THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1. W o By The WASHINGJ ect John F. iditional ap binet today, dy's press linger, late ni Overthrows Father rid News ounu ewRgm 0.1, Ausoio1ateG I'res The effort was postponed early Vo sC a g TON -- President- yesterday after the countdown on Ii ~ui11 Kennedy will make the Atlas-Able carrier rocket pointments to his moved to within seven minutes of 'D e according to Ken- the scheduled liftoff time. The Emperor secretary, Pierre National Aeronautics and Space Visiting Brazil Cities - 4eda Force Back Communists In Laos xrrowrwkuvb. , Rep. W. R. Poage, a Texan with' nearly a quarter of a century of experience in farm legislation, is being considered for Secretary of Agriculture, a Kennedy caller said. One of Poage's fellow Texans, Rep. Albert Thomas, told news- men after a call on the President- elect that Kennedy "likes Mr. Poage very much and he is giv- ing the matter consideration," CAPE CANAVERAI.-Space sci- entists hope to try again today to launch an instrument-packed spacecraft toward an intended or- bit around the moon. Administration blamed technical difficulties. If successful, the spacecraft, called Pioneer VI, will become the first lunar satellite. ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast - Ed- ward Kennedy said yesterday his brother, President-elect John F. Kennedy, still feels Algerians should be allowed to govern them- selves. "The position of my brother," said the younger Kennedy, speak- ing in French, "was clearly stated to the Senate in 1956. I do not think that his opinion has chang- ed since that time."' low, "'lI 7Rg IN CASBAH: French Battle Moslem Riots 3 .ti t ! ?7 9 HAILE SELASSIE ... deposed emperor Illinois Goes To Kennedy SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (MP) - The Republican dominated state elec- toral board yesterday unanimous- ly certified President-elect John F. Kennedy's 27 Illinois electors after hearing-and dismissing for lack of sufficient evidence - GOP charges of vote fraud in Chicago. Outgoing Gov. William G. Stratton, board chairman, sum- med up the attitude of the five- member board by declaring that insufficient evidence was offered to justify withholding the Dem- ocratic electoral votes. Stratton said he would not have hesitated to refuse to certify the official vote canvass on a "show- ing of overwhelming evidence of fraud." At a two-hour hearing, an at- torney for the Nixon recount com- mittee urged the board to refuse certification until returns from Cook County "have been corrected for apparent fraud, gross irregu- larity and admitted error." CAIRO (A) - A bloodless palace guard coup - joined by military forces and headed by the eldest son of Emperor Haile Selassie - clamped a new social reform government on Ethiopia yester- day. Iron military rule prevailed in Addis Ababa, the capital. The almost legendary "king of kings"--a fateful figure of modern times-himself was thousands of miles away on a state visit to Brazil, and his future role at home was not defined. Reports from Brazil indicated Selassie was out- wardly unperturbed. The avowed aim of the regime proclaimed by Crown Prince Asfa Wassan, in a broadcast from the East African highland capital is to reform social customs dating from pre-Christian times. It would end what the prince called "3,000 years of injustice." The modern-minded prince of the ancient realm thus apparently took a firm step in his father's absence to put Ethiopia on the track of nationalism and socialism prevalent in neighboring Egypt and Sudan and other emerging, African powers. - Reports from Sudan said Addis Ababa remained tranquil through the transition and there was no bloodshed; the sole purpose was to remove the Emperor and replace him with his son, according to these reports. Selassie had been both chief of state and head of government with the council of ministers di- rectly responsible to him. The new regime is under strict military control for the present, reports from Addis Ababa said. VIENTIANE (W - The seesaw battle for this Laotian capital focused yesterday on the center of the city, where anti-Commu- nist troops tried to dislodge a mix- ed pro-Communist force. Troops loyal to General Phou- mi Nosavan advanced from the northern section of the city against stiff resistance put up by paratroops and pro-Communist Pathet Lao guerrillas command- ed by Capt. Kong Le. One of the focal points of the fighting was the area around army headquarters and the ministry of defense. Kong Le's troops, identi- fied by their red armbands, put up heavy mortar and machine gun fire against armored cars and infantry wearing white arm bands. Early in the afternoon army headquarters burst into flame. It was the second day of battle that followed a night of confusion and scattered gunfire during which Kong Le's pro-Communist forces retook the center of the city. They had lost it Tuesday afternoon, when Kong Le's troops fell back steadily until nightfall. NATO Views Plan To Station Troops in U.S. PARIS()-Military and politi- cal leaders of the North Atlantic alliance yesterday considered the advisability of stationing West German ' and other European troops o United States soil. Informants said such an ar- rangement might help halt the drain on United States gold and dollar reserves