Seventy-First'Year EDIrED AND MANAGED BY STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN r . t TODAY AND TOMORROW: Brazil and the United States By WALTER LIPPMANN --p. when Opinions Are Pr" UNDER AUTHORITY OP BOARD TN CONTROL op STUDENT PUEC Truth WI PrevOai"N FCATI STUDENT PUBLICATIONs BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. "Phone NO 2-3: Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf writers or the editors. This must he noted in all reprints. Y, DECEMBER 3, 1960 NIGHT EDITOR: FAITH WEINSTE ONs 241 IN Goldwater On Fraternities: Premiise True, Logic Faulty CARRY GOLDWATER is a United States Senator. He is an Arizonan and a Republi- ,n. By the record book, he is a Sigma Chi. By s action, he is a political conservative. By his 'n admission, he has a conscience. No one has yet documented that he is a inker. The Senator, whose views always seems to g a unique dissonance in this fair land, re- ntly told a large group of fraternity men that mmunism (and hence the Communist Men- e battled by Rep. Francis Walter (D-Penn), Edwar Hoover and Ann Byerlein) grows ere fraternities are absent. Goldwater's care- examfination of the American college cam- s proved to him that Communism was ongest where fraternities were not allowed operate. He cited Harvard University, (pos- sor of one of the nation's finest arboreta) a hotbed of Socialists and Commies who re invited in when the fraternities were ned. The flavor of an American Legion rally ne forth in his cry that "fraternities are the t bastion of freedom in college." NE MIGHT LOOK with humor at the Sena- tor's remarks. His speech does imply that scow oriented and subversively inclined mg men to run rampant at West Point, An- olis, and the United States Air Force Acade- Vistfulness might be another reaction to the ldwater remarks. The chairman of the Uni- sity's Literary College Steering Committee yet untrodden upon by HUAC) remarked t "if the only thing which separates Michi- 1 from Harvard is our fraternities, let's get of them." ! more serious examination of remarks made Goldwater, who is certainly one of the idred,most influential people in the ,country today, shows that the Senator has not only be- gun with a false assumption, but that he con- tinued with contradictory statements of argu- ment. Goldwater founds his contention that "where fraternities are not allowed, Communism flour- ishes," on his belief that four concepts which underlie fraternalism are inimical to The Red Menace. These are religion, brotherhood, indi- vidualism, and freedom. t l WHILE RELIGION makes its impact felt in the secret initiation rites and discrimina- tory pledging rules, piety, holiness and humil- ity seem to be totally lacking in the multivariate pledge ranks, stag movie presentations, and bicycle jams which stretch across Ann Arbor streets during early morning repercussions of beer parties. { As far as Communism is concerned, broth- erhood seems to be a central desire for Marx and the Soviet philosophers that followed him. Individualism has suffered a great deal un- der Soviet rule, but who will say just how strongly a man can go by his own likes and dislikes when he has pledged himself to the strong bonds of a fraternity house? Freedom.can be discussed in much the same way. No one on the campus has restrictions which the fraternity man doesn't. Self -Centrism UIBBLING between Michigan State Uni- versity's Oakland branch and the Univer- r's Dearborn branch continued out in the n with a 14-inch Detroit News story head- "Who, Was 1st With Trimester? U-M Cen- MSU-O Disagree." ice-President and Director of 'the Dearborn zter William E. Stirton had presented doc- entation attesting Regents approval of a nester plan on Dec. 18, 1959. IANCEILOR Durward B. Varner of MSU-O said his branch's trimester program could be compared with Dearborn's since Dear- n has a work-study program, whereas U-O has a straight academic program. tirton pointed out that 50 liberal arts lents at Dearborn take a straight academic gram. is about time for the Dearborn Center to up, and realize it didn't receive its fair re of publicity because in a long-run sense operation just doesn't merit as much notice :oes MSU-O. Meanwhile, continued quib- g can only make Dearborn look worse. BY ANY STRETCH of the imagination, the only relations fraternities bear to campus Communism is a peripheral one. Many campus conservatives find their way into fraternities; thus, the fraternities tend to be organizations concerned with preserving the status quo or making changes over a long period of time. They do not support most liberal movements on the college scene with which Communists ,would attach themselves. The campus radical is often an iconoclast seeking to destroy cur- rent institutions. Here is where we find the Communist whose primary goal is the removal of the present form of government in the United States. Fraternities, on - the other hand, are slow to change any rules, regulations, written or oral argreements, or any other written or unwritten practices. PE FRATERNITY man may not be attract. ed by the promises of communism or he could even be opposed to its principles. But there is no indication on this campus, and little on any other one, that fraternity mem- bers are doing anything active to deter Commu- nists. No