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December 13, 1960 - Image 9

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-12-13

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se Pale 4


Syr tan
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom


Fair and slightly
warmer in afternoon.



Report Views Honors Progran

An evaluative study of the liter-
ary college honors program, sub-
mitted to the Honors Council for
discussion yesterday, says that the
Honors program seems not to be
living up to expectations in such
areas as the amount of student-
faculty contacts, "busy work" in
courses, and the informational
level of counselors, "the program
does appear to have several edu-
cational advantages."
Better Courses
Among these the report lists
most strongly better courses and
instructors. "Honors students .. .
rate the level of instruction of
honors classes higher than control
students rate the level of their
courses, and the higher scores of
honors students in two of the Area
Tests of the Graduate Record Ex-

amination support these observa- cific the kinds of effects which an4

Honors students also claim to
learn more from each other in
class than do control students and
find their counseling to be more
adequate, the report says.
Presented to theCouncil by Prof.
Robert C. Angell of the sociology
department, director of the pro-
gram, it was conducted from 1958
through 1959 by Phyllis E. Pilisuk,
a research assistant working in the
program with funds granted by
the Carnegie Corporation.
One of three such investigations
of the program, it states as its
purpose "to discover whether the
hoped-for goals of the Honors
program at the University of
Michigan have been achieved in
any form and to any degree." It
also attempts to "make more spe-

honors program might be expected
to have and to devise instruments
to measure their attainment."
Four major groups of students
were used as information sources
for the report: "continuous hon-
ors" students, who have been in
the program since their freshman
year, or who entered it as first
semester sophomores; "controls,"
those of the top seven per cent of
the 1956 entering class who were
still enrolled in the literary college
in the fall of 1958; "new honors"
students, who were being accepted
into the separate departmental
honors programs in their junior
year; and "drops," who were un-
successful in maintaining a 3.0
average in the Honors Program,
and were asked to discontinue
honors work.

The section of the report en-'
titled "What Honors Students
Think of their Education" con-
cludes on one hand that "honors
students feel more satisfied with
their overall college experience
than comparably bright control
students." Adequate use of their
abilities, the general academic op-
portunities, and adequate counsel-
ing services are reasons listed. In
addition, honors students "feel less
overwhelmed by the size of the
University," believe they are re-
ceiving superior instruction at a
higher level in their honors classes,
and pictures themselves as being
motivated to work.
Honors classes however, seem to
be no more stimulating than gen-
eral classes taken by control stu-
dents, nor are special honors

courses viewed as better than hon.
ors sections.
The study makes four "salieni
points with respect to "Student
Development." First, "honors stu-
dents seem to be learning more
than comparably bright students;
however, the kind of learning situ.
ation they prefer is the formal
highly structured type."
Honors Work
Second, although honors work is
neither causing severe persona
problems nor preventing studenti
from joining extra-curricular ac-
tivities, it may be a factor in pre-
venting greater involvement in
student activities and in reducing
the possibilities for engaging in
individual intellectual activites.
Third, "the Honors Prograr
does not appear to present greater
See REVIEW, Page 5

.S. Supreme Court Blasts

NEW ISR HOME-The Institute for Social Research is planning to raise funds for Its future home
on Thompson street. The five-story structure will house the Survey Research Center and Center
for Group Dynamics, which compose ISR. The building, wihch includes parking facilities on the
ground and lobby levels, will be built on land recently purchased by the University on Thompson.




ISR To Build New


"The future home of the Insti-
tute for Social Research will be
erected within the next two years
on Thompson Street north of
Jefferson Street, across from the
Student Activities Building," Rob-
ert B. Voight, assistant to the
director of the Institute said yes-
The new building will be five
stories high and house approxi-
mately 150 members of the Survey
Research Center and the Research
Center for Group Dynamics, whose
offices are currently in several out-
moded buildings scattered about'
the campus. It will also contain
parking facilities on the ground
and lobby levels.
Mayv Debate
ISpeaker Ban
Wayne State University Board
of Governors may again find,
themselves confronted with prob-
lems related to their present deci-
sion to lift the ban on Communist
speaker when they meet tomorrow
in Detroit.
Frank Tuohey, director of WSU's
public relations staff, said that
although the issue was not offici-
ally on the agenda of the meet-
ing, questions relating to it were
likely to be raised.
Tuohey also said that WSU
officials had talked with Sen. El-
mer R. Porter (R - Blissfield),
chairman of the state appropria-
tions committee, who recently
confirmed his stand that WSU
would find it difficult to secure
funds in the future unless the ban
were reinstated. The Board can
take no action until they
receive a copy of the letter sent
to Porter by Ann Byerlein, leader
of a group petitioning for rein-
statement of the ban, which
elicited Porter's reply.
Miss Byerlein said that she had
would not be given this informa-
tion until she received a copy of
the Board minutes of their Nov.
26 meeting. Tuohey said these
minutes had been sent out, but
Miss Byerlein said she - had not
received a copy.
Miss Byerleni said that she had
twice been refused minutes of
Board meetings, which as a tax-
payer she was entitled to since
WSU is supported by public reve-
Miss Byerlein plans to attend
the open Board meeting' and has
added "quite a number more"
names to her petition,


