Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
L. LXXI, No. 72
'U' Faculty Supports
WSU Speaker Stand
Members Would Ask College Heads
To Reach Uniform Policy On Ban
Faculty members gave their personal support to the recent deci-
sion of the Wayne State University Board of Governors to reaffirm
its stand lifting a ban on Communist speakers and to ask the Council
of State College Presidents to take a unified stand on the matter..
Prof. Sheridan Baker of the English department said, "I would
hope the University will take a stand and that it will be in support
of. Wayne. Government should not tamper with this freedom of
speech. I'l
"If all the universities make their position solid and clear,
and after the issue is clarified, I do not believe the Legislature
will take any particular ac-
... visits mid-east
Clains, Trip
Created Jobs
Prof. Henry J. Gomberg of the
nuclear engineering department
regards his recent trip to Tur-
key, Israel and Greece as helping
to create jobs for foreign scien-
tists in 'their own countries and
expand the opportunities for cre-
ative ideas on atomic energy.
He made the three-week trip
on behalf of the federal govern-j
ment to advise the three nations
on developing peace-time uses of
atomic energy.
"The production of ideas is still
a world-wide responsibility," he
said yesterday. "It is just as pos-
sible for a Greek, a Korean or a
Pakistani to come up with the
bright flash of an idea as an
American or Russian-if he has
the education and incentive."
Educated People
The International Cooperation
Administration, the federal agen-
cy which sponsored his trip, rec-
ognizes that research depends on
ideas from educated people, Prof.
Gomberg, who is director of the
Michigan Memorial Phoenix Proj-
ect, said.
In small, developing countries,
one of the major problems is to
find ways to keep their educated'
people from emigrating to nations
which can give them the research
jobs they want, he pointed out.
"Atomic energy has captured
the imagination of the countries
of the world," he explained, but
smaller nations cannot build an
effective atomic energy program
without outside help. Consequent-
ly, the United States, as well as
the International Atomic Energy
Agency and the Soviet Union, help
them begin and operate such pro-
Academic Level
Responding to a request from
the Israel Institute of Technology
(via the ICA), Prof. Gomberg
helped plan education and re-
search in atomic energy on an
academic level there.
Afterward, in Greece, he made
recommendations on the best ways
for the United States to spend
money to train Greek personnel in
the atomic energy field. The visit,
his third to Greece, was request-
ed by the United States Opera-
tions Mission there.
Prof. Gomberg had opened his
trip with a stay in Turkey to
study the status and operations
of the United States atomic ener-
gy assistance program in that
country. He returned there Nov.
"One measure of the success
of our helpfulness is if our rec-
ommendations are accepted and
if we are asked to come back," he
said. "So far, the record had been
Prof. Gomberg has nrAreviosv
In regard to the threat by State
Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Bliss-
field) that WSU would have dif-
ficulty in securing state funds un-
less they reinstated the ban, Prof.
Baker said, "If he is faced with a
strong stand by the universities, I
think Sen. Porter (chairman of
the Senate appropriations com-
mittee) will do little. If he tries
to bring pressure against Wayne
by withholding funds, I imagine
the pressure in turn will be
brought against him by either the
universities together or the Amer-
ican Association of University
Policy Good
Prof. Arthur Eastman, of the
English department, said, "The
WSU policy is good as it now
stands, and I think the council
will take up the issue.
Prof. Robert Doerr of the Den-
tal School, said, "This is a matter
of extreme importance to insti-
tutes of higher education and one
which calls for better communica-
tion with our many various pub-
lics to make them understand the
importance of this principle. We
would be in great difficulty if we
cannot maintain this freedom.
Faculty Agrees
"This faculty agrees with the
principle for which WSU is fight-
Prof. Solomon Axelrod, direc-
tor of the Bureau of Public Health
Economics, cited the letter to WSU
from the Michigan Conference of
the AAUP which approved the po-
sition of the Detroit university.
Prof. Carl Fischer, chairman
of the University Lecture Com-
mittee, said he agreed with Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher
in that the Regents' By-law was
not similar to the presently lifted'
Wayne ban. He said the by-law
(8.11) bars only those speakers ,
advocating the overthrow of the
government by violence or other
illegal means,
MSU Loans
to New School
Prof. Raymond Hatch, assistant
dean of Michigan State Univer-
sity's education school, will be
the second planning administra-
tor loaned to the Board of Con-
trol of Grand Valley College,
Grand Rapids.
