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December 08, 1960 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-12-08

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s. 1980


olvernes Going with Two Goalie System

One Michigan coach faced with
a pleasant problem this year is
hockey coach Al Renfrew.
All Renfrew has to do is decide
which goalie he wants to use. The
trouble is that he has two very
fine goalies to choose from, veter-
an Jim Coyle and sophomore Dave
Coyle has been playing goal for
Michigan ever since his sopho-
more year and last year played
in every game. Butts, on the other
hand, has played in only one var-
sity game and performed very
creditably. That game, of course,
was last Saturday night when
Butts posted a shutout.
Actually; while the two goalie
system is not a new one, it is fairly
recent. The system has become
very popular in the National
Hockey League.
Used by Toronto
The Toronto Maple Leafs start-
ed it in 1959. The Maple Leafs had
good fortune with their two goalies,
so,this year the Detroit Red Wings
decided to try it wih Hank Bassen
and Terry Sawchuck. And even
more recently the Montreal Cana-
dians gave Jacques Plante, last
year's Vezina Trophy winner, a
rest by bringing up goalie Charlie
Hodge from their farm system.
Minnesota, a member of the
WCHA, alternated two goalies in
1955 when they had Jack Mc-
Cartan, goalie for the 1960 Olym-
pic Champion American team and
recently of the New York Rangers.
Why did Michigan start the
two goalie system this' year when
it had Coyle. a senior, returning?
"Dave (Butts) performed well
in practice so I decided to give him
a chance in a game, and he did'
a good job," replied Renfrew.
As of now it would appear that
Butts had the upper hand on the
basis of his shutout. Coyle gave
up four goals in Friday's opener
but this is misleading because the'
squad as a whole played much
better in Saturday's win. Coyle had
Toronto players buzzing all around
him, while Butts had the advan-

tage of a tightened defense in
the second game.
The system draws its advan-
tages from the fact that the goalie
probably has the toughest job on
the team. As Renfrew puts it,
"When a winger makes a mistake
it's not so bad, but when the
goalie makes a mistake-it shows
up on the scoreboard."
Renfrew also believes that the
schedule is a strenuous one for one
goalie to go through. "I think Jim
(Coyle) got pretty tired in the
second half of last season," he
How do the goalies feel about
the system? Well, both Coyle and
Butts thought it was a good idea.
Tiring Schedule
"It's a good thing to have two
goalies, because if one of us
becomes tired on a long road trip
becomes tired on a long road trip
or long series, the other guy can
step in," remarked Coyle.
"both Jim and, I will have to be
up for every game because if one
of us loafs during a game, he
won't be out there very long,"
added Butts.
Asked if they traded tips on
goaltending, Butts replied, "We
try to help each other out when-
ever something is noticeable."
Actually, Renfrew employs both
his goalies in every game. The one
not in the game can be seen up
in the pressbox taking notes on
Michigan's play in its own zone.
These observations are repeated
by Renfrew between periods to
try and iron out the difficulties.
This procedure paid off in divi-
dends in the second game when
Michigan made fewer defensive
There still remains the problem
of who to play, and Renfrew ad-
mits that he doesn't know who he
will use. "We'll play the one who
looks best in practice that week,
or else alternate them until one
or the other gets on a hot streak,"
Renfrew said.
Problems' like this all our
coaches should have.,

DOUBLE TROUBLE-Wolverine hockey coach Al Renfrew has his choice of two goalies these days,
Senior Jim Coyle, right, is a two year veteran. Sophomore Dave Butts, left, posted a shutout in his
first college game last Saturday against Toronto.
Leps Lets Performanance Speak For Hun

One reason Michigan track
coach Don Canham has been bold
enough to predict his squad will be
in title contention this spring is
the presence of a shy, soft-spoken
Canadian named Ergas Leps.
Leps, who runs the 880 and the
mile for Canham, was one of 15
members of the Canadian Olympic
team that made the trip to Rome
last summer, although you would
never find out by just casually
talking to him.
Steeped in the tradition of Willie
(Silent Shoe) Shoemaker, Leps
seems content to let his perform-
ances speak for him. And like
Shoemaker, they have a lot to
As a high school senior in
Toronto, Leps ran the second fast-
est prep mile ever recorded on the
North American continent, 4:13.6.
Last spring, as a sophomore, Leps
continued his rise to prominence,
much to the delight of Canham.
Big Ten Winner
At the famed Boston Games,
Leps set a new Michigan record
in the 1,000-yard run with a 2:12.8
clocking. And in May he climaxed
a spectacular season by .winningI
the Big Ten outdoor mile.
Leps would not admit to any of4
this as he sat by his locker ready-
ing himself for a workout. "Don't
print that," he said, contending it
would interest nobody, although
Canham would probably disagree.
Walking up to the training room
to have his ankles taped, Leps was
more willing to talk of his experi-
ences in Rome, although still
somewhat grudgingly.
"The biggest thrill about the
Olympics," he began, "is not the
running, but just being there. It
seemed different than anything I
had ever encountered before. The
competition was, of course, tougher
than any I had met before. At the
Olympics you meet the best in the
world." '
Elated by this unexpected out-
burst, I pushed forward trying to

