irr THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tniv vviivvcc n DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) Lack Signal written examination given by Prof. 11Hweetohv acer i-Lewis must first pass an objective Howeer, to have a lear sig- screening examination. The next ad- nal with solar and space inter- ministration of the objective screen- ference minimized requires a par- ing examination will be on Tues., abolic reflector 40,000 feet long. Dec. 13, from 7 to 9 p.m. in Aud. D, Angell Hall. This will be the last "This is out of the range of administration for this semester. With- feasibility," Bigelow said, in 48 hours after the examination the names of the students who have passed "A coherent detection system will be posted on the Bulletin Board would be better, but scientists outside the office of Prof. Lewis, the Examiner in Foreign Languages, Room must know where to listen for the 3028 Rackham Bldg. signal," he explained. He dis- "students desiring to fulfill the counted this method because cor- Graduate School's requirement in French and German are alerted to an relation devises and separate alternate path. A grade of B or better transmitters would have to be in French 12 and German 12 will built. satisfy the foreign language require- The best frequency for com- ment A grade of B or better in French muniatin~is ne nar te h 11 and German 11 is the equivalent of municating is- one near the hydo- having passed the objective screening gen line frequency-a frequency examination." well known in radio astronomy The Institute of International Edu- ecation has announced a student exc- whichchange arrangement between the Ru- beings of inhabited planets who manian government and the United have the same relative skill as states. Awards will provide tuition and .The hydrogen vibration fre- monthly stipend sufficient to cover man, living expenses. The United States will quency itself could not be used as offer travel grants to supplement these it would be absorbed in space. awards. Candidates must be United Adjust Equipment States citizens, at least 21 years of age, must have at least one year of graduate A Doppler Effect problem, the training, and must have a knowledge compression of vibrations due to of the Rumanian language. movement, also occurs FULBRIGHT APPLICATIONS f o r planetary cmm unaions study in Poland will be accepted until In Interplanetary communicatIons, January 10, an extension of the former Bigelow noted. Scientists must de- deadline of November 15. Awards pro- cide whether to adjust their vide tuition, living accommodations, equipment for this effect or and a monthly stipend. Further in- formation and application forms for whether to assume the other plan= the Rumanian ad Polish programs are et would, available at the Fellowship - Office, Bigelow will deliver the second Rooiain, Graduate School. Deadline date for receipt of all application ma- lecture in the series at 3:30 b.m. terials is January 10. today in Aud. B. Events Friday PTo LECTURE: "The Contribution of Religion to Marriage Preparation" by Dr. David Fulcomer, Prof. of Sociology W " " and Marriage Counselor, Iowa State W 1 University, 4:15 p.m., Fri., Dec. 9, Aud. "A," Angell Hall. Open to Anyone. Biological Science Lecture: "Sodium The speech department will pre- and Potassium Movements in Living sent Tennessee Williams' one-act Cells" will be discussed by Dr. Ian M. Glynn, Fellow of Trinity College, Cam- play, "Something Unspoken," at bridge University, England, on Fri., 4:10 p.m. today in the Arena Dec. 9 at 4 p.m. in 5330 Medical Theatre in the Frieze Bldg. Science Building. Thea i s he reenttio. of Public Lecture - "Man and Environ- The play is a presentation of ment" by Prof. Ian L. McHarg, Chair- the Laboratory Playbill series. Ad- man, Department of Landscape Archi- mission will be free. tecture, the Graduate School of Fine "Something Unspoken," revolves Arts, University of Pennsylvania, on Fri., Dec. 9, at 4 p.m. in the Archi- around two older women living in tecture Auditorium. the garden district of New Orleans, Psychology Colloquium: Prof. Benton and it hinges on Williams' thesis J.Underwood will speak on 'Interlist Similarity and Verbal Learning: Some that "people are so much more Puzzles" on Fri., Dec. 9 at 4:15 p.m. than society would have them be in Aud. B. Coffee in the Mason Hall or than they themselves will ad- Lounge at 3:45 p.m. mit." Placement Notices Beginning Mon., Dec. 12, the follow- M usic School Sets ing schools will have representatives at the Bureau to interview for February Debussy Opera , andSemberpositions. Athens, O. (Ohio Univ.) -- Cbem., The music school's opera de- Eng., Pot. Sci., Math, Spanish, Psych. partment will present Debussy's TUES., DEC. 13 Allen Park, M.ich. Elem.; Ment. "Pelleas and Melisande" through Hdcp.; Jr. HS Eng/Reading; HS Eng/ the speech department's Playbill Journ., Spanish, Home Bound. series in March, it was announced For any additional information and appointments contact the Bureau of yesterday. Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO The opera is scheduled for pre- 3-1511, Ext. 489. sentation on March 7 through Placement Interviews - Seniors & March 11, March 5 and March $ grad student please call Bureau of ,ndAppointments, Ext. 3371 for interview excepted. appointments with the following: . j II _ 4 z I a1I.kiirt~hn H: i - ,&EOt I ! ! { i 'PxG 'Y. .