(The new building is apparently
in line with the University's ex-
pansion program which involvesI
recently purchased land between
E. William and Madison Streets
on Thompson Street. A parking
structure will also be built by the
University for staff and those who
attend conferences at the Michi-
gan Union on Thompson Street.)
Form Program
"The Institute is in the process
of forming a program to raise
funds for the building," Voight
said. "The whole structure will
cost approximately $1.6 million of
which the United States Depart-
ment of Health, Education and
Welfare has pledged $040,000 pro-
viding that ISR can raise a match-'
ing amount within the fiscal year.
When the conditions of the grant
have been met the ISR will still
need $800,000 more.
"The Institute, due to the nature
of its research and an agreement
with the University to remain in-
dependent, must be largely self-
supporting with most of its income
derived from research grants and
contracts with agencies outside of
the University," Voight explained.
"Therefore the Institute must
raise the funds for the building
and has enlisted the assistance

and advice of the University's De-
velopment Council to obtain funds
for the erection of the building."
The need for new and more ade-
quate facilities is pressing, Voight
said. The main unit of the Insti-
tute is presently located in what
was the Old West Hospital. The
building is not large enough to
huose the complete Institute which
also occupies an annex and a for-
mer dwelling located some distance
Originally Housed
The ISR was originally housed
in the basement of the University
Elementary School and still has
some part-time laboratories there.
When the main unit outgrew the
basement ISR moved into the old
University Hall. They remained
there until the building was de-
molished and finally moved into
the Old West Hospital.
ISR utilizes scientific methods
of research and survey-interview-
ing to gain a better understanding
of social behavior. By providing
answers to complex social ques-
tions the Institute has shown busi-
ness firms, youth organizations
and federal agencies how better
to cope with the trends of human
behavior and solve personnel prob-

Define New Policy k{
On Room Selection SY
The Board of Governors of Residence Halls yesterday unanimously
approved an official policy in regard to the Regents' Bylaw on dis-
The statement reads, "The Board of Governors of Residence
Halls is charged with responsibility for University-owned residence
halls and operates under Regents Bylaw 2.14 which states: 'They
University shall not discriminate against any person because of race,
color, religion, creed, national origin or ancestry.'
"The University strives to make its Residence Halls a com-
munity living experience valuable to all students. Within the Resi-
Sdence Halls each house has a crossv

Pieo ns Make Their Home
In General Library Rafters
"Pigeon is a dirty word around here," Agnes Tysse, General
Library reference department head says.
She says this because of an invasion of the Library's main
reference room by the birds, which have been making their home
aroud the Library and the Diag for years. They fly back and forth,
paying no attention to anyone else.
"We suspect that they have some means of getting in, but no
one knows how," Miss Tysse said. "They are awfully-smart birds.
They have learned that if they
stay on the ledge outside or above
the windows we can't get at them.
"The library is thoroughly un- C h ri
happy about having them around.
We've been cooperating with build-
ing and grounds by doing research
on ways to get rid of them, but soy
far the pigeons have won."
In elimination of the birds, there;
are two problems: the job must be
permanent, but the means for
doing a permanent job are limited.
A permanent Job means that the
birds should 'be killed, but this
would involve the use of poison
and it would not be feasible to
have dead pigeons dropping all
over campus.
The pigeons could be shooed
away, but this would not neces-
sarily be permanent.-
Opinions from people inhabiting
the reference room seem to show

.To Withdraw
UN *Troops
of Morocco and Guinea are being
withdrawn from the United Na-
tions Congo forces, those countries
said yesterday, in protest against
the course of the UN operation.
The United Arab Republic and
Indonesia had previously an-
nounced withdrawals.
Ismael Toure of Guinea an-
nounced withdrawal of that na-
tion's 749 soldiers in a speech to
the QN Security Council. He said
Guinea's President Sekou Toure
had notified Secretary - General
Dag Hammarskjold and demanded
that the soldiers be repatriated
at once.
On the heels of Guinea's an-
nouncement came official word
from Rabat that the Moroccan
government had decided to pull
out its contingent of 3,100 men.
The UAR had previously an-
nounced the pullout of 519 men
and Indonesia the withdrawal of
1,150 troops.

section of students representing
most aspects of the highly diver-
gent student body, thus providing
a cosmopolitan community or
Works Closely
"In this 'community' the stu-
dent lives and works closely with
all types of people. In selecting
roommates, we feel that the in-
dividual should be permitted to
make his own selection on the
basis of personal preferences.
"Since new students do not have
an opportunity to meet their fu-
ture classmates, the University
makes an effort to assign room-
mates with congenial living ha-
Tells Students
This is the first formal policy
statement on roommate selection
the board has taken since 1957
when it abolished the requirement
that an applicant's photograph
had to be enclosed with his room
application. The University now
requires no such photograph un-
til after an actual room contract
has been signed.
"This new policy tells students
and parents how we go about ac-
cepting students and assigning
them roommates," John Hale, as-
sistant dean of men said.

