Seventy-First Year EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBICATIONS b Will Prevail' STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241 rials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints. French Students and Algeria (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the firstsĀ¢ of two articles on the French na- tional student union and the A1 geriau question. Thomas Turner, N '60, former Daily editor, and Wil- : 11am Lee, a graduate of Dartmouth College, are overseas representatives of the United States National Stu- dent Association studying 4t the Institute of Political Studies, Uni- versity of Paris.) , DECEMBER 15, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: ANDREW HAWLEV ACWR Syinposium Causes, Examination of Practicality UPPORTERS OF AMERICANS Committed to World Responsibility have been forced take a long, hard look at their program a result of this weekend's work symposium., The symposium itself was a pretty unspeseta- .lar affair. None of the national figures in- ted to address the. group were able to make so he conference was limited to local talent. vertheless, I suspect that it has set a lot of. ople thinking. In order to understand the impact, it is ne-' ssary to appreciate the prevailing mood nong members of the ACWR prior to the nference. That mood was characterized by e unquestioned belief that no thoughtful, ogressive American could posibly object to e program being advanced. Opposition was pected, to be sure, but only from reaction- les, isolationists, veterans groups, and a few ng-haired economists who brooded about such ifles as the balance of payments. Republican position was generally regarded as a pre- ection stance which would quickly dissolve. s Brian Glick commented when drafting the oung Democrat's endorsement of the ACWR, upporting this program is like supporting' other and the Flag. 'HE FIRST JOLT to this blind optimism was Gilbert Bursley's speech Friday night. ithout attempting to "throw cold water" on e group's enthusiasm, as he put it, Bursley vertheless posed a long list of problems hich had to be worked out before the peace .rp could be successfully organized. The eech was hardly profound. It was anecdotally -iculous in places, as in its emphasis on oosing a name for the movement that would anslate well into other languages. Neverthe- ss, it had a definite impact. Over and over heard people say they had "never realized ere were so many problems involved." Now, the questions Bursley raised should have cured to anyone who had carefully considered fe concept of a youth corps. The reaction to s speech implied that, hard as it is to :lieve, many supporters of ACWR had never .lly thought through the program they so ,rnestly advocated. MERE ARE BRAINS in the movement, and plenty of them, but the intellectual qualifi- toins of its members has laways been subor- nated to the emotional. It was enough that person know, in a general way, the low level literacy, high infant mortality and tech- Dlogical primitiveness of the underdeveloped eas. The importnat thing was that he should assionately "want to help." As a consequence, e membership of ACWR was well armed -with ealism, enthusiasm and a strong service otive, but lacking knowledge of the world it )ught to conquer. Prof. Hayes stated Friday ght, "I see no need for protracted study id planning," and no line could better have iptured the mood of his audience. There was hasty impatience, a desire to "get going," it with amazingly little thought of where to , and why. Symbolic of this mood was the reaction to Bursley's suggestion that the organization should set down in writing its objectives, both general and specific. This caused quite a stir, with the result that the enrollment in the study group on purpose exceeded that for any other issue. It is not surprising that some interest should be shown in the overall objectives of the youth corps. What Is surprising is that the organization could have come so far without formulating them, BuRSLEY'S SPEECH, upsetting though it was to many, had nevertheless been concerned only with details such as legal arrangements, sharing of costs, choice of a name. Still there had been no challenge to the overriding pre- mise: that the youth corps was a fundamentally sound idea and could be of real service to the underdeveloped areas. In the seminars Satur- day, members of the ACWR were confronted for the first time with the possibility that their program was unworkable, on philosophic grounds as. well as administrative. And the challenge came, not from reactionary interests. but from the faculty members best qualified to render a judgement. T IS DIFFFICULT to sumup the tone of the seminars in a word or two. The contribution of the faculty and student participation varied greatly from group to group. But the overall position of the speakers is probably best described as one of "friendly skepticism." Stu- dentsc were_,told that pure idealism was not enough, that the real need was for technical and social skills of a type which would dis- qualify, most members of ACWR. More significantly, they were given several good reasons for doubting the feasibility and wisdom of the whole idea. Natives might use the peace corps as a scapegoat for the defer- ment of dreams, they were warned. American skills are so much a part of the modern en- vironment that they might prove useless in primitive surroundings. Youth corps members might even end up dependent for survival on the very backward people they intended to aid. Unfamiliarity with local ocnditions could make a mockery of grandiose improvement pro- grams. Members of the youth corps might be resented because of their color, their con- nection with colonialism, their very youth. There was a real danger that far from improv- ing our position in the world, a youth corps might actually worsen them. THESE WERE SOBERING observations. They must have given pause to students who, rushing from one committee meeting to an- other, had failed -to think through the im- plications of their program. Only the future progress of the movement will show whether the weekend symposium has in fact disillusion- ed backers of the ACWR. But it is safe to say that the conference was an important water- shed. The idealistic, unquestioning support of the program must now give way to a realistic examination of its possibilities and perils, by students fully aware that the whole idea of a youth corps may have to be abandoned. .