The University, Wayne State
University, and Grand Rapids
Junior College will each give the'
new school the services of an
administrator to work on site se-{
lection, curriculum, fund-raising,
state appropriations and integra-
tion with other colleges.
- The depressed areas study com-
mittee, assembled by President-
elect John F. Kennedy, has defined
the basic facts and causes of
chronic unemployment and will
begin the search for solutions this
week at meetings in Washington,
D.C., Prof. William Haber of the
economics department said yester-
Prof. Haber, a member of the
committee, reported the existence
of 100 labor market areas in the
United States which are experi-
encing persistant and chronic un-
employment with the actual un-
employment rate nearly twice the
national one.
The causes include the depletion
of resources is in West Virginia,
Pennsylvania, and the Upper Pen-
insula, migration of industry as
in New England, and decentraliza-
tion of auto production from
Michigan to other states.
Shifts in demand as in textiles,
technological changes and auto-
mation which have affected em-
ployment in coal and other indus-
trials, plus the factors of age,
race, lack of proper training and
obsolescence of once-valued skills
also figure in the unemployment
"The number of youngsters en-
tering the labor force in the next
decade will rise by nearly 50 per
cent and jobs must be found for
them. There are no easy answers
to these problems.
"It is easy to suggest that in-
dustry be encouraged to enter a
community rather than to move a
labor surplus out. What industries
to move in, how to induce them
and to what areas should people
be induced to emigrate are the
specific practical questions which
can only be decided after careful
study," Prof. Haber said.
To implement the study, the
group has been divided into six
sub-committees, each on a specific
problem. The first will study the
area redevelopment bill which was
passed in the last session of Con-
gress, but vetoed by President
Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Highway, recreational and pub-
lic works programs, distribution of
defense contracts and dispersal of
vital government property, inter-
national trade and tax policy and
national fuel policy with coal and
mineral research will be studied
by four other sub-committees.
The sixth sub-committee will
view the labor force problem with
reference to youth, and to older.
and underprivileged workers as
well as problems of food distribu-
tion, public assistance and unem-
ployment insurance.
"A distinction must be made
between areas of chronic and long
term unemployment and areas of
temporary or short term unem-
ployment. The former exists even
in times of prosperity and cannot
be solved by general anti-recession
measures although prosperity will,
influence the chronic areas," Prof.
Haber said.
"Senator Kennedy believes that
we have studied enough, that it is
now time to act. In the report of
Jan. 1, he wishes us to make pro-
posals that could go into effect"
quite soon as well as long term:
plans ."I
SGC Vetoes
For Rights
Motion Would Create
Board of Grievances
Student Government Council
early Thursday morning defeated
a motion to establish a student
rights committee after three proxy
votes had been cast.
The motion, presented by Daily
Editor Thomas Hayden, '61, and
Roger Seasonwein, '61, outlined
a student rights committee to
serve three functions: to serve as
a board of grievance for students;
to investigate policies and prac-
tices at the University which in-
fringe upon the rights and liber-
ties of students; and to prepare a
booklet on student rights and re-
Opposing the idea, Union Pre-
sident Perry Morton, '61, claimed
that no problem of student rights
exists. "I have never seen an in-
fringement of student rights. We
shouldn't be legislating In this
area-we should legislate for the
benefit of the University."
Motion Questions
He also questioned what con-
stitutes a student right.
Hayden explained student rights
in terms of "a pattern of relation-
ships which should prevail in a
university community. This in-
cludes the way men make decisions
and the way men tolerate other
SOC Executive Vice-President
Per Hanson, '62, objected that
machinery already exists to deal
with student rights.
Philip Power, Grad., commented,
"There may be rules, but often
the question is whether people are
carrying out the rules properly.
We needn't tacitly accept the
status quo just because it is writ-
ten in rules booklets. We have a
responsibility as university stu-
dents to examine things critically."
Thirteen Present
Thirteen Council members were
present at the meeting during dis-
cussion of the proposed committee.
During this time two amendments
to the motion passed and one
The Council decided to accept~
three proxy votes held by SGC
President John Feldkamp, '61, but
defeated Seasonwein's motion for
a recess until he could acquire the
proxy votes of the other two Coun-
cil members who had not cast
Council members present voted
6-5 in favor of the motion; the
addition of three proxy votes
changed the tally to 7-8 against.
Seasonwein asked for permission
again to get the other two proxy
votes, but the chair ruled that thea
voting had been concluded.
