"On To The Old OLD Frontier" ATT .-.wm-,Am EDITED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN s Are Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OFS TUDENT PUBLICATIONS Prevail" eAr gt;Wtw06"/q,\A M ' i4,~ Y 4 Q, fir, R x' NrNmoi .. A Movie Sheds Light On Girls of theNight ANYONE INTERESTED in obtaining moderately authentic, albeit expurgated, glimpse into the life of all call girl should be interested' in the movie at the State Theatre, "Girl of the Night." Anne Francis, as Robin Williams, Call Girl, is properly con- fused, frightened, and insecure. Her "procurer," Larry, is played -- at times a bit broadly - by John Kerr, who has come a long way from "Tea and Sympathy." The other main character is the Doctor, (not M.D., but Psych. D.), soberly played by Lloyd Nolan. THE PLOT IS set in motion when Robin comes home from a "date," obviously shaken up and distrait. The solicitous cabby takes 0 her to a doctor in her apartment building, and the doctor turns out to be a psychologist. He offers to call an M.D. for her, but she re- fuses. Before she leaves, however, the Doctor has sensed that something more than physical pain is at the root f her troubles, and he offers to help her in his own psycholo- gical way. She shrugs it off then, but the next morning she appears in his office, and -e takes her on as a patient.- * * *. THE FILM DOES its best to point out that the life of a call girl is not all glamorous - in fact, almost no part of it is, if you discount the expensive clothes., It attempts to indicate, mostly through Robin's remarks to the psychologist rather than through visual means, the strange kind of apathy with which the call girl must arm herself before she goes out for her night's work. The story is based on an actual, factual survey of the profession, but it would seem that the charac- ter of Robin Williams is too much a composite, from the background of rejection by parents, so that she is desperately in need of real love and effection, to the. symbiotic relationship with her procurer,, who is also typical of his ilk,. * * * SOMETIMES .the character de- velopme~rt is a little to pat - Larry is just a shade too weak too greasy, to be believable, al- though that may be what amakes him a success at his trade. Robin's traumatic crises and her eventual rehabilitation are also just a little too predictable. Subsidiary roles are well-handl- ed: that of Rowena, the madam,; a girl of the night grown old, and her kept gentleman, a dapper Britisher named "swagger." The photography is excellent black- and-white; the movie offers a good chance to hiss a real villain if you're more interested in the moral overtones. -Selma.Sawaya AT- THE MICHIGAN: 'Sergeant' Ctar ri e sOn IN THE LAST few years British film producers have had ,great success, both artistically and fi- nancially, by exporting to the United States a succession of slick, sophisticated comedies. Earlier this year, however, with their eyes cost pn the U.S. enter- tainment dollar (ah, the gold problem) the English producing team. of Nat Cohen, Steve Levy and Peter Rodgers brought 'to these shores a 1957 comedy. This film, a series of vignettes replete with innuendoes, double entendres, low comedy situations and plain old slapstick, was one the top box office hits of the ye r. S' * * UNLIKIE ITS predecessor this one has somewhat of a plot and considerably less material of a suggestive nature. As a result "Car- ry on Sergeant" is neither as fun- ny or entertaining as the first of the series. The same crew of players have forsaken their beds and bed pans in exchange for the paraphernalia of war. The plot is very familiar. The camera traces the trials and trib- ulations of a platoon -of National Servicemen as it works its way through ten weeks of basic train- ing. 0010 x tq LG ^r iG c..,,t/.SKtN-raa,.J 'Pa XT' co. AMBASSADOR TO UN: Stevenson Called 'Good Choice' By MAX HARRELSON Associated Press News Analyst rfE E PROSPECT of Adlai Stev- enson coming to the United Nations as United States ambassa- dor recalls an almost forgotten chapter in the life of the former Democratic standard bearer. For almost three years, during the Truman administration, Stev- enson served as a delegate to in- ternational conferences, including the first two sessions of the UN General Assembly inr 1946 and 1947. Veteran United Nations diplo- mats remember him as an im- portant figure at 'the 1945 San Francisco conference which draft- ed the UN charter and at the London meeting of the prepara- tory commission which forged the structure of the world organiza- tion. At the charter conference, he was a special assistant to Secre- tary of State Edward Stettinius. One o fihis duties was to conduct background briefings for the press. In London he headed the United States delegation on the prepara- tory commission when Stettiiius became ill and could not attend. FORMER SECRETARY-Gen- eral Trygve Lie, In his memoirs, recalls Stevenson's activities in those early days. It was Stevenson, Lie disclosed, who first suggested that Lie be a candidate for the presidency of the first General Assembly session. And later Lie said Stevenson came to him "with his customary gentility" and ex- pressed regret when Lie was de- feated by Belgium's Panl-Henri Spaak. Lie also reported that he twice