FREE SPEECH PA] THREATENED See Page4 C Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom VOL. LXXI, No. 68 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1960 FIVE CENTS RTLY CLOUDY High--28 Low--20 ;old with occasional snow fiurrios EIGE English- For Engineers LATIN AMERICA: ACW R Panel Cites Perils of Idealism By BEATRICE TEODORO American college students must be realistic about plans to use their post-graduate professional skills to "help" underdeveloped na- tions, panel members told a gradually disillusioned audience yes- terday at the Latin American seminar of the Americans Committed to World Responsibility Work Symposium. Three faculty members who have spent long periods of time in Central or South American countries cautioned against over idealistic consideration of plans advanced by ACWR. They must realize that if they do not have the skills unique to Recess By FRED KRAMER Should the engineering stu- dent, like the liberal arts stu- dent, be versed in literature as an art--or is it more important for him to know the mechanics of English so that he can use it as a tool to present his scientific ideas? Faculty members in both the engineering school and the li- terary college pay much at- tention to the often-criticized engineering E n g iIs h depart- ment, which is separate from the literary school English de- partment serving all other un- dergraduates. James H. Robertson, associate dean of the literary college, says "separate staffs are not bene- ficial if they weaken total operational effectiveness." Engineers Suffer Lack He notes, too, that "engineer- ing English students may suffer from a lack of cross-fertiliza- tion of ideas with students of other colleges in the University. Students from all schools ex- cept the engineering college are enrolled in English 23, the; literary college's freshman Eng- lish course, he points out. However, a survey conducted in 1952 indicated a need to keep the two English departments separate because of a marked difference in background be- tween engineering students and literary college students. Prof. Robert P. Weeks, professor of English in the engineering Eng- lish department, made the study by tabulating information on application blanks. Although engineers have ver- bal aptitude approximately equal to that of literary col- lege students, they tend to have been raised in an environment relatively lacking "humanistic stimulation." One-third Dislike Course Further, the survey shows one-third of the students in en- gineering English report that in high school they disliked English and almost half of them found it very difficult. Engineers are also different from literary students in that they are preparing for a specificI vocation. Because of the specific needs of an engineer as a pro- fessional person, the present Englishdepartment should re- main separated from the liter- ary college English department, Prof. Lawrence C. Maugh, chairman of the engineering school curriculum committee, said. "Our main purpose is to turn out a professional person. An engineer must be able to speak and write clearly, and he sel- dom finds time for artistic 'ex- pression." Further, the engi- neering school has more in- fluence concerning the English program by having its own de- partment. Separate Department Good Prof. Richard Schneidewind, chairman of the engineering college's committee on joint programs between the literary college and the engineering college, adds that "we have kept a separate English department because it is successful. "The chairman of the en- gineering English department, Prof. Carl G. Brandt, is doing an excellent job with the faculty under him." Prof. Schneide- wind pointed out the high per- centage of PhD's in the de- partment, commenting that "engineers do not like to be taught by teaching fellows." He refered to the large number of teaching fellows teaching Eng- lish 23. "We don't care what is happening in the 'lit.' school, we are proud of our faculty. If you have a pair of shoes that fit, ,why should you want to change them?" An analysis of the role of engineering English requires an analysis of the role it will play in the life of an engineer. In a 1927 journal article the late dean of the engineering college, Mortimer E. Cooley, wrote, "In engineering education, includ- ing the sciences, there must remain the highly specialized training that will enable us to wrest from nature her secrets and be prepared for great emergencies that are bound to arise. There must also be a broad training to enable us to comprehend the nature and See ENGINEERING, Page 5 the country for survival, they ma Social Skills alled Vital For ACWR By JOHN ROBERTS The personnel problem of the youth corps is not one of tech- nical incompetence, but of need for proper training in the atti- tudes and modes of backward peoples, members of the ACWR selection and training seminar agred yesterday, Nevertheless, the panel cau- tioned, youth corps volunteers must be talented as- well as ideal- istic if they are to make a gen- uine contribution. Prof. Claude Eggertsen of the school of education