dSeventy-First Yea? _ EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNiVERsrTY OF MICHIGAN m Opinions Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS ruth Will Prevsil" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone No 2-3241 itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.} ESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: ANDREW HAWLEY Legislation of Atmosphere: A HelpTo'Segregation? OU CAN'T LEGISLATE attitudes and you can't legislate morality" is the defensive frain that sing forth from those who oppose y form of legislation that might help elimi- ite discrimination and bias. What these people ofter forget is that legis- bion is not always employed as a direct in- rument to achieve a desired end. It is often way of creating an atmosphere in which that i is possible and through which it may be couraged. Such "legislation" has come out of the card of Governors of the University's Resi- nce Halls. The Board has taken two decisive ;tions in an attempt to provide a "cosmopoli- Ln community" within the dormitories and adrangles that is free of petty racial and 4igious bias. 'HREE YEARS AGO, the board abolished a practice that required each prospective sident to file a photograph of himself with s application for a room. This policy was en to cries of discrimination when Negro d Oriental students found roommates of nilar races where they had requested some- e with a different background and of a ssimilar culture. The University still asks for a student's iotograph, but it is used far a house "bulletin ard" and similar functions. They are not nt in until the actual room contract has yen signed. At this point, a student's room- ate has already been picked, or so the sidence hall authorities would have you think. JONDAY THE BOARD moved another step ahead by issuing a formal statement of the iversity's desire for residence halls repre- rting "most aspects of the highly divergent ident body." The policy further declares that the Univer- y matches people as roommates with regard ly to a set of "congenial living habits." These e practices in regard to smoking, leaving the ndow open at night, and similar rites. Such teria are used because the staff counselors l them necessary to ensure a harmonious Justment to the University. While this statement is another implemen- tion of the Regents' Bylaw on discrimination, e problem of prejudice in roommate selection Al exists on two major fronts. ELF-PREJUDICAL SELECTION still exists. Many freshmen choose their roommates fore they register at the University. They ect friends who have gone to school with .them and have shared the experiences of a common neighborhood, race, or religion. This often results in a series of two man "cells" within a dormitory or quadrangle. The other residents see them as a unit, displaying the same attitudes and personality limitations in double quantity. For an individual "cell member," his roommate is but a mirror of his background, his traits, and his thoughts. In an university which boasts proudly of a diver- sified student group. Dean Bacon condemns such a practice as "one of the worst things a freshman can do." Yet the University still permits such a policy to stand. There are legitimate arguments for letting it continue. Why shouldn't a student be able to live with his friend and have an enjoyable experience within the residence hall? Isn't it easier, to adjust to the University as a freshman if you room with someone you know and cut down on the number of con- flicts you will face? H E RESOLUTION OF THESE conflicting points would take a long time and would involve Mr. Rosemergy's definition of the two sets of discrimination practices. The real point of discusion here, however, is the discrimination which still emanates from the University in its practices of roommate selection. Admission and rooming application asks for student interests and past activities. Many students list membership in groups which re- veal their race, color, or religion. These facts could be used to "pair off" roommates by the very criteria Regents Bylaw 2.14 is trying to fight. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO make a direct accusa- tion of discrimination by the University or its Residence Halls directors, but there are many students who complain about being matched with a Jew if they are Jewish or a Negro if they are Negro. There are quite a few instances in which a student has asked for a roommate of a different race or religion and of a background contrasting with his own who has arrived in Ann Arbor with bitter feelings because his roommate might well have been his neighbor at home, for all outward appearance of dress, color, and name would indicate, The Board could move even farther ahead if they expressly asked students not to indicate in any way what type of racial or religious background they have had. Such a practice is as necessary on the admissions application as on the rooming application. -MICHAEL OLIICIK "We're Almost Ready To Take Off Again" ~p* s Is F1\ ~- GREAT INSTITUTIONS are not invulnerable. When The New York