one has reported that fraternities are picketing movies written by ex-Communists, fighting to instate stricter speaker restrictions, or pressuring admission officers to investigate the political backgrounds of applicants. Goldwater's contention that there are few Communists in fraternities is true, but perhaps his explanation of why is not a true one. It could be that America's Young Communists avoid fraternties because they feel that these social organizations are static and ineffective groups. Maybe the shackles of barnacled tra- ditions are too strong for anyone to tear loose. IN OUR short visit to Brazil I often found myself having to explain why I had never been to South America before and why it was that I had come now. I had not come before, I said, because during the two World Wars the critical issues had their center in our relations with Europe and Russia, and a man cannot hope to know everything and to go every- where I had come now to South America because I was curious, and because we had realized in the United States that with West- ern Europe recovered, one of the great historic dramas of the fu- ture was being prepared in this hemisphere. The theme of the drama was how the Latin Ameri- can nations would rise out of their colonial past into the mod- ern age. There is no better place to ob- serve this drama than in Brazil, and having only a limited time to travel we spent it all in four Bra- zilian cities-in the new capital of Brasilia, and in the ancient Por- tuguese colonial capital of Bahia, in Rio de Janeiro, and in the great industrial center of Sao Paulo. What happens in Brazil, infinitely more than what happens in Cuba or Guatemala, is likely to be decisive for Latin America. For the territory of Brazil is as big as all the rest of Latin America, and there probably are at least as many, perhaps more, people who speak Portuguese as speak Span- ish. * * * THE MAIN REASON why what happens in Brazil is likely to be decisive is that although Brazil is an "under developed country," it is far from being a primitive and backward country. Though it has great social problems of poverty, disease, illiteracy, it has also an impressive capacity to govern .°t- self, a core of cultivated and con- fident leaders and a capacity to learn the modern technologies. I hadno feeling in Brazil as I have had in certain countries in other parts of the world, that the prob- lem was insoluble within the ex- isting order of things. There could be failure and catastrophe in Bra- zil. But there is, no reason why there should be. The essential hu- man and natural resources, the social tradition and the social or- der are favorable to success. The revolution of which Castro is a symptom exists under the sur- face in Brazil as it does every- where in this hemisphere. But it is far under the surface. it is kept far under the surface because under both President Kubitchek and his successor, Janio Quadros, there exists a very strong sense of national and social purpose. Al- though Brazil is a very free coun- try with free elections and a high level of human tolerance, the Brazilians are strongly led. They have brought their economic de- velopment to the point where, as a leading Brazilian economist put it to me, "we have started down the runway but we have not yet gotten up enough speed to achieve the takeoff." ON THE QUESTION of our re- lations with Brazil I talked with many people, members of Con- gress, high administration offi- cials, reporters, editors and pub- lishers, businessmen, bankers and diplomats. At first I was much troubled. For it seemed to me that in their rejoicing, which was gen- eral, over Kennedy's election they were building up false hopes and expecting too much. The fear haunted me that they had not understood theaconsequences of the changed international posi- tion of the United States, and that they were hoping we could do in South America what we had done in Europe in the days of the Marshall Plan and the dollar gap. But I came to see that this was a superficial first impression. Al- though I did not have a chance to talk with the President-elect, who was in London, I did see men close to him who had worked with him and knew him well. The truth. I venture to think, is that the Bra- zilian government is quite well aware of the situation of the dol- lar, and of the political conse- quences in the relative power and position of Europe and North America. I believe that they are adjusting themselves to this new international situation, and that the problem of Brazilian-Ameri- can relations is wrapped up with- in this adaptation. That is to say, what they will expect of us is help Sinachieving the take-off but the help they will expect will not in- volve deeply the international monetary exchanges. To plan and organize this kind of help will require ingenuity and resourcefulness, qualities that have been notably lacking in recent years, and they may require minor changes in our laws. In one way or another we shall have to give aid by sending wheat and oil and coal, of which we have a surplus and they have a deficit, and we shall have to assist them in funding their external debts. * * * GRADUALLY, I began to see what has gone wrong in our rela- tions with Brazil. Inattention and mediocrity and lack of understand- ing are the