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December 15, 1960 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-12-15

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Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Scattered snow flurries,
turning colder towards evening



SPY PLANE-Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev levelled many
blasts against the United States because of pilot Francis Powers
and his U-2 reconnaissance flight over Russia in May. The Red
leader's denunciations led to the Summit conference's failure.
U-2. Elections Rank
As/ 1960 TopStories
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Marking the end of the year, this article reviews the
10 top national and international stories of the year. The 10 top local
stories will appear in tomorrow's paper.)
The first installment of the 'sixties saw the emergence of what
are likely to be some of the most important events of the century.
An increased public awareness of the consequences of these events
was an equally important phenomenon.
The first installment of the 'sixties' saw the development of some
of what appears to be the most important events of the century and
increased public awareness in the consequences of these events. The

SGC Votes
on .Reports
At 2 a.m. this morning the
Student Government Council
defeated a motion by Daily Edi-
tor Thomas Hayden, 61, and
Roger Seasonwein, '61, to estab
lish a five-member committee.
The tie vote, 7-7, was broken by
IM. A. Hyder Shah, Grad. The
Imotion would have set up a
committee to investigate the
condition of student rights and
Student Government Council
passed a motion last night outlin-
ing procedures for handling state-
ments on membership practices
submitted by fraternities and
Presented by Roger Seasonwein,
'61, and Interfraternity Council
President Jon Trost, '61, it pro-
vides that SGC will see the docu-
ments only after receiving a report
from the Committee on Member-
ship in Student Organizations.
That committee may use the docu-
ments in carrying out its func-
Futhermore, the organs of the
University to which SGC is re-
sponsible may use the documents
to carry out their functions. This
includes the Vice-President for
Student Affairs and members of
his office dealing with fraternities
and sororities, the President of
the University and the Regents.
The statements may also be made
available to "any other official
organ of the University which
shall be created or officially come
to be concerned with fraternities
and sororities."
Executive Vice-President Per
Hanson, '61, objected that the
procedures were irrelevant, since
the President of the University,
the Regents and other bodies
would normally have no reason
to see the documents.
Daily Editor Thomas Hayden,
'61, said that SGC was respon-
sible to these persons and there-
fore ought to make the documents
available to them. "It is arrogant
to assume that we should in all
ehse keepthe statements from
toeagencies through which we
derive our legitimate powers," he
Court Order
Sought To End
White Boycott
WASHINGTON (P) - The jus-
tice department yesterday asked
for a court order to halt economic
reprisals it said are being taken
against some 400 Negroes in Fay-
ette County, Tenn., because they
registered and voted in the Novem-
ber election.
Atty. Gen. William P. Rogers
announced the request for an in-
junction was filed in United States
District Court in Memphis.
The complaint listed 10 ex-
amples of what it called economic
reprisals against Negroes by some
82 defendants.
Named as defendants were more
than 45 landowners, more than
24 merchants and one bank which
the complaint said had Intimidat-
ed, coerced and exercised economic
discrimination against Negroes
who registered and voted.

SAsks I
Views Vary
on Position
Porter Reiterates
Threat of Censure
Members of both houses of the
state legislature took a variety of1
stands on the Wayne State Uni-
versity Board of Governor's deci-
sion to continue the abolition,
of their former ban on communisto
Senator Elmer R. Porter (R-
Blissfield) and chairman of the
state appropriations committee,
continued his original stand that
the ban should be reinstated or
WSU might find it difficult to
secure state funds.
No Plans Now
"I have no plans now to intro-
duce a resolution into the legisla-
ture at this time," he said, "but
I may have to do so later."
Rep. Alexander Petri (D-St.
Clair, Samilac), who had formu-
lated a bill concerning WSU which
failed to reach the floor before the
end of the legislative session, said
he did not intend to introduce a
new resolution when the legisla-
ture reconvened.
"Since communicating with
people from Wayne," Petri said,
"I have found they still are not
allowing people to speak on Com-
munist ideology, but only on speci-
fic fields, such as science.
Cause for Alarm
"I believe there is cause for
alarm if action is taken against
Wayne, because we can develop
faster if there is an exchange be-
tween countries on a professional
level. Every individual in Russia
is certainly not a Communist."
Rep. Don R.Pears (R-Berrien)
said there was likely to be a reso-
lution offered early in the next
session of the legislature.
Sen. John W. Fitzgerald (R-
15th District) said, "I don't feel
the threats of reduced operating
funds are just. Speakers at Wayne
have been mainly scientific and
authorized by the State Dept. to
lecture in the United States."
Rep. Allison Green (R-Tuscola)
was not "100 per cent in favor of
lifting the ban, if WSU has gone
further than other universities,"
and favored a state-wide ruling on
the matter.
Predict Post
For Brother
of Kennedy
WASHINGTON ()-- President-
elect John F. Kennedy's brother
Robert was reported last night to
be a "very possible" choice for
Attorney General in the new ad-
ministration cabinet.
But a source in the Kennedy
camp said he understands the
President-elect is leaving the de-
cision up to Robert Kennedy

