CHALLENGE AT MICHIGAN: Evaluation and Prospectus Ch a Opinions ArO Free UNDER AUTHORITY OF BOARD IN CONTROL OF STUDENT PUBLICATIONS utb Will Prvil" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH..* Phone NO 2-3241 torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. (EDITOR'S NOTE: Brian Glick, 162, was recently elected Spokesman for next; semester's Challenge pro- gram.) By BRIAN GLICK Daily Guest Writer CHALLENGE was initiated last spring to promote critical dis- cussion of crucial contemporary issues. We hoped to present an ideal program. We have not fully realized this ideal but we now have a base from which to build. This semester's program suffered from many difficulties and mis- takes; we are working to correct these. I evaluate the Challenge of American Civil Liberties in this context and then present our, spring program-the Challenge of the Emerging Nations. The Challenge of American Civ- il Liberties presented four pre-col- loquium speakers, four colloquium speakers, and about 50 housing unit and colloquium seminars. These three aspects of the pro- gram were not sufficiently inte- grated. The speeches did not fol- low a noticeable order and the seminars did not relate directly to the speeches. The pre-colloquium speeches were, generally, poor. Only Paul Blanshard offered perceptive and stimulating new ideas. Three of. the four speakers advanced a lib- eral-radical position. Only John Hannah presented a somewhat conservative point of view. Some important topic areas were omit- ted-notably academic freedom, freedom of the press and control of mass media by vested interests. Less crucial aspects, particularly "Civil Liberties in Labor Unions" were discussed instead. This was partially determined by the topic preferences of the men who agreed to speak. THE COLLOQUIUM speeches were much closer to the CHAL- LENGE ideal. Michael Harrington was particularly perceptive and ar- ticulate. Colloquium attendance was generally poor. This was due to several factors: 1) conflict with mid-terms and other academic pressures,' 2) inadequate and sometimes confused .publicity, 3) campus disappointments with the quality of the pre-colloquium pro- grams, and 4) protest against the political bias of the program be- cause all four speakers represent- ed the political left. Attendance on Saturday morning was particu- larly poor because of conflict with classes, labs, and sleep. The final three speeches did not clearly re- late. Norman Thomas' closing ad- dress, though articulate and per- tinent, left the program open- ended. He was not asked to sum up, overview', or pose future prob- lems. Some of the housing unit semi- nars were excellent; others varied from decent to mediocre. They were hurt by four factors! 1) poor publicity--generally only the host housing unit was adequately in- formed, 2) often house officers were more interested in having programs than were house mem- bers, 3) the role of the faculty was not sufficiently clarified - these people serve most effective- ly as resource, reference, and stimulus-they should not lecture or moderate. * * * THE COLLOQUIUM seminars suffered from the latter.two diffi- culties and from poor scheduling and publicity of the entire week- end. The first meetings of most seminars was well attended but attendance at the second meetings dropped noticeably. This may have been due to disappointment with the first meetings but was at least partially caused by bad schedul- ing. CHALLENGE has also faced or- ganizational difficulties. We tried to maintain a loosely-structured and open-ended group. We suc- ceeded admirably in the first goal, but, somehow, failed to achieve the second. We did not provide' sufficient responsibility and op- portunity for participation to stu- dents who expressed interest. We were received enthusiastically ear- ly in the semester, but we failed to capitalize because we were not prepared. We had not been able to plan far enough in advance. In spite of the above mistakes and problems, we have contribut- ed substantially to the stimula- tion and information of the cam- pus, We have not achieved this to the degree we once antici- pated, but we have not complete-. ly failed. This spring's program Will test the vialibity of CHAL- LENGE at Michigan. Now that we have some backlog of experience, we should be able to produce a better program. We may not reach our ideal, but we should demon- strate obvious progress in this di- rection. WE HAVE DEVELOPED sever- al