causes of the trouble. The rulers and leaders of Brazil feel that since the death of Frank- lin Roosevelt there has been no- body for them to talk to who had power and who cared about them. Since his death they have had no access to the key people in this country and they have not had contact with the best minds de- voted to political and financial international affairs. The deteri- oration began under President Truman, and the story is gener- ally believed that Secretary Ache- son told a leading Latin American diplomat that he was not inter- ested in South America, and that the Latin Americans could talk to one of his subordinates. Whether the story is true or false, what it signifies is the nub of the matter. It is generally be- lieved in Brazil that when Presi- dent Kubitchek visited Washing- ton, President Eisenhower went through the ceremonies for him but told him to talk about busi- ness to subordinate officials. When t.he Brazilians have come in contact with the second and third level, they have found, so they say, that whether under or- der from above or by their own preconception these officials did not understand or sympathize with the problems of an under-de- veloped country. * * * WhAT KIND OF understanding have toe Brazilians not found In Washington during the past ten years? The point is crucial but it is complex, and I am compelled to simplify, perhaps to over-sim- plify. In Washington, the Brazil- ians say, they have been confront- ed with men in the Treasury, the State Department, and the World Bank who have looked upon the Brazilian inflation through the eyes of the classical economists of a highly developed country like the United States or Great Brit- ain. That is to say, they have thought that inflation meant that production was at a maximum and that the government and the peo- ple were trying to buy more goods than existed. The remedy for in- flation in the classical economics Big Names " ..It seems that the public relations people of Collier's (En- cyclopedia) have boasted that Sen. Kennedy is "one of the nation's top authorities" on Lucius Lamar, a U.S. Senator from Mississippi from 1876 to 1885 and, in his later years, Secretary of the In- terior and a member of the Supreme Court. A press release tells us all about Kennedy, nothing about Lucius Quintus Cincinnatus Lamar, nor; his uncle, Mirabeau Bunaparte Lamar, the second president of the Republic of Texas. Both of these fellows led more interesting livesI than Senator Kennedy has-so I far--and that's why they are in encyclopedias. Let's hope editors will not spend too much time get- ting big names to write their stories, nor emphasizing it when they do. -The Saturday Review I of advanced countries is to spend less and to save more. This may be true for the United States, say the Brazilians, but it is not true for Brazil. There is.noin- flation in Brazil although there is much unemployment and there is no full use of the productive re- sources. Inflation occurs because the economy is strangled by its own backwardness, by the lack of electric power and of fuel, of roads and transportation, of education, of public health-of those under- lying facilities which are essential to the expansion of a free indus- trial economy. A country in Bra- zil's stage of development cannot cure inflation by retrenchment alone, however desirable and ne- cessary it is to do away with the marginal waste and corruption. In order to make 'its economy work, it must build what the Brazilians like to call the infrastructure - that is to say the public facilities without which a free economy cannot exist and expand. The Brazilians believe that Sen. Kennedy and his economic advi- sors understand what the conser- vative Eisenhower economists do not understand-the role of the public sector in a free economy. They expect underethe new ad- ministration to meet much more sophisticated men when they come to Washington. I do not think that they think that a Kennedy administration can or will or should pay their in- ternational deficits. On the con- trary, there is a deep moral re- vulsion against financial depend- ence on the United States, and the reasons for this arise not from their being anti-American but from their own growing sense of self-respect. They are within sight of economic independence, and more and more they feel and act like an independent nation. * * , *e WHAT ABOUT THEIR foreign policy? I must warn the reader that what I have to say here is based not on information but on inference. For what it may be worth, I believe that the Brazilian leaders know that the post-war period has ended, that the kind of action represented by the Mar- shall Plan is no longer possible. But they need capital from abroad, and to get it they will have to go to the unsentimental capital markets of the, world, and they will have to. become eligible for loans by playing according to the more orthodox rules of the game. To do this they will have to take measures at home to eliminate the more obvious forms of unproduc- 'tive spending-principally the sub- sidies to keep down the cost of living. These measures will, of course, be unpopular. Unless all the signs fail, the new Quadros administration will be determined to make it perfectly clear that its financial orthodoxy is not directed by the United