Ruling I

>r State


UN Asks End To Colonialism

United Nations called yesterday
for an end to colonialism.
The United States abstained on
the vote but its only Negro dele-
gate, Mrs. Zelma Watson George,
stood and joined in applause at
the General Assembly's action.
This was a spontaneous gesture
of personal support for the resolu-
tion by Mrs. George, a Cleveland
social worker and educator.
"I am glad I did it," she said
later. "I felt it was an obligation.
I thought about crawling under
the table, but instead when the
time came I just stood up and
Sought Ike's Backing
She disclosed she had tried to

get President Eisenhower's back-
ing for the proposal.
The assembly first rejected So-
viet Premier Khrushchev's insis-
tence that the assembly demand
freedom forthwith, as he put it,
for all colonial peoples. Then the
assembly went on to approve a
milder, more general resolution
sponsored by 43 Asian - African
The vote was 89-0, with 8 other
nations joining the United States
in abstention.
To Air Crisis
The UN headed for a full airing
of the Congo crisis after an East-
West deadlock prevented the Se-
curity Council from taking any

Sia Tp hTo Gain Second Win
A fired-up Michigan basketball team combined a hot-shooting
second half with its best defensive effort of the seasoin to pin a 68-57
loss on Idaho's invading Vandals last night before a sparce and
somewhat quiet turnout of 1,500 onlookers at Yost Field House.
The Wolverines turned a slim 30-28 halftime lead into a near-
rout as they shot a robust 53 per cent in the second half, twice going
ahead by as much as 17 points. The victory was Michigan's second
of the season against four losses and it snapped a two-game losing
' streak. The Vandals are now 1-3

Reds Say
U .. Ready
To Move In
TOKYO (A)-Communist North
Viet Nam declared South Viet Nam
has proclaimed a state of emer-
gency and the United States
seventh fleet is standing off central
Viet Nam "ready'for intervention
in Laos."
The liaison mission of the North
Viet Nam army high command
made the statements in a protest
letter to Gopala Menon of India,
Earlier Developments on Page 3
chairman of the Indochina Armis-
tice Commission. The Communist
New China News Agency reported
it from Hanoi, North Viet Nam,
and broadcast it over Peiping
"South of the demilitarized zone
(the 17th parallel), South Viet
Nam forces have been mustered,"
the letter said. "A state of emer-
gency has been proclaimed in
South Viet Nam."
Cuba Claims
U.S. Supports
Rebel Forces
HAVANA (P)--The Cuban gov-
ernment accused the United States
last night of underwriting coun-
terrevolutionary activities and
shielding anti-Castro exiles who
hatch warmongering plans against
Acting foreign minister Carlos
Olivares in a formal note of pro-
test demanded the United States
stop what he termed harmful ac-
The note, the most recent in a
long series, comes after a shower
of anti-Castro leaflets was drop-
ped over Cuba from planes. Tony
Devarona, head of an exile group
in Miami, said the planes came
from airfields outside the United
The United States government
has said it has stepped up its vig-
ilance to prevent unauthorized
flights from Florida.
PIC To Show
Riots Film
The political issues club is spon-
soring a program on the demon-