new procedures for the CHAL- LENGE of THE EMERGING NA- TIONS. We will modify these and develop new ideas as we proceed. We will begin to allocate specific organization responsibilities now. By inter-session and the first weeks of the new semester we' will be prepared to involve large numbers of students. * * * This CHALLENGE will be clear- ly structured. It will be posed Monday evening Feb. 13, by Sir Hugh Foot, last British Governor of Cyprus and former Governer of Jamaica and Chief Secretary of Nigeria. Foot will speak on "The Breakdown of Colonialism and the Formation of a National Consciousness." Seven pre-collo- quium Sunday afternoon open meetings will then study and dis- cuss the nature of the develop- ments and changes initiated by the emergence of underdeveloped nations. Eah meeting will fea- ture a speaker and a panel of two to four discussants. These guests will be faculty from the University and from other schools, and in- termediate officials of the UN and of embassies to the U.S. Speakers will outline a theoretical overview and. will then apply this to a spe-~ cific case study. We will encourage active debate and discussion be- tween speaker, panel, and audi- ence. We will prepare 15-20 pages of edited background material for each pre-colloquium meeting. The tentative topics for these meetings are: The Health Revolu- tion and the Population Explo- sion, Social Change and the Ero- sion of Tradition, The Role of the Elites:° Intelligensia, Military, and Traditional, Economic Develop- ment (with ,particular stress on Socialist and Capitalist systems), and two meetings on The Ideolog- ical Struggle, one focusing on the conflict between Communism and Western Democracy and the sec- ond discussing Neutralism. The final Sunday meeting will be de- termined later. We may continue a discussion arbitrarily cut off at a prior meeting, add a new topic, or provide an opportunity for students to present papers and talks. * * * - - PARTICIPANTS in these semi- nars will be given written ques- tions drawn from the prior Sun- day's topic. One weekday after- noon each week, we will program an open seminar, probably in the UGLI. These will be experimental; we will maintain them as long as students express an interest. We will continue the residence hall seminars, but only when house of- ficers guarantee interest. The Colloquium Weekend will begin Friday, April 21. The open- ing speaker will present an over- view of developments and changes within the emerging nations and a statement of the problems faced by the United States in formulat- ing policies toward these nations in the light of these developments and. changes. Sat., Apr. 22, two or three speakers will present con- flicting views of the most effec- tive U.S. policies toward the emerging nations. They will brief- ly present their views and there- mainder of the program will be devoted to cross-questioning, audi- ence questions, and general dis- cussion' and debate. The closing speaker, on Sun., Apr. 23, will in- dicate the roles which the U.S. student can play in meeting the Challenge of the Emerging Na- tions. * * , WE HAVE WRITTEN to speak- ers from across the political spectrum and we hope that some "conservatives" will agree to speak. We'will begin publicity at reg- istration and we will maintain a CHALLENGE board in the Fish- bowl. We plan to send material to our presently dormant mailing list and to increase communication with other schools and with Ann Arbor civic groups. CHALLENGE is still dedicated to the critical discussion of cru- cial contemporary issues. We can contribute to the University. We hope the campus will aid us by participating in planning and im- plemnting and by attending our programs. We look forward to a stimulating and exciting spring program. Hoffa LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Fraternity Service Goals To the Editor: IN READING the December 8th Daily two articles struck with quite an impact. One was concern- ing the IFC and its penalty to the AEPi pledges and the other was the note about Alpha Phi Omega taking over the Willopolitan bus service. Both these groups call them- selves fraternities, but the ideals behind them contrast sharply. While one group is actively help- ing and serving the campus and community, the other group, as a punishment, is told to put 15 hours per man into a community service project. Which side is demonstrat- ing the true brotherhood? Alpha Phi Omega presents a brotherhood