THE MICHIGAN DAILY T&ES t, 1 RING WEEKEND: Committee lo Present Proram P~ >ring Weekend mass meeting take place at 7:30 p.m. today, th Novitsky, '63, of :the Cen- Committee announced yester- embers of the central com- ee will present aspects of this 's program in the form of she added. The meeting will rm students of the plans which Central Committee has made rell as allow them to sign up" ndividual committees. >me vacancies for committee chairmen are open. ?ring Weekend, which is a tion for all the housing units, mnates with Michigras each r as a campus spring-time t. The last Spring Weekend ured such activities as bi- e and canoe races, a skit t, and an all-campus dance h ended the weekend's events. Busing units select teams which pete for first, second and third e prizes in each event as well he three overall prizes. ead the Classifieds t. DAILY OFFICI (Continued from Page 4) terim Action, Appointments; Admin. Vice President; Treasurer. SpecialeBusiness; Constitutions of Fraternities and Sororities. Old Business: Student Rights and Academic Freedom. Standing Committee: E d u c a t io n Committee, Opinion'of Comprehensive! in the Literary College; International Coordinating Board, Report and Mo- tion; Recognitions Committee, Per-' nanent Recognition of Latin Ameri- can Students Assoc., Full ospel Stu- dent Fellowship; Student Activities Committee, Willowpolitan Report. Related Boards: Student Book Ex- change, Report. New Business: Opinion on House Un-American Activities Committee. Members and Constituents' Time. Announcements. Adjournment. Foreign Visitors Following are the foreign visitors who will be on the campus this week on the dates indicated. Program ar- rangements are being made by the International Center: Mrs. Henry J. Meyer. Dr. Juan Carlos Dionisio Mendonca (will be accompanied by Mrs. Men- donca), past vice-president of the Li- beral Party, Paraguay; Attorney-at- Law; Author and Lecturer. Paraguay, Dec. 6-8. Program arrangements for the fol- lowing visitors are being made by the University of Michigan Library.- Mr. Aono, Mr. Otokogawa, Univer- sity of Tokyo Library, Tokyo, Dec. 6-8. Events Tuesday Seminar Today: on the "Morman Religion" led by Carl S. Hawkins, Law School, Tues., Dec. 6, 4:15 p.m., Lane! Hall. Everybody welcome.i Doctoral Examination for Charlesj Norman Seashore, Social Psychology;! thesis: "Family Dynamics in Relation' to Conscience and Deviant Behavior among Adolescent Boys," Tues., Dec. 6, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, Ronald Lippitt. Events Wednesday Linguistics Club Meeting: Wed., Dec. 7 at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-i theatre. Prof. Robert L. Politzer: "The impact of structural inguistics on his- torical Romance phonology; A surv y of problems." Mr. R. L. Hadlich: "The history of the Vegliote Vowel system." Mr. W. S. Merwin, distinguished American poet, will give a reading on Wed., Dec. 7, in Aud. A at 4:10 p.m. All interested persons are invited to attend. Speech Assembly: Wendell Johnson, Prof. of Speech Pathology and Psy- chology, State University of Iowa, will discuss "How Good Can Listening Be?" on Wed., Dec. 7 at 4 p.m. in True- blood Aud. Sociology Colloquium: Dr. Amos Haw- ley, Chairman, Department of Socio- logy, will speak on "The Census of Aruba" on Wed., Dec. 7 at 4:15 p.m. In the East Conference Em., Rackham Bldg. Doctoral Examination for David Henry Holkeboer, Mechanical Engi- neering; thesis: "The Effect of Com- pression Ratio on the Ability to Burn Lean Fuel-Air Mixtures in a Spark- Ignition Engine," Wed., Dec. 7, 338 W.