THE MICHIGAN DAILY (nti-Communists Gain ntwO n urbulent Vietiane; led aotianCit V INDEPENDENCE: Rebels Burna UN Committee Supports Embassy Controlled Algerilan Vote DuringRetreat American Personnel rNITED NATIONS (-) - The h tt Evacuated from City therefore outside the Jurisdiction E autdfo iy fF Membership Rule, Student Action Make Ne (Continued from Page 1) O1 U United Nations political committee last night recommended that the, Algerian people be permitted to decide their own future in a re- ferndum organized, controlled and supervised by the UN. The vote on the Asian-African proposal was 47-20 with 28 ab- staining. This was slightly more than the two-thirds majority required for General Assembly approval, but the fate of the resolution was not certain. In any event the recommenda- tion was expected to be rejected by France. The French delegation boycotted the entire UN debate Loa guerrilla forces supporting French internal problem and of the United Nations. The United States was among those voting against the propo- sal. Assistant Secretary of State Francis 0. Wilcox said the United States favors a referendum under neutral supervision, but feels that under present circumstances the Asian-African resolution would only encourage extremists on both sides. . "The road to real progress," Wilcox said, "lies in a renewal of discussions." The Algerian debate took place against a background of violence and death in Algeria where Presi- dent Charles 4e Gaulle had sought to explain his latest peace plan in a personal visit. BANGKOK (M)-Big guns of re- treating Red forces set ablaze the United States embassy and other buildings yesterday in Vietiane. Americans and many others fled the fought-over capital of Laos. Non-Communists seemed to have gained the upper hand by early this morning. Communists appeared to have fired aimlessly from the edges of the city in hit-or-miss efforts to destroy it as they left. Radio reports from United States embassy employes in Vien- tiane this morning described the capital as quiet. The fires set by shelling of retreating pro-Com- munists had died down. Shell Embassy The United States embassy was among more than 10 buildings badly damaged by fire after being hit by shells. Four Americans have suffered minor injuries in the three days of fighting for the city between forces led by Gen. Phoumi Nosa- van and pro-Communist Pathet Laos guerrilla forces supporting Science and Technology and Prof. John W. Lederle, director of the Institute of Public Administra- tion. New Building. The University began building for the future this year - with state - approved capital outlay funds, the first in four years. The construction gap was be- ing partially filled by federal and private aid: the Kresge Founda- tion is putting up the largest part of funds for a new center for the study of hearing and federal and private agencies combined to fi- nance the Pharmacy Research Building, which was dedicated Dec. 1. The first building dedicated this year was the Mental Health Re- search Institute, constructed with both University and private funds. From the state, came $9 million for the Physics-Astronomy Insti- tute Building and a structure to house the University's two cyclo- trons. The state also provided cash to remodel several present structures. The music school building, the promised second part of the medi- cal science building, and a fluids engineering structure were passed over, and have been resubmitted along with other requests for leg- islative approval. The University is also going ahead with a $900,000 addition to the Student Activities. Bldg. Financed by student fees, the ad- dition will house offices of the University's expanding adminis- tration. Membership... SGC last May took a first big step toward eliminating discrim- inatory practices in recognized student organizations. The Council unanimously pass- ed a regulation which requires the groups to "select membership and afford opportunities to members on the basis of personal merit and not race, color, religion, creed, na- tional origin or ancestry." A membership selection com- mittee in student organizations- presently consisting of four stu- dents, one professor and two ad- ministrators-was set up to ad- vise the Council, which has final authority, on policy decisions in the area and to investigate al- leged discrimination in the stu- dent groups. The committee organized thisI fall must submit its operating pro- cedures for Council approval be- fore semester's end. It will then be ready to function. Partially to aid the membership selection committee and partially to implement its general func- tion of recognition, the Council passed a motion requiring frater- nities and sororities to submit a statement of their written and un- written membership rules, regu- lations, policies and criteria. Previously, the deans of men and women kept these statements. Student Action... University students took an ac- tive, organized interest in nation- al and world affairs with activi- ties ranging from the Ann Arbor Direct Action Committee's picket- ing of local stores to the forma- tion of a conservative group, the Young Americans For Freedom, this month. AADAC evolved out of a group of student picketers and local cit- izens who began demonstrations last spring against alleged .dis- criminatory practices. They pick- eted a State St. dress shop ac- cused of discriminating against Negroes in Ann Arbor, and branches of national chain stores accused of discrimination in the South. On the national student scene, Challenge, an idea born at Yale and rapidly spreading West, hit World News Roundup By The Associated Press LONDON - The Ethiopian ra- dio reported last night an "in- human massacre" in Addis Abara, where crown prince Asfa Wassan has been proclaimed king replac- ing his father, deposed emperor Haile Selassie. Several civilians were reported killed and many wounded. The broadcast said "A group of bandits .. . opened fire on peace- ful civilians demonstrating for the new representative people's govern- ment." It reported later that "the two fighting parties have settled their dispute" and agreed to work with the new regime. KATMANDU, Nepal - King Mahendra yesterday arrested' popular premier B. P. Koirala and other cabinet ministers, sus- pended the constitution, and took over all powers in this Himalayan kingdom. He accused the Koirala govern- and order, harboring undesirable activity and killing the peoples' democratic aspirations." It was the first elected government in the' nation's history. . * * UNITED NATIONS -- India and Yugoslavia were preparing a re- solution last night aimed at plac- ing all Congolese military forces under command of the United Nations. Diplomatic sources said the new proposal would be submitted to the UN General Assembly before it convenes this morning for debate on the Congo. U.S. Support WASHINGTON (9) - The United States yesterday pledged its full backing to the fledgling anti-Communist government of Laos in its battle to maintain its freedom and prevent a takeover from any neighboring Com- munist regime. incoln White, State Depart- ment press officer, made the United States position clear and indicated that full assistance will be given to Prince Boun Oum, head of the newly-formed government. leftist paratrooper Capt. Kong Le. An Associated Press correspon- dent said anti-Communist forces held the center of the city last night and the aimlessness of the shelling suggested Kong Le may make good his threat to level Vien- tiane before giving it up. Set Afire The United States embassy was hit by three mortar shells before flames from an adjacent building set its roof afire. The opening up of shell fire prompted the mass evacuation. Moon Rocket Fails in Flight CAPE CANAVERAL (P) - A massive Atlas-Able moon rocket exploded in flight yesterday, end- ing an abortive $40 million United States program to launch the first lunar satellite. The blazing explosion 40,000 feet over the Atlantic hurled flaming fragments of the 10-story- tall rocket and a 388-pound space- craft into the water 8 to 12 miles off Cape Canaveral. The silver- plated spacecraft was crammed with electronic instruments geared to make an extensive study of the moon's environment. STUDENT PICKETER * direct action the University this year with a first conference, one on Ameri- can Civil Liberties. Out of national election issues grew Americans Committed to World Responsibility, a local group begun by Alan and Judith Guskin, both graduate students. This group is dedicated to urging the establishment of an Inter- national Youth Corps, an overseas civil service. Local political interest mani- fested itself in Voice, student lib- eral political party, which suc- ceeded in electing its three candi- dates to SGC in the best-organiz- ed political campaign in years. Advocates of student action, the group stresses great student in- volvement in all affairs which touch the student. Most recently the directed stu- dent interest has emerged in ac- tivities like a blood drive to raise 11 7 TC ;X 3i +, "e 1+ '.r «; } 3cS c ,: R a: i c ' L as'Fp53 3L i Open Monday and Friday evenings until 8:30 P.M. ON FOREST off corner of S. 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