Times is unfairly attacked, the public-including a large sec- tion of the press--assumes that the world's greatest newspaper is well able to defend itself._ But. if, the Times is unable to extricate it- self from the trap sprung upon it in Montgomery, Alabama, other publications may sooner or later find themselves similarly caught. Consider the facts. The Times printed an ad appealing for funds to aid the defense of the Rev., Martin Luther King, Jr., who, at the time, was preparing his de- fense to a charge of non-payment. of state taxes (he was subsequent- ly acquitted). The ad came to the Times from a reputable ad- vertising agency. It was sponsor- ed by a committee which num- bered among its endorsers Dr. Ralph Bunche, Mrs. Eleanor Roos-, evelt, Dr. Harry Emerson Fos- dick, Norman Thomas and A. Philip Randolph. The text of the ad, the accuracy of which The Times had no reason to question, proved ultimately to have con- tained a single misstatement: the dining hall of Alabama Stata Col- lege for Negroes in Montgomery had not been padlocked as a re- sult of student demonstrations, as the ad charged. L. B. Sullivan, a local police commissioner who was not mentioned in the ad, elected to regard the misstatement as a reflection on his reputation as a public official. He sued the Times, and certain other defendants, for $500,000 damages, which an all- white jury has just awarded him. It is conceded that the commis- sioner had not been damaged, i.e., that his reputation had not been impaired. It is also clear that the purpose. of the action was to punish the Times and not to redress an injury. "Newspapers have got to tell the truth," the commissioner's counsel argued to the jury. "One way to get. their attention and the attention of everybody else who publishes a newspaper is to hit them in the pocketbook." THE MONTGOMERY formula is so simple and effective that it is certain to be applied else- where. It has always been possi- ble for a community to apply mur-. derous pressures to a local publi- cation, but it has not been so easy to bring the "outside" publica- tion to heel. Now this loophole has been closed. For example, should a community in any of the fifty states feel aggrieved at some uncompliperary reference to its mores in a "foreign" publi- cation, it could always find some local official willing to bring an action for damages. Where local prejudice is strong, the results of such an action are likely to be foreordained; after all, the pur- pose is not to compensate the plaintiff, but to punish the inter- loper. r So far, the press has been in no hurry to spring en masse to the defense of the Times. Yet just as Commissioner Sullivan is not the real plaintiff in Montgomery, so the Times is not the real defend- ant; the unnamed 'defendant Js the press itself, in all sections of the country, South as well as North. A dangerous precedent is in the making. -THE NATION Blackjackii rt J C All Are Vulnerable ,. .p t z LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Students Affirm I Wayne Speaker Policy To the Editor: AN OPEN LETTER TO BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF WAYNE STATE UNIVERSITY, Dec. 13, 1960. We. the undersigned students (or faculty) at the University of Michigan, concerned for the pre- servation of American traditions of academic freedom and opposed to the confusion tactics of Com- munist influence which has been known to operate for its advant- age on either side of a controversy, hereby affirm our support of and urge continuation of the Wayne State University policy regarding outside speakers. We recognize the thought which has been involved in careful determination of the present policy, so that free inter- change of opinion may take place without the possibility of propa- gandization, and urge the main- tenance of this policy against all irresponsible pressures for Its change, including that of legisla-. tive appropriations. (signed) -Steve Osborn,'6 t&D Judith Tunnicliffe '63A&D Sulvia Berliner, '63 Richard James, '63 Simon Katzenellenbogen, '63 Marilyn Cleveland, 'lEd. John Thornburgh Jr., '62 Ronald Tesarik, Grad., BAd. Linda Smalley, '64 Joey Rodger, '62 Dave Dorsey, '62 Chris Christenson, '61 Jane Grabois, '62 Robert T. Heath, '63 J. Edgar Edwards, Campus liMinister Caroline Dow, '63 Jean Hartwig, '61 Fran Cohen, '63 Martin Lipp, '62 Countersugestion.. To the Editor: WONDER IF Miss Newman really understands the intensity of the situation as she seems to imply. The results which you and I, Miss Newman, should be looking for are the same. We both want peace. The policy over the last fourteen years has sought this same goal. However, are we yet to remain the defensive pugilist who would soon be doomed by the ever constant offensive blows of the opponent. Why Sen. Gold- water feels there must be a change results from the administration's losing sight of the objective. There will be no peace for our America or the world until vic- tory over communism has been achieved. When an ideology is out to destroy the freedom we all enjoy in the United States, then we should realize we cannot