and give Western Europe's confined armies enough room to train with modern wea- pons. This startling suggestion was one of a number of economic pro- posals given careful study by NATO diplomats gathering here for their annual review opening tomorrow. All were aimed pri- marily at the same thing-trim- ming West Germany's swelling currency surplus and getting gold and dollars flowing back again ALGIERS' (M -- French riot forces used guns, tear gas and concussion grenades yesterday to turn back swarms of Moslems in the seaport of Bone and around the ancient Casbah of Algiers. Two Moslems were killed and an undetermined number wound- ed when police in Bone opened fire on 2,000 Moslems who turned a funeral procession for comrades killed in Tuesday's rioting into a MICHIGAN: Commenrd " .i Civil Rights DETROIT *)'Political and la- bor leaders agreed yesterday that racial discrimination is practiced in Michigan, but they told the United States Civil Rights Com- mission the state ranks among the top in protection of human rights. Detroit Mayor Louis C. Miriam told the commission as it opened a two-day hearing here: "I am confident that you will find that the examples set by the people of this community in sin- cerely striving to live in a truly democratic atmosphere meets standards as high, if not higher, than any major city in the na- tion." Miriani added, however, he was "not trying to claim that we have reached any utopian level," and United Auto Workers President Walter P. Reuther cited what he termed discrimination in housing that results in segregated school classrooms. Reuther and Horace L. Shef- field, Vice-President of the all- Negro Trade Union Leadership Council, said discrimination still exists in hiring and firing and the training of apprentices, despite Michigan's Fair EmploymentPrac- tices Commission, Not a single witness, however, testified there was any discrimi- nation against minority groups in voting or registering to vote. Gov. G. Mennen Williams said, "We are proud of the progress that has been made" in civil rights, but added "we are aware of the utnfinkh h buini -.t b afn screaming nationalist demonstra- tion. This brought to 125 the num- ber killed in rioting since last Sunday. In Algiers, scores of persons were wounded and hundreds arrested in a tough official crackdown on those responsible for violence or threatening more. The demonstrators in Algiers shouted This is the insurrection" and called for the elevation to power of exiled rebel Premier Fer- hat Abbas. Those in Bone waved rebel. flags. Abbas rejects President Charles de Gaulle's self-rule policy for Al- geria and demands immediate in- dependence. HeisIn neighboring Tunis. De Gaulle has Just ended' a five-day tour of Algeria trying to wi nover Moslems. and hos- tile French settlers alike. Whipped up by nationalist dem- onstrations within the old Casbah * WASHINGTON (M--A labor ion economist told a Senate s committee yesterday the coui "can expect about six million employed workers" in the r few months. That would be an increase nearly two million over the vember unemployment estims "The economy is now in a re sion," Stanley H. Ruttenberg, rector of Research for the A CIO told a Senate labor subo mittee. quarter, Moslem mobs see times tried to form near the trict which has been cordoned since Sunday. C Ma.i. In Recel list still miles long? ' ' * A LOVELY ROBE and SLIPPERS . A LACY SLIP A PRETTY PAIR OF GLOVES Moscow-Peiping Rift I A SMART BAG A PRACTICAL BILLFOLD (Continued from Page 1) SHEER PHOENIC FASHION HOSE PRETTY BLOUSES BEAUTIFUL EARRINGS BRACELETS, and ! :: ' /e ' " r ' fr ' L ;. ,, , .. ,, ,/ 1 1 NECKLACES TRAVEL MANICURE SETS PINS These are just a few of our gift suggestions. You can spend as little as 1.00 or as much as you like for these Christmas treasures. the conference a success" in dis- cussions of disarmament and the Berlin situation. The United Nations Security Council later rejected by a 7-2 vote a Russian resolution to con- demn the United States for hos- tile actions in the U-2 case. U.S. Election Sen. John F. Kennedy (D- Mass) defeated Vice-President Richard M. Nixon of California for the_ presidency in one of the closest national elections ever re- corded. In the face of religious bias throughout the campaign, Ro- man Catholic Kennedy demon- strated that a man of his faith could win, as he carried Bible- belt West Virginia over Minneso- ta's Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey. Kennedy, through primary victor- ies and a series of brilliant politi- cal maneuvers, carried the Dem- ocratic Presidential nomination oni the first ballot at the first con- vention ever held in Los Angeles. Convention runner-up Senate Majority Leader Lyndon B. John- son (D-Texas) accepted the vice- presidential nod. The GOP selected Nixon and United Nations Ambassador Hen- ry Cabot Lodge as its standard- bearers. Amid charges of miscounting and ballot box stuffing, the pena- tor emerged the youngest' man ever elected to the highest office in the land, by a thin 113,000 pop- ular vote margin and a 77 elec- toral vote edge. In Congressional races, the All gift wrapped, if you like at u w Open Friday and Monday evenings 'til 8:30 ON FOREST off corner of S. University Ave. opposite Campus Theatre Grand Old Party made inroads on y the