Policy :
S choobi

entire world was drawn closer to-
gether and strange countries
whose importance had once been
remote, became more important
than ever before.
U-2, Summit
On May 1, a United States re-
connaissance plane piloted by
Francis G. Powers, allegedly on
a "weather observation" flight,
was shot down near Sverdlovsk'
in the heartland of the Soviet
Union. Captured with a complete
"spy kit," in August Powers went,
on trial in Moscow, confessed to es-
pionage charges, and was sentenc-
ed to 10 years in confinement.
Later attempts by his wife and
father to obtain leniency were in
The United States, after admit-
ting the flight and changing its
explanation several times, finally
announced that spy flights would
continue, to keep the free world
informed of Soviet military prep-
As a further result, the Soviet
return invitation to President
Dwight D. Eisenhower to visit
Russia, as Premier Nikita Khrush-
chev had visited the United States
last fall, was withdrawn, on the
charge that the United States was
When the East met the West at
the Paris summit meeting May 16,
Khrushchev demanded a United
States apology for the U-2 flight
as the prerequisite for continuance
of the meeting. President Eisen-
hower refused and the talks were
broken off.
Khrushchev had earlier de-
nounced the flights as "an ag-
gressive provocation aimed at
wrecking the summit meeting" but
on his arrival in Paris he main-
tained his intention was "to make
See MOSCOW, Page 3

on the year.
Tidwell Sets Pace
As usual, captain John Tidwell
paced the Wolverine offensive at-j
tack as he picked up 21 points to
nab scoring honors for the night.
The senior guard, ranked third
among Big Ten players prior to
last night's game with a 24.5 aver-
age, paced the Wolverine attack in
the first half with 11 points, most-
ly on corner jump shots, and
added 10 after intermission.
However, he had an off day at
the free throw line, hitting on only
three of ten gift trys.
Michigan, after spotting the
Vandals two points in the opening
minutes of play, took the lead with
17 minutes remaining in the half
and didn't trail after that, al-
though Idaho knotted the score at
26 all with 3:16 remaining in the
opening half.
M' .Takes Lead
With Tidwell getting all five of
his first-half field goals in a nine-
minute span and the Wolverines
working their patterns almost to
perfection, Michigan shot ahead
and led by 11 points with 7:46
remaining in the half.
However, "M" started getting a
little overanxious after that, com-
mitting numerous fouls and mak-
ing several errors, permitting the
Vandals to close the gap. Idaho
outscored the Wolverines 15-6 in
the last eight minutes of the half,
most of their points coming .on
free throws by center Ken Maren
and forward Reg Carolan. Maren
hit on five of six attempts while
Carolan was flawless, connecting
on all seven of his gift trys.
Maren, the big 6'7" center,
hauled down 19 rebounds during
the tussle, ten more than Michi-
gan's leader, Scott Maentz. Maren
matched his rebound total with 19
points, high for his team, and
played the entire game until he
fouled out with 1:09 remaining.
Michigan lived up to its repu-
tation of being a second-half team
Ford FiRs In
As President
DETROIT (AP)-Henry Ford II
will temporarily add the job of
president to his duties as chair-
man of the board of the Ford Mo-
tor Co., filling the spot left va-
cant when Robert S. McNamara
accepted the post of Secretary of

A week end of sharp debate was
in prospect for UN diplomats
struggling to wind up pressing
business before the Christmas- re-
cess next Tuesday.
A drama-packed meeting of the
11-nation council ended in an
impasse early yesterday. The
Soviet Union cast its 92nd veto of
a Western resolution directing
Secretary-General Dag Hammar-
skjold to continue his efforts to
restore peace in the Congo. The
council rejected a Soviet demand
for the immediate release of de-
posed Congo Premier Patrice
Ask Meeting
Yugoslavia and India asked for
an urgent meeting of the assembly
on the Congo, but it appeared that
no session on the issue was likely
until Friday at the earliest.
Asian and African countries
want the assembly's political com-
mittee to complete consideration
of the Algerian conflict first. This
raised the prospect of Congo meet-
ings on Saturday and perhaps even
Hammarskjold appeared before
the council to warn that a situa-
tion similar to that of the Spanish
Civil War before World War II
confronted the United Nations.
Predicts Civil War
He predicted that civil war
would break out immediately if
the United Nations is forced out
of the Congo, and that this could
be followed by dispatch of military
aid from various factions into the
The Congo problem flared anew
during the day in the assembly's
budgetary committee, where the
United States served notice it will
withdraw its $14 million voluntary
contribution to help pay UN Con-
go costs for 1960 unless assess-
ments are made binding on all
The Soviet Union has refused to
pay any part of the Congo costs.
The United States voluntary con-
tribution, together with the $16
million regular assessment, would
make up about half of this year's
estimated Congo bill of $66 mil-
Aides Meet;
Stress Need
Of Strong UN
NEW YORK (A) - Dean Rusk
and Adlai E. Stevenson conferred
yesterday and said the new ad-
ministration of President - elect
John F. Kennedy would work to
strengthening the United Natiois
in hope of ending the cold war.
The meeting was the first be-
tween them since Kennedy an-
nounced Monday his designation
of Rusk as Secretary of State and
Stevenson as Ambassador to the
"We hope the United Nations
can be used in the future to end
the cold war and not aggravate
it," Stevenson said.
Sitting with Rusk in a news con-
ference, Stevenson said.
"We have been in agreement
many years and our objective is to
preserve,defend and strengthen
the United Nations. The United
Nations is the best hope for peace
and security in the world."
Rusk, it was learned, will meet
today with the United States dele-
gation to the UN to discuss prob-
lems facing the world body,
Stevenson is slated to meet with
the delegation tomorrow to go over
the same topics.
Rusk opened the news confer-
ence yesterday by saying that, in
facing the duties of Secretary of
State, his courage was fortified by
the knowledge that Stevenson
would be Ambassador to the UN.
He said Stevenson is the Ameri-

