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December 02, 1960 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1960-12-02

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For Direct 'lasified Ad Service, Phone NO 2-4786
from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monda through Friday,.and'Saturday 9:30 'til 11:30 AM


The Daily Official Bulletin Is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEVIJRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
Students who expect to receive Edu-
cational and Training Allowance under
Public Law 550 or 634 must sign
Monthly Certification, VA Form VB
7-6553, in the Office of Veterans' Af-
fairs, 142 Admin. Bldg. before 5 p.m.,
Tues., Dec. 6. Office hours are: 8:00-
12:00 a.m. 1:00-5:O0 p.m.
Students who expect to receive- Edu-
cation and Training Allowance under
Public Law 550 or 634 must turn in
form November, signed by all instruc-
tors, to the Dean's Office before 5
p.m., Fri., Dec.2.
Doctoral Examination Cancelled: The
Doctoral Examination for Hollis Wilt'
11am Peter, Economics, previously
scheduled for Friday, Dec. 2 has been
cancelled and re-scheduled for Fri.,
Dec. 16 at 2 p.m.
The following student-sponsored so-
cial events have been approved for
the coming weekend. Social chairmen

are reminded that requests for approval
for social events are due in the Office
of Student Affairs not later than 12
o'clock noon on Tuesday prior to the
Dec. 2-Acacia, Alpha Gamma Delta,
Delta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma, Grad-
uate Student Council- Social, Helen
Newberry, Phi Delta Phi, Phi Epsilon
Pi, Phi Mu, Pi Lambda Phi, Phi Sigma
Kappa, Stockwell Hall, Tau Delta Phi,
Tau Epsilon Phi, Zeta-Beta Tau.,
Dec. 3-Acacia, Alpha Chi Sigma,
Alpha Tau Omega, Anderson House,
Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa Psi,
Alpha Sigma Phi, Beta Theta Pi, Chi-
cago House, Delta Sigma Theta, .Delta
Theta Phi, Green House, Kappa Sigma,
Lambda Chi Alpha, Michigan Christian
Fellowship, Nu Sigma Nu, Phi Delta
Phi, Phi Epsilon Pi, PhI Delta Theta,
Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kappa Sigma,
Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Rho Sigma, Pi
Beta Phi, Pt Lambda Phi, Psi Omega,
Psi Upsilon, Tau Delta Phi, Tau Epsilon
Phi, Theta Chi, Theta Delta Chi, Wil-
liams House, Zeta Beta Tau, Zeta Psi.
Dec. 4-Cambrigde Hall.
Disciplinary action in cases of stu-
dent misconduct: At the meetings of
October 6, 14, 18, 20, 26, 27,'November
1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 15, and 17, cases in-
volving 99 students were heard by the
Joint Judiciary Council. Seven stu-
dents appeared for various reasons for
which the Council found no violation.
In all cases the action was approved
by the Sub-Committee on Discipline.
1. Conduct unbecoming a student in
that the Student Automobile regula-
tions were violated.

I Why have cold feet?