States. For that reason, and also for other reasons, we should not be surprised to see the government strike out rather boldly and spectacularly away from the established line of United States foreign policy. Almost cer- tainly the Quadros administration will recognize the Soviet Union and probably also Red China. It may well align Itself frequently in the United Nations and elsewhere with countries like India, Egypt, and Yugoslavia. If this happens, it will be no reason for going into hysterics. Brazil will remain our friend, bound to us by long tradition, by economic and strategic ties. The new Quadros administration de- rives from the state of Sao Paulo which is the greatest industrial complex and the largest monument to free enterprise in South Amer- ica. Quadros has been elected President because he has done such great things in Sao Paulo and, whether or not he recognizes Peiping or works with the neutral- ists, he has had and will have the support, not only of large masses of the people but, of the financial and industrial communi- ties of Brazil. Under him Brazil with its own energy and purpose, and with our understanding and aid, can and should acquire the momentum to achieve the take-off towards economic independence. (C) 1960 New-York Herald Tribune, Inc. Stanley Quartet Reflects Rise In Chamber Music (EDITOR'S NOTE: The Stanley Quartet is on inactive .status for the academic year 1960-61 because of the absence on sabbati leave from the University of Robert Courte, violist, for the first semester, and Gilbert Ross, first violinist for the second semester. The remaining membersof the Stan- ley Quartet are Gustave Rosseels se.ond Violinist and Oliver Rdel, cellist.) DAVID SUTHERLAND Daily Reviewer TIs YEAR THE Pulitzer Prize in Music was awarded to Elliot Carter for his second String Quartet. Last year the New York Music Critics Circle Award went to Leon Kirchnet for his 1957 String Quartet. Both works were commissioned by the University's Stanley Quartet. These are only two of an illustrious series of University chamber musi commissions-quartets and quintets-dedicated to the Stanley Quartet. Eleven works in all by as many major composers, American and European. The commissions are only part--perhaps the most permanent work -of the role played by the Stanley Quartet in a general reawakening among composers, performers and the listening public of interest In chamber music. There has always been a certain group of amateurs intimitely acquainted with the peculiar joys of playing chamber music. And there has always been a somewhat rarefied society of listeners in whom chamber music touched the most secret and charmed response, for whom the symphony was a little bit too much of a. circus. But since the ascendance of Beethoven, the mainstream of music has run in the concert hall or the opera house. Chamber music, by very nature a private art (a quartet recital in Carnegie Hall strikes one as faintly incongruous) has been also a minority art, * * * AND UNTIL FAIRLY recently, chamber music was, by the nature of things, a conservative art. The greatest masters of quartet com- position, were Hayden and Beethoven, and to a lesser extent Mozart and Schubert. After these composers the main streari passed into other channels. Chamber music itself dedicated itself to a fait accompli. The works of these masters are still the .backbone of quartet repertoire. The apparent dearth of chamber music during the second half of the nineteenth century may be partly an illusion resulting from foreshortened perspective. The major composers in France and those of the Brahms-Hanslick camp in Germany made certain contributions to the repertoire. It is well-known and needs no retelling how twentieth century composers began to make chamber music a major concern. This was partly because reduction in size of the ensembles was*a most telling blow in the revolt against Romanticism. But commissions and performances are what ultimately render composers' interests practical. And it is here that a program of com- missions such as that of the Stanley Quartet is of crucial importance. We would speak, not of a renaissance of chamber music, not of a disinterment of relics, but of a general reawakening of interest. Such commissions help to make chamber music a genuinely contemporary art. COMMISSION AND performances; the one without the other is, I suppose, as dead as faith without works. In the eleyen years of its existence, the Stanley Quartet has performed more than three hundred concerts. These have included ten concerts sponsored by the Coolidge Foundation at the Library of Congress, and eighteen concerns in various Central and South American countries. In the period from July 1, 1959 to June 30, 1960 the Quartet made nine appearances in Ann Arbor; played eleven concerts in seven other Michigan communities (five of these concerts were in. Detroit); and gave ten out-of-state recitals: a total of thirty performances. Of the out-of-state recitals four were given at Southern colleges-Miles College and Alabama State College in Alabama, Beethoven College and Blue Mountain College in Mississippi. At Miles, Beethoven and Alabama State the Quartet held workshops and clinics. Prestigious appearances such as those at the Library of Congress are balanced by performances such as