said the clos- est parallel to the recruitment and training problem of the youth corps is found in the centers set up by the UNESCO Fundamental Education Program He added that he had visited the center in Mexico, which trains youth from all over Latin America in the anthropological difficulties of raising local stand- ards of living. The program in- cludes six months spent studying the customs, religion and social structure of local Indians, follow- ed by six months of actual field work. The welfare experiment has demonstrated, Prof. Eggertsen said, that no improvement can be made unless the local people know what it is for. To communi- cate this awareness, it is first necessary to gain the trust and friendship of the people and this is a task which has little to do with technical competence. Hollis Peter, director of the Foundation for Research on Hu- man Behavior, said that a clear cut set of criteria for selecting and training youth corps volun- teers must await a definite for- mulation of the objectives of the organization. Training should be aimed at increasing the general sensitivity of the members to dif- ferences of culture, followed by a morendetailed area-by-area analy- sis of these differences, he said. Comnuunists, Ask for Peace MOSCOW {P)-The Communists last night formally issued an "ap- peal to the peoples of the world" to join in "a common struggle in defense of peace against the threat of a new world war." The 2,000 - word appeal was adopted at the recent Communist summit here at which Red leaders from 81 countries endorsed Soviet Premier Khrushchev's peaceful coexistence line and rejected Red China's theory that war with capitalism is inevitable. y find themselves "living off"'the "people they came to help, Prof. Elman Service of the anthropology department said. Doubts Knowledge Prof. Marsten Bates of the zoology department added that he was also dubious of American claims of "knowhow." He cited the case of Puerto Rico which was under United States jurisdic- tion for forty years. "During this period Puerto Rico got into the mess out of which it is digging it- self after gaining commonwealth status," he said. Prof. Bates, who lived in Colum- bia for eight years, stressed the importance of being very familiar with the country in which the American is working. He mention- ed a road which American engi- neers attempted to build from a small town to the banks of the Amazon. 'They built a nice wide stretch. Then the rains came and it was perfect for motorboats. They also built a bridge but within a short time the course of the river changed." Asks 'Revolution' The "health revolution" is the first result of aid to an under- developed country, Prof. Kenneth Boulding of the economics depart- ment said. This leads to a low death rate and a higher birth rate which contributes to a "des- perately unstable social system," Prof. Boulding said. The panel agreed that travel would be an important prerequi- site to the type of work ACWR plans. "Travel will teach the stu- dent the limits on what can be done," Prof. Service said. Prof. Boulding mentioned work camps abroad now maintained by the Friends Service Committee and recommended graduate study in a foreign university. Urges Consideration ACWR participants were urged to seriously consider their ideolo- gies, capacities and effectiveness as Americans abroad. "Americans think they know everything, but they don't know anything," Enrique Signoret, '63E, said. A resident of Mexico, Sig- noret said that Mexicans use har- vest methods similar to those of the early Indians. "If you give them tractors they don't know how to start them," he said. "Peru has submarines. What does it need with submarines? It is necessary to educate the chil- dren. In Mexico, only the private schools have gyms or swimming pools or playgrounds. There is no childhood in Latin America." Bad Reputations Americans in Latin America have gained bad reputations, all panelists agreed. "They form their own little ci- ties where they live, have schools and buy their groceries," Venezue Ian student Felson Carrillo, '62E, said. "They are isolated and no one ever knows what they are like." Work opportunities are not equal in Venezuela, Carrillo added. "A Venezuelan with a Ph.D. from an See PANEL, Page 8 Members Nations Plan BABCOCI Compromise I For Congo Wei Attempt To Avoid Deadlock on Crisis UNITED NATIONS (A)) - Cey- lon and others were reported yes- terday to be working on a com- promise resolution that might en- able the United Nations Security Council to avoid a deadlock on the latest Congo crisis. This word came from informed quarters as the 11-nation council convened an extraordinary Sat- urday afternoon meeting for fur- ther debate on rival Soviet and Western resolutions on the sub- ject. . If that happened, the generals assumption was that the Soviet Union and other friends of de- posed Premier Patrice Lumumba would ask that the 99-nation General Assembly immediately take up the situation in the Con- go, which is already on its agen- -da by Soviet request. Asks Release The Soviet resolution would