(a) Failure to register: one student
fined $35 with $35 suspended; four
students fined $20; three students
fined $20 with $10 suspended; two
students fined $20 with $15 suspended;
four students fined $20 with $20 sus-
pended; two students fined $15 with
$15 suspended; two students fined $10;
one student fined $5; one student is-
sued letter of warning; nine students
issued oral warning. (Second violation):
one student fined $20 suspended and a
previously suspended fine of $15 in-
(b) Failure to register and attempt
to falsify: three students fined $40 with
$15 suspended; one student fined $35;
one student fined $30; one student
fined $30 with $10 suspended; one
student fined $30 with $20. suspended;
one student fined $30 with $25 sus-
pended; one student fined $25 with
$25 suspended; one student fined $10.
(Second violation): one student fined
$5 and a previously suspended fine of
$20 invoked.
(c) Failure to register and illegally
obtaining a University driving permit:
one student fined $30.
(d) Misuse of special permit: one
student fined $25 with $20 suspended;
one student issued a revocation of
permit suspended and fined $15; one
student issued revocation of permit for
remainder of fall semester and issued
a written warning; one student issued
an oral warning.
(e) Driving without authorization:
two students fined $35; one student
fined $35 with $35 suspended; one
student fined $30 with $20 suspended;
one student fined $20; one student
fined $15; one student fined $5; one
student issued an oral warning.
(f) Driving without authorization
and attempt to falsify: one student
fined $12.
(g) Driving without authorization
and conduct unbecoming a student
in that he borrowed an automobile
without permission: one student fined
(h) Unauthorized presence of an
automobile. two students fined $20;
one student fined $20 with $15 sus-
(1) Unauthorized borrowing: one
student issued an oral warning.
(j) Unauthorized lending: one stu-
dent fined $15.
2. Conduct unbecoming. a student in
that state laws and city ordinances
relating to the purchase, sale, and
use of intoxicants were violated.
(a) Intoxicated in public place as a
minor: one student issued written
(b) Intoxicated in public place as
a minor with borrowed I.D.: one stu-
dent fined $10.
(c) Attempt to purchase intoxicants
as a minor with falsified I.D.: one
student fined $20.
(d) Purchased and possessed intoxi-
cants as a minor: one student fined
$10; one student fined $20 and pro-
(e) Consumed intoxicants on Uni-
versity property as a minor: one stu-
dent fined $10.
(f) Purchased and consumed al-
cohol as a minor and appropriated
another's car: one student fined $30
with $10 suspended.
(g) Purchased and consumed al-
cohol as a minorand accompanied and
drove a car without permission; one
student fined $15.
(h) Purchased and consumed al-
cohol in a moving vehicle: two stu-
dents find $10.
(i) Con umed alcohol as a minor,,
appropriated motor scooter, and at-
tempted to avoid arrest: one student
fined $40 with suspension from the
University to the end of the current
semester suspended.
(j) Driving without authorization
and possessed and consumed intoxi-
cants as a minor and drove after
drinking: one student issued a fine
of $40 and the refusal of permission
to register his automobile during the
academic year 1961-62.
(k) Improperly dressed in public
place and consumed intoxicants: one
student fined $20.
3. Conduct unbecoming a student in

(a) Took bicycle without owners
permission: four students given dis-
ciplinary probation until June 1961.
(b) Participated in appropriating
University property: five students
fined $40; one'student fined $30; one
student fined $25.
(c) Present during appropriation of
University property: one student given
written warning.
(d) Removed private property with-
out owners consent: two students is-
sued written warnings.
(e) Wrongfully appropriated pro-
perty: two students issued oral warn-
(f) Disrupted fire drill in Residence
Hall: one student given written warn-
4. Conduct unbecoming a student
group in that consumption of in-
toxicants in student quarters: written
Action taken by Student Govern-
ment Council at its meeting Novem-
ber 30, 1960
Approved minutes of previous meet-
Aproved rules of procedure to apply
to the expanded constituents time
(Filing of membership criteria issue).
Appointed Kay Warman to Michigan
Region Executive Committee, United'
States National Students Association.
Granted temporary recognition to
Americans Committed to World Re-
Received report of the following ac-
tivities approved in interim action:
Nov. 30 Committee for Improved
Cuban-American Relations, organiza-
tional meeting. Nov. 30 Modern Jazz
Society, program, Union Ballroom, 8
p.m. Dec. $ NAACP, dance, League 6:30
p.m. Dec. 15 Women's League, Carol
Sing, all-campus, Diagonal, 8 p.m. Jan.
14 Modern Jazz Society, program,
Union Ballroom, 9 p.m.
Heard constituents and answered
questions from them concerning the
proposed requirement for the filing
of criteria which affects selection of
membership in fraternities and sorori-
ties, continued debate on the proposal
and, following amendment, postponed
final consideration until the meeting
of December 7. The amended proposal
now before the Council reads:
"All fraternities and sororities must
file with the University (in the Office
of the Vice-President for Student Af-
fairs) a statement which lists all cur-
rent rules, regulations, policies, writ-
ten or oral agreements, or any other
written or unwritten criteria which in
any way affects the selection of mem-
bers. Accompanying such shall be the
group's interpretation of these provi-
sions as to their ability to comply with
the University Regulation on Member-
ship. At no time shall the content of
this statement or the accompanying
interpretation be made public without
the permission of the proper local and
national authorities of the organiza-
tions involved." (If adopted this will
replace the present requirement calling
for the filing of constitutions, p. 11
University Regulations and will be an
addition on page 12)

Friendly service is our business,
Atlas tires, batteries and accessories.
Complete Automotive Service-All
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Road Service
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1220 South University
NO 8-9168