offered Stevenson a job as assist- ant Secretary-General, once in 1946 and again in 1947, but that Stevenson turned down both of- fers. On still another occasion, Lie recounted, the name of Dwight D. Eisenhower was suggested by Brit- ain's Philip Noel-Baker for the new post of UN Secretary-General. It fell to Stevenson to announce that the United States did not want an American to have the job and that Eisenhower was not a candi- date. When the preparatory commis- sion was considering a site for permanent UN headquarters, Stev- enson made it clear that the Unit- ed States delegation would follow a hands-off policy on locating the headquarters in the United States. But, he said, the United States would welcome the United Nations if it decided to come here. As an alternate delegate to the first and second sessions of the General Assembly, Stevenson's work was less spectacular. He was assigned specially to the legal com- mittee which produced but little news, but which was deeply in- volved in international law. * 4. 4. HIS LAST UN assignment end- ed 13 years ago, but he has visited UN headquarters a few times since then. Lie tells of one of these visits in his memoirs. Liek had arranged a luncheon for about twenty persons including Vice-President Alben W. Barkley, Mrs. Barkley and Stevenson. The work scraping gravy from the sec- ond lady with our table knives." The incident ended happily when someone hurriedly appeared with Mrs. Barkley's fur coat and cov- ered her gravy-stained clothing. * * * THE NEWS THAT Stevenson had been offered the UN post by President-electJohn F. Kennedy was well received by diplomats, some of whom had known him in the founding days and some who had known him later as a political figure. One delegate who worked with Stevenson at San Francisco said: "The United States is fortunate indeed to have a man with his ability for negotiations, his skill in handling ideas, and words. It will be interesting to see how he copes with the Russians." Indian Defense Minister V. K. Krishna Menon remarked that Stevenson certainly was a man who commanded wide respect here. One of the relative newcomers to the United Nations, Ambassa- dor Alex Guaison-Sackey of Gha- na, said Kennedy's choice was "good, very good indeed." WHETHER "Carry on Sergean fails because of its own weak ma terial or from its failure to live t to the standards of "Carry C Nurse" is hard to say. Nonetheles we shall hear from Cohen, Lev and Rodgers again. Home in jol old England they already hav three more "Carry On" movies i the can and ready for export. -Harold Applebaum . I LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: - Documentation On Algerian Conditions To the Editor: WAS VERY HAPPY to see Mr. Carduner's letter in the Mich- igan Daily and to note his objec- tive viewpoint. However, there are certain points which I think should be clarified. 1) Mr. Carduner questions my statement that there are 800,000 people in the French army in Al- geria. It is possible that he has forgotten the Air Force, Para- troops and the local police. France has never given official figures on its total armed forces in Algeria. Even though there is no question about the "500,000 soldiers in Al- geria, it is still significant that 130,000 Algerian soldiers have been able to prevent these troops from subduing the revolution. 2) Concerning education in Al- geria, Mr. Carduner stated that the percentage of scholarization is different in the case of French children and Algerian children. I would like to elucidate this point, The French population in Algeria is 10 per cent of the total, but In school only 10 per cent of the students are Algerians Actually there are only 5,000 Algerian stu- dents in total. 2,000 of these are studying in Algeria and France and the other 3,000 are studying in universities throughout the world with the help of FLN and friendly countries. More than 80 per cent of the Algerian people are illiterate. Mr. Carduner con- tinues by saying that the fact that I, myself, am educated disproves my statement concerning the il- literacy in Algeria. The truth is that I am the only one in a fam- ily of 14 children who can read. My parents are also illiterate, * * * 3) HAVING LIVED under the conditions which exist in Algeria, I feel more qualified than Mr. Carduner, who has never been to Algeria, to say that a war of ex- termination does exist there. 1,- 000,000 Algerians have been kill- ed. In addition, there are many people in concentration camps and prisons. Many families have been broken up and deprived of their belongings. In spite of all this, the Algerian people have con- tinued to resist the oppression. This resistance has led the French government to develop one of the most perfect forms of genocide: concentration camps. One-fifth of tinuing this operation." Le Monde, April 14. 1959. March, 1960-2.- 000,000 people in concentration camps. Mr. Lelouvrier himself ad- mitted that there were 1,250,000. He acknowledged this fact at the meeting concerning the Constan- tine Plan on March 31, 1960. Also, the French press announced that there were 1,500,000 people in these camps without counting the "clandestine camps." "There are 1,500,000 people from the Tunisian frontier to the Moroccan frontier, men, women, and children, who had to abandon their homes." France-Soir, April 14, 1960. 