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December 09, 1960 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1960-12-09

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"What's This Ugly Talk About Applying Rules To ME?"

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'Los Olvidados':
Impact of Real Squalor
THE CINEMA GUILD is showing Luis Bunuel's "Los Olividados" this
weekend. The theme is common enough-the financial and emo-.
tional cast-offs of a big city-but it would do only minimal justice to
the film to say that it is not a cliche. In face it would be restraint to
the point of injustice. Not only the style but the force of the film is
The big city is Mexico and Bunuel, who began his career with the
now classic surrealist film, "Le Chein Andalou," (to which film such
men as Bergman, Hitchcock and the French New Wave owe a great

deal) though he is not the first
film-maker to discover the surreal-
istic possibilities of Mexico, uses
them with shattering effectiveness.
MUCH CAN BE said, and I'm
sure it has, about finding the right
location for a film, butmore must
be said after the film is made. If
the director is a poet such asu-
nuel, his sensitive and absolute
involvement in the location he has
chosen obligates the observer for
.any satisfactory explanations of
the film's effect. It is on the other
hand, perhaps the most personal
of the poet-film-maker's means of
expression beside which "analysis"
and "explanation" seem cold and
Bunuel's style is harsh. His ef-
fects come fast and are meant to,
hit hard and he doesn't repeat
them. At the same time he knows
how to understate with the best of
the Neo-realists. Like them also
his mastery is such that he can ex-
cite and involve one through this
understatement as Hollywood can
only dream of doing. His sex is
violent and direct, but only in im-
plication, and needs none of the
standard props. Neither does he
work for super-characters nor even
for any complicated character in-
terrelationships. Not for him are
there symbols. Rather there is a
bluntness, a directness of attack.
He works directly from the inside
out, without impediments. If at
times he seems to be speaking
through gritted teeth, still if his
fists are clenched, he swings.
IN THE FIRST scenes the move-
ments are violent; the scenes
themselves alternate rapidly out-
ward gathering up the characters
while both plot and characters are
held together only by. the direct-
ness of each. As the film generates
its own momentum this violenee
becomes constrained and the cpm-,
passion of the poet becomes mani-
fest. From out of the hashish of
smell and movements and sights
and sounds, from out of the hope-
lessness of a castoff gang, a hero
emerges. But in no ordinary way.
The impact of the dream is solid,
but in the primitive relentlessness
of the film's direction there is time
for neither the boy nor the audi-
ence to reflect and the only real
emotional scene of the film is the
last when the boy is literally given
over to the ultimate filth of nature
to perform its ultimate rites upon
--Robert Kraus


Associated Press Religion Writer
AN APPEAL TO the churches t
break through the walls o
denominationalism w a s issue
yesterday by the National Counc
of Churches. They were urged t
labor for "full unity, visible an
invisible, of the people of God."
THE ASSEMBLY, representin
most of the nation's major prc
testant and orthodox churche
urged these steps in efforts I
achieve full unity: 1) furthe
development of "corporate an
common ministeries" serving a
churches. 2) Recognition tha
inter-denominational councils, o
local or others levels, "partake o
the nature of the church."
Acknowledgement by each denom*
ination of "the authenticity o
Christian discipleship in all ti
others" and a willingness to tru:
them in caring for human soul
4) Action by all churches in ear
community to "live and act. tC
gether as one church in one place
"Every congregation needs I
recognize itself first of all. as
part of Christ's universal churcl
and only thereafter as a represen
tative of a particular histor
tradition," t h e pronouncemen
THE MESSAGE, the main pr
nouncement of the week-long a:
sembly representing 33 denomina
tions, with 40 million member
applauded the growing ecumenica
movement for Christian unity, ai
said, "Through this movement th
Church has been given a sharpen
ed understanding of the tragec
of its divisions and a clarifie
vision of the greatness of its hop
for ultimate unity."
The tone of the message, ,hov
ever, showed the mounting ur
gency of church leaders to brir
about a genuine solidarity o
Christian bodies, an impulse- e:
pressed in numerous proposa
advanced at the assembly,

Communist Cliches Reiterated

By J. M. ROBERTS come up with the charge that
Associated Press News Analyst the United States is blocking the
T APPEARS THAT the world reunific'ation of that country. You
is now to be subjected to a most wouldn't think they'd like to talk
intensive reiteration of all the old so much about it, because it's true.
Communist cliches. Joe Stalin tried to unify Korea
Every year since the Korean by force of North Korean Com-
War, for instance, the Reds have munist arms in 1950, and the