TUTORING and translating. German,
Russian, French. Call NO 3-9575. HH7
dependable person. NO 2-9782. HH2
children-mornings or afternoons dai-
ly. NO 2-7453. H36
FULL TIME TYPING and general office
position available at Follett's, 322
South State Street. Full time appli-
cations only. H35
years and over to work part time:
9 a.m.-1 p.m., 1 p.m.-5 p.m. or 5 p.m.-
9 p.m. Mon.-Fri. Telephone inquiries
from our office. Salary. For interview
call NO 2-5698. H7
'55 CHEV., 6 cyl. standard trans. Excell.
cond. $400. Call NO 5-5133. N88
1960 HILLMAN Convertible, call Jack
after 7. PA 1-1176. N89
'58 VAUXHALL. Excellent condition.
Owned by GM supervisor. Only $700.
Call NO 2-9317. N90
'54 MERC 2-door automatic. Good con-
dition. Winterized. $300. NO 3-1085
evenings. N86
1960 IMPALA 2-door hard top, power
brakes and steering. Best offer over
$2,000. NO 8-8204 after 6 p.m. N87
CONVERTED Cadillac Hearse. Excel-
lent for skiing or travelling. Beauti-
ful condition. Phone NO 2-8870 eves.
or weekends. N24

ARMY-liAVY type Oxfords-$7.95; socks
39c; shorts 69c; military supplies.
SAM'S STORE, 122 E. Washington

Lightest, worm and in smartest fashion. Beau-
tiful calfskin, in Black, Olive, Brown, or Smoke.
Non-slip soles.
9:00-5:30 and open Mon. and Fri. nites
306 South State

Placement Notices
Beginning Mon., Dec. 5, the following
'schools will have representatives at
the Bureau to interview teachers for
February vacancies.
MON., fDEC, 5
Milford, Mich. - H. B. Eng/Speech;
E. Elem.
Livonia, Mich, - Elem., El. Lang.
(Fre. or Span.); Jr. HS Eng/Soc. Stud.,
Ind, Arts, Home ec.; HS Couns.
WED,, DEC. 7
Ferndale, Mich. - Elem., Elem. Art;
Jr. HS Scl., Ment. Ret.; Visiting Tchr.
Fraser, Mich. - Elementary,
Pontiac, Mich. (Waterford Twp.
Schs.) - E. Elem.; Speech Corr., El.
Ment. Hdcp.; Bus. Educ.
Warren Woods, Mich.-Kind., Elem.;
Deaf & Hard of Hearing.
New Baltimore, Mich, (Anchor Bay
Schools) - Elementary.
Walled Lake, Mich. - Elei.; 7th
Core (Eng/SS).
MON., DEC. 12
Athens, O. (Ohio Univ.) - Chem.,
Eng., Pol. Sci., Math, Spanish, Psych.
TUES., DEC. 13
Allen Park, Mich. - Elem.; Jr. HS
Eng/Read.; HS Eng/Journ., Spanish,
Home Bound; Ment. Hdcp.
Athens, O. (Ohio Univ.) - Same as
For any additional information and
appointments contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.
(Continued on Page 8

MERCEDES-BENZ, two - seater sports
convertible, Model 220-A. In excel-
lent condition. NO 2-0200. N85
'56 OLDS, Super 88 Holiday. Motor and
body in good condition. Reasonable.
NO 3-7913. , N83
'55 0HEV. 2 dr. V-8. Standard trans.
Exc. cond. $600 or best offer. NO 8-
8873. N81
MGs: '48 and '58. Call NO 8-7159.
Reasonable. N80
EXCHANGED: One trench coat at the
"P" Bell. Nov. 19. Please call NO 3-
6872, ask for Bill. A77
LOST: Silver Hamilton Ladies' Watch
and Black Band. In central campus
area. Reward. NO 2-3762. A75
LOST: Between Markley and Angell,
brown and white jacket with white
fur lining and collar. Notify 4330
Markley. A76
LOST: Red clutch bag in Campus The-
atre 11/22. ID. and papers. Valuable.
Contact Sandy, 3-3384. A74




ARGLE.Trditonl ptten npre L A CE PANEL, ankle-low slipper SNOWFLAKE. Pretty pai
SoftLE Trgltoelatern id ure sock, Worsted with jewel-toned pane! for pretty ladies. Wond<
worsted. Sotgoelahrsd~l.shot with metallic yarn, Glove leather nylonl with Seftee sole. S
Softee soles. Hand-washable. Sie sidewalls. Softee sole, 'Hand-wash. 9-11.5 colors.
10-13. 5 colors, -able, Hosiery sizes 9-11. 5 colors,
Comfortable, warm and durable
U U Easy tQ buy, for the sizes run Small, Medium, Large

1 11

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