have peace through appeasement or surender. -Jon Lawniczak, '61 Experience .. To the Editor: ]piE current program on campus headed by the Americans Com- mitted to World Responsibility and aimed at "aiding underdeveloped countries through student Peace Corps" has struck some of us as not only naive in its conception but potentially harmful in its ca- pacity to be used as a messianical- OlM OTHER CAMPUSES: Harvard's Peace Corps Plan INCE PRESIDENT-ELECT Kennedy's "Peace Corps" speech on November 2, the idea of S. youth service abroad has caught the agination of students frotn coast to coast, d drawn the close attention of men in found- on offices and university halls. Although e press has given the proposal scant notice, idents are remarkably aroused and over- lelmingly enthusiastic. In and out of govern- nt, idea men are doing studies. And the ofessional benefactors of good causes are eping in close touch. As Kennedy's staff studies the "Peace Corps" more detail, a number of private groups e taking initiatives. On November 11-12, a iference at Princeton set up a steering com- ttee to find out how college graduates can ist underdeveloped countries, and to pre- re a detailed prospectus for a pilot project. on afterward, Harvard students organized ;roup to sponsor research and public discus- n on the matter. HE U.S. HAS HAD little experience to go on. Some foundations and service committees ve sent groups to underdeveloped countries. st summer, for example, Crossroads Africa lt community centers. This' is one sort of rk. But perhaps U.S. college graduates can be re useful doing a job less manual-teaching ondary school. When the "Peace Corps" is brought up, some dents, usually late at night, talk airly of ging ditches, building dams, clearing forest. the morning light, it becomes clear that nd U.S. graduates for unskilled labor' is fficient, and in many cases, inappropriate. uth service abroad is better suited for jobs ere U.S. knowledge and training can help icate citizens of the underdeveloped coun- long with these two questions-who can best nch pilot projects fast, and what needs such jects will wulfill-goes a third: how should ing men in the pilot projects be trained? Be- e a Harvard garduate could teach school in eria, for example, he would need to know >it about international relations, about hip n cultural and political background, and-of icial importance-about Nigeria. Tr NAIrP~ rr-r RVnhemm r ractinn tn..r Bramson (Instructor in Social Relations), Don- ald Eberley (Assistant Director of the Inter- national Student Office), and Paul Sigmund (Instructor in G9vernment)--have just com- pleted a report which is sure to attract the attention of the Administration, and of the Harvard Corporation. This informal drafting committed proposes that Harvard itself sponsor a pilot project that will begin operation next term (spring, 1961). Twelve seniors would be chosen for service as secondary-school teachers, probably in Nigeria. The twelve would attend preliminary orienta- tion sessions in the late spring, then an inten- sive seminar all summer here in Cambridge, Then, after brief further orientation in Nigeria itself, the group would go to its jobs-teaching English, science and possibly history. W HILE 'ANSWERING a broadly felt need, this proposal for a Harvard pilot project to Nigeria raises two immediate questions: Why Should Harvard take the initiative? And why should Nigeria be the country chosen? In answer to the first, the drafting commit- tee points out that."in the process of consider- ing youth corps proposals, members of Con- gress will no doubt be interested in precedents for such a program.", N ANSWER TO the second question-Why Nigeria?-the committee offers a cluster of answers: (1) relations between Harvard and Nigerian educational and governmental institu- tions have elready been establised; (2) Ni- gerian officials have already indicated that they would welcome the aid of trained American college students who could teach English, sci- ence and possibly other subjects in secondary schoole: (3) Harvard has several faculty mem- bers who are familiar with Nigerian problems, including one who lived and taught there for three years, AT 'THEiR JOBS in Nigeria, U.S. graduates would have to answer-candidly and yet advantageously-the usual round of "embarass- ing questions." For example, "What sort of country is, it that keeps Negroes segregated in Little Rock and New Orleans and then sends us teachers in Nigeria?" ly concealed weapon for cultural imperialism by our government. To be congratulated are those who have proposed study programs and the seeking of advice from persons experienced in foreign affairs. The opinions of the latter at the con- ferences last weekend, such as those of Rep.-elect Bursley, Dr. Gonbery, Dr. Schorger and Dr. Service, to name a few, has thrown serious doubts on the value and effectiveness for any purpose of unspecialized American college students in foreign countries. Several of their points include: 1) The mistakes of Western Colo- nialism, with which, like it or not, we are associated, have been ex- cessive and quite frankly, the sentiments of the new national- isms do not include foreigners, not even well intentioned American students. 