to all while the Michigan Frater- nity System presents a brother- hood to hand-picked brother. * * * THE FRATERNITIES admit that the pledge stunt gave them a black eye. But is it right to force a group of men to work a special time for the "mitigation of un- favorable reflections?" Why doesn't everyone (actives too) in the fraternity system put 15 hours per man into campus and com- munity service? If this was done willingly then a true feeling of brotherhood to all might result. Alpha Phi Omega represents the type of group that is needed to- day. This could be the explanation why the fraternities hit a startling low in their pledge class and at the same time APO had one of its highest this semester. Without a house and group living Alpha Phi Omega is still able to present a feeling and desire in the men so that they work approximately 30 hours per man per semester for the campus and community. This represents true brotherhood, this is a true fraternity, and Alpha Phi Omega is the type of group needed in today's world. My Best to APO and I hope the fraternity men of Michigan will feel sometime that service to the outside community can be done for brotherhood and not to regain prestige. -Downs Herold, '63 Atrocity * To the Editor: THE EXPLETIVES which Mr. Sartin was required to excise from his letter regarding the 'Messiah" review were undoubtedly among the very ones uttered by discriminating admirers of baroque music upon being confronted with the Choral Union version of Han- del's oratorio. Sunday's performance, which was to Mr. Sartin "fine and mov- ing," would have bored me stiff- I went to hear Phyllis Curtin, who turned out to be disappointing--- had not the occasion afforded the opportunity of indulging oneself in a smugly scandalized appraisal of the many ways in which the instrumental and haromic texture, musical structure and dramatic spirit of the original score had been altered, the alterations being rendered even more unpalatable by dull nerformance. loosing reviewers do so on the most ridiculous grounds. First, who in heaven's name ever claims that the Daily reviewer is an expert? He is a volunteer. If he is not an expert, it is the fault of the experts themselves, who don't sign up at the beginning of the season.So why expect them to be experts already? * * * SECONDLY, WH1O ever goes or refrains from attending any mu- sical event because the reviewer praises or condemns it? Nobody. If a person is going to a concert, he goes to a concert, then waits till the next day so he can pan the reviews. Great sport! Thirdly, who ever decides- to go to a movie because of a review in the Daily? Nobody. We go because of the sexy ads, the high budget, the possibility of seeing a lot of bosom, or because it is a "great" movie. Then we wait till the next day to pan the review. Rare fun! * - * WHY DO WE GO to a play? Because we have tickets. Those who do not have tickets usually don't go. The review? Something to pan after the play has been seen! High entertainment! Finally, of the reviews are so bad, why read them? Because they are fun to pan, of a certainty. Of course, so are the panning letters. So is this letter. So are SGC resolutions. So are . . . , oh, well, forget it. -Brendan Liddell Philosophy Instructor Poem Burned .. To the Editor: A COPY OF Lawrence Ferling- hetti's "Christ Climbed Down" was recently put up as a decora- tion in one of the women's dorms, since the residents were urged to decorate their doors for Christ- mas. Other residents of the cot- ridor, not understanding' the meaning of the poem, removed and burned it. The ashes of the burnt pages were on the corridor floor. A reasonably attentive first reading of the poem leads one only to the conclusion that Ferlinghet- ti is making a plea for the recog- nition of the religious significance of the Christmas 'holiday. One must also remember that a cor- ridor doorway may not be the place to read poetry with any degree of attention. "Christ Climbed Down" thus may have seemedother than it is. However, the fact remains that the way to change something is not through destruction. Ideas were never suppressed because books were burned, and 'progress is not being halted by cross burning. It is particularly shocking that such behavior should be manifest- ed by supposed "Christians" dur- ing the Christmas season, as well as horrifying that they are Uni- versity educated women. I hope they do not wake anyone up-when they go to church next Sunday