clear. Perhaps many Americans upon seeing the movie that was in part compiled with the active support of HUAC will believe what they were 'told. This is sad. In many places, the narrative completely contradicted what was being shown. When pictures of students standing were shown, the announ- cer said that there was active resistance to the demands of the police. These obvious contradic- tions were in addition to the errors of fact and false representation that appeared in the film. It is hard to undersand how the basic freedoms of the United States can be protected if the American public are only given LETTERS to the EDITOR I I Reversal HE SOUTH has found a new way to fight ithe federal government in the battle over isI integration of the public schools. Since anksgiving, a nearly 100 per cent boycott by ite students of the newly integrated New eans schools has been maintained. . 1 this form of resistance spreads as the lional courts continue to order more and re integration, it could have interesting isequences. In a generation or so, the Ne- es could be the educated professional class the South, while the "superior" white citi- s would be illiterate and fit for little but nual labor. -R. FARRELL Editorial Staff THOMAS HAYDEN, Editor NAN MARKELLJEAN SPENCER City Editor Editorial Director NNETH McELDOWNEY ..... Associate City Editor OMAS WITECKI .............. Sports Editor ROLD APPLEAIAM ...... Associate Sport. Editor rl A 41WTnfl R A .,A..ninto Snors+ Eitor /DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETI'N, . r : ... :.. t .. .. .. .} . .. .. . . -.t a . .. .". -. . .. . .,,.