2) Exactly what jobs could American students, with sev- eral months language training, perform that the native peoples could not, except at a very highly technical level which is already best handled through an institu- tion that has been functioning in this capacity for many years, the United Nations. Most countries have an excess number of manual laborers and college rgaduates. Providing competition is not the best way to win friends for the U.S. 3) THERE IS a misconception by Americans as to the awareness and sophistication of the recipient countries regarding these prob- lems. An example is the UAR where the Nasser government im- plemented a law requiing all col- lege grads to serve for 2 years in the countryside (in addition to the draft). 1400 young teachers re- sponded to a Castro request for volunteers to teach in villages. Part of the slow rate of social reform in "underdeveloped countries" is due to financial problems and the existence of status quo govern- ments, many of which the U.S. has supported. 4) Other important fac- tors mentioned were: the care, protection and feeding of the "helpers." What a sad state if they should need the help of the natives after a month or so, due to disease, different diet, habits, laws etc. 5) What is the purpose of such a program? Is it economic aid, good will missions, or the en- lightenment of American students? Would not the first be better ac- complished through economic poli- cies and experts? Wouldn't the latter two aims be simultaneously better served through expanded student exchanges and youth fes- tivals which would avoid the afore- mentioned problems? 4 * *1 IN CONTRAST to these wise and experienced views came the surprising statements by Dr. Sam- uel Hayes on Friday night, Dec. 9th that we don't have time to wait for answers to these questions, in effect to decide what in fact we are, We were told that we must press Congress for money before deciding. The undersigned would like to understand the reason for this rush.. If it has something to do with Congress's 1st session in a. month, then we think there is even more reason to hesitate and discover the real nurnosa nnd vrl- be a great achievement. Tell me then, why do you go about it with the methods of the 12th century? Why do you follow as your exam- ple those who rode out from their stone castles on long crusades? Why do you follow those who marched out to battle on big white horses with Christian banners fly- ing in the wind? Why do you copy those who marched forth to force their beliefs on others, to free the 'Holy Land' from any one who be- lieved differently from themselves? Why do you insist on using force, even troops and tanks, to force 'brotherhood,' 'equality,' 'integra- tion' down the throats of those who resist? Why do you believe in giving them 'democracy,' 'equality' NOW, in your way, or destroying them? . * MODERN Christians have got- ten smarter than those of the Dark Ages and earlier. Rather than march forth with sword and shield to convert or kill, they send out missionaries with the Bible, with understanding and love to educate and win them to God. Couldn't you use the same principles in the south (or even here in the north)? Why couldn't you use a program of education to bring about integra- tion? The people of the south are not unreceptive on the subject, In- tegration was begun in many southern states successfully with- out trouble years before that in- famous May of 1954. The majority of southerners are not against in- tegration (I'm not so sure of north. erners . . . Just look around out- side Ann Arbor .'. . and even inside!.. Come out of your 'Ivory Tower,' not on a crusade but on a mission. Try to achieve true integration (understanding, cooperation be- tween races), not just desegrega- tion as you are now. The 'Chris- tian armies' of the past may have gotten 'token Christianity' or lip- service, but they won few to God through force .,. And you ike-: wise are doing little to create un- derstanding and unity in America You are doing little to encourage true integration, racial brother- hood and equality, -H. Griffith Holiday Cheer? To the Editor: E SIGNS SAY "for the man who has everything" and are draped with tinsel and' artificial snow. The greeting cards (the rare serious ones, at least) say "peace on Earth; good will toward men."' Friends smile and say"Merry Christmas" as they hurry en route to the train or plane. Supposedly everybody is happy. If not a fifth of "Christmas cheer" in a "stun- ning decanter" will solve that, advertisements infer. But did you ever try to collect names for a large Christmas card for little girls a long way from the truth seeking atmosphere of Ann Arbor? You wonder where the holiday spirit evaporates. You begin to doubt the supposition that you are in a university which is noted for its cosmopolitan, 'ac- cepting and objective atmosphere. You wonder about the sociology Why do people hesitate to put their name on a