-AP Wirephotos
SHOUTING IN ALGIERS - Young demonstrators in Algier's
Casbah yesterday shout and wave flags as outbreaks between
rebels and French troops continued. The casualty toll in the
country reached 79 after two days of bloody strife.
French Quell Moslems
As Riots Rock Algters
By The Associated Press
ALGIERS-Moslems defiantly waving the flag of nationalist
rebellion rioted again yesterday in Algiers but finally were penned
up in their teeming quarter by French soldiers and riot police.
The death toll from four days of disorder rose to 90.
Mobs vented their fury on Jews in the native quarter, sacking
Jewish stores and looting a synagogue on the edge of the quarter.
Police dispersed them with tear

New Orleans
Court Order
Interposition Termed
'Without Substance,
Settled In, 1803'
preme Court yesterday unani
mously smashed all barriers erect.
ed by Louisiana in its effort to
block public school integration.
The court, using firm language
backed up a Nov. 3 ruling by a
three-judge federal court in New
Orleans that:
1) Knocked out an assortmen
of anti-integration laws passed
by the Louisiana Legislature. Th
new laws were aimed at headini
off a federal court order for in
tegration of New Orleans schools
beginning with the first grade. thi
Rejects Effort
2) Bluntly rejected Louisiana'
effort to halt school integration
by invoking the doctrine of in
terposition-a theory that a stat
can interpose its sovereignty be-
tween federal authority and th
state's citizens.
The Supreme Court agreed wit]
the lower court that interposition
clearly is not a constitutional doc
trine and, "if taken seriously, i
is an illegal defiance of constitu
tional authority."
Chief Argument
Louisiana's chief argument in
challenging the lower court's rul
ing was that the state "has inter
posed itself in the field of publi
education over which it has ex
clusive control."
In a brief, unsigned opinior
the Supreme Court said "this ob-
jection is without substance." Th
high tribunal cited a 1959 Littl
bock school case tracing th
authority of the federal judiciar;
back to 1803 and said it had dis
posed of the interposition ques
tion at that time.
Other objections of Louisiani
to the lower court's ruling "ar
likewise without merit," the Su
preme Court said.
Specifically, what was, before
the court today was a plea b:
Louisiana to defer effectivenes
of the lower federal court orde:
pending a full-scale review of it

!s I~ringle,' '64

gas grenades. An army helicopter
fired on a rebel flag hoisted above
the synagogue.
Hundreds of Jews fled the native
quarter at this abrupt manifesta-
tion of the ancient hostility be-
tween Moslem and Jew.
President Charles de Gaulle
abruptly' cut short by a day his
planned six-day visit to Algeria
to sell his plan of home rule for
the rebellious territory. He will
head back to Paris today.
In the United Nations a speaker
broke into debate on Algeria yes-
terday and said "More than 1,000
Algerians were killed in the past
48 hours" by French troops firing
on Moslem demonstrators.
The French disputed the figure,
citing official announcements of
fewer than 100 killed.,
U Thant of Burma told the Gen-
eral Assembly's 99-nation political
committee the figure of more than
1,000 dead was given to the 46-
nation Asian-African groups as an
authenticscount by the Algerian
Rebuff GOP

New Orleans.
White Boycott
Still Continues
NEW ORLEANS (M)-The white
boycott against integrated classes
neither gained nor lost ground
yesterday as the United States Su-
preme Court and the president of
the city's school board both toss-
ed punches in the four-week-old
Eight white children-the same
number as last Friday-attended
the William Frantz School yester-
day, along with the one Negro
girl in the first grade.
Three Negro girls showed up as
usual at McDonogh No. 19, ,a 500-
pupil school they've had to them-
selves since integration started in
Teachers at Frantz ignored the
state Legislature's threat of eco-
nomic reprisal by showing up for
But the action of the Legisla-
ture, aimed at closing facilities at
both Frantz and McDonogh,

Passes Rules
To Administe
Sale of Liquoi
The Ann Arbor City Council
night made no changes in exist
local regulations on alcoholic b
erages, as it passed ordinances
ficially setting up liquor by
glass in the city.

,A . . ..

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