dent his modesty. "Were you ner-
vous when you lined up for your
first heat of the 800-meter run?" I
'Who Wouldn't Be?'
After pausing a moment he shook
his head to the appositive. "Yes, I
did feel rather funny at the time,"
he replied. "Sure I was nervous,
but I don't think any more so
than anyone else in the race. Who
wouldn't be nervous?"
Leps reached the quarter finals
in the 800-meters before being

in the post-Olympic meets than at
Rome," remarked Leps. "One rea-
son might have been that I didn't
do any training after the Olym-
pics, but rested instead, until these
He explained however that he
didn't want me to think that he
was making an excuses for his
performance in the Olympics. It
was evident that he wasn't.
As he slid off the training table
and walked toward the Yost Field
House track Leps seemed to be re-
calling his experience of the past
"You know," he said, turning his!
head, "the Olympics are really
good because of all the people you
meet from different countries. I
talked to a lot of foreign athletes,
although many times we didn't
know what the other was saying.
We'd start moving our hands, and
then start waving our arms to try
to get the other to understand. It
would get pretty comical some-
Leps reached the track, glanced
around, said "thanks" to me and
trotted off.
But despite this last verbal out-
burst I somehow still get the
feeling he would rather let his
performance on the track speak
for him.

Boling, Bruton Swapped
As Tigers, Braves Trade


...hits the tape
eliminated. The 800-meter final
was later won by Peter Snell of
New Zealand. He also ran a leg
on the 1600 meter relay team
which reached the semi-finals and
set a new Canadian record of
Apparently feeling he had done
enough talking, the Michigan star
fell silent, content to watch trainer
Jim Hunt doing the patch work.
It took all of my wiles to get him
talking again, this time about his
post-Olympic tour, which included
meets in Oslo and Tronheim, Nor-
Beats 'Lincoln
At Oslo, Leps ran third in the
800 meters to world record holder
Roger Moens of Great Britain, and
Illinois star George Kerr. But at
Tronheim, Leps showed that he
could beat the best in the world
with his finishing kick, as he won
the 1500-meter run with Austra-
lia's Merv Lincoln trailing him.
"I though I was running better
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r ._
NBA Standings
W L Pct. GB
on 16 6 .727
*delphia 16 7 .696
cuse 9 11 .450 6
York 6 IS .250 11
W L Pet. GB
Louis 15 7 .682
Angeles 12 15 .444 5!
oit 9 13 .409 6
innati 11 17 .393 7
NHL Standings
treal 1 7436102 82
oit 13 9 531 83 76
nto 12 10 529 83 72
ago 10 8 7 27 74 70
York 815218 78 96
on 5 157 17 68 92

By The Associated Press
ST. LOUIS -Milwaukee landed
second baseman Frank Bolling and
Detroit acquired center fielder
Billy Bruton today in a major in-
ter-league deal involving six play-
To get the second baseman they
have been chasing for over a year,
the Braves gave up Bruton, second
baseman Chuck Cottier, catcher
Dick Brown, and rookie relief
pitcher Terry Fox. In addition to
Bollin'g, Milwaukee got an "accept-
able minor league player" to be
designated before March 1.
"We've been working since the
1959 World Series to get Bolling,"
said John McHale, Milwaukee gen-
eral manager who formerly held
the same job at Detroit. "When I
was with Detroit I thought Bolling
was as valuable as Harvey Kuenn
or Al Kaline. He is a high class,
first divisipn type player, a fine
hustler and excellent team man."
This was the second major swap
since the inter-league trading

period, which extends to Dec. 15,
began on Nov. 21. Last Saturday,
the San Francisco Giants traded
left-hander Johnny Antonelli and
outfielder Willie Kirkland to
Cleveland for Kuenn, an infielder-
outfielder and former American
League batting champion.
The Braves also acquired an-
other second baseman, Billy Mar-
tin, from Cincinnati in a $40,000
purchase Saturday. Martin now
figures for utility work, apparently.
Bob Scheffing, New Detroit
manager, immediately said he will
return Al Kaline to his old post
in right field, play Bruton in cen-
ter and use Rocky Colavito in left
field. Kaline prefers i'ight field.


orders taken for
Graduation Announcements
December 7, 8, and 9
2503 Student Activities Bldg.
1-5 P.M.


Christmias feast
of fashion for
his maleship


Open the pack..
Out comes
+he Pout !

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s '-


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