these in the South, which testify to an evangelical interest in spreading the pleasures of chamber music. So, too, here in Michigan, the Stanley quartet last year performed for University High School and for the Whitmore Lake High School. They visited Grand Rapids, Kalamazoo, Big Rapids and Berrien Springs. THESE STATISTICS are the more astonishing when one considers that the members of the Quartet all carry nearly full teaching loads of private lessons or seminars or both, and that they are all active in faculty committee work. There have been times when the Quartet sounded rather harrassed. But the effect of a busy college life cuts both ways. For in the members-of the Quartet, technical mastery is joined with the breadth of vision which comes from living and teaching in a great University., Few groups share 'the Stanley Quartet's depth and power of musical thought. "Musical thought"--this comes close to the heart of the matter. Haydn's greatest works may very well be his quartets. The same goes for the quintets of Mozart. As for Beethoven, his greatest works are the last six or seven quartets. (Gentle reader, T beg indulgence; but what elso do you propose? The only other works that might be considered here are the late piano sonatas). It seems that most com- posers have approached the writing of string quartets in an exalted state of mind, dedicating only their best efforts to the work. Partly it is a natural reaction to standing in such an awe-inspiring tradition as tat o th chaber usi of aydn Bethovn, Mzar, ad' Schubert. Partly it is due to the challenge of composing for merely four melodic instruments. * * * MUCH IS SAID about this challenge. One hears first of all about the lack of coloristic affects to fall back on. (But is this true? Think what a wealth of sounds the stringed instruments are capable of, and how the possibilities have been exploited by, say, Bartok-or Haydn or any of the masters.) Then there is the ,necessity to compose more., or less continuously in four-part counterpoint. But these same restrictions free a composer from the imperious demands of public grandeur and spectacle, the alien zIecessities of drama. In the universe of music the string quartet exercises eminent domain over the world of music as a system of thought. The Stanley Quartet is exponent of the best musical thought from the time of Haydn onward, and patron of the best today. rVERSI nswer ition- traini iple an one. he Pres dy bear and is -N.M.I-MICHAEL OLINCK Resea rch and Responsibility TY PRESIDENT Harlan Hatcher's and in many aspects of scientific and medical to the problem of higher higher work.) advanced doctoral and post-doc- (Apparently, the federal government will ng and research-is on the face bear a great deal of the costs of these proj- d obvious one. It is also a pretty ects.) There are perhaps two problems connected ident says that the University is with this broad plan: the use of federal aid ing a heavy load of this type of and the relative place of higher higher educa- prepared in the future to assume tion in the general University context. dditional burden. This could mean ex- on of present facilities and aims or ex- in into new areas. At present, the Uni- y is at the top in social science research S hazaM! kNK GOODNESS the United States has s finally decided Cuba is officially a nunist country. We've really been worried whose side Castro was on and now our State Department has cleared away all s with a simple declaration. 't it wonderful what a declaration will t's better than a magic wand. And now, Department, it seems a few more dec- ons are in order: y don't we declare Berlin officially unit- 'hy don't we declare Communist China ally non-existent? (it would be much to ignore that way) Why don't we de- HUAC an hallucination? And before we 'ael try Eichmann, the United States had check its records and make SURE he is ed officially a Nazi. -. OPPENHEIM rv 4V~ri ~tnt~t Mt-'i IT WOULD BE perhaps unwise to verbally emphasize the aspect of federal aid-at least not very strongly. The University should not become oriented to a dependence on this type of assistance, and because it is beyond the scope of the University to become an adjunct of the federal agencies concerned with the type of advanced work the University appar- ently can do. Federal funds certainly have a big place in future University plans, but the University should ensure that its own hopes and ambi- tions are in no way inhibited by federal de- sires. This means that the University must continue to emphasize other sources of sup- port, as it undoubtedly will. Doing federal work is fine, and usually in- tellectually profitable as long as it is but a part of the University's total activity. E UNIVERSITY must also take heed that it does not become a sort of corporation for advanced research, rather than an educa- tional institution. Many students presently complain that professors teach only to get research funds, with a corresponding lack of fervor; and if the University enlarges its emphasis on advanced research, without com- pensating in its other areas of activity, it will lose stature. a i FEIFFER DICTATQIR! -4 A AP7 .ITAN 00 PEMIER SERUM fl R 7tI r 5 A s. onoPOCASP- 6 HELM OF~ - 5Q1' LQoVeQ. K). I4 / r 4 ''I' y (4) I - 16c t) Ot5 , I I / / \ ' 1 I l .s.., r , k 9