2,000,000 human beings, primarily women and children, suffering a slow death. WOMEN AND CIILDREN. "One particularly miserable camp holds 900 children out of a total of 1,- 200 people. In one case which is more typical of the camps, there are 550 children under 15 years of age out of 1,000 people. Among adults the number of men rarely exceeds 40 per cent and sometimes it is considerably lower than this figure." Mr. Delouvrier's Report. The Cold. "I have seen children whose tibia and fibula (leg bones) can be seen clearly under their skin; children suffering from rick-, ets, malaria, for whom there is no quinine, and who, trembling with fever, are sleeping on the ground without coverings. I have visited camps where there is not a single blanket or even some- times only one blanket for 13 peo- ple in a tent."-From the Notes of Pastor Jacques Beaumont, Oc- tober 14-15, 1959. "Imagine Eu- ropeans here under the same con- ditions during the winter in this cold with the wind and the mud;' you would see them dying like flies.' - France-Soir, April 16, 1960. The Famine. "I saw in one camp five children who were prac- tically dying of hunger, another child whose mother told me, He is going to die,' and about whom the medical attendant said, with tears in his eyes, 'There is not'h- ing more that can be done ... From the Notes of Pastor Jacques Beaumont, October 14-15, 1959. "Do you know that a certain number of these people are reduc- ed to eating grass because the vital food had to be cut off." Cardinal Gerlier, Article which ap- peared in Le Monde, March 19, whom there is no more medicine' . (Report of Mr. Rodhain, April, 1959). ". . . women and children dying from lack of care ." (Notes of Pastor Jacques Beaumont). Such is the tragic situation of these people. Indignant world opinion, num- erous messages, calls and resolu- tions from religious authorities, from congresses and international conferences has had little effect on the behavior of the French leaders. * * * AMONG THE MESSAGES was this one signed by seven English diplomats concerning the concen- tration camps: "We, the undersigned, feel very strongly the necessity of an in- ternational commission under the auspices of. the united Nations to investigate the state of things. We are sending out a call in the name of humanity to the British gov- ernment to intervene at the Unit- ed Nations while there is still time, and to call for an immedi- ate investigation."-Appeal which appeared in the Manchester, Guardian. I don't feel that it is necessary to remind you of the torture that people must endure under such conditions. However; I would like to quote the opinion of Henry Al- leg, author of the book,. "The Question," a French Algerian who has survived a period of some of the most exacting forms of tor- ture ever employed. "All this, I have had to say for those Frenchmen who will read me. I want them to know that the Algerians do not confuse their torturers with the great people of France, from whom they have learned so much and whose. friendship is so dear to them. But they must know what is being done IN THEIR NAME." Henri Aleg, '"The Question." (This book can be found in the University Under- graduateLibrary.) -Nur-El-Din Ait Laosslne To the Editor: ON DEC. 10 the Daily published a letter from Mr. Robert I. Crane and Mr.- Arnold S. Kaufmnan which told of the plight of Mr., and Mrs. James Gabrielle of New that checks may be mailed to Dr. Crane and Dr. Kaufman at the Departments of History and Phi- losophy, respectively. The checks will be forwarded to Mr. and Mrs. Gabrielle on Satur- day, December 17. -Wallace H. Wilson, Grad Suggestion. To the Editor: UNDERSTAND from a very re- liable source (The New York Times-Dec. 9) that Senator Bar- ry Goldwater has suggested that we do away with foreign, aid, since, in his view, we have not been get-, ting any results by pursuing our present policy. First let me applaud this highly "constructive suggestion" which should not leave us in utter de- spair as to how to win the current ideological battle. Why not use the funds that would otherwise be employed in the sterile area of foreign aid to erect bigger, better, and more glorious fraternity houses as sure strongholds against communism and other nakty -Julie Newmam, 61 .DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan for which The Michigan Daily assumes no editgrial responsibility. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN -form to ,Room 3519 Administration Building, before 2' p.m. two days preceding publication. TUESDAY, DECEMBERI 13 General Notices President and Mrs. Hatcher will hold open house for students at their home Wed., Dec.14 from '4 to 8 p.m. The studentautomobile regulations Will be lifted for Christmas vacation from 5:00 p.m. Friday, Dec. 16th, to 8:09 a.m. on Tues., Jan. 3, 1961. Office .af the Dean of Men. Second Semester Registration Notice: All students who are interested in assisting with second semester regis- tration Feb. 3 - 6, 1961, must fill out a student registration help application. These applciations must be obtained from the receptionist in room 1020 Administration Building, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Tues. and Wed., Dee 13 and 14. All applications must be ret'urned I /