Seasonwein contended that al-l
though he opposed such proxies,
"if you allow three of them, you
should make certain that all others
are counted."I
Goldberg for abinet Positioi
Ignoring the spectre of last year's
financial crises, the University
took several steps this year to-
ward building and understanding
its future.
Some of these steps were fal-
tering, some were bold. In aca-
demic and physical planningathe
University made important deci-
sions-changing distribution re-
quirements in the literary college,
initiating a major building pro-
gram on state and federal capi-
tal outlay funds.
It was a year of growing aware-
ness-students becoming aware of
the country and of the world, ad-
ministrators becoming moreaware
of the growing pressures of stu-
dents, Student Government Coun-
cil attempting to assert itself -
within the University and across
the country.
As awareness grew, organization
grew with it, After the quiet death
of the Political Issues Club mark-
ed the low ebb of student inter-
est last year, this showed a rapid
upsurge in new, active student
organizations-revival of the PIC
and the so-called "student-move-
The $35.2 million state appro-
Fills Offi
priation, which still did "not meet
the minimum needs of the Uni-
versity," according to University
President Harlan Hatcher, re-
flected the steadily increasing
needs and functions of the Uni-
versity. .
Although the appropriation was
more than one-third of the total
state education budget, the Uni-
versity said the high cost of ex-
tensive advanced training and re-
search required $3.5 million more
than was appropriated.
Nonetheless, the budget total
represented a $2.4 million increase
over last year's-most of the ex-
tra funds going to academic sal-
ary increases, listed as an abso-
lute necessity by officials shaken
by increasing faculty losses.
Not provided for: funds for staff
additions, arrears in mainitenance,
and library books and services.
Reacting to University com-
plaints of sub-minimal funds, one
Isenator commented, "You could
add $15 million (to the entire $109
million higher education budget)
and still have complaints."
State Democrats did attempt to
raise the higher education appro-
priation, but they were largely
frustrated by GOP majorities and
the continuing spectre of the
state's shaky financial structure.
Tuition Boost...
Pressed by the "inadequate"
state appropriation, the Regents
"reluctantly" approved a substan-
tial tuition boost-continuing the
trend toward higher costs for
higher education. The second tui-
tion hike in the last four years,
this one will provide the Univer-
sity with approximately $1.6 mil-
lion from the increase.
Out-of-state tuition for under-
graduates was raised from $300 to
$375 per semester, in-state from
$125 to $140. At the same time,.
the Regents voted a $200,000 stu-
dent aid fund, to "help the stu-
dents for whom the fee increase
will cause a serious hardship."
U Future...
The fumbling attempts of the
University to understand the pres-
sures upon it and its role/ in fu-
ture education, played a large part
in the important news of the year.
The pressure of the long-dread-
ed "war babies" hit the Univer-
sity with the double blow of in-
creased numbers of applicants and
panic-driven multiple applications
this year, throwing the University
into consideration of emergency
"We had to cut out some of the
top Michigan residents for the first
time in the history of the Univer-
sity," Admissions Director Clyde
Vroman reported, threatening a
possible increase in selectivity if
the pressure continued to rise.
In mid-April numbers of appli-
cants and legislative pressure had
grown so intense that the admis-
sions office began to consider se-
verely limiting numbers of out-of-
state students.
But while it closed its doors to
more and more students, the Uni-
versity expanded in other areas.
President Hatcher named Lyle
Nelson vice-president for Univer-
sity relations in July-giving add-
ed recognition to its public rela-
tions program. The Dearborn
Center opened its literary college
New faculty members, mostly
young men, but including a few
established names, filled the gaps
left by last year's losses, which
included Prof. Leo Goldberg and
Prof. William Liller of the astron-
omy department, Prof. Robert
White, director of the Institute of.
-Daily--James Warneka
PRESIDENT-ELECT--John F. Kennedy visited the campus in October on one of his campaign
swings through the state. Vice-President Richard M. Nixon came later, but he did not speak at the
University itself, as Kennedy did briefly.
'U' Prepares for Future
F or Labor,
Announces Dawson,
Declined Appoiftmein
To Administration
WASHINGTON ()--Presidei
elect John F. Kennedy last nij
chose Minnesota's Gov. Orv
Freeman to r be his Secretary
Kengnedy also picked AlL-C
lawyer Arthur J. Goldberg,
apostle of labor - managem(
peace, as his Secretary of Labo
Freeman and Goldberg -- bc
Democrats -- were the sixth a
seventh cabinet selections made
the President-eject and left h
with three spots yet to fill-Se]
tary of the Treasury, Attorne
General and Postmaster Gene,
Earlier in the day, Kennedy d
closed that 74-year-old Rep. W
Liam L. Dawson (D-Ill) had c
clined appointment as Postma
General, passing up the chance
be the first Negro cabinet mem
in the nation's history.