large list of names which represent a positive token of concern for those people who happen to have a dark skin?. One reason, of course, is the cancerous lingerings of the McCarthy days. Another is the feeling of "why bother?" Another is the degenerate disease of prejudice. Perhaps it is my fault personally for passers by not signing. Maybe I didn't communicate clearly. Perhaps people don't trust a man with a beard. In any case, when the churches and homes ring with the songs of Christmas, with the spirit of happiness and "glad tidings," I hope that some will reflect upon their good fortunes and want to share it with a few others who chanced to be a little darker than they and have heard the swear words of housewives and seen the twisted faces taut "with a disease called prejudice. -David Giltrow, '61Ed. Uninformative . To the Editor- AFTER READING Mike Gill- man's column, "Man in Mo- tion," I experienced mixed feel- ings of disgust and disappoint- ment. Like the person who prompted the writing of his ar- ticle, I too experienced my first hockey game last Saturday night and consequently was not famil- iar with the technical terms of the game. Iowever,, this created in me a desire to learn more about the game when I saw the article entitled "Semantics," I fully anti- cipated an opportunity to increase my rather meager knowledge of the sport. WHAT FOLLOWED, instead of an instructive, interesting dis- course as the title' implied, was a series of ludicrous "definitions" which were sorrowfully meant to be witty but were of such a petty nature they would hav~e been re- jected by the most sophomoric humor magazines. The article was not only an insult to the reading public, but also definitely in bad taste and most assuredly unbecoming to a paper of the "Daily's" usual cali- bre' -Donn Conner, 161E DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Offlctal Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editorial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2 p.m. two days preceding publication. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14 General Notices President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold open house for students at their home Wed., Dec. 14 from 4 to 6 p.m. The student automobile regulations will be lifted for Christmas vacation from 5:00 p.m. Friday, Dec. 16th, to 8:00 a.n. on Tues., Jan. 3, 1961. Office of the Dean of Men, Second Semester Registration Notice: All students who are interested in assisting with second semester reg s- tration Feb. 3 - 6. 1961, must fill out a student registration help application. These appleiations must be obtained from the receptionist in room 1020 Administration Building, 8:00 a.m, to 5:00 p.m. Tues, and Wed., Dec. 13 and 14. All applications must be returned to room 1020 by 5:00 p.m. Wed., Decem- ber 14. Late applications will not be accepted under any circumstances. Women students who do not have a housing commitment for the spring semester may apply now at the Office of the Dean of Women, 1011 SAB, for residence hall or supplementary hou- ring. There will be a few vacancies in the Martha Cook Bldg. for the second Student Recital: Alexander Ryan, or- ganist, will present a recital at 8:30 p.m., In IHill Auditorium In partial ful- fillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Musical Arts. He is the student of Prof. Marily-n Ma-, son BrtownHe will play compositions by Bach, Honegger, Vierne, and Reubke. Open to the public. Botanical Seminar: Dr. Rowland Davis, Department of Botany, will speak on "The Action of Certain Gene Modifiers on Mutants of Neurospora and Bac- teria," Wed, Dec. 14 at 4:15 p.m., 1139 NS. Refreshments will be served at 4 p~m. "Face of Red China", a film story of communist China in 1958, will be shown on Wed.., Dec. 15 at 4:10 p.m. in And. B Angell Hall, Doctoral Examination for George Zo- grafi, Pharmaceutical Chemistry; thesis "Adsorption of Certified Dyes by Starch" Wed., Dec. 14, 3002 Pharm. Re- search Bldg., at 1:30 p.m., Chairman, A. M. Mattocks. Events Thursday Doctoral Examination for Donald Roger Browne, Speech: thesis: "The History and Programming Policies of Rias: Radio in the American Sector of Berlin. ," Thursday, Dec. 15, 2020 Frieze Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Edward Stash- eff. Chairman. M. 301. Analysis Seminar: The topic is "The Tchebycheff Problem in Ap- proximate Integration." Meeting is in 246 West Engineering, Thursday, De- cember 15 at 2:00 p.m. Illogical. . To the Editor: IT SEEMS TO US that many highly illogical meanings have been made known to the public regarding the fraternity and sor- ority bias - clause controversy. Among the most infamous of these undoubtedly belongs the opinions expressed by Dean of Women Deb- orah Bacon (a well-known figure to Daily readers). The absudity of these opinions is that they claim to protect the freedom of the Greek system; arnd yet they are the ones to restrict this same freedom by advocating the maintenance of bias clauses. These clauses regulate the re- quirements for admission. Thus the nnnn'+fiaA n1~i~wyn '.m n'.mn4. . .- I