have the counci call on Secre- tary General Dag Hammarskjold i" to obtain the immediate release of Lumumba, arrested Dec. 1 on a warrant issued by President Jo- GORON I seph Kasavubu and now being .. . scores held by the troops of strongman Col. Joseph Mobutu. It also asked MEDICAL S the UN Congo command to dis- arm Mobutu's troops and called on Belgium to withdraw all military and civilian personnel from the Congo. Suggests ResolutionEx a Diplomatic sources said Indo- nesian delegate Sukardjo WiJo- pranoto asked a council member, Sir Claude Corea of Ceylon, to The Michigan introduce a resolution embodying Board of Trustee three proposals Sukardio made in to set up the fi a speech to the council Friday medical school w night. East Lansing on These were that the Council (1) University Pro "pronounce its opposition to the ler first outline Mobutu regime" as an "illegal medical school t regime of terror," (2) that it de- makers in Lansir mand withdrawal of all Belgian session on incr personnel and (3) that it "call tax. MSU is re for the liberation of all Congo- campaign for a f lese national leaders now impris- school and to a oned." for funds. Dr. H. W. Bir T Luof the University Unl in, Qe in an interview j~i , 'ft 77cerning thecuv Plnrip age suggested tr king the first two study be built an Tentative plans are set for the accommodate a Michigan Union-Michigan League freshmen and so sponsored Winter Weekend, Da- Miller said a vid Baron, '62E, social chairman plan to set up th of the Union, said yesterday, within the frame' The two student groups planned ing biological stu a weekend of skiing to provide a be presented. relaxing break between semes- ters, he added. The resort which He said the pl the groups selected, near Traverse medical schools, City, has 12 slopes and offers 700 students in t night skiing. The Common' The students will leave for the New York City resort in the afternoon of Feb. 10 $167,000 to the and stay until Sunday afternoon, which had sugge Feb. 12. The price of the trip, $32, ficials that they includes University bus transpor- plan. Thie money tation, room, three meals, tow that the study charges and a dance Saturday go ahead with its night, ing medical educ Providing New Programs Called Role of Youth Corps By JANET WOLFE In the Near East, where "nuclear reactor contrasts sharply with hand-built roads," the role of the ACWR-proposed diplomat would not be to give the same assistance as qualified nationalists, but to offer new programs of, feasible assistance, Prof. Henry Gomberg, chairman of the department of nuclear engineering, said, as he concluded yesterday's discussion of the Near East. Emphasizing the need for the proposed peace corps to provide something beyond the functions1 Klan Groups Picket Paper, .Post Office- ATLANTA (P) - Handing out pamphlets charging that a Ne- gro professor advocated violence to force integration, robed and hooded members of the Ku Klux Klan set up a picket line at the Atlanta Journal - Constitution building yesterday. The Klansmen also picketed the post office building where Negroes have been gathering to launch their current picketing and sit-in demonstrations against segregat- ed eating facilities. Printed pamphlets passed out by the Klansmen contained a pur- ported reprint from the Atlanta Daily World, Negro newspaper. It quoted Prof. Lonnie Cross, profes- sor of mathematics at Atlanta University, as advocating violence to speed up integration. The Klan pamphlet asked, "why did the Atlanta newspapers fail to print this article," and "will you as a white person continue to let the Klan and other segregation groups do your fighting for you?' It was signed, "U. S. Klan, KKKK. (Knights of the Ku Klux Klan)." of present programs, Profs, Ernest J'McCarus and Mohammed Ali Jazayery of the Near East Studies department proposed complete commitment, willingness to in- tegrate, sound knowledge of the language, political neutrality, and a real willingness to work con- structively in solving problems as the goals of a peace corps. Prof. - George Hourani of the department added to the list the need for the beginning of the extensive train- ing in undergraduate studies. Prof, William Schorger of the anthropology department asked, "How many of you would be able to clean out an irrigation ditch?"; spointing out that 70 to 80 per cent of each country's population are Speasants. The distinction was drawn be, tween the influence of lack of scientific knowledge and lack of capital in the developing nations of the Near East. Outstanding scientific advance could be made in these countries, Prof. Gomberg felt, only if sufficient capital is provided. Dr. Schorger carried the point still further by stressing the fact that many countries are sophisti- cated, and have already rejected many proposals which may be made due to monetary unfeasi- Gates Optimistic ALABAMA DEMOCRATS: Electors Refuse To Support Kennedy ,... '' . J.,ii/.lr 1'f. - .., :.,3 . "ri;.'"1 /,d Gr, ...' f ',. ....,. r;,u.. .f '' .. .:. s.. >>. .{ ... ..-:. ... . .....x ......o..,i .... . .... , . : :... ....:..... .: 5:.. ..