can who knows most about what
the UN means for the world and
in relation to American foreign
policy. He noted that Stevenson
had helped create the UN in San

To Maintain
Stand on Ban
Of Speakers
Board of Governors
Wants Consideration
By College Presidents
Wayne State University Board
of Governors reaffirmed its policy
on outside speakers at its meet-
ing yesterday, and called for a uni-
form ruling from all state institu-
tions of higher education.
The Board adopted a motion to
ask the Committee of State Col-
lege Presidents to give considera-
tion to the matter at their next
meeting in January and to formu-
late a state-wide policy on speak-
ers among the universities' and
University President Harlan
Hatcher said if the issue were
brought before the CSCP he would

... scores an easy two

. . . reaffirms stand
support Wayne and "freedom
speech," and that the Regent
By-law barring speakersadvoca
ing the overthrow of the govern
ment by violent or unlawf
methods was "good as it nc
Considered A Month
The WSU Board's decision
reaffirm the lift of its ban o
Communist speakers came aft
a month of consideration of Sta
Sen. Elmer R. Porter's (R-Blis
field) warning that Wayne mig
have difficulty in securing' stat
funds unless they reinstated t
Miss Ann Byerlein and Dona
Lobsinger, leaders of a group p
titioning for reinstatement of tl,
ban, also confronted the Boa
With,_a petition of 60,000 sign
Governor Leonard Woodco
said, "Nothing has made r
change my mind of the essenti
soundness of the policy. When t.
policy is better understood, legi
lative reprisal is unthinkable."
Decision Binds
Governor Benjamin D. Burdic
said that regardless of the decisio
of the CSCP, the Board should
bound by the Committee's decisik
WSU President Clarence B. H
berry said, "We are doing wh
other Universities in the area ai
doing, and a common policy wou]
stem from already existing po:
Hilberry said he had receiv
letters from the presidents
neighboring universities and thl
"all had comparable practices
allowing visitors from Russia an
the satellite nations to speak o
educational topics.
Reasonable Policy
Hilberry read the letter receiv
from President Harlan Hatch
in which was stated, "It seems
me your policy is the reasonal
one regarding a Universities'-r
sponsibility to its constituents."
Groups Seek
Blood Donors
The smcall - et1i'ne of ne

Pealy Suggests Fiscal Improvements
Expanding municipal taxation plans to more than property taxes,
consolidating state agencies and increasing the staff aiding the
Legislature in considering fiscal measures were among the possible
changes to better the state financial situation suggested last night
by Prof. Robert H. Pealy of the political science department.
Speaking to the taxation study group of the Citizens for Michigan,
the research associate and editor of publications in the Institute
for Public Administration said that new taxes such as municipal
income taxes to help localities raise funds were a possible improve-
Prof. Pealy also proposed the removal of constitutional restrictions
'., on the Legislature's powers to experiment and try innovations in the
tax field and restrictions such as the earmarking of revenues for
specific purposes.
State Bonding Power
Limits on the debts of local governments could be imposed by
Estate bonding authority to allow for individual consideration of
each locality's needs, he said.
- State debt limits would be imposed only by a provision that all

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