Democrats' majorities, seizing 22 seats in the House and 2 in the Senate. The Republicans also gained control of a number of governorships and state houses. crisis' in Africa African colonies pressed for in- dependence from their European rulers and a great many new states were peacefully established, with the continued aid of Europe. Their mass admission to the Unit- ed Nations served notice of the Dark Continent's increasing im- portance. But in the Belgian Congo it was far from peaceful. Patrice Lum- umba, only recently released from a Belgian prison for inciting riots, became the republic's first pre- mier on July 1. Army mutineers turned their new freedom to li- cense as they pillaged European shops and homes and attacked white settlers. After three days of disorder, however, the govern- ment orders were, for the most part, obeyed. A struggle for power ensued, with Lumumba, Congo President Joseph Kasavubu, Katanga Pre- mier Moise Tshombe and the pres- ent strongman, Col. Joseph Mo- butu battling for control. Both East and West interfered in the struggle, but Mobutu and Kasavubu emerged in 'the drivers seat. They ejected foreign Com- munists, imprisoned Lumumba and took the Congo's UN seat. However, further civil war is a definite possibility. United Nations troops have been in the Congo since August in an effort to keep the strife- ridden nation together, but sev- eral Asian-African nations have recently withdrawn troops charg- ing the UN is pro-Mobutu. And with the consequences of Congolese independence clearly evident, the Algerian crisis re- ceived a thorough examination by French President Charles de Gaulle. The rightists, after rioting earlier in the year, renewed their obstructionist efforts as the French president worked for more Al- gerian self-rule and eventual self- determination. De Gaulle himself visited Algeria this week, and was met by more riots, which killed 123 persons. He faces a national referendum on the issue, but he is almost sure to win, and the protracted nego- cs1u {V1CUOAW1416 AUMj65%,:[iLte, ualiae usiness ye, Peore into the United States. us." ealedTemporariy Thursday, Friday and Saturday ONLY tiations with Algerian Moslems tion threatened a repeat perfor-St and colons. mance of Little Rock. Entir otk f Castro, Cuba The city school board decided i _C on integration this fall, but the A- Cuban Prime Minister Fidel state legislature responded by at- , Castro continued to be a thorn in tempting to place the schools un- C A S H ,M E R E the side of the United States., epigt lc h col n Castro seized United Statespro- der control of segregationist Gov. perty in Cuba and threatened the Jimmie H. Davis, who said that he, Guantanamo naval base, as he and not the local boards had the apparently drew the web of Com- power to order integration. munism around his island nation. But the New Orleans federal Russia announced that she would district court, and later the Su- a An 11 " support Cuba militarily in case of preme Court, slapped down thisn Mhb attack by the United States, and and other state attempts to block Castro accepted the Soviet offer, integration. Four Negro girls at- tended classes in two previously In July, the United States cut all-white schools, but most white Regularly $17.98 to $35.00 of f Cuban sugar quota, which, be- parntgwthrerthiryh $tn cause it enabled Cuba to sell sugar parents withdrew themrchildryen; to the United States at more than those who did not faced angry the world market price, gave her See MAJOR, Pag 2 an important source of income.2, However, it soon appeared thatI*O* P*V* the Soviet bloc was prepared toL A SIPPERS step in and stop any economic decline. A general United States BIZ *nd. o, ml trade embargo followed. isofthsut ..: Meanwhile Castro was foment- *>4+ . aual! ing troublt in South America, .'' .". .. where he was charged with at- *ai"nse a tempting to instigate rebellions $1095 aN.m.ort Eutts FOR TOWN AND COLLEGE In Guatemala, the Dominican Re- tiaafsa. shn a 202 Soutfe Stag S$K4e public and Nicaragua. NATURAL COtLTORS ( .wa.habl)0. Unauthorized civilians from the 0whta OpeinoF dyrNwghSi:.....-3 United States dropped incendiary / / OFPAN-AMpIMPyRTSN gt bombs on Cuba, which increased PAN.O.Msox rT- the tension while Castro continued a i e Iow." his television harrangues against the United States. The Cubans subsequently convicted and shot several American nationals for plotting against the government. W SURE OF A WARM WELCOM Castro now faces the formidable 8k °: opposition of the Roman Catholic Church, as he swings closer to the Communist bloc, but he has not ' thus far faced any serious threat4e to his power. .O{ CivilRights Integration in the South pro- ceeded with both deliberate speed - and violent reaction. Sit-in demon- strations pressed the peaceful yet firm demands of the Negroes for equality at lunch counters and, eventually, in all aspects of life. Demonstrators wtre jeered and Jailed, but their activities prompt- ed some voluntary decisions to integrate in many previously- PINK segregated Southern cities and N towns. RED School integration continued to The Elfin be a thorny problem. The Su- preme Court approved integration POWDER BLUE $ plans for Houston and Delaware, B AC but in New Orleans, a tense situa- BLACK JEWELRY I OPEN EVENINGS to 8:30 MICHIGAN I