morning, -Sylvia Berliner, '63 Attorney General William P. Rogers announced the return of a 12-count indictment at Orlando, Florida, charging James R. Hoffa, President of the International -Brotherhood of Teamsters, end two others with misuse -of more than $500,000 in union funds in the incorporation and operations of Sun Valley, Inc., a Brevard County, Florida, land company, according to a press selease from the Department of Justice. Henry Lower, Sun Valley presi- dent and former president of Automobile Drivers and Demon- strators Local Union No. 376, at Detroit; and Robert E. MgCarthy, Jr., a former branch manager of the Bank of the Commonwealth, Detroit, were named defendants with Hoffa. The Attorney General said that return of the indictment by the federal grand jurors in Orlando was the culmination of 13 months of investigation by Postal Inspec- tors, Internal Revenue Agents, the FBI and legal work by Justice Department attorneys. * * * MR. ROGERS pointed out that Justice Department preparation of the case was handled by James, T. Dowd, a staff assistant in the Criminal Division, assisted by a staff of career lawyers, William E. Ryan, Marie McCann and David S. Ritter. According to the indictment, union funds in the Sun Valley operation came from Truck Drivers Local Union No. 299, Food and Beverage Drivers, Warehousemen and Helpers Union Local No. 337, Automobile Drivers and Demon- strators Union Local 376, and Teamsters Joint Council 43, all of Detroit. Sun Valley was incorporated under Florida law in October 1954 and maintained its principal of- fices at Detroit. The indictment charged that beginning about March 1, 1954, Hoffa, Lower and McCarthy de- vised a scheme to defraud the four labor organizations and others to obtain "money and property from those associations, their members and other persons who would be induced to purchase parcels oif land from Sun Valley by means of false and fraudulent pretenses representations and pron'ises" THE INDICTMENT alleged the defendants falsely represented, that Sun Valley was sponsored by the Teamsters Union, ut not otherwise connected with Hoffa, whereas it ,was owned, operated and controlled by Hoffa and Lower, and in part financed by them through use of union funds. ' 'The 12 counts in the indictment were based on communications sent i n interstate commerce through the mails and by tele- phone and telegraph in further- ance of the scheme, Eight counts were based on use of the mails, three on use of the telephone and one on use of the telegraph. In detailing the scheme devised by Hoffa, Lower and McCarthy, the indictment -charged the trio planned and carried out the fol- lowing actions: The defendants caused monies of the Teamster organizations to be disbursed fot'the use and beni- fit of Sun Valley, Inc. and Lower, who went to Florida at union ex- pense to locate and acquire land to be subdivided and resold. SUN VALLEY, IN November 1954, bought an option to purchase some 2,475 acres of land in Br- vard County for $150,000 and the defendants arranged for funds from Local 376 to be used to pay the salaries of Sun Valley em- ployees and other persons who performed services on behalf of the firm. In March 1955, the defendants obtain a loan of $50,000, secured by a personal note endorsed by Hoffa, from'the Bank of the Com- monwealth at Detroit. In April the defendants opened a checking account in the name of Sun Valley in the Florida Na- tional Bank at Orlando, exercised the option to purchase the land, and Hoffa obtained from -Lower an undisclosed written option to purchase 45 per cent of the Sun Valley stock. Hoffa urged locals and members to cooperate in the promotion of the Sun Valley operation and Hoffa and Lower sold Sun Valley lots to union members and others at prices ranging from $150 to more than $1,000 - lots which were acquired by Sun Valley for approximately $18 per lot. . * * T H E INDICTMENT charged that a$ a further part of the scheme, the defendants represent- ed that certain funds disbursed by Locals 299, 337, 376 and Joint Council 43, were expended for the benefit and purposes of those or- ganizations and their members, as reflected in the books of those organizations, whereas in fact, the funds were expended by the de- fendants "to promote their scheme and artifice to defraud." Tr '6A i+ ^" ;+ -- _ e.4..... . ,-._ "I Don't Know About You, But I've Never Been Higher" n t -x wr ,r, . i: t ? .r.....s.,.,--. , .'.. ; . , , , w .. ,,,. { 1 ,t , .,. ..'