-JOAIN ROBERTS By THOMAS TURNER and WILLIAM LEE T E RECENT history of UNEF, the French national union of students, is dominated by one overwhelmipg problem: the six- year war in Algeria. UNEF has been torn to pieces several times by disputes over the war. Yet It-,now stands as a major force in the French Left, again because of the Algerian problem and its position thereon. But as the problem itself seems little nearer to successful resolu- tion than at any other stage in the past six years, UNEF continues to operate in a vacuum under the deGaulle government, which is re- sponsible far less to public pres- sures than to the General's private assessment of how far he can push the Right without bringing para- troops down on Paris and his Fifth Republic down in ruins. In sum, the recent history of UNEF is a recent history of France herself. UNEF has long held the posi- tion that students are "young in- tellectual workers," that a student union is a trade union which must lobby for better working condi- tions for its members. Within the context of the high- ly-centralized French educational system, in which a single national ministry is responsible for a na- tionwide system of schools, this no- tion of "student syndicalism" is a logical development. UNEF, as representative of the French students, received a subsidy from the Ministry of Education, and periodically petitioned the minister for more scholarships, more and better student restaur- ants and hostels, higher teaching salaries, and the like. In most European countries, the syndicalist tradition has led to a strict a-politicism, the student union not jeopardizing its cam- paign for material well-being of its members by taking controver- sial stands. This was the position of UNEF, until four years ago, THE MAIN FACTOR which led to the politicization of UNEF is one which has been felt by all the unions of Europe and the English- speaking world-the necessity for communication and cooperation with student groups from Asia, Africa and Latin America. These groups from the "under- developed areas" must by nature be political. Under a dictatorial government, such as that in Spain or the Dominican Republic, under a backward economy, such as that of Bolivia or India, or under both, as for example in the Portuguese colonies of Mozambique and An- gola, one cannot hope for academ- ic freedom and material benefits for the students without a change in the overall system. Contacts with student unions from these areas have led the a- political unions to compromise their opposition to political stands, and have educated them to the very real problems of the Asians, Africans and Latin Americans. IN THE CASE of UNEF, politi- cization was particularly impor- tant since Paris is an important focus of international student ac- tivity. Students from all corners of the present and former French co- lonial system congregate there, and their groups are for the most part{ quite far left. To maintain TODAY AND TOMORROW T he Picking and Choosing By WALTER LIPPMANN rE THING comes through clearly enough from the way Sen. Kennedy has been choos- g his Cabinet. It is that he has not been put- g together just a Cabinet. He has been put- ig together an Administration. He has no in- ition, it seems plain enough, of following the senhower pattern. He does not mean to ap- Int a few men like John Foster Dulles and orge Humphrey and then to delegate all but a w ultimate decisions to them. Sen. Kennedy pects to be at the center of his administra- n, not to preside above it and in large degree art from it. He is not, therefore, handing over to the Sec-, ary of State the conduct of our foreign re- ions and to the Secretary of the Treasury the nduct of our financial and economic concerns. ther, he is selecting the teams of key men in e Departments, having it in mind that he I work with them. Doing that is an intricate task. He must find n who have ability. He must find men who lieve in, not merely who accept, his general rception of our situation and our needs. He ust find men who are politically available d are personally compatible. They must have :h energy, which means normally that they st be in the creative period of a man's life, iey must have experience, not in the sense at they have lived through it all but because ey are educated and, therefore, know the sk from having studied It. ' HAS BEEN, of course, a fascinating game to speculate about who would be tapped. But is easy to take our own curiosity too seriously, In fact, among the different men seriously considered for the State Department, the Treas- ury and Defense, there were not, I believe, any substantial issues of policy which would collide with the decisions of the President himself on foreign or on economic policies. The differences among the men have been differences of style and of personality, differences of how and not differences of whether or what. In the Adminis- tration of a strong President, which Mr. Ken- nedy most surely intends to be, Cabinet officers do not play the role of policy makers as did Dulles and Humphrey in the Eisenhower ad- ministration. For these reasons the choice of the key men, of which the Cabinet officers are by no means the whole lot, could not be done in a hurry. The time that the Senator has been spending since election is not long in view of the fact that he is organizing his administration and not mere- ly his Cabinet. If he can get most of his key men n place by the end of ths month, there s no reason why he should not be ready to take over three weeks later. ONE THING has struck me while we have been waiting for the picking and choosing to produce the results. It is that on the central questions of foreign affairs and economics, the criteria among the available men have not been ideological, not whether they were to the left or to the right. When the whole list of selections has been announced, it will be a mistake to read it as meaning that the Kennedy administration will be "conservative" or "progressive." It will be too active and too varied to fit comfortably r- - * VdIELCOK1 " vy (aij N- goo! .- Y -