< Engineering Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chair- man, J. A. Bolt. Doctoral Examination for Martin Kordon Gold, Social Psychology; thesis: "A Social-Psychology of Delinquent Boys," Wed., Dec. 7, 5609 Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Co-Chairmen, Morris Jano- witz and Ronald Lippitt. Doctoral Examination for Mark Pill- suk, Psychology; thesis: "Cognitive Balance and the Reception of Un- pleasant Information: An Exploratory Study," Wed., Dec. 7, 7615 Haven Hall, at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, T. M. New- comb. AL BULLETIN Detroit Civil Service will interview students interested in summer jobs in the Detroit area. Examinations for these Jobs will be given during Christ- mas vacation. U. S. Department of Labor -- Infor- ma available concerning summernem- ployment as Student Assistants for junior, senior, graduate men & WO- MEN concentrating in Economics or Statistics. Appointments are for a period of 8 to 12 weeks. Civil Service exams not required. The Summer Placement Service is open Monday through Thursday from 1:30 to 4:55 p.m., and all day Friday. Interviews: Seniors & grad. students, please call Bureau of Appointments, Ext. 3371 for interview appointments with the following: DEC. 7, &-* U.S. Air Force - Will interview men with any degree who are interested in the Air Force. DEC. 8- Continental Casualty Co., Chicago- Men & WOMEN with degree in General Liberal Arts, Math., Education, or Law for Actuarial, Inside and Territory Sales, Writing, and Insurance includ- ing Home Office, Claims and Sales Programs. Chicago, Midwest, and pos- sible national locations. 'his airplane is actually a flying lassroom. The course taught in it Air Navigation, under real con- itions. The students are young ten who have been selected as pos- ble future leaders of the Aero- pace Team. Graduation after 32 eeks of training will win each of he students the honored silver ings of an Air Force Navigator Id an Officer's Commission. For certain young men, this aining can open the way to a right career of executive poten- al. Right now the Air Force is oring impressive technological Ivances in the fields of naviga- on, guidance and tracking, elec- 'onics and radar. And here is here its highly trained and expe. enced Navigators will be expected take over command positions of creasing responsibility. To qualify for Navigator train- g as an Aviation Cadet, you must between 19 and 26/-single, althy and intelligent. And you ust want to build an exciting, teresting career in the Aerospace ge. If you think you measure up, e'd like to talk to you at the near- t Air Force Recruiting Office. r clip and mail this coupon. 'ere's a place for tomorrow's aders on the (rospace Team. Xr For'6ce MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY AVIATION CADET INFORMATION Dept. SCLO12A BOA 7608, WASHINGTON 4, D.C. I am between 19 and 26 , a citizen of the U.S. and a high school graduate with years of college. Please I send me detailed information on the Aviation Cadet program. NAME....,W I STREET CITY CONT STT.,, Part-Time Employment 'The following part-time jobs are available. Applications for these jobs can be made in the Non-Academic Personnel Office Room 1020 Adminis- tration Building, during the following hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Employers desirous of hiring part- time or temporary employees should contact Bill Wenrich, Part-time Em- ployment Interviewer, at NOrmandy 3-1.511, extension 2939. Students desiring miscellaneous jobs should consult the bulletin board in Room 1020, daily. MALE 2-Dishwashers (December 17, from 11 p.m.-1:30 a.m.) 25-Psychological subjects. 2-Experienced camera repair work (2 hours per day, plus all day Sat) 1-Bacteriology major (10-15 hours per week) FEMALE 2-Dishwashers"(December 17, from 11 p.m.-1:30 a.m.) 2-Steno-typists (mornings only) 2-Waitresses (3-4 evenings per week, hours to be arranged. ) 1-Lab. assistant, biological - science background. Mornings only.) I* Organization Notices December 6, 1960 Programs, social events, entertain- ments, debates, etc. which are to be presented to the campus or to a large segment of it are subject to approval by Student Government Council. Peti- tions must be submitted at least 2 weeks before the event is to take place and publicity may not be released until approval has been secured. Forms may be secured from Miss Julia Win- ston, Admin. Sec., Student Government Council, 3011 Student Activities Build- ing. Activities may not be scheduled for the seven days prior to the be- ginning of a final examination period. For detailed procedures, see Univer- sity regulations concerning student ao- fairs, conduct, and discipline, * * * Am. Rocket Soc., Meeting, Dec. 6, 7:30 p.m., 2084 E. Engineering. Speaker: R. Ritchie, Bendix Corp. Research Lab., "Soviet Rocket Propulsion." * * . German Club, Coffee Hour, Dec. 7, 3:30-5 p.m., 4072 FB. * * . Hillel Fdn., Dec. 7, 8 p.m., 1429 Hill. Speaker: Prof. F. Wyatt, "The Role of the Jew on the Intellectual Scene." # # # Intern'tl Folk Dancers, Meeting, Dancing, Instruction, Dec. 7, 8 p.m. Lane Hall. Newman Club, Retreat conducted by Father A. Sigur-Mass at 6:30 a.m., 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 9 a.m., Noon; Women's Session 5 p.m.; Final Closing Session 7:30 p.m.; Dec. 6, 331 Thompson. Russian Circle, Coffee Hour, Dec. 6, 3:30-5 p.m., 4072 FB. * * 0 Sigma Alpha Eta, & Speech Depart- ment, Reception for Dr. Wendell John- son, Dec. 7, 8 p.m., Rackham Bldg., Assembly Em. All interested welcome. * . * stud. Nat'l Teachers Assoc., Panel Discussion, Dec. 6, 8 p.m., 3003 SAB. * * * W e s l e y Fdn., Holy Communion, Chapel; Breakfast, Pine Rm.; Dec. 7, 7 a.m., 1st Meth. Church. Women's Senate, Meeting, Discus- sion of comprehensive examinations, Dec. 6, 4:15 p.m., League. * * * Young Republican Club, Elections, Dc. 6, 7:30 p.m., Union, m. 3G. Rifle Club, Meeting,. Dec. 7, 7:30 p.m., Practice for MSU match. Daily Classifieds Bring Results * House Choitr E limination Picks Nine The annual Inter-Quadrangle Council, Assembly Association Sing will be .held at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Rackham Lecture Hall, say Joan Studnicky, '60Ed, and Len Riccinto, '63M, co-chairmen of the sing. The finalists for the sing were chosen at an elimination, last night, held in Angell Hall, Aud. A. The nine pairs of housing units that will compete in the final are Chicago and Butler houses, Allen Rumsey and Hunt houses, Wil- liams house and Martha Cook Bldg., Van Tyne and Palmer houses, Lloyd and Barbour houses, Hayden and Mosher houses, Win- chell and Newberry houses, Adams and Jorden houses, and Huber and Elliot houses. The Judges for the event will be Prof. Lester McCoy, director of the Choral Union, Prof. Maynard Klein, director of the University Choirs, and Robert Crumpton, a doctoral candidate in Musicology. Sigma Delta Tau sorority, win- ners of the Lantern Night Sing will give a performance during the time the Judges are coming to a decision. They will sing their win- ning selections "Hora" and "Song of Galillee," two Israeli folk songs by Shajez. Last year's winning group was Williams and Cook who are enter- ed together again in this year's contest. Fountain Pens School Supplies Choirs Typewriters Electric Standard Portable Desks -- Files ST EE LCAS Norelco Dictation Machines MORRILL'S 314 S. State St. Since 1908 Phone NO 3-2481 Filters for flavor .-finest flavor by far! 1.. E Tareyto *3 F. i", r ... :,f HERE'S HOW THE DUAL FILTER DOES IT: Tatn has the mtst- "~ Dual Filter does it! 1. It combines a unique inner filter of ACTIVATED CHARCOAL... definitely proved to make the taste of a cigarette mild and smooth 2. with a pure White outer filter. Together they select and balance the flavor elements in the smoke. Tareyton's flavor-balance gives you the best taste of the best tobaccos. NEW DUAL FIL'TER Tareyton Product ofc 4~u a v~rn * --, aN is our middle name ~ A. r.c.. __. 0MM 'd Placement Notices PERSONNEL REQUESTS: Social Security Administration - Civil Service Exam will be given this Sat., Dec. 10, in Ann Arbor to men & WOMEN with B.A. in Liberal Arts or Bus. Ad., available by the end of Jan. TRAINING program. Several openings, primarily in Ohio & Michigan, but also others. Please call Bureau by Wed. afternoon at the latest to arrange to take the exam. California State Personnel Board -- Qualified Ph.D.'s for position as Clini- cal Psychologist in California Depts. of Mental Hygiene, Corrections, and Youth Authority. California residence NOT required. Required exam may be given locally upon. request. Please contact Bureau of Appoint- ments, Room 4021 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 3371, for further information. SUMMER PLACEMENT: INTERVIEWS: D)EC. 7 & S- FLOWERS by B ud-Mor It's Christmas Time $ at CHESTER ROBERTS GIFTS Open 8:30 A.M. till 9:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday R.1 DA +ill .':O P M nn yAunhirriv r ,. ,,,, ,C i .~ ,.°r r r