rC.SETE BER13,1984 THE MICHIGAN DAILY onoraries ontribute to niversit P-nrii v - - By IRIS BROWN tates clad as trees or greased tor oil are signs of spring- ionorary tapping - in Ann! ese honorary societies, rang- om local organizations in one I of the University to na- I all-campus groups, generally e their members on the basis adership, scholarship, and e. e men's honoraries include gamna, Druids, Vulcans, Tri- s, Sphinx, Hectorians and >ard and Blade. cle, Mortarboard, Senior So- Scroll and Wyvern are the n's organizations. higamua *. * higamua, an all - campus of senior men founded in chosese its members for their cipation in athletics and acti- to discuss the campus group problems of represented. each The juniors who are tapped must dress as Indians, tint their skin with brick dust, and duck walk to the top of the Union, "seven flights up and seven flights down." During the initiation ceremony around the sacred Tappan Oak outside the general library, they pledge to "fight like hell for Michi- gan and Michigamua." Druids . . Another senior men's honorary,f Druids, choses its members from all but engineering students on the basis of leadership. The society is named after the ancient Druids in the English forests and each member acquires the name of a tree. During initia- tion the juniors are painted green and watered to hasten their growth. During the year the group meets Sphinx... Sophomore men, except engi- neers, who are outstanding in acti- vities and athletics may be tapped for the junior honorary, Sphinx, founded in 1905. Painted as Egyptians, these men are initiated by "swimming" across campus on their stomachs chant- ing "Looking for the Nile River." Another swim awaits them at the Nile, better known as the League Fountain. Vulcans .. . Vulcans is composed of members of the engineering college who are outstanding in leadership and ath- letics. Outfitted in motor oil and carry- ing flaming torches, the initiates light the symbolic anvil near the Engineering 'Arch. The purpose of this group, in which each member assumes a mythological name, is to help the college with its problems and pro- gram. Triangles . . Triangles taps sophomore engi- neering students for leadership in campus activities and excellence in athletics. Among the initiation tasks are skating across the Diag on one skate wearing a white dunce cap, and scrubbing the Engineering Arch with a toothbrush. As a service organization, it formed a porter service for women arriving on campus and donated the money to charity. Hectorians . . Hectorians, founded in 1953, recognizes and honors outstanding fraternity men and meets to dis- cuss fraternity problems. Members are chosen from the fraternity presidents, Interfrater- nity Council officers, and Frater- nity Buyer's Association. Scabbard & Blade . . Participants in either of the three ROTC programs are selected on the basis of leadership, patrio- tism, efficiency, loyalty and honor for Scabbard and Blade. Initiates are tapped in the star- light with sabers, and during the trial period must guard the lions and defend the scabbard and blade in front of the flagpole. The group's purpose is to raise the standards of military educa- tion and spread information on military service careers. Circle . . Circle, formed in 1957, strives to recognize leadership, service and citizenship in 'the residence halls, and promote interest in these areas. Last year the group, sponsored by Assembly Association, put on an art show to display the works of independent women. It suc- ceeded so well it is to become an annual event. They have also established a chapter at MichiganeState. W yvern . Wyvern also a 1 o c a 1 group, honors girls who are active on campus and have high scholastic averages. The sophomores are tapped during dinner by a line of girlse sing, "Wamm, dam, damm to Michigauma, to hell with Sphinx and Vulcans, too, to the Druids and the rest, for we know we are the best, we are Wyvern's daugh- ters tried and true." The following day, the new members wear yellow slickers, hair ribbons and roses. Wyvern is not a service society because it believes that these girls are to busy for an added activity. Mortarboard . . The national senior women's honor society, Mortarboard, is the first of the senior women's groups to tap in the spring. Members, chosen for service, leadership, and scholarship, must have a 3.2 average. The girls tap at midnight clad in caps and gowns singing their song, "Thy Ideals." New members wear mortar boards the next day. The Michigan chapter, Pi Sigma Alpha, was one of four founding chapters in 1918. There are now 9$. house directors and presidents are tapped by members singing," In and out the halls we wander singing as we go; of the girls we're going to favor with our pin of black and gold." During the initiation ceremony, each member's name is added to a long yellow ribbon with the names of all members since the organiza- tion's founding. Scroll... Another loc a 1 organization, Scroll, honors senior affiliated women for leadership, character, and loyalty, Members are tapped after hours by the group singing, "Out of the night comes a sound of voices. Scroll is now tapping its loyal crew." Its purpose is to promte cooper- ation between alumnae and stu- dents and further interest in campushactivities. It also grants a $100 scholarship to a junior affili- ated woman on the basis of leader- ship and need. KEEP-UM HEAD DOWN-One of the leaders of Michigamua barks an order to a young buck during Rope Day initiation. Senior Society . .. Senior Society recognizes Inde- pendent women with high scholas- tic averages who have actively served their dormitories. Girls recommended by their SAPLINGS-That's what initiates of Druids are until their ordeal of Initiation is over. The saplings are painted green, then watered profusely to make them grow, and are finally immersed in the League fountain to hasten the process. A final procession to prove their hardihood, and they are ready to take on the duties of their organization. I 1i1 There's a Nationally-Knon Independent Record Dealer in Ann Arbor DUCKWALK-As a test of the fortitude, endurance and strength of the young bucks, they are required to duckwalk from Tappan Oak across State Street and seven flights up to the Union tower. Only then are they officially members of the tribe. Years of musically intelligent service in an atmosphere of congenial informality, have WELCOME STUDENTS! resulted in an envied-position among record dealers. I We carry high quality yarns in all A COMPREHENSIVE RECORD STOCK- weights and colors. The majority of hand knitting yarns are imported. We TABLE MODEL & CONSOLE RADIO-PHONOGRAPHS RECORD CABINETS AND OTHER ACCESSORIES have yarns from Scotland, France, TV SETS by RCA VICTOR Denmark, Sweden, Tibet and Italy as well as domestic yarns. Also pattern books from all the leading yarn com- panies and a full line of knitting UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN MUSIC j May we invite you to visit us at either of our, two i convenient locations.