The gray - haired Goldberg
hailed by Kennedy as perhaps t
most competent American In ,t
labor relations field-declarped
will work to end bitterness t
tween unions and employers.
also placed the solving of unei
ploym'ent problems high on ]
priority list.
And he pledged? to enforce t
labor laws evenhandedly and WI
Loses Qovernorship
The youthful Freeman, a ye
younger than Kennedy, was A~
feated in November in his bid i
reelection as governor of Mini
It was Freeman who nominat
Kennedy for the Presidency at V
Democratic National Conventi
in Los Angeles last July.
Before becoming governor
Minnesota in 1955, Freeman serv
as mayor of Minneapolis. He k
his bid for another term as gove
nor on Nov. 8 while Minnesc
went for Kennedy by a narrc
Names McGovern
A few minutes after announci
appointment of Freeman, the Pre
ident-elect said he was nami:
Rep. George McGovern (D-SD)
director of the new administr
tion's "food for peace" progran
The program is a plan for di
tribution of commodities abro
with a view to promoting intern
tional good will and at the sar
time relieving huge domestic su
The 38-year-old McGovern,
two-term House member, tried f
the Senate this year, but was d
LSA Group
The Literary College Steet,
Committee yesterday recommendU
the institution of comprehensi
examinations to be taken by s
graduating senior in theit ind
vidual fields of concentration.
The recommendation wis mac
to the Literary'College Curriulu4
In recommending it, the col
mittee said that the most signi
cant effect of such a progra
would be the raising of the it
lectual tone of the college.
Have Broader Scope
The compprehensives are to 1
broader in scope than a final e
amination with graduation ci
tingent upon, a passing grade.
"The program might act as
rule of reason interposed to chec
extreme fractionalization and corn
partmentalization of knowledge
the recommendation said.
Advantages accruing from suc
a program, as listed in the recor
MSU Trustees To Consider
Two-Year Medical School
The Michigan State University Board of Trustees today will hear
a proposal for study of a possible two-year medical school at the
East Lansing campus.
A top University official is cautious about the meaning of the
Vice-President and Dean of Faculties Marvin L. Niehuss says
MSU plans are not the University's concern, but he is q\uick to empha-
- --size that the second unit of the
Medical Science Building, which
Students Face Bleak Travel Conditions
As the mass exodus of University students bound home for
Christmas begins, the migrating scholar may find travel conditions
bleak and yet somewhat encouraging.
Weather conditions seem bound to give him more than enough
s to worry about. A cold front, aided by strong, gusty winds, spread
over the middle of the continent yesterday. All reports indicate that
either rain or snow flurries will be encountered by the majority
of travelers to the East, especially New York and Washington.
Transportation systems out of Ann Arbor, however, say that
they are prepared to handle the abnormally-heavy number of passen-
gers in spite of weather conditions.
Trains Add Extra Cars
The local train station, girding up to handle a portion of the
many students expected to leave the University, reports it has
added extra cars to its regular trains to help meet the increased
travel demands.
East-bound road travelers are warned to be wary of icy road
conditions along some portions of the Pennsylvania and New Jersey
would complete University medical
facilities, is yet to be built. The
'building has been a top-priority
item in recent University capital
outlay requests.
And MSU Provost Miller says
MSU wants to "try to make it per-
fectly clear that we recognize
great needs at the University and
Wayne State University. We hope
they are met and developed."
Under the proposal, MSU offici-
als would consider establishment
of the medical program consisting
of preclinical disciplines---such as
biochemistry and anatomy. This
could be based on already-existing
faculties and facilities.
Miller says MSU would have to
investigate in what areas the uni-
versity needs additional resources
to carry out the basic medical
The two-year medical program
would furnish students for the
estimated 650 upper class openings
at other medical schools.
Regents Plan
To Consider
Staff Parking
Approval of a faculty-staff park-
ing structure to be constructed
on Thompson St. will head the
agenda of the Regents meeting at
2:00 p.m. today.
The Regents will also hear a
special renort on the nrogress and