War Conditions Affect
Communist Scares
the -Editor: ticized Kramer for making Bryan
THE article "The University a "freak"; he has chided Kramer
.nd The Alleged Communist," a for turning "his guns on Menc-
erence is made in its context ken." What Mr. Kraus doesn't
.t a communist scare was on realize is that 'in a movie there is
-ing the spring of 1952. It is al- such a thing as a script. If he had
contended that Mr. McPhaul taken the trouble to read the play
y have been a victim of this (he can get it in an abridged ver-
re. I believe that the American sion), Mr. Kraus would have dis-
ple in 1952 had good reason to covered that the movie dialogue in
r an ominous communist men- most scenes coincides exactly with
. The party line at that time that of the play. And the play was
s not one of "peaceful coexist- received quite well on Broaadway.
e," but one of armed aggres- *
n, and the Indo-Chinese war ALL THE "TRICKS" of Mr.
I the Korean conflict were Kramer which Kraus refers to are
n being waged against commu- in the script of the play. If the re-
t forces. viewer wishes to criticize these, I
Thirty-thousand soldiers gave suggest he read the play first. I
ir lives in the Korean conflict, cannot call them tricks, but I can
I conditions were such that it give that label to Mr. Kraus' state-
ild easily have turned into a ments about Bryan as a villain-
jor war. The circumstances not-villain, and about Kramer's
ich prevailed during 1952 were miscasting. I would certainly have
stly different from those at preferred to see Muni, Begley, and
U during the recent contro- Randall again, but Mr. Kraus has
sy over communist speakers, not given me one reason to believe
d unless this fact is realized no that the actors were inadequate. I
1 conclusions can be made re- do not think they were.
ding the parallels between the -Harvey Katz, '63L

United States blocked that. The
Chinese Reds moved in to pull
some of the Communist fat out
of the fire and thereby became
a problem for Soviet leadership.
BUT EVERY YEAR they bring
it up, complete with all the faded
charges of imperialism, andevery
year in the United Nations tells
them to agree to free elections
or forget it.
The only new items added to the
list of Communist charges of im-
perialism in recent years have
been regarding the Congo and
Cuba, which are new issues.
But the controllers o the var-
ious Communist -he4 countries,
except Yugoslavia, hAve just held
a big meeting remindful of the
pre-war Comintern sessions and
decided to try cold war a while
longer before reconsidering the
necessity for hot war.
THEY ARE better organized
now than they were in the '20
and '30s when the Comintern was
laying down its blueprint for con-
quest, and Khrushchev has a pro-
paganda symphony instead of
Stalin's one-string. bnd.
Poland and Czechoslovakia are
already playing prominent roles
iT the Red attempt to penetrate
Africa and Latin Amgerica. The
tempo of the Peiping drum has
been rising almost daily.
One of the great objectives of
the new Communist manifesto is
to present the party cause as not
merely Russian, where the taint of
the new imperialism is so clearly
discernible, but as a crusade of
"liberated" peoples.
* * *
MORE ATTACKS on the West
will be voiced through other Com-
munist capitals as well as by Mos-
One hope of, the Soviets is to
play on the fact that a very great
many of the new African leaders
have been so preoccupied with
their own troubles and their own
domestic politics that they know
comparatively little about world
affairs. They are not always able
to detect distortions.
So all the old distortions are to
be gone oer again, with such
new ones as opportunity offers.
It's going to be boresome. And
FEU, CUBA'S national student
association, this fall issued a
statement of their position con-
cerning university reform.
The manifesto offers concrete
proposals to correct education
shortages: 1) opening the univer-
sity to poor Cubans through an ef-
fective scholarship program, 2)
integration of the university, in
the cultural life of Cuba, 3) re-
structuring of curricula, including
restaffing and changes in differ-
ent faculties, 4) dismissal of "un-
qualified, counter - revolutionary

The Daily Official Bulletin Is an,
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
The Institute 'of International Edu-
cation has announced a student eir-
change arrangement between thenRu-
manian government and the United
States. Awards will provide tuition and
monthly stipend sufficient to cover
living expenses. The United States will
offer travel grants to supplement these
awards. Candidates must be United
States citizens, at least 21 years of age,
must have at least one year of graduate
training, and must have a knowledge
of the Rumanian language.
study in Poland will be accepted until
January 10, an extension of the former
deadline of November 15. Awards pro-
vide tuition, living accommodations,
and a monthly stipend. Further in-
formattpn and application forms for
the Rumanian and Polish programs are
available at the Fellowship Office,
Room 110, Graduate School. Deadline
date for receipt of all application ma-
terials is January 10.

-Daily--Larry Vanice



Placid Production',

O FEW OF THEM have tongues so musical as O'Casey. And surely
there are many, many fine moments in the current Speech De-
partment production of "Purple Dust" when the lyrical and boisterous
O'Casey production is able to gloriously thunder through the panelled
walls of the old Lydia Mendlessohn Theatre.
Listen to the music of Mr. O'Casey, delightfully sung by a proper-
ly spirited Sherry Levy. Miss Levy is delightful to watch as she ef-
fortlessly effectively trips the pleasing O'Casey rhythms off her nicely
teasing tongue.
From the first moment Miss Levy enters it is apparent that she
is having an altogether wonderful time and oh, how successful she is
in permeating her utter joy through the entire audience. The. petite
Miss Levy made the big stage of the Lydia Mendlessohn glow last
* * * ,
BESIDES MISS LEVY "Purple Dust" has other performances to
recommend it. Howard Green is for the most part very effective as
the tradition-bound Englishman who is Miss Levy's lover. And Marlowe
Teig has fine feel for the O'Casey idiom also as the philosophical and
rascalous workman who gloriously claims the heart of Miss Levy at the
play's close.
But unfortunately all is not working in harmony with this cur-
rent Speech Department outing. Although director Norton has con-
tributed some fine touches to the performance his pacing is highly
uneven